Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1413: What do you want to choose

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"The war is getting more and more serious. Huh, the next thing to be a war mercenary is almost all cannon fodder." Green looked at the small village that had been destroyed in the war ahead, and the surviving residents looked at the burning one with a confused face. Little village, if they didn’t come in a timely manner, there would be no living people here...oh, it’s impossible to destroy them all.

The resistance is definitely gone. The strong men will be taken away and sold. There are many places to use people during the war. Holding these people as slaves and cannon fodder is very useful, and the price is also very cheap. If the children have other uses, women If you look beautiful, you have a higher value. Those who can do things for these small villages are not for the purpose of killing.

Wouldn't it be better to simply rob human trafficking than simply kill?

Even some old, weak, sick, and disabled can exchange a few gold coins from the hands of some cultists, and all they have to do is pay for something like a rope.

It is not the first time they have solved this situation.

"Thanks to the recent rapid changes in the world, there are many ways to resettle refugees like this." Garcia said atonefully. Like these refugees, it was difficult to resettle during the previous war, basically no one wanted Of course, in order to prevent these refugees from being taken away by others as cannon fodder, more often it is slaughter or other treatment methods.

It’s different now. Because of the new policy, civilians are very protected, and human resources are very important. Even refugees can be a good magic battery. As for the name of the magic battery, it’s actually quite good. Be a refugee.

Refugees also have the opportunity to obtain soul gem loans, provided that they are young enough to have no hidden dangers. Of course, their soul gem loans need to be returned much more than ordinary people. Ordinary people use the lowest level of soul gems, even if they use the worst arrangement The repayment of resources can at least guarantee the payment within ten years, while for refugees it is about thirty years.

This cannot be said to be squeezing refugees, but instead, refugees would never be treated as ordinary people, let alone civilians. Even the poor have many who look down on refugees. Soul gem loans are divided into several grades, civilians are The standard ten-year choice, of course, can also be selected for a longer period of time, but it is not necessary, and the identity of the poor is to double or more. As for refugees... Seriously, it has been quite equivalent to be tied for thirty years. Nice treatment.

At least they still have a way to live, a way to live well without being threatened with life. The price is the loss of a certain degree of freedom. After signing the soul gem loan, after all, in order to ensure that they can get enough magical benefits, the power and It is impossible for lenders to let such refugees appear in some areas beyond their control, and they can only act within a certain range within thirty years.

Seriously, this is much better than before. They just lost a certain degree of freedom. As long as they work hard, they may not be able to repay the soul gem loan in advance. At the same time, they can do some favorite things with limited freedom, so refugees It is not difficult to set up. After being affected by the war, this small village is basically still the stronger ones.

"Come with us, we will send you to a safe place, and of course we will get the corresponding reward when we get there." Green walked in front of this group of refugees with his bow and arrow, looking at the uneasy refugees They said: "You know that although you have become refugees, they are still treasures in the eyes of some people in power."

"...Right, Lord Adventurer, don't you want to send us to cultists?"

"It's not necessary. If we really want to send you to a cultist, it is enough for us to get a **** sacrifice on the spot, or do you think you have this value?" Green brought out a magic stone coin in hand There was a tossing in here. Although it is a denomination of magic stone coins, things like magic stone coins have been popular for a long time. Seems that these refugees did not have the opportunity to come into contact with magic stone coins.

But they have heard from some adventurers or mercenaries that a magic coin with the lowest denomination is on top of a hundred gold coins! The huge sums that they have never been able to touch in their lifetime, what exactly the magic stone coin looks like, most of the people present do not know, but some have seen it...

So this group of refugees was silent, as for the idea of ​​greed? Don’t think too much, they see very clearly, the robbers gathered outside the village were wiped out with a knife, and the knife was wiped out, dozens of people, there is no one knife, such a powerful strength is not the one who often bragging Fart professionals can compare.

There is nothing to say, this group of professionals is not an idea that they can fight. In short, they are full of fear for Os and others. With this level of fear, Os and others make arrangements for this group of refugees much easier. In addition, with their current status, it is quite easy to handle this group of refugees. It doesn't matter how many people there are, it is enough to rent a large flatbed trailer.

There are many people who seize the opportunity during the war. The big trailer is a huge flat plate with some simple magic-treated wheels underneath. It can hold dozens of people in one breath. If it is pulled up, the wheels have simple magic treatment. , Not heavy.

Good and cheap good things are mainly used to gather corpses in the battlefield.

Pulling people is also very suitable.

"It's you again... Don't give away here next time, the number is close to saturation, I will tell you a place." The registrar who received Os looked at Os and others with some emotion. He said that he doesn't need to do this for other professionals. Oss is a well-known strong man, and he is worthy to be so welcome.

There is no harm in having a good relationship with such a strong man, but what he paid is just to run a little longer. This is not the first time the registrar has seen Oss here, and they have been here ten times together during this time. Each time brings a considerable number of refugees.

