Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1494: New insider

I don’t know, I don’t know. This is also a good thing for Zheng Yichen. Zheng Yichen doesn’t mind leaving a shop in this place. Anyway, there are so many potions that need to be tested and one more shop like this is not a loss. There is no direct connection on the mainland, but there is money here, how do you say? The patriarch of the dragon clan of an earth-based dragon might have something to do with it in some places. The patriarch of the dragon clan, in other words, is the current dragon king.

The earth dragon sounds too bad, the dragon king or something, at least it is also a golden dragon, silver dragon, etc.? A giant dragon with a few colors of Tubula, tut, here this dragon is indeed the best patriarch of the dragon clan as a whole. There are many things that Tubula can do. If it is not a dragon but a mouse, it can be renamed. For the treasure hunter, the earth dragon directly resonates with the earth and can easily find the veins hidden under the earth.

The current patriarch of the dragon clan can hardly shake the space rift, and naturally has the ability to quietly remove some of the discovered veins and move it to the dragon world. Well, although it is a guess, why can’t I do what I can do? What? The richness of the dragon world also needs to be maintained, so there is a mysterious shop here. In daily life, there is a ghost maid lady who is doing maintenance work here, but in less than two days, the ghost maid ran over to report some The problem is that there are too many female dragons who have been looking for Zheng Yichen recently.

She couldn't even bear the pressure, the boss, please go over quickly...Then this ghost maid was dispatched by Loris, shifts are fine, but don't think too much about other things, their boss is very busy.

Zheng Yichen is indeed very busy. After exchanging information from the dragon clan, after obtaining some sealing magic, he increased relevant research. The sealing magic is indeed very good. The dragon clan said that the thing is the most advanced sealing magic over there. After the appraisal of, Zheng Yichen believed that it was indeed the most advanced seal magic of the dragon clan, but the problem was that this seal magic was incomplete.

"This is a comprehensive seal magic. It can not only affect the power of destiny, but also cover other aspects. I suspect that the dragons can survive the historical fault catastrophe by relying on this sealing magic." After Yi Lin passed the appraisal Said that after she learned a lot of ancient magic, she had a new accumulation to have such a judgment. Otherwise, it would be difficult to study it thoroughly if it was replaced with the previous one. Now that there is a comparison, it is easy to judge this There are some specific traces of magic.

It is a kind of ancient magic.

"In other words..."

"No." Yilin shook her head, saying that Zheng Yichen thinks a little bit now. This seal magic is only part of it. Generally speaking, it may not even reach one-tenth of the full version. It was specially picked out by the Dragon Race. Although it is enough in such a part, Zheng Yichen is not very useful in other places, let alone study something from it. Their research on ancient magic is too bad. .

However, with this sealing magic as a reference, Irene can also make greater progress in sealing magic. At the moment, the main thing is to fully understand this sealing magic. According to her research, this sealing magic has been able to let them do it here. Something that couldn't be done before: "Dan Marina is on the way back. After she comes back, the research progress of this seal magic can also be accelerated."

Dan Marina is very concerned about this sealing magic. After all, this thing directly affects the Internet of Destiny. It is something that is quite restrained for her. It is not good to learn and master, what if you lose money in the future?

"In short, if you can't make up this magic, it won't reach the level you imagined, so don't think too much."

"Oh, you are always so realistic." Zheng Yichen shook his head, and said with a slight pity. The Dragon Clan was able to pick out this magic because the threat of the doll was big enough, otherwise he could take out this kind of thing? I'm afraid it's not the same as the dragon clan chief. If you want to get this thing, it will be very expensive. Now you can get it. White prostitution makes people happy.

"Speaking of the research thoroughly, can you eliminate the doll?"

Irene shook her head: "This thing is just sealing magic, not a magic that can directly obliterate certain things. Don't think too much about that kind of good thing, you can't do it."

She also felt it was a pity. The strength of the magic seal is enough, but the lethality is basically zero, and there is no effect of killing something over time. It can be said that the essence of this magic is to protect something. The form of the seal specifically protects something. This is also the basis for Yilin to judge that this seal magic is the dragon who survived the historical fault catastrophe.

