Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1428: Complete one

The contract between the Dragon Clan and Zheng Yichen was quickly customized. The Dragon Clan felt a little weird. They didn’t take a bit of a bargain. Although they tried to get as much as they could, the final result However, there was a lot of gap with what they expected. Of course, some parts got much better than expected.

In this regard, Zheng Yichen knew that he would not show off. He knew that this was the case. With a legal department composed of witches around him, he could take advantage of more, but there was no need to do that. It's too absolute. The Dragon Clan must be able to realize some problems, but they won't. They will be aware of some problems if they think about it in the future.

So it’s better to go back and forth. For example, Zheng Yichen looked at some places and suffered a loss. In fact, it wasn’t a loss. In those places, the cheap cannot be taken up. Thousands of pieces are posted upside down. I can’t save some money in that kind of place. I just need to grasp the core part. The rest is basically irrelevant.

"In this way, there is nothing wrong with the Dragon Clan." Zheng Yichen looked at the elder Bobby in front of him and came up with something: "The curse of the outside world was mentioned before. These are preliminary sincerity to reach consensus, I hope In the future, you can invite me to be a guest in Dragon Realm."

Bobby looked at some black keynote potions brought out by Zheng Yichen, figured out what this thing was, and immediately became cautious. Zheng Yichen's research on the curse of the outside world reached this level? It was so unexpected!

"In terms of your ability, there will definitely be a day." Bobby said seriously, he is not kidding, now Zheng Yichen can't go to Dragon Realm, in the future, he may not be invited to Dragon Realm, of course. The explanation is not an invitation, just a normal'home'.

He put away the potions of Zheng Yichen's curse to the otherworld, and left.

Puli Underground City is now where Bobby lives. The Dragons think it’s not bad there, and it looks good to be regarded as a dragon’s embassy, ​​so Vera’s property there is confiscated... of course She did not suffer.

The contract issue with the Dragon Clan alone was resolved quickly. In fact, the two parties also blamed for a few days, and settled down the details to finish it. The main thing is what he did during this time. On the one hand, it is to search the books of the ancient library, and throw it to the two of the Rabster Empire to satisfy the research team there. At the same time, it is to integrate the feedback of the use of the withering potion provided by the dark witch Eliza into the researching.

Now the magic potion that Bobby has taken away is the slightly improved version 2.0. The effect has been optimized. The targeting of the curse of the outside world is stronger, the corresponding side effects are also reduced a lot, and the operation is even better. The effect of the drug is reduced to less than half, but this requires very delicate operations to achieve it, that is, the right amount of use is completely equivalent, and it is not a brain to drink a bottle of magic potion.

Is it necessary to eat the same amount in an appropriate amount? You definitely need to have an absolute understanding of the effect of the drug and a detailed understanding of the content of the alien curse in the target body, otherwise it will be similar to normal use, and use it in batches. That is more troublesome, the amount of potions is less, the counterattack of the curse of the outside world is more severe, it is difficult to reach the cumulative level, and the variables are larger. Although it can be tricky, it can waste time.

It might as well be used in the right amount at the beginning.

After Zheng Yichen signed the contract, he took out these things again, and the Dragon people ignored the past that Zheng Yichen was particularly difficult to negotiate the contract, and even had a sense of luck. If the dragon is not in some The side has really won enough demands for his own benefit, and he feels satisfied. He has a great possibility that he will not take out this kind of thing?

It’s different now. The team on the dragon side immediately conducted a detailed study on this withered potion divided into several models, and then found that it was impossible to study this potion, mainly because it was controlled. Because the materials and the special power contained in them are all new, how should we study them?

The cursed dragon can make this kind of thing, I am afraid it is not an area with special training materials, can get the raw materials of this magic potion, so the dragon clan's reason for not killing the cursed dragon There are many more, although the contract has been finalized, but the corresponding reasons should be continued. The two have no direct impact. In the future, even if the identity of Zheng Yichen is exposed due to some accidents, the second plan is used.

After the fight is over, come up with this 10,000 reasons that cannot kill him, plus the overall comprehensive combat effectiveness shown by Zheng Yichen, what can a group of young people of the Dragon clan say? Fighting to death? Take a look at this 10,000 reasons, plus the number of dragons is under the premise of hitting the dead? Why not go to heaven?

