Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1447: The more people, the better

"It's too much! This dragon is really not exposed based on the position of the body, all kinds of freewheeling!" The dark church station, the high-rise stationed here is gloomy, there are too many people on their side who want to calculate this Long, even if some of the high IQs involved are present, there is no good way.

In the final analysis, this dragon is too serious, and people are directly involved in a faceless doppelganger activity. What is the good calculation? It should be said how to find the calculated opportunity? If you can't find it, there is nothing to say. It's a good idea to start with the people around him, but all the people around him are ruthless.

Conspiracy calculations, this dragon's golden body has been built successfully, calculations may not be useful, even if the calculations are successful, according to his current style of behavior, how to say, calculations, if he calculates, he will flip the table, not giving opportunities , Even the calculated person will be remembered by this dragon, and then get mad revenge, now in the era of magical network, some things are quite easy to investigate, the more important thing is that this dragon has invited the fate witch once, Could you please invite me a second time?

So it is too unacceptable to say such things as prophecy. It would be nice if there wasn't this... well, it would be better if no one else had, just on your own side!

Although everyone else thinks so, but the double label has been inscribed in DNA since ancient times. In short, for various reasons, even if the person has some ability, he can’t directly kill the dragon, then Then we must consider the result of this dragon's crazy revenge. This dragon's wholehearted revenge can really make any big force hurt and even weaken.

No one had believed this before, but this dragon took less than ten years to reach such a high level... horror is absolutely impossible... cough, the other party has stayed and can't be broken.

"People can be immune to prophecy, can you?" Another senior executive looked at his colleague with a look of incompetence and anger. The latter's face was colder. This is the most fundamental reason. Immunization oracle means the dragon Can you always do whatever you want in this regard, tracking? The alchemy avatar he got out can open a new workshop that can be operated remotely. What's the point of tracking?

When I traced it, it was also an automated workshop. I couldn't find anything substantial, otherwise the dark church suffocated to the present? After discovering the dragon's nest, of course, he was solved or controlled by thunder.

Instead of letting this dragon continue to develop.

"So, what's your opinion about what happened this time? Agree?"

"Huh! Agree..."

The meeting continued for two days, and Zheng Yichen got what he wanted... Although it feels a pity, it is twice as much, but it is OK. Anyway, several results are pre-conceived, no matter what Either can be accepted, as it is now, to the extent of winning the lottery, it is enough to achieve the goal.

"Then there is such a contract!" A contract with super-restrictions can be accepted by everyone, that is, Zheng Yichen will not be blocked in the future when he enters the treasure house, but he did not say after entering. What, on this point, made those forces less rash.

After one or two frustrations, this dragon directly added the relevant requirements, and then it would be nonsense, even if it was not added, another one said that he was a little uncomfortable and let them give extra money directly, which is also a loss.

All in all, this is all right now. There is nothing else to say. Keep the current state. After the treasure trove is opened, the exploration in it depends on the ability. It should be said that everyone present will not really think that there will not be inside the treasure trove. Any protection? ?

"Very well, since everyone agrees, then I have nothing to say. Come and see the resonance detection skills in this space magic~"

In the face of the impenetrable outer space protection, if you want to make a breakthrough from the outside, the method is difficult. Space-level protection does not really achieve the strength of the space in the environment, but fixes that part of the space. , Forming a protection similar to the air wall in the game.

The intensity is very high, but it is man-made. In theory, it can reach the intensity of the environmental space. In fact, it is not a star, but even most of it has exploded most of the protection methods. The most important thing is this This kind of protection is'attribute-free', space-level no-attribute, whether it is fire wind or water ice in the air, the output results are almost the same, anyway, it is explosion, cutting, water, and freezing.

The space environment is treated equally, and the space-level protection is like this. It is not subject to any extra restraint from attacks. No matter what kind of attack, except for the same type of attacks, other types can only exert the most basic effects and are extremely difficult to be cracked. However, it is more difficult to achieve, and it is more difficult than blocking the enchantment. A strong blocking enchantment has a more demanding energy requirement.

Space protection has the characteristics of a normal space environment. You output the output. As long as it does not reach that critical point, it will be ignored by the space environment. This kind of space protection is also the same. The protection resistance of the blockade is hard absorption. The space protection is the kind with a high amount of relief.

The attack intensity below XXXX is completely ignored, because it is directly reduced and ignored, so it will not bring any additional consumption to this layer of space protection, and it will not meet the requirements. No matter how powerful the attack is scratching, just output it, don’t think With constant high-strength strikes, the power to maintain space protection will be exhausted. There is no such situation!

It is not without reason to put the space protection on the second layer. The first layer of adaptive protection enchantment is more able to eliminate those who attack the enchantment. The second layer is really used to delay time. Anyway, yours The failure to meet the upper limit of the attack is in vain. When the required reduction is reached, the fixed reduction directly becomes a high percentage reduction, which will consume the energy to maintain the protection, but this is still space-level protection, plus a high percentage reduction. , To what extent can you toss?

It takes a long time to break.

This is the advantage of space protection, and there are no special effects at the disadvantage. If you go back to trouble, even if you are holding a cannon to bombard it, you will not counterattack and counterattack according to the form of attack like an adaptive protection enchantment. Bian is accepting all orders regardless of any attack. You will beat me as soon as you get it. I will not fight back.