It’s a pity that it’s not complete. This seal magic is too complicated, and it’s difficult for her to perfect it. If it is forcibly perfected, it will only be a simple imitation, and it will not produce something truly similar to the original. After all, the dragons are ancient. Even if they have gone through ancient historical faults, they have lost a lot. Even the modern dragons have no ancient experience. All cognition is obtained from the inherited knowledge.

But since the inherited knowledge is preserved, it means that the true heritage of the dragons is also preserved. Under that premise, even if there is no ancient dragon in the dragons, it does not matter. Inherited knowledge can meet all the needs of modern dragons.

"Look for opportunities to say hello to the Dragons in the future." Zheng Yichen whispered. Anyway, the affairs of the Dragons have been dealt with almost now. The exchange of a lot of information makes both parties seem very happy. The Dragons got them. Part of the inheritance memory of Zheng Yichen, and Zheng Yichen also got some things recorded in the inheritance memory of the dragon family. Both parties were very happy, and some topics were also discussed. Zheng Yichen directly said that he was very interested in ancient information, and even Interested in ancient dragons.

The dragon clan directly stated that there are no ancient dragons anymore. The oldest dragon clan was born after an ancient historical fault. At that time, there were no adult dragons in the dragon world, and some were just young dragons, living in a rich environment. The young dragon, the surrounding environment is rich, and the wisdom given to the dragons by inherited knowledge, even the new dragons will not be foolish and ignorant to act on instinct. At that time, the dragons only had new dragons. After a long time, the new dragons will grow up. When they got up, they became the first batch of newly born adult dragons in the dragon world, and this part of the adult dragons came into contact with the inheritance memory of the dragon family.

I have learned more information, but the inheritance memory of the dragon family is not exhaustive. A lot of ancient knowledge is mentioned, but some important things have been erased, such as the problem of historical faults, and why the dragon family The ancient dragons are all gone, etc. It took thousands of years for adult dragons to learn and pass on knowledge to break away from the dragon world. This part of the dragon clan patriarch summarized in one sentence, but Zheng Yichen felt that the process must have something to do with the sealing magic.

It may be a powerful seal that restricts all dragons to the dragon world. The environment here in the dragon world is rich, and the reproduction speed of the dragon clan is not fast. This will not cause the dragon clan to be trapped in the dragon world, and it will also cause self-mutilation fights. .

"So, what do you think of the ancient historical fault?" The dragon clan chief looked at Zheng Yichen with his huge eyes open. In the conference hall of the dragon clan, they would not use polymorphism to change their shape, even if they are all polymorphism. It is also a custom to maintain the status of the deity here. After all, the physique and strength of the dragon clan are related. Maintaining the deity can more clearly divide this point. Zheng Yichen is an exception. If you keep the human form, it is a human form. Going back through the bloodline, it is not a modern dragon at all, it is an ancient dragon.

Although it is a little dragon, the result of blood traceability is like this. This is definitely not said by the dragon clan, and it has no meaning if it is said, but it will make all dragons entangled.

"Well, there must be a reason for it. There is a **** generation above the ancient times, and there are historical faults in the **** generation. There are also ancient times. It may be a period of time before our era will become the next generation of ancient times." Zheng Yichen said, from the dragon side. Obviously, he was aware of certain situations, and even because of these situations, Zheng Yichen directly began to reveal some content that would not have been told to him.

"Really?" The dragon patriarch looked around. The other dragon elders hesitated slightly, spread their wings and flew away from the conference hall. In the end, only the dragon patriarch and the major elder and the second elder, the patriarch were left. Continue to say: "In the memory of inheritance, some important information has been erased. The information is erased naturally. It will not be the hands of outsiders. Only the dragon can do it. That is to say, our elders thought Some things are to be kept, but after consideration, those things are erased."

"I have been trying to restore that part of the inherited knowledge, but the restoration is limited."

"What do you mean is that the erased information is not really erased, can it be restored?" Zheng Yichen immediately figured out what the dragon clan chief meant.

He nodded: "It is true, but it is difficult to restore it. I and some tribesmen worked together to restore and only recovered a little. Presumably this is what the elders did to protect us... If we have the ability If it is completely restored, then it means that we are able to deal with certain problems."

"Although only part of it has been restored, we also know that historical faults are not a natural transition. The most likely cause is some kind of disaster. What we know now is to be alert to any ancient relics! So, a complete What do you know about the ancient ruins?"

