Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1499: All kinds of righteousness

War brings not only casualties, but also a kind of pressure to promote improvement. Born from worry, under the pressure of war, the potential of many people is squeezed out. Those who want to avoid disasters will work hard to avoid disasters. People who want revenge because of war will work hard, those who want to make a fortune through war will also work hard, all kinds of people will work hard because of the pressure of war, and if they work hard, a kind of talent will be produced. What happened.

The Labster Empire discovered a lot of talents in this war. If these talents did not work hard enough in the war years, they would not come out. Therefore, after the magic technology reached a certain level in this war, It was an opportunity for the Labster Empire. It was not so easy to end, and the war successfully distracted many people's attention, making the reform of the Labster Empire smoother.

At present, this kind of reform has indeed brought great help to the empire, so some resistance disappeared. At the same time, the magic technology brought a new big cake, and the resistance to the reform of the Labster Empire was even greater. It is low, anyway, it is not as big as it was at the beginning. It requires the emperor of the empire to be tough to proceed. Therefore, for various reasons, this war will not end easily!

After the end, they will not have such a rapid motivation for progress and the conditions for improving technological development so easily.

Don’t want to end the war in recent years. After it is over, the Labster Empire takes the initiative to start a new war? Please, the Obu Empire has already become this villain, why do they jump out and become the second villain? Of course they want to take advantage of the current state of being roughly evenly matched to maintain the direction of the war, and they will find ways to drag the Obu Empire to end.

Of course, procrastination is procrastination. Some operations will not be so obvious. Because of the reform, the national cohesion of the Labster Empire has greatly increased, and the status of civilians has also risen a lot, and many things are more important. Talk about human rights, so the reasons for maintaining the war should be used a little bit better. Anyway, it is the Obu Empire that started the war in the first place.

"In fact, the war has been maintained very well. The Chaos Witch is planning to support a small country alliance. You know this."

"Tsk... the United Nations?" Zheng Yichen chuckled. He doesn't like war. Although the position is high enough to allow him to look at the problem more comprehensively, many times he can't see some minor problems, such as Speaking of the situation where the family is destroyed and the wives are scattered, what he sees at this position is more big data information.

You can't see it directly, but it doesn't mean that Zheng Yichen doesn't know this. How much similar information have you seen on the network before crossing? It was all brought by the war. Although I was not directly on the scene, I felt quite uncomfortable just looking at the information. Now? Now he has adapted to the state of a different world, and even cut a lot of people with his own hands. Although most of them are cultists, Zheng Yichen, a normal enemy, has not cut much, but he is considered to have seen blood in his hands. It is not uncomfortable to say, but knowing the mentality will still be a little uncomfortable.

So he doesn't like war, but from another perspective, war is indeed beneficial to him...

"Human, hypocritical." Zheng Yichen muttered, putting aside these thoughts and doing his own things specifically, learn, and learn to forget these superfluous things, and wait until his side has really developed to be able to do casual activities in broad daylight. He is the brightest star in the world. You must first check with him about war and everything. After all, Zheng Yichen at that time was going to make a big deal. Knowing that he wanted to do something. When a major event occurs, those who start the war will be quite uneasy. First of all, it is necessary to figure out what Zheng Yichen intends to do. As for the normal war or something, let it go first.

"There is something you want to see."

"What?" Zheng Yichen asked immediately after hearing Lori's words. Lori took care of many things in daily life. There were some things that Zheng Yichen could not think of. She would remind Zheng Yichen. Although she is a very powerful witch, she performed daily. He is like a little secretary, quite reliable.

"You haven't been to the fortress for a long time."

Zheng Yichen knocked on his head. Recently, he has done a lot of things, mainly because of the Dragon Clan’s affairs that keep him busy. After all, he has also opened a store in addition to the information exchange on the Dragon Clan’s side. I have been harassed by many little female dragons every day. Because of the transformation technique, the little female dragons look very beautiful, but there are so many natural witches around them. The allure of those little female dragons... .

In addition to the harassment, Zheng Yichen is still opening up a lot of new businesses, checking the bodies of some little dragons, testing some harmless potions and the like. As long as there is no harm, the senior leaders of the dragon clan will do this. Just opened one eye and closed one eye, Zheng Yichen showed too much value, so the things that he took out and the things he operated on were just like that.

Anyway, the things tested are not too bad for some little dragons, mainly because they have some new potions tested by Zheng Yichen, and they have successfully obtained some permanent characteristics, although most of them are not awakening blood power. That's straightforward, but there are other improvements, such as sharper eyes, stronger elemental perception, and so on.

Although some enhancements are not their own attributes, for example, the water dragon suddenly enhanced some extra perception of the fire element, which is a bit nonsense, but in general there is also an improvement. The water dragon can perceive the fire element more. High, it can be regarded as a kind of promotion, as long as the promotion is not an affinity, a water dragon raises the affinity of the fire element, then it is a real egg pain event.

Fortunately, Zheng Yichen has tossed back to toss, and did not do such a tricky thing. For the elemental dragon, it is a bit of a pit to increase the affinity of the conflict attribute, but the affinity of other elements has nothing to do with it. It can be regarded as a profit if it can improve As for the existence of the black dragon, it really doesn’t matter. The increase in elemental affinity can not only increase its own spellcasting power, but also increase magic resistance accordingly. The black dragon itself is a highly resistant melee giant. Dragon, improve this, even if you don't like magical battles, it can bring extra magic resistance, and the effect is more significant.

So Zheng Yichen easily took away a lot of pocket money from the young generation of dragons. Some new potions were added there. There will always be a group of young dragons running over to take a look. The young dragons are a little impetuous. So, since there is a good channel for improvement, there is a chance of getting a permanent improvement just by drinking two sips, why not take a look? As for the situation where there is no money in the pocket, it is generally impossible to find a parent...