These refugees were undoubtedly recruited during the war. The collection of refugees in this place is also a national policy. The policy on the collection of soul gems is the area near the important cities of the empire. The refugees who come here want to survive to accept the soul. Gem Loan, loan yourself a perennial soul gem.

Of course, if you do not agree, then continue to be a refugee who is not to be seen. If you agree, it will be allocated to an area for construction work, around the construction of important cities, with the city as the center, building some like It is a satellite-like village or town.

In short, they not only have to bear a long-term loan of soul gemstones, but also engage in some construction work, not to let them idle, but also to allow their productivity to be discovered. As for whether someone will run later, don’t expect anything, Although the Soul Gem Loan is not a strong contract, such a contract depends on people. For this group of refugees, ordinary contracts are more than enough.

Even if someone subsequently conducts a mandatory cracking, the cost of cracking far exceeds the cost of the empire's release. If someone is willing to do that, the empire will also recognize that those who are willing to do so can solve ten or one hundred, but Solve 10,000 100,000?

They can't do it after exhaustion.

Of course, this policy will prevent some people from impersonating refugees and trying to smuggle. This is a good confirmation. The existence of the magic network makes it easy to confirm the news in many places, and it can even affect every village in the empire! Ask the origin of the refugees, and then check the relevant records to confirm the origin of these people.

Not afraid of fraud.

"Thank you so much." Oss received a thin bag from the registrar. There were not many gold coins in it. Oss did not care about it. The refugees were not as valuable, but they were more valuable than the slaves. Some, but not much, are generally more profitable, but it is not worth the risk of some people taking the risk of slaughtering and selling refugees. If they are found out, it will not be a fine.

"No... it's lucky to have professionals like you in the war." The registrar shook his head and said, he didn't say too much nonsense, for example, Oss is so powerful, why not stop this kind of full of wars, etc. The nonsense of the **** of Our Lady.

Powerful professionals can control the war, but more and more are more likely to cause accidents. Simply put, everyone used normal hot weapons to fight in the early stage, and later used more nuclear weapons, so there is no psychological burden, anyway. In this way, everyone can grow mushrooms.

Oss is very powerful and can decide many wars, but the enemy is not weak. Seriously, powerful professionals who are not commanded and arranged by the empire, like Oss, it is good to do something within the normal range By the way, the kind of behavior that goes around and runs a war, and the one who is helped may not thank them. The small country will not say it, and it is profitable to get help.

For the empire, sometimes this kind of help will only bring extra troubles and variables. It was originally a special showdown battle. As a result, it was stirred up by such a group of professionals, and it was not useful at all. Part of the bait.

As far as the registrar understands, the activities of Oss and others have always been restrained. The things involved in the war are also coming as war mercenaries. They do not jump from side to side. They will accept the war mercenaries of the Rabster Empire for a while. The mission, after accepting the Sato Empire, they are basically in the territory of the Rabster Empire.

The participating war mercenary tasks are well understood, and they can naturally make joint arrangements, so as not to let some overpowered professionals do bad things or break some potential rules, leading to greater war chaos. At the same time, Oss, etc. Man is also a wonderful flower among war mercenaries.

They do not interfere with what other war mercenaries do, but they always do it alone. They do things that those war mercenaries do to them as if they haven’t seen them. But I can’t afford it, what can I do? In short, it’s enough, they want to take the small fresh route, and it’s enough not to interfere with them.

Do these things, Oss and others don’t think there is anything wrong, Green will not need to say more, the old bird among the adventurers, the war has affected the adventure life, and doing something to help people is a brand new Experience, Garcia’s words, the turbulent pseudo-god of blue anger itself has a part to support the weak. After all, the types of power are biased towards guardianship, benefits? After following Oss for so long, he really doesn't lack money, and he doesn't feel anything.

As for the Berserker Fred, it goes without saying that the Berserker is the title brought by their lineage. Although they are war-loving but not killing lunatics, they often disdain the weak, but they see that kind of If you don't move, you will be discomfortable to those who start with the weak. If you hold the weak, you will count as a hanging hair. If you want to show your strength, you should start with the strong.

Moreover, there is no shortage of fighting for such things, and Fred has no opinion, let alone Oss, not to mention that he was once a poor and not a refugee, but the state of life is close to the refugee...

Generally speaking, it is both idle and idle. Just because you can’t do something or have no chance to do it, simply do something that you can spend time with and enjoy yourself. When helping refugees, if you can meet It’s better to go to the dark church. Of course, it’s also a part of everyday life to find one or two strongholds of the dark church.

"Let's go." The new location shared by the registrar was recorded, Oss nodded and left the registration point, and the registrar waved beneath his opponent.

"Distribute them according to age, and pick them out in bad health."

If you are in good health, you will receive loans from soul gemstones. Of course, there will be popular science before. Those with poor health are those who are older or have other diseases that are not easy to cure. This type will be directly invested in construction work. Or it could be delivered elsewhere...