"I want complete sealing magic." Zheng Yichen said after thinking for a while. During this time of thinking, he had quickly discussed with the witches of the underground base a result. The dragon race knew more things than they thought. In other words, the elders of the dragon clan left them enough legacy. They don't know about the historical fault catastrophe, but according to some backup data restored from the inherited knowledge, even a small amount can be analyzed and guessed.

After all, the good times have continued. Suddenly, there is a fault. The first thing that people think of is the disaster. The disaster of the mass extinction of living things, combined with the original situation of the dragon world, a dragon world that only had dragon eggs at the beginning , After a little thought, you can think of some things. They let Zheng Yichen know such important information before, and those information are probably for the present showdown.

"..." The three dragons exchanged their eyes, and the second elder said: "It's worth the money, right?"

"I will tell you everything I know, but you can't let more beings know, at least not now."

"When will it be possible?" the elder asked.

Zheng Yichen curled his lips slightly: "There is no accurate time."

It's not that simple if you want to play with him.

"So, let's get started. This sealing magic is called "Fengjie"." The dragon clan chief nodded slightly, and said directly, the name is very simple, but this magic is the top seal magic in the dragon inheritance knowledge. This is the seal that allowed the new generation of dragons to forcibly block the dragon world for thousands of years. They learned to grow, and it took so long to open this seal magic and see the sun again.

Well, it’s a little useless to say that the dragon clan is very useless, so put it another way, the dragon world was too rich at the beginning, a large number of new-generation dragons have spent thousands of years just living freely in the dragon world. That is to say, I learned a lot later and gained a higher vision before I came into contact with the magic of the dragon world. It didn’t really take thousands of years to run out...

"Okay." Zheng Yichen smiled and began to talk about the historical fault catastrophe. Zheng Yichen didn't intend to let outsiders know about this matter, but the things that the Dragon Clan took out are really fragrant, and the Dragon Clan There are corresponding records here. People have already touched some corners and corners of this incident. It doesn’t hurt to know some. Moreover, according to the Dragon Clan chief, if the deleted part of their inheritance memory is restored, the same Be able to know about the historical fault and catastrophe.

So on the whole, it is worthwhile to exchange outdated information on the dragon side for important things sooner or later someday. The key is whether the dragon side is willing to exchange that magic with a chance operation, but The Dragon Clan actually agreed to it. One can imagine how long they are about this matter, or the high level of the Dragon Clan, the clan leader of the Dragon Clan does not want to continue exploring the unknown that takes a long time to figure out.

This is not to say that I want to make tricks, but I want to figure it out earlier and I can prepare earlier.

Zheng Yichen said in detail about the catastrophe of the historical fault. He even took out the records in the ancient library to enhance the persuasiveness. The calm eyes of the dragon clan chief is also difficult to maintain. No wonder the inherited knowledge about historical faults A large number of things have been erased, and it can be recovered but the recovery is extremely difficult, and it is almost impossible to recover normally. The problems involved are too big.

The strength is not enough to recover normally. Yes, they don’t seem to have a good way to deal with the problem... After all, the ancient races with a higher overall level have studied the historical fault catastrophe, and even captured the factors of the historical fault catastrophe, but still With the emergence of the historical fault catastrophe, it disappeared, and even only one ancient ruin was left, and this ancient ruin can be preserved. According to Zheng Yichen’s analysis and research, it is also because there is a historical catastrophe inside that ruin. Only retained.

Otherwise, why is there only such an ancient ruin?

The ancient races have failed. How should the modern races work hard? The dragon race has long discovered the problem of the world's power level decline. With this decline, their bloodline power is also declining. The gradual scarcity of that kind of genius is the best proof. When the new dragon race returned to the mainland, at that time There are too many geniuses for human activities, and the magic power used is close to the level of ancient magic.

There is no magic with such fancy operations as modern magic. A magic array of modern magic can be complicated with thousands of strokes and tens of thousands of strokes. In ancient magic levels, the corresponding patterns can be achieved by comparing a few hundred strokes or even dozens of strokes. Even beyond the effect, even more do not need that thing. At that time, the biological talents of the whole continent were too good, but now, the talents are not enough, and only skills can be used to make up for the lack of talents.

