Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1400: You are a malicious band

Magic has become easy to use, and some casters naturally feel dissatisfied with it, but dissatisfaction hasn't caused much waves. Those visionary casters can see some of the conveniences and benefits. As for the magic power Is this being used arbitrarily, is the condition updated by the producer not clear?

And the magic brought by the magic plug-in is very rigid. Although the power has a floating upper and lower limit, but the plasticity after release is not as good as the kind released by the Eighth Edition, which is similar to the magic scroll. By the way, the sale of a hammer, and the legitimate caster, if powerful, releases a fireball, which can be forcibly shaped into a fire dragon or rocket during the flight of the fireball, and magic Reels cannot do this.

In the complaints of some casters, some casters have tried to put their designed magic plug-ins on the online market. Although the new functions need to be re-understood, the update content is very detailed, write down Now that the operation can be performed, the anti-theft operation that comes with the magic soldier summon book is still possible.

Even though it is not as binding as a patent contract, it can fundamentally cut off the possibility of others copying the plug-in. That is not a big problem. As for those who feel that it is not safe enough, you can add another special one. The shell protection is a form on the surface, and actually another form on the inside. Even if someone else paints the gourd skin, there is no chance to make a copy by hand.

This kind of operation, really, Zheng Yichen can only sigh the imagination of people. Just after this function was updated, someone thought of such a good anti-theft method. One person thought of it, others found it, and other spellcasters must also Will follow suit, so the magic plug-ins that appear in the trading area of ​​the Mobing Network in a short time are all protected with a shell.

Others ca n’t copy it. This is a bit beyond expectation, but Zheng Yichen did n’t feel anything bad. It ’s because the shell is added. In order to fundamentally prevent theft and protect their own interests, there is no mistake at all. If someone wants to To learn from this magic array to improve yourself, you can negotiate with the creator of the magic plug-in and get a contract.

In other words, people have specially collected a patent contract for protection, and there is no need to pack it, but the patent contract is something made by the Destiny Witch. There are not many people who can afford the Destiny Witch to make this. Zheng Yichen can do it. It is because the influence range of his soul gem is too large, plus he is very rich in himself. It is simply relaxed and replaced by others. If things are too small, the witch is not willing to take care of it.

In short, a shell protection has made the market for magic plug-ins fierce. More casters feel that there is a head start. Of course, when the head is up, the competitiveness is obvious, so there are new rules changes, because of the choice There are enough magic plug-ins, so many people require a trial time when buying, three minutes and five minutes is possible, anyway, this trial time must be available, of course, in order to appear in the case of Bai, the trial time, only Try it in Unreal World, and there is only one chance ...

Not in reality, this makes some people feel uncomfortable, but this kind of magic in the unreal world is basically the same as that released by reality. Try it over there. In the end, it is still to better measure these magic plug-ins. The pros and cons of the magic plug-in at the same price can be better selected because of the trial reason, or it is more in line with your own wishes.

Some people feel uncomfortable that they can't use the trial function Baishen in battle, even if they can only try it once. Every magic is tried during the battle. Isn't Baishen beautiful? You do n’t have to spend money to buy it anyway. Anyway, there are so many magic plug-ins on the Internet market, not to mention tens of thousands, is there still more than a thousand in number, just a fireball can find dozens of versions.

Let ’s try each one in vain, plus the new magic plug-in in the future, you can use it for a long time without spending money, but you can only try it in the unreal world, then there is nothing to say, you ca n’t be unhappy. A group of flies rubbing their hands is not very happy.

But for the casters who can improve the better magic plug-ins, most of these trial functions are supported. Of course, if there are more people, everyone has it. If you do n’t support it, you dare not say it clearly. The only thing is that you want to get a bunch of inferior magic plug-ins, and the kind of money you do n’t want to cheat on.

Say those magic plugins are fake? No no no, how can magic be fake? Can be released, but the power is a bit small, buy the wrong and want to refund? Sorry not possible.

A trial function breaks the careful thinking of these people. In short, those who want to be arrogant and want to hang money, the trial function directly eliminates these two types of factors, so that I can taste the sweetness in this regard. It is very comfortable for a caster who wants to devote more to the development.