There is no need to say this. Even the Rabster Empire cannot waste some resources during the war. Those who can really play their role will keep it well. There are hidden diseases that do not have such a big effect. It is already a good result without letting them die by themselves, although there is indeed such an arrangement in the colder place.

"Let's go back to Puli Underground City." On the way back, Oss's eyes were taken back from the call of the Demon Soldier. The secret post was finer and faster during the war, so a lot of information was fleeting. , I still found it useful when I saw it at the previous moment. It might not be useful after a few minutes.

Oss is not a professional intelligence analyst, because he missed many opportunities and even encountered many additional attacks. In general, the mainland is now more and more unfriendly to them...or the dark church is to them. The response has started to rise again, after the dark web appeared.

The Dark Network, Templar Network Os, and others have all been in contact. After comparing, it is that the Devil's Network is used more daily. The words of the Templar Network are too strict, and the things involved are also very hard. Nuclear, welcomed by a group of people but not everyone is welcome.

At least the person with a lack of professional knowledge such as Oss feels a little dull, not as friendly as the Mobing Network, so he still has a network card for the church, where is the dark church? Pull it down, it’s enough to jump to the past and visit it. If you just apply for a dark network card, isn’t he trying to find guilt for himself?

Oss also worried that the Dark Church would use the background authority to use the Dark Network to determine their detailed location. Prevent it from happening, and simply not give the Dark Church the corresponding opportunity, just like this, a church card, a magic Bing internet card is enough, dark web Oss has contacted, and the content inside is too dark.

After ten minutes of browsing, there are only a few pieces of slave trade information, and some are the kind of active use and live killing. As for other topics, it is needless to say, there are too few rules over there. So that the environment inside is relatively unfavorable, um...maybe the dark church also feels that it is too casual, and some restrictions have been made in subsequent updates.

At least it’s not the original kind. In the ten posts, eight of them are madly cursed. Now this ratio has been reduced to one-fifth to one-tenth. The rest are still normal and can be involved. Things are not normal.

Anyway, Oss didn't like to watch it very much. Oss saw their dark wanted order in the dark web.

"Alright, we have also got new soul gems in our actions recently. We just dealt with this thing after going back this time." Green nodded, and their time spent abroad was not short. As the war became more heated, even they If this kind of combat power continues to be a war mercenary, it will be reduced to a cannon fodder. Can it fight? It's just a good cannon fodder.

The fierce heat of war has turned the existence of the dark fighters capable of torturing high-level fighters into cannon fodder...Of course, they became cannon fodder so quickly. The update of the world version is mainly the update of the new version of the world so that normal professionals can also be restrained. The special power of witch power.

Some people even brought out the soul gem with the power of the Virgin, and the presence of the Templars, so that all professionals have a wave of strengthening, keeping up with the times, at least they will not be easily killed by the dark fighters. To avoid being tortured, there is a way to fight back... So the Dark Warrior has a meaning of developing towards cannon fodder.

The times have been updated too fast, and the dark warrior who could have been able to stand up is so helpless. Of course, there are many special witch powers in the dark church. The shadow walker, cursed warrior, wrath mage, etc. are all transformed by the witch power. Special occupations.

They have also become the best objects to test these new cannon fodders. It’s time to improve themselves and quickly use the soul gem to get new power. After training it, it will be complementary to its original power, and then come back. , And then find the dark church to rediscover the scene, let them feel the changes of the times.

"Then go."

Garcia and Fred also have no opinion. Before, soul gems were not enough. Now, soul gems are enough. They are all advanced ones. What they need to think is not the source of soul gems, but the special power they need to choose. This they It was considered long ago.

The power of choice must not be chosen at random. That is too much of a unique power resource such as soul gems. Like Fred, there is a spirit-solidifying potion in it, and it can fully walk the infinite frenzy flow. Route, Soul Gem chooses a magic that enhances recovery.

As long as the magic in the soul gem is not exhausted, the body will be in a state of continuous high-speed self-healing. When it is deeply mad, it can maintain its body state at all times before the magic is exhausted, so that it has always maintained a This kind of super-bearing upper limit allows deep madness to continue to affect its strength almost infinitely... This kind of scheme has made Fred look hot in the or a mad warrior Because of this, the mad warriors are uncontrollable after they have been mad, and they also feel heartache at the same time. They are madly infinite. Half of the mad fighter’s dream, the complete dream is to be infinitely mad while still guaranteeing himself. Consciousness.

Without a sober influence, there is nothing more to say, no matter how infinitely crazy, it may be used by people, just like a nuclear bomb, it is not only the enemy but also the person who killed the wrong place! That's what Fred struggles with, whether it's the infinite insanity of violence or the sober insanity combination that matches his teammates.

In essence, he is more inclined to the latter. Although the former can convince himself with the spirit-solidifying potion, can the spirit-solidifying potion always have it? Also, the green hair of Green is still beeping, and he can choose the power of the soul gem to be restorative based on his bloodline ability...

Think about it after going back this time.

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