"According to the information you provided, the dragon race can survive, probably because our elders sacrificed..." The dragon patriarch's eyes were low. At the beginning, there were only dragon eggs in the dragon world, and there was no ancient dragon in the world. , The externally strengthening seal magic temporarily removed the dragon world from the net of destiny. At first, this operation was a bit fascinating. Combined with the information provided by Zheng Yichen, the meaning of the operation was very clear. The dragon world has become truly isolated from the world, allowing the dragon world to avoid the catastrophe of historical faults.

As for how the elders of the dragon tribe count their time, this is an unknown situation. The modern dragon tribe will not know it, nor will Zheng Yichen know it, but they know that there is a historical fault catastrophe on the ancient ruins, the doll.

"Don't you think about taking over the ancient ruins?"

"..." The patriarch of the dragon clan glanced at Zheng Yichen, stretched out his huge claws, buckled in a gap between his scales, and buckled out a gray ball of light and threw it over, the ball of light quickly Shrinking, when flying to Zheng Yichen's side, it has been reduced to the size of an ordinary person's fist: "The inherited knowledge of the sealed world is complicated, but it will not be too difficult to learn with your talent."

"The most is to spend a little more time, the last thing the dragons lack is time."

"You have so much confidence in me." Zheng Yichen looked at the thing in his hand, the tooth flakes were a little bit painful, he just injected his mental power into it a little bit, and immediately don't feel the inherited knowledge in it. It's just a seal magic, complete "sealing" magic, the meaning of the dragon clan chief is also very clear, the dragon clan will not interfere in all aspects, he has his own concerns, the dragon clan can indeed interfere strongly. But after the intervention?

Others will also want to clarify some things. Explain... Hey, there are some things. When there are few people who know, those hidden dangers seem to be non-existent. They can't be found. Once the secret becomes unsecret At that time, those hidden dangers were just like bamboo shoots after the rain, jumping outside. Now there are few people who know about the historical fault catastrophe, and there may be nothing or too big a thing to happen. After more people know, even if they are away. There is still a long time before the arrival of the historical fault catastrophe, and it will become like a catastrophe, as if it may appear at any time.

In such a situation, some people will die again.

So let’s keep the status quo. The doll on the ancient ruins has been suppressed very well. Although there is something wrong with the dungeon, Zheng Yichen has been repaired. Not to mention 8,000 years, normally a few thousand years. Can it be maintained? After all, there is this kind of blessing with fixed time on the ancient ruins, uh, pseudo-time fixed blessing, the existence of outside activities will not be affected, but the parts belonging to the ancient ruins have such blessings, so I don’t worry about ancient times. The ruins will be destroyed.

As long as no one is involved, Zheng Yichen is here to concentrate on learning the magic of sealing the world. After a lot of testing, find the opportunity to start with that doll. When learning, he can collect more information and perform more on the doll. Wouldn't it be better to understand some?

"Of course, you are a genius. When learning this magic, if you have any doubts, you can come to me directly." The dragon patriarch nodded and said, and then this meeting was completely over. Zheng Yichen needed to digest his own gains, dragons. This side also needs to digest the information obtained from Zheng Yichen.

Historical fault How the dragons kept their descendants to survive in the first place, they don’t know, but they don’t know, they are not sure that they can survive similar situations in the same way. The hundreds of races are extinct, and the dragon race can succeed. In addition to proper preparations, luck is also very important. Otherwise, there will not be only a few races at the top of the continent, but among the top races, the truly complete ones are also It's the Dragon Clan, so... the next historical fault catastrophe really occurs, how should the Dragon Clan survive?

The level of power in the world is declining, and the decline has a great impact on strength. Some things that the elders of the dragon clan can do, in modern terms, they can only say that they cannot reproduce the glory of their ancestors... …

Compared with such an important piece of information, the identity of Zheng Yichen, the cursed dragon, is really irrelevant. The cursed dragon is a taboo of the dragon clan, but it is considered a hairy in comparison with the continuation of the entire race. What is really important is to think The way to trace the root cause of the catastrophe is to eliminate the cause of the historical fault catastrophe. It is only a temporary solution. If the problem is not found from the root, accidents will still occur in the future.

Although this is difficult, even the ancient races did not do it, but they still have to do it.


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