Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1396: This is finding fault

If you tell the truth inside, you're here to join in the excitement. Outside, for example, Xiongmei and them, they are training their management skills. It doesn't matter if their brains are not good. The key is to look at people and use people. Let her take the rhythm alone?

At that time, Eve easily persuaded the most previous batch of Warcraft Warcraft, and then became the current hand-holder. As for when to take over there again, wait for the war to end. Eve ’s future development policy does not include Considering the issue of war, her development method is more biased towards peace.

"Just be lazy."

"Looking at you struggling so much, so many people can lag behind, why can't that person be me?" Eve said reasonably and reasonably. She was too lazy to change her plan. It was enough to just draw water during the war. When the shopkeeper, the follow-up plan left behind can also be developed, it is not as obvious as vigorous development.

"In this case, don't be idle, come here. I have a list here. You can help me deal with it." Zheng Yichen directly shot a thick list of books in front of the stunned Eve: "Well, the processed data are written in detail, you just need to follow the above parameters."

She looked at this 'list' with a complex expression: "You thing ... Isn't it a day or two?"

Zheng Yichen nodded: "Yeah, mainly because I thought you were busy and embarrassed to trouble you. Now I'm free then I'm welcome."

"What about remuneration?"

"Don't enjoy the convenience I bring in the future, I will pay you back."

"Xiaolong, you changed." Eve took the list that Zheng Yichen put down with a heavy face. She wanted to touch the fish not to see that Zheng Yichen was too tossed, and arranged a bright avenue directly for the witch, so suddenly she didn't want Struggle, want to see what the final result is.

But why didn't you control that mouth? Why do you say that you are busy fishing for fish, and that you are busy dying? Show off a hammer!

"Naturally grow, this matter will trouble you." Patted Eve's shoulder, Zheng Yichen found a place to sit down, these materials will be processed sooner or later, even if they are not processed now However, if it comes to deal with it in the future, Eve will find that the list that Zheng Yichen has made is more than 100 million points thick.

Of course, if you do it now, it does not mean that the number of lists will not increase. The increase should still be increased. It is just one by one. It is better than dozens of photos that are directly shocking in front of you? Don't say he's not kind, Eve complained to him that he was too busy, is he still a little personal?

He left the underground base with peace of mind, and Zheng Yichen turned his attention to the Xueshan Institute. The research of the magic storage tank progressed quickly under the leadership of 'he'. There were several versions of related things. Zheng Yichen sent one casually. The ghost maid replaces the alchemy puppet who controls this side, and takes the first version of the design drawings for reference to proceed to drive the entire research group.

He came here mainly to deal with some accumulated problems at one time. The ghost maid did a good job as a shadow dancer, but a lot of professional knowledge was too difficult for them to handle. For a moment, of course some discerning people have already seen some problems.

There are too many venues for Zheng Yichen's activities at the same time. Sometimes it is like using one heart for three or four purposes. If you think about it, it is more likely that Zheng Yichen, who is active here at the Snow Mountain Research Institute, is not himself. These people who saw the problem didn't say these things directly. It was enough to see them clearly. There was no need to tell them.

The dragon here is more to enhance the cohesion of the research institute, and lead the team to study some important projects. At other times, he is the same as him. The management staff here is very complete, and the person who controls his alchemy puppet is definitely It is the existence of the dragon's trust. I doubt what is not necessary. If there is a problem, just submit it.

Anyway, no matter how the dragon touches the fish and draws water, it is the symbol of the leader here when it comes to the key. In this respect, Zheng Yichen has always done a good job ... well, Irene did better. In his eyes, it is not so difficult to deal with, it is all related to the deputy, how difficult can it be?

Questions like other business and expenses are not directly related to Zheng Yichen. There is a more professional person responsible. He only needs to look at the monthly financial statements and compare the specific data. The division of labor is clear. His focus Pay attention to the research aspects, nothing else.

The magic storage tank is not the kind of element crystal. After the element crystal is used, it will become a useless transparent crystal. As long as it is not excessively pressed, the power of extracting the element at one time is too serious, and it will not become a powder. Zheng Yichen is indeed the main material for making magic storage tanks, and where does this elemental crystal without any power come from?