This is the most troublesome. In short, take this protection and block the enchantment and compare it. Let’s see where it is used. It is better to use the blocking enchantment at the entrance of the abyss. The strength of the blockade is also high enough. At the same time, it can give additional effects and produce a strong suppression effect on abyss creatures. Even if the abyss creature breaks through the blockade, it will be greatly weakened within the enchantment, and the weaker ones will be directly wiped out.

There is no way to break this protection. The library has relevant knowledge. Although it is not directly mentioned, the ancient space magic still gives them great inspiration, plus Zheng Yichen’s way of doing harm I discovered the internal structure of the space protection directly, which is equivalent to taking the answer to understand the formula. The arithmetic person is not without any basic scum. After having an answer, the formula of the process is easy to get.

Anyway, I already know what the answer is. The rest is to ensure that the calculated formula is correct. It doesn’t matter if you are troublesome, the key is to be correct, and you can get such an answer!

After listening to the space magic skills given by Zheng Yichen, people of all forces suddenly realized why this dragon was so kind this time. The way he gave was very effective, but the space magician who listened to it immediately I judged that the shortcomings of this method are a waste of time...

The unique resonance method that can be used only through the space magic skills, and resonance with the space protection, penetrate the layer of protection to understand the internal space node structure, and then slowly explored clearly, then use the same type of large-scale interference, thus Let this space protection collapse, it is very simple to sum up, to practice... Ha ha, one or two people a year and a half do not want to get a substantial result.

Of course, if the number of people increases, this time will also be greatly reduced. The more the number of people decreases, the higher the degree of reduction. If it is faster, there will be results in one day, but the problem is that the forces on the scene can’t bring out so much space magic. Technician, not to mention one day, it is still possible to guarantee the result within half a month.

As for leaving this dragon alone, let him be exhausted.

The people who knew the truth cracked together in their hearts. They knew that they should be stuck with the dragon, and they wouldn’t be given such good conditions. Now it’s okay. It’s too late to say anything. The contract has also been signed, and it is impossible to regret it later. Well, since that is the case, then start the operation well and strive for a tangible result as soon as possible.

However, for this reason, the development work on the library side has been halted, and all the space magicians there have been withdrawn. The main strategy is to attack the treasure house, and try to knock this in the shortest time. Of course, some people want to dominate the library first.

But this is about a problem that Zheng Yichen repeatedly emphasized before. They are not in line. Furthermore, the protection on the side of the library is similar to that on the side of the treasure house. If the library is wrong, it will damage the books, and the error outside. There will not be too many things happening, so in comparison, the final result will naturally be the treasure trove.

Zheng Yichen also actively participated in it. By the way, all the counterfeit books on the library side were updated. Anyway, there was no one there. The efficiency of doing this is of course high!

Don’t wait until there is any breakthrough progress on the side of the treasure house, the things on the library side have already been taken care of by him, and wait for the group of people to ponder slowly with a pile of divine books in the future...even if it is discovered in the future In light of the truth, he also eats and wipes away everything.

After getting things done in the library, the rest is the treasure house. I have to say that the operation of a large group of space magicians with full firepower has brought a lot of inspiration to Zheng Yichen, who is just getting started. The witch There is plenty of high-end knowledge there, but there is still a lot of merit in the performance of everyone's brainstorming here.

When he is free, he finds space magicians at rest and babbles some things. Those space magicians also have their own ideas. Naturally communicate with Zheng Yichen a lot. The learning period of space magic is very long and it is difficult to get started. This dragon has been getting started after only a few years of tossing? In addition, he learned the knowledge of the deputy vocational system, which distracted his energy. It would only be more difficult to get started, but he was still successful.

Let’s take a look at the space magicians here. They are generally more than fifty years old. Although they have a special power to make them look young, but no matter how young, the actual age is there. Zheng Yichen wants to get it. With the experience of each of them, they also want to learn about the space magic skills belonging to the witch from Zheng Yichen...

I want to go further.

So there is nothing shameful about purposeful communication. On the contrary, this is a very serious communication, and the people behind them all have similar ideas, so they are in a default state for this communication.

"It's so fast..." Zheng Yichen reached out and touched the space barrier in front of him. With a lot of space magicians working day and night, the stability of these protections declined linearly. It's like touching a thick layer of steel plate, but now it's touching a steel plate that is under high-frequency vibration. If it keeps shaking, it won't take long for this layer of space protection to fail.

Um... The method is very effective, and it can be effective when there are many people. It looks like a targeted method. UU reads www.uukanshu. com but it has effect in this kind of scene, other places? Where is the ink of this time in other places, half a month! Only half a month can have such an effect. If someone looks at it, it will take a day or two to kill all the space magicians in less than half a month.

It’s also because this place is a relic, not a place where ancient creatures continue to control, so there is no danger of tossing around in many places. If ancient creatures exist, it should be a little longer for such a long time, and the danger of the remains is not Dangerous, dangerous ones are unknown magic traps or techniques, and the non-dangerous place is naturally the ruins, so the people who built the ruins are obviously finished.

What can function is passive protection, not active protection that requires someone to actively open the control. Now Zheng Yichen can’t figure out whether there are other special attacks in this ruin. It’s just that no one controls and uses them. Things are silent, not useful at all.

"Thirty-five days' time...... Everyone will have their own skills." Zheng Yichen rubbed his hands and did not hide his voice. Others heard it as if they hadn't heard it. Are you ready? No one...


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