Without dealing with these two factors, the trend in this circle will only get worse and worse. Now that these factors are directly removed before the trend gets worse, then the rest is benign competition. Who wants to make their magic The best way to sell plugins is to strengthen the research and understanding of magic.

To make this magical person more unique or have other novel characteristics, and these are not what the caster always wanted? The caster pursues more powerful forces, so naturally it is necessary to study all kinds of magic and deepen the understanding of magic. Why not support.

The producer has done a great job in this respect. As for the battle? Fixed magic can also be compared to the beauty of own hands, and other spellcasters can also buy other spellcaster's magic plug-ins. Even if it has a shell protection, it cannot be directly studied, but it can also be tried when used Being **** and influenced by factors such as the power of magic, slowly reverse research and understanding will also help you.

It's just that there is no joy to directly turn the answer, and there is an additional process of solving the problem.

In short, those who work hard in the original sense that this magic release function is nothing. After all, everyone can use it, no matter how it affects the battle, it can be maintained on a relatively fair starting line. Absolute fairness definitely does not exist, and relative fairness is enough. Well, any professional is relatively fair.

So it did n’t take long for the storm of magic release function to pass, and the secret waves were basically gone. The Magic Soldier Forum was as lively as all kinds of New Year, from the initial queue to buy soul gems, to the discussion of some double power combinations afterwards Posts, a lot of related posts appear every day, and then there is the problem of the power cultivation of soul gems.

Compared with those who use the lowest level of soul gems and those with higher levels, the difference between the growth rate of the two is really a bit big. Try harder and upgrade your soul gems. Soul materials can be solved by Warcraft or Soul Hunter. Other materials are risky or costly to buy.

Although it is still in war, many professionals have found a new main line. War is the same thing. It is more important for them to upgrade themselves. Compared with upgrading themselves, the war is not very fragrant. Of course, the empire It is their business to say that professionals are so tossed. They can make them live alive in other places. It is better to run around in the place of war when they are idle and cause various unstable conditions.

At the same time, the income of the first month's soul gem loan from the Aube Empire has been recovered. In the early days, several civilians who received the soul gem loan could not provide a unit of universal magic, but there were enough people who could not hold it. At first, it was not possible for a few people, but those civilians could also raise the upper limit of the magic power of the soul gem. Within a month, there were already some people who could provide half a unit of universal magic power every day.

Of course, further squeezing, the general magic of a unit is still possible, but doing so will affect the daily state of civilians, which is not suitable. Although civilians can provide general magic, but daily production work is also to be done, two-way Come, otherwise all civilians will be used as batteries, the productivity of a country will directly fall below the lower limit, the normal situation is a double-combination operation.

At the same time of working, the corresponding general magic power is provided by the way. Anyway, the relevant departments have calculated it very clearly. It is calculated by the civilians who do n’t have that kind of talent and will not bring any feedback bonus to the soul gem. Each must be returned. There is a certain amount of general magic power, and the growth rate is included in the calculation. Anyway, the return amount will increase every month. The daily return is the quantitative average of this month.

Early payment? If it is paid in advance, then the time for reducing the maximum return amount will be reduced. Anyway, the return amount will not change every month. The part that is changed in advance is reduced according to the calculation of the last month. After reducing the amount of the last month, then It starts from the penultimate month.

Anyway, it ’s such a small month, and the amount of early return will appear to be a lot in order to reduce it by one month, but then it will become more and more easy. As for the problem of this algorithm ... Well, this return is mainly based on general magic Yes, it ’s already decided what the interest gem is for the soul gem. Nothing will be reduced because of the early return. It ’s estimated that not many people accept it on the earth.

In the outside world, such conditions have made those civilians feel really fragrant. After all, it is only the general magic that is to be returned, not the money. As long as the money is not directly involved, there is no problem. They can only say Really fragrant! Of course, for professionals, this is a blood loss. After all, if you want to repay the loan, you will come with a profit, but the professionals do not need to do this at all.

The money in hand is not enough at the moment, it can be stored for a period of time. There is no need to pay ten times or even more for a soul gem because of a few months or even shorter time. In general, the soul gem loan is only It is only suitable for civilians, civilians have no choice, soul gems are really suitable for civilians, they have no problem in choosing this.