There are really those who have blood on their heads. The elders of the Dragon tribe will definitely take this ``10,000 reasons'' and slap in the face, beat and fight, and know the fight all day long. I really think this is like the kind of brainless curse before. Dragon? There will be no substantive losses here if the Dragon Clan is killed. Of course, one or two or three or four losses, but it is worthwhile to revenge, but this number may rise to a few hundred times... Damn!

I have been forced to fight, see what kind of demons and ghosts are in your group of younger dragons. A cursed dragon has created an indestructible golden body for each person by his own ability. All kinds of achievements have been recorded in the "10,000 reasons", how about you? Pulling out a team is not enough to see. The orthodox dragon is better than the cursed dragon.

Don't hurry to grow stronger? Don't think about sleeping all day long, eating passive heritage becomes stronger.

In short, the dragon senior executives have made corresponding plans for some of the things that may happen afterwards, and they can also encourage the descendants of the dragon family by the way. Very good, now? Now there is the cursed dragon of Zheng Yichen. With their eyes open and their eyes closed, they can be regarded as a role model of the dragon family, which can stimulate the role model of the young dragon family.

As for Augusta's Buddha's house fat dragon, forget it...

"Ahhh~ God is refreshing, the pressure is reduced, and comfortable~" In the underground base, Zheng Yichen stretched his body lazily. From now on, the potential enemy of the Dragon race has been able to ignore it, of course, climbing the technology to develop war weapons This project will not be cut off.

The imaginary enemy is not only the Dragon Clan. He will have more troubles in the future. According to the content of the contract, the Dragon Clan will not become one of the interceptors at that time, but will not directly help him unless Zheng Yichen can take it out. The price for their hearts, or the patriarch's special foresight on the side of the dragon, is willing to invest in a cursed dragon at that time.

It’s like the association of the Potions Master, although it’s quite famous, but at that time the influence is the same thing, unless the Great Wall at the border can stand up, but the Great Wall at the border doesn’t care about the world, just stares at the entrance to the abyss. Then one acre and three points of land, the forces of the whole continent also hope that they will continue to maintain this fine tradition.

It’s okay to stare over there, and everyone will support it. From this point, the core of the Great Wall at the border is very accurate in grasping the core, and it’s not that you can focus on the one-third of an acre. Well, there is no such support if you miss the course.

For example, people at the Great Wall at the border are quite successful in buying anything outside. As long as they are used on the Great Wall at the border, they will never be stuck. The three major imperial wars on the mainland have not extended the war to the other side of the Great Wall... …The matter there is not directly related to Zheng Yichen for the time being.

The most comfortable thing for Zheng Yichen is that the pressure is much less. The direct feeling is that the whole person is a little lighter. Anyway, things on the Dragon Clan's side will not be resolved. The future will always be a trouble. It can be solved smoothly, or still get it. Solving this problem with less convenient premises is simply a result of good luck.

Like the situation of the Templar Church and the Dark Church, Zheng Yichen wouldn’t think too much. It’s absolutely impossible for the two to talk like the Dragons. The Dark Church and Zheng Yichen have hatred. The Templar Church is not his. Blindly thinking, let them know that Zheng Yichen is surrounded by a big vote of the witch, over there and Zheng Yichen completely turned over?

Rather than simply turning over the radicals and Zheng Yichen, there is no room for relaxation between the Templar Church and the Dark Church and Zheng Yichen. The Rabster Empire has cooperation with Zheng Yichen, but this cooperation is based on the ability of both parties. If the cooperation between China and Zheng Yichen is weak, this cooperation will soon disappear. Of course, if he has maintained a strong position, the cooperation will continue smoothly.

Even at some point in the future, the Rabster Empire can bring him extra support.

"Alas, the development is still not possible." After a relaxed space walk, Zheng Yichen said with some emotion, Eve couldn't help but rolled his eyes, you can't develop like this, then other forces Is it all waste? It took Zheng Yichen only a few years to do things that other forces could not do for decades, but it is not possible to say that, and the humble is somewhat proud.