Simple, how long has the magic stone coin appeared? How much is the Magic Stone Coin now consuming? Even if it is used as a currency, it cannot change the fact that it is an element crystal. At the same time, the daily transaction volume is large, and the consumption is also large, so the accumulated amount of discarded element crystals is only a lot, and it returns slightly. You can repurchase a whole lot with one purchase.

There is no shortage of corresponding main materials here at the Snow Mountain Research Institute. A large number of discarded element crystals made of magic storage tanks can store more than 100,000 units of general magic, plus the outer shell is made of magic-proof steel mixed with other materials to isolate Things, as long as they are sealed tightly, for a few years, the rate of internal general magical loss will not exceed one thousandth.

And such a magic storage tank is the same as the gas tank. This is the first version of the magic storage tank. In the future, there will be a higher version of the magic storage tank. The standard volume will continue to shrink and eventually become a small gas tank. Of course, after reaching that level, the real storage consideration is to enlarge the volume, the huge volume can accommodate more general magic, while avoiding the problem of loss.

Otherwise, the number of general magic storage tanks will increase in the future. Thousands of related jars are stacked in a warehouse. It is difficult to find the lost general magic in a short period of time. The storage tank, with the meter installed on it, can be found a little less.

For the first version of the magic storage tank, the Labest Empire is still very satisfied. The magical person can get a unit of general magic or a dozen units. It is not difficult to squeeze them out of more than 100,000 units of general magic. It can't be squeezed out. The standard unit of universal magic power has been modified a lot according to the strength of the mainland and other factors.

Now that it has been completely stabilized, although many people have complaints when they are modified, the revised stability allows those complaints to dissipate. According to the current situation, a gradant, the standard non-casting The junior of the professional class, squeezing his own magic, can generate 5 to 15 units of universal magic every day, and the caster's junior is 30 to 50 units of universal magic.

Just press it like this, do n’t want to do anything else in a day, like a standard high-level professional, if you also exclude the caster first, the high-level warrior can squeeze out 800-3000 units of universal magic power every day. The person directly 5000 ~ 15000+, very high.

Of course, this calculation is only for reference. After all, everyone ’s situation is different. There are more alternative situations, which cannot be used as a standard to measure the upper and lower limits of the magic power of the professional. Of course, this situation is quite for the warrior. Unfriendly, they have no magic power!

In short, although this data is only for reference, for many professionals, the value of the reference is very large, not to mention all the professionals, at least most of the professionals are within this range, The current market maintains a highly recognized attitude towards the existing unit of universal magic.

Even if this is adjusted many times, the price of one unit of magic power will fluctuate after adjustment. It is not a loss. Professionals who could easily squeeze out a unit of magic power can only squeeze out a few units. The calculation is a bit cumbersome. .

Well, the warriors, the soul gems are not immediately available. With that kind of thing, the warriors can also get magic powers, and they are afraid of hair.

According to this situation, a magic storage tank can store the magic power of almost a dozen high-level casters. The volume of a pot is only half or less than those of the casters. This thing has reached the side of the Rabster Empire. The demand is expected, as long as the volume of such jars is expanded, the upper limit of storage will inevitably continue to increase, and this is only a preliminary result.

Further research can additionally increase the upper limit, reduce the natural loss rate of the stored universal magic power, etc. The progress of the dragon's continuous update of the patent contract may be some time before the method of making the soul gem is fully disclosed. Prior to that, the magic storage tank could continue to be researched, and it would not be costly to mass-produce mass production immediately, and wait until the method of making the soul gem was made public.

After they are made public, they will not be able to get massive universal magic powers immediately. They must first develop the related soul gem support loans for development. After a large amount of lender support, a large amount of general magic power will return every day, so now Do not worry.

Study more and say that it is impossible to double the storage limit at that time. The value of the research is reflected here. The storage limit has been doubled but the production cost is still the same as the original one, even slightly higher. , Can not meet this requirement, and also conduct a hammer study!