Professionals should work hard.

The first general magic that returned to the Labest Empire was quite satisfactory. Although it was similar to the calculation result, the actual income was much higher than the conservative calculation. This is the benefit of the new laws and regulations. Those who have souls The civilians of the gem have a high degree of protection. Professionals who think of committing crimes or dignitaries will also consider the value is not worth it.

After committing the crime, the law enforcement team is also very active. After all, catch one and count one. After seizing, in addition to the cost of recovering the soul gem, a considerable part of the extra income can be regarded as the law enforcement team, and the law enforcement team also needs to spend. Well, if you want them to work hard, the welfare must be better.

In this way, the law enforcement team has high efficiency, and the empire can avoid dead debts and bad debts, and can also recover some of the income. The total income of this month is much higher than the minimum calculation, and the income is really very high. Yes, so some people want to increase the business of soul gem loans, so that more civilians will accept this special loan.

However, this matter was temporarily suppressed by the emperor of the Rabst Empire. Although he also wanted to increase the development in this area, it is not the most suitable opportunity at present. The areas of business development are those important big cities.

Public security in big cities is very good, and the speed of law enforcement teams is also the fastest. If it is extended to other medium-sized cities and small cities, it may not be able to achieve this expected effect. In general, it is brought by war The impact is too great, those places are easily targeted.

Not to mention the Rabster empire, they changed to the Obu empire and the Sato empire. They dared to develop their business in those areas, and the three parties dared to engage in some terrorist destruction on the other ’s site. Letting their investment go back to nothing, and so doing in important cities, so that the hostile countries can not seize the opportunity to ensure the stability of this new business.

Of course ... The Empire ca n’t toss about it in a big way, but you can share the pressure with those chambers of commerce. Although this kind of operation was proposed by the proprietress of the Violet Chamber of Commerce, it was the Empire who finally decided that the Empire agreed. Those chambers of commerce will have a stable backing, and it will be easier and more convenient to do this kind of thing. Of course, the benefits that the empire should receive are indispensable.

In short, the empire has a lot of convenience in this respect, so now let those chambers of commerce share the pressure in this regard, they have developed well, the empire can still steadily get a part of the income, they lost? The empire will not lose money, anyway, it is not them!

It's just that such benefits appear to be a bit less, but during the war, if you chose to share the pressure to reduce the risk, then there will definitely be less benefits, it should be the cheaper chambers of commerce, wait for later? After the control in this area is changed a little bit, won't it be possible to increase the income slowly? Of course, it is also necessary for those chambers of commerce to make a profit, otherwise they will not obediently do things.

There is also the proprietress of the Violet Chamber of Commerce ... The emperor of the Labster Empire said that it is impossible to have no idea. From the series of means shown by the other party, it can be seen that if the other party becomes a member of the royal family, the royal family of the empire There are definitely many benefits, but the relationship between the other party and the dragon is unclear and it is difficult to start.

No matter how powerful the Violet Chamber of Commerce is, it is only a Chamber of Commerce, and that dragon is not the same. There is no substantive conflict with that dragon for a chamber of commerce. A woman, does the emperor lack this?

"Hoo ~ I bought a lot of magic plug-ins." Eve looked at the backstage interface belonging to her in the magic soldier's summon book, and said with a brow, Zheng Yichen glanced over, and immediately there was no interest, Eve. She doesn't have much knowledge of magic. Her ability makes most of the magic a result of a one-handed sword in front of her.

Therefore, this magic plug-in seems quite general. The reason why the sales are good is purely that she has nothing to do with this magic. Her magic is quite compatible with her ability. The magic of the wind system, plus her influence and understanding of magic through her own ability, It has been specially improved.

Make this low-level magic called Fengqie more outstanding in cutting power performance, to a certain extent comparable to the cutting force produced by intermediate-level wind magic, which is a high-cost magic, plus some emerging magic plug-in appraisers Appraisal, the sales volume of Eve's magic plug-in went up directly.