"Roll my eyes, I'm talking about facts!" Zheng Yichen glanced at Eve, and said slightly uncomfortably: "You see if we can now fly directly out of the atmosphere, we can wait for a while and wait until disaster After the witch’s hidden danger broke out, at a critical time, we directly showed the underground base. Then, you said that the people on the mainland are thinking about the total destruction of the human race, or do you want to solve us first?"

The spread of the curse of the alien world definitely has the potential to destroy the world, and Zheng Yichen's side is no matter how tossing it. Compared to destroying the world, he is showing the heart of Tissot outside the atmosphere, Rather than constantly being a demon, the contrast between bad and worse is of course to solve the worse first.

It is a pity that Zheng Yichen looked at the test progress in the distant future, and he was quite melancholy. He could not achieve the desired result for a long time. He was also very helpless. In the information provided by the dark witch, the things on the witch’s side may not be It has been stable for too long, and the progress cannot keep up. Even if it can barely pass through the atmosphere, Zheng Yichen will not take risks before the technology is truly mature.

It’s right to pass through the atmosphere, but there must be a new unknown situation there, and the preparation is not enough. How to solve it when the time comes? Take the top of your head? So he could only miss such a good opportunity.

"Hey? It turns out that what you care about is this. Since you have such an idea, why don't you just wait until the catastrophe of the historical fault comes? The time of occurrence will definitely be far away?"

"Huh, if that kind of thing happened, would our place be the Garden of Eden?"

"You think so beautiful." Eve pouted.

Zheng Yichen didn't care about her weird tone: "You have said so, I don't want to be more beautiful. With Annie here, there has been a historical catastrophe, and even human beings have disappeared. We may be God on our side."

Life witch is not a problem, he still has an undead witch in his pocket, plus emotional witch blending witch and unreal witch, Gee, this series of talents combined, they are not God group.

"There is also a historical fault havoc... It sounds very far away, but no one can be sure whether the cursed alien world associated with the witch is the factor of the historical fault havoc." Zheng Yichen said that he looked up and down at Eve: "Speaking of your ability to cut off, can you cut off the connection between the Witched Witch and the Cursed World?"

"I can cut it, but I can't cut it. I'm not sure." Eve didn't say too much at this time, mainly because she was cursed by the outside world. She didn't understand it, knowing how troublesome the thing was, and the source of the thing was An outside world, let her cut off the fate line of some people, a certain part of the fate line is easy, it is really not easy to cut off the connection involving an outside world, or related to the witch.

She can cut, but others can also resist. At that time, it was a fight on the strength level. No matter how unique the power is, there is a relativity. It is true that water can overcome fire, but the intensity of fire is high enough. Easily restrain the water, it is also a sprouting seedling. The normal caster put it out and throws it into the sea. It is gone. Ilin rubbed out a sprouting seedling and threw it into the sea, not to mention that the whole sea was evaporated and it was heated. The bubbling is still possible.

Under such circumstances, how could Eve say too much? Relatively speaking, it's fine, but it is difficult to do so if you have a chance.

"That's not bad, Gee, I always felt that the witches who survived now seem to have special characteristics." Zheng Yichen couldn't help saying.

None of her witches showed a thoughtful look, and regarded the hints in his words as a deaf ear. Anne looked at Zheng Yichen strangely embarrassed. Out of the goodwill of the young elders, she opened her mouth to break the embarrassment of Zheng Yichen. : "It is inevitable to have characteristics. You don't know the extension of the witch's ability, you can involve a lot of aspects, so we are here, you will produce a kind of complementary and normal."

"In the era of witch prosperity, you will only feel that everything is more abundant."

"Unfortunately you are left now."

"This is a good thing." Luo Lisi said.

Zheng Yichen nodded a little helplessly, okay, it is indeed a good thing. The witch has died more, and the remaining witch is not much. In the future, the resistance will be much less when doing big things. Why would the Witch Alliance collapse? In addition to the reason for the curse of destiny, it is not that they are not united enough. If they are united enough, they will not collapse so quickly. They could not be united before, and now they cannot be united.

When he wants to go to heaven in the future, he will inevitably have a fight with some witches. At that time, God’s trouble is still a little bit better...

But think about the witches are beautiful girls, this seems a little pity?

"Alas, this is what happened to the Dragon Clan. I went to the ancient ruins and quickly moved all the books over there. The rest is the doll." Zheng Yichen muttered, the Dragon Clan was fine, this paragraph In time, as long as they don’t want to return to the mainland, they will continue to be in front of the background wall, although Zheng Yichen is now a prestige shop similar to the game in the Dragons.