There is input for greater gains, and no greater gains. Except for people like Zheng Yichen who have no money and no place to spend, everyone else can cut the waist directly, so as not to suffer more losses. ! Good results? Would n’t it be nice to increase investment, increase research efforts, and get higher returns?

The more important thing is that this is also a signal of Zheng Yichen. He has done so much research on his own. Most of this kind of patent contract is about to be completed, otherwise why should he invest so?

The Labster Empire felt very stable, and even the things that occupied the two border fortresses were put under pressure. There is now a training ground for them. Every day, some cannons using magic technology are used to target there. Perform bombing to test the effect of weapons, of course, there must be a master at the scene during the test, so as not to throw a lot of dark warriors over the Aub Empire directly.

The friction of the war is getting more and more serious, but before the worst, the Sato Empire is currently in the stage of watching the drama, watching the Rabster Empire and the Obu Empire fighting against each other, while increasing the speed of storing soul gems The Dark Church and the Templar Church are fighting fiercely. The Soul Hunter organizes and balances the sect against each other online every day. The offline fights are inseparable. The two sides can be said to be really the kind of local fights.

No, no, the sect of balance is not a fool, the soul hunter organization will directly occupy some important areas, and it will not give the soul hunters the opportunity to collect souls. The balance sect also has the accumulation kind of acceleration. The rate of sublimation and dissipation of the soul, the soul hunter goes to the night to ensure that even a hair can not be caught.

The hatred of both parties has gone, do not do a wave, or do you want to face? Don't save face or money?

If you want it, you can make an appointment!

The two sides fought fiercely, so the Sato Empire took advantage of this time to vigorously develop the power of its own empire, and at the same time wished that the Templar Church would turn over the dark church, and the Rabster Empire and the Obu Empire beat the brains, and then They jumped out on the spot and collected all the two people. In one fell swoop, they became the largest empire on the continent.

However, at present, this situation can only be thought about. The situation is not fierce enough. Each has its own calculations. They ca n’t really play their brains unless they use a special conspiracy to let all parties work together, or else The current intensity is the limit. Going further? Unless the Sato Empire also enters the game and completely evolves the war into a three-way melee, it will not be possible to reach the most intense level.

No one wants to cheap each other.

Of course, the consequences of doing nothing are also very serious. The Rabster Empire ca n’t bear it suddenly, but the Obu Empire is getting more and more because of the power of the witch, and the Sato Empire must do something, or else After the Buster empire was destroyed, after the Aobu Empire fought a vigorous war, instead of weakening, it became stronger and stronger, and the strong can knead according to the Sato Empire.

So the best way is to maintain a balance, vigorously develop the power of the witch, and pay attention to the situation of the Rabst Empire. If they are soft on the other side, they will support it in the past and pull back the gap between them and the Obu Empire. Obu The empire could not get their help.

What the Sartorian Empire wants is the continuous extension of the duration of the war. The longer the period of time, the more obvious the research results of their side. When the results are really achieved, how to toss the Rabster Empire, It ’s the same thing if they are killed. If they are killed, they will definitely rush to fight with the Obu Empire to grab the remnants of the Rabster Empire.

Then the two countries battled, as long as they clenched their teeth and insisted on the demand, they could not win or let the Aube Empire win. Over a long period of time, most of the churches would interfere with the dark church, and the two empires were completely deadlocked. After that, the situation of peaceful confrontation was gradually maintained. The pattern of the mainland changed from three major empires to two empires, perfect.

This is the most perfect result of the long-term plan customized by the Sartorian Empire, but the idea and the reality are ultimately different. What they want to do is to make this change as much as possible.

And there is that dragon ... the trend is gone, and the dragon will reconsider how it is said, knowing what is the best option.

The plans of various empires are in progress, and the progress of the patent contract is updated faster and faster. Related drafts have appeared. After that, this thing is widely understood by everyone. The draft is directly placed on the magic soldier network. There is no problem. The information described above is similar to that disclosed by Zheng Yichen before, but those who specialize in contract research can also see a lot of things that need attention.