So ah, as long as you can connect to the Internet, even from the outside world, the new types of careers that can be derived are like mushrooms. No need for Zheng Yichen to guide anything. People can find the corresponding business opportunities themselves. The magic plug-in appraiser is a while ago. appeared.

These people have different strengths, but they have a strong understanding of magic. Of course, many of them are biased. Some have a strong understanding of the magic of the wind system, and some have a strong understanding of the fire system. According to their own Specialty, specially set up the corresponding column, and then write out the magic of the attribute that you are good at understanding, and explain the pros and cons of it.

Of course, it is better to try it in person, but after reading these, it can produce enough reference. When trying, I discover the advantages and disadvantages of the magic plug-in, saving time. Not to mention being able to avoid being pitted or thundering. The magic plug-in The profession of appraiser has not been around for a long time, but several excellent appraisers have appeared in a short period of time, and it is quite famous in the professional circle.

As for those appraisers who simply imitated ... At first they could still sneer, but when they were unable to show their special strengths, they soon disappeared and embezzled others? Please, the real-name system is easy to be found and beaten, okay, and related to income, it will kill people.

How to judge misappropriation? It can be easily judged according to the time when the column is updated, so people who have the ability to eat a bowl of rice can continue to walk, just to join in the excitement, and toss for a while and then give up directly.

Eve, a rather sloppy wind magic, was put on the latest updated evaluation by a wind magic plug-in appraiser. Although it was not ranked first, the evaluation was quite high, and it was pure pursuit of power. Then the price / performance ratio is the highest in that evaluation period.

Of course, the shortcomings are also obvious. The controllability is not very high. When you release it, you accidentally roll yourself into the turbulent wind, and you will also be injured. After all, the cutting power is too powerful, and the magic of the wind system is released. There will be no less turbulence during the time, although many times the effect on yourself is to blow your hair and make yourself look more compelling.

But the cutting strength of this enhanced version of cutting power is different. The turbulence it brings is also accompanied by the enhancement of cutting power. A slight turbulence may be scraped across his cheek, and there will be a **** cheek. The operation is not good, not to mention that the hair is blown, it looks chic and forceful, and the turbulence flows, the enemy is cut into pieces of meat, and he has a pair of small wounds all over. Bald.

In short, this magic is very cost-effective. It is best to add a shield to yourself when using it. At the same time, you must choose a safe distance from the palm of your hand. Of course, if you look at your fingers, you can ignore this one. It is recommended that the power performance has a super high cost performance, but the control is directly pulling the crotch.

To make a comprehensive evaluation, rank third in the evaluation of this issue. Ignore the controllability of the crotch. The extremely enhanced cutting force is too fragrant! The reviewers all added one piece below this magic. After writing the test, he could n’t restrain his own hands and bought a copy of this magic plug-in, ten times the amount, which can be engraved in the future. Copies, I am afraid that this super cost-effective magic plug-in will increase prices in the future.

It ’s too much to be grateful for this. There are many options for magic plug-ins. If the creator has no brains to increase the price, people just need to change to another one. Why spend more than a few percent to buy that? Really thought that a little bit of special effects? Only when the price is right will you choose a better one. If it is more expensive, choose another one.

But the price-performance ratio of this wind-cut magic is so good, and the slight price increase in the future is also worth buying ~ ~ In short, it is worth buying but not worth betting on most of the net worth to hoard goods.

Because there are many creators in the market of magic plug-ins, plus the regulation of some chambers of commerce, the price is actually very stable. After all ... there is something like a magic reel that can't be fired.

"Will you buy something? The performance improved by half can also be ranked in the top three in this review. It is not better for you to slowly release the rest in several grades. Do you get this directly?"

"I'm just playing, it's not like you, looking at everything."

"It's also because you don't study magic very much, otherwise you are a malicious rhythm." Zheng Yichen snorted. The virtuous circle is gradual. Eve is so tossing that he does not give people a way to live. I really think that everyone is like her. Such a genius, casually come up with a low-level magic array that is almost BUG? Other creators improved the magic circle, which was not accumulated bit by bit.

Of course, there are geniuses too, but those who are a few people after all will not break out from time to time, like Eve ... it can really endlessly.

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand fighting the cursed dragon