But this is not used in a short time. The existence of the Dragon Realm Zheng Yichen has understood that it is one of the few derivative worlds in this world. The derivative world knows from the name, there may be a complete ecosystem inside, but the overall resources Definitely no match for the main world, what native products can the Dragons have? There are many ways for normal materials, and there are ways for special materials. Where are the dragons, they can also provide themselves with dragon scales, dragon blood, dragon claws?

He also has these, plus the existence of the witch of life, Zheng Yichen can even speak quite arrogantly, right? Say, how many barrels do you want?

Longjing? Uh...he did a detailed examination for himself. The dragon in this world does not seem to have the crystalline substance in the body. Zheng Yichen has already talked about this topic. Anne said that if she really wants to operate, it is very feasible. Although It means a bit of stones, but Anne has seen some Xiuxian in the hidden snow area of ​​Zheng Yichen's illusory world. Occasionally, he has heard the life witch and pure witch talk about this topic.

What Jindan Yuanying... The magic core of Warcraft or something, it is also possible to say that it is a stone, but the operation value of that kind of thing is also there. After all, the upper limit of solid crystal storage energy is higher, although the body is the best container for storing magic Yes, but no matter how you say it, there is an upper limit. Witches like this can't talk about it, normal people certainly have.

Continue to become stronger can break this upper limit, but it is not so easy to increase the strength after reaching a certain level. If you want to continue to strengthen, crystallization power is not a special option. Crystallizing your own power means that you can break the upper limit. Store your own strength in a higher concentration.

The rudimentary form of this kind of statement has existed for a long time, but it is not a "stone" inside the body, but some kind of "bag" in the body of Warcraft. Although the bag is an organ in the body, it has strength. It is several times higher than the defense of the body's outer skin, or even a dozen times. That kind of thing can make Warcraft excess storage magic power, but it does not reach the magic core.

In the case of Yilin, each of Yilin’s own hair is actually a kind of magical crystallization, which is also regarded as a spiritual “magic core”. Zheng Yichen proposed only a relatively new concept, the actual The operability is not so high, just like some special toys.

Wealthy people can’t use it, and they can’t afford it without money. Powerful existence has a better way to store magic power. Ninety-nine percent of people with average strength can’t reach their storage limit for magic power, Warcraft? This is also the case for most of Warcraft. Under normal circumstances, it is enough to store the magic power in the body. Why should we sort out a magic core and create a disguised weakness?

Of course, there is really a kind of cultivation method that allows people to achieve the kind of body that can't normally bear greater power. Whether it is the operation of Jindan or Magic Core, the specific use is considered good, People really don't need it, so this project that Zheng Yichen had been looking forward to was so inexplicable.

Occasionally he said it, but Anne made it very clear that there is no problem with research, but who uses it? It doesn’t even make sense to use it without conditions. If Zheng Yichen wants to use it, first let her magic power rise to a level that her body can’t bear. If it reaches that level, she doesn’t mind. Work hard to help Zheng Yichen research.

Isn't that what the strongman is doing? Zheng Yichen often uses magic to do some delicate work. UU reads the book so he has a fairly good understanding of his magic level. The dragon race itself is a long blue bar. Based on his own understanding of his magic, he wants to reach the body. Unable to bear the standard, he tried to find a way to make his magical power available, not when it was brought up before, but now.

The current sloppy increase in the upper limit of the magic power can almost reach the standard that the body cannot bear.

The strength of the dragon's body is beyond imagination. At that time, Zheng Yichen may increase the upper limit of the body's strength and increase the requirements by several times. However, in the past, there was not much research in this area. Later, Zheng Yichen pondered it. There have also been new discoveries. It does not need to be a hundred times, and a 50% discount is almost the same. After all, the magic is not only related to the body, but also the soul. The body is an additional expansion container.

If only the soul is left, part of the magic power will be lost. Of course, if the soul is strong enough, the magic power can be completely retained. According to the strength of Zheng Yichen’s soul, the existing magic power will be completely out of control if it is enhanced by more than fifty times. It is good to be able to compress the magic power in the form of magic core...


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