Considering that it is a draft, more people just made some comments below, but there are no people with long eyes who deliberately say anything, even the dark church is very quiet. At this time, it ’s not a question to say something. Zheng Yichen has shown his careful eyes. At first, people with rhythm are either directly killed by Zheng Yichen, or they obediently chose to apologize, the real name system.

Many people were lost.

The part that was covered with the dead was basically saying goodbye to contacting the soul gem. It is no problem to use. It is just that Zheng Yichen's follow-up notes that it is not a matter of soul gem, it is a matter of life.

In short, there are drafts, so is it almost coming from the full version? The direct result of the draft is that the Rabst Empire has accelerated its actions. It has attracted the chambers of commerce that can be drawn, and excluded those who ca n’t. The action is a bit natural and unavoidably noticed by the old opponents, but now it is noticed. Those people couldn't find out anything substantial in a short time.

The Obu Empire had no chance to use power. When the Rabst Empire did this, it directly bypassed the chamber of commerce related to that side. The Sato Empire learned some things, but did not have the opportunity to dig deeper. The time is too fast. When Zheng Yichen published the draft, in fact, the full version has already been known to the people of the Templar Church, and the Templar Church deliberately delayed the time.

But Zheng Yichen said it very clearly. He asked for a specific reply within five days, otherwise he used it according to the full version of the patent contract given to them. Anyway, he did n’t see anything that needs attention. Five days is enough for the church. The church has concentrated on such a patent contract.

Are they finding out the problem? Then find out. The patent contract for the Templar Church is said to be a full version, but he has a more delicate and perfect one. This thing is the product of Dan Marina integrating all the witch ’s opinions on his side. What problems can the church choose?

I picked it out and just let him take out another more perfect top. When I took it out, I said that it was modified according to their opinions. The two-point patent contract can be used. The difference is that the first one is more loose. ... Well, be more lenient with the pitmen on his side. In the second part, it was slightly tight, so I lost it.

In general, Zheng Yichen hoped that the church church would not pick out any problems when it helped the review, but what they did there was not interesting, and they really picked out some things that made Zheng Yichen have to use the first Two patent contracts, that is, the modified version after listening to their 'opinions'.

To put it simply, there is no place in the Templar church where the fate of the witch is calculated from this patent contract, but he finds that it is more responsible for any point when Zheng Yichen collects royalties, he is not happy about this Too.

Find fault?

The answer of the Templar Church ... Yes!

Not only to find faults, but also to find faults within a reasonable range. The whole point is that the impact of Soul Gems is too great in the future. This fault must be found. At the same time, the review of this patent contract Open, after the review, all the details are disclosed in detail, there is no need to hide things, why not complete disclosure?

Their starting point was reasonable. Others watched the Templar Church stabbing, just to make the dragon more responsible for this. They certainly supported it, and even felt that the Templar Church was doing a good job. After all, they modified it a little bit. In the future, all the people who want to use soul gems will get a little extra benefit. At the same time, this review does not have any of them, but they can be obtained just by the side. Why not agree with it?

People, treat yourself with tolerance, and treat people strictly is too normal ~ ~ Zheng Yichen, who has been preparing for a long time, came up with the second patent contract. There is no place for controversy here. Now, in the future, all the production of soul gems around genuine products will be centered around this patent contract. As for the authenticity of this patent contract, the first item on the patent contract is the confirmation part of the authenticity. A patent contract is to be embedded on the Internet of Destiny.

In other words, the prophet who can predict the word can fully access the web of destiny through a soul gem, confirm the accuracy of this patent contract, and can compare the words one by one according to the information read. This is Zheng Yichen. The basis of this patent contract can be used without showing up, so that everyone can trust.

Most professionals do not have access to the oracle, but there are not many professionals who can contact the oracle, so if there is a fake, it can be identified immediately. The line of fate can be played by some foretellers. Fate There is no such possibility in Zhiwang. That witch can't stand the anti-destiny witch, let alone other prophet.

On the day when the patent contract of ‘Second Reform’ could n’t be picked out, Zheng Yichen adjusted the background picture, and then a live broadcast was opened on the whole network ...

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand fighting the cursed dragon