After leaving the stage of the young dragon, the parental management of the dragon clan is very hardcore. Doting? I think too much, if you really do like that, some management of the dragon clan will coordinate it. For the longevity species, this behavior is not good, and it is not like a human being. Doting and crippling the child is like a dozen. Like the scourge of the year, for the Dragon Clan, it would really be a scourge for thousands of years to raise the offspring.

Even if it’s a house dragon like Augusta, it’s just hobbies and so on. The personality is actually pretty good, at least there will be no hidden dangers for the dragons. This is the lowest standard for the dragons. , Of course, if possible, every dragon wants its offspring to reach that high standard, so it is impossible for these new-generation dragons to ask for money. They dare to go back to their parents and ask for money, then A beating is inevitable. The best way is to find a way to make money. There are many ways to make money for the dragons. The easiest way is to buckle some scales from yourself and cut your fingernails. Toe nails, grind off some tooth powder and other operations.

It’s okay to bite your tongue and release some blood if you’re tough. These are some quick ways to get money. This is also the advantage of the dragon clan, but this way is known to their parents and will be beaten. This way The operation of the dragon is indeed quick to make money, but the dragons here said that they have dignity. As a powerful upper race, there are too many ways to make money. At what level will they think about putting their own blood and pulling their own. Nails and scales to sell money? ?

It’s too hip, so under normal circumstances, this situation is absolutely not allowed. Of course, how to deal with the scales that fall naturally is somewhat free, but that is limited to the parts that fall naturally. In this respect, the dragon clan manages very well. Strictly, I have always avoided the kind of dragon that accidentally broke his nails or knocked down its scales because it accidentally "knocked and bumped".

Well, it's similar to the situation of someone falling dead cows every day. The dragons have not been worried here before, but after the village is connected to the Internet, there will be such unhealthy trends. Fortunately, many adult dragons are also idle. Staring at things in this area, itchy hands, scratching one or two, and showing up for a fight, anyway, the dragon clan has a thick skin, and there is no danger of life after one or two beatings, even minor injuries. Yes, unless it is really to the death.

This group of young dragons who had no money began to worry, wondering how to get money faster. Such things as scales, tooth powder, nails, blood, etc. are subject to the rules of the dragon clan and cannot operate additional operations, so they can only... betray their magic. Right?

Anyway, magic power can be regenerated casually, and it is also a cheap thing. The quality of the dragon’s magic power is high. Only a few magic powers of others can be transformed into a general magic power. One dragon’s magic power can be transformed into several shares, and blood is earned. Ah, so many poor young dragons appeared on the dragon clan who looked like adolescents who stayed up all night doing manual work.

Zheng Yichen didn’t know how the faces between the dragons were so bad, but the dragons were able to see it, so in just a few days new rules appeared on the dragons, transforming general magic power? Yes, but the daily conversion is at most one-third. If this share is exceeded, then the beating that belongs to the parents is not to run away. At the same time, the general magic power converted on that day will also be confiscated and replaced with money? Then deduct the money. Anyway, it will be punished. It doesn't matter if it doesn't work, no matter what, a group of dragons will walk like a lot of dragons.

It’s too lost. At the same time, Zheng Yichen has a new understanding of the execution efficiency of the dragon clan. It’s a high one, think about it. There are a lot of dragon clan, but there is only such a clan, and the total number of dragons does not exceed ten. Ten thousand, plus the dragon world is big enough, they live in a region, it is really easy to manage it, the number is there, not a large number of hundreds of thousands of millions, of course the decision is made quickly .

It’s not too bad for the Dragon Clan. Zheng Yichen’s arrival has also successfully made the Dragon Clan’s senior leaders understand some of the shortcomings of the new and modern members of the Dragon Clan. The dragon world has been disconnected from the outside world for too long, so that the modern and new generations The dragon clan of the new generation has very low resistance to the temptation of new things, and has a high degree of love for novel things, so that it can't hold the original heart even if it is slightly tempted by some foreign objects.

All the members of the dragon race are considered rich, not only rich in resources, but also extremely rich in strength. Isn't it enough to be rich when they sleep? But abundance returns to abundance. Some things will happen if you have too little contact with them. If you switch to the older generation of dragons, nothing will happen. The older generations of dragons have all been in contact with the mainland, and which ones have not been seen before. of? Therefore, the resistance is quite strong, and the knowledge of the new generation is mostly written.

It seems to be different. In this regard, we still need to strengthen education. Fortunately, there are many good things in Zheng Yichen’s shop, which can give the new generation of dragons a long experience, so that when they come into contact with the mainland in the future, they will The world of Huahua is deceived, and there is also the illusory world. The situation in the illusion world is not said, the degree of truth inside is increasing day by day, and some of the oldest dragons in the dragon clan now say it is good.

Anyway, with every update, the strength of the illusory world has been substantially enhanced. If it weren’t for subjective understanding, after entering the illusion world, it’s really difficult to tell the difference between the illusion world and reality. The illusion world is even used well. It is completely possible to exile a person quietly, that is, after killing the other party, leaving only one soul into the illusory world.

In the process, it is guaranteed that the other party has lost all consciousness. When the other party wakes up, the first time he will only wonder where he is, instead of immediately knowing that he is in the illusory world. As for the later? That's what I learned after I got in touch with the players. In fact, it's okay to regard the Unreal World as a complete society.

Although it is somewhat different from the situation in the mainland, there are too many types of regions in the Unreal World, but it is actually very good that people who enter the Unreal World can experience more different types of life patterns, even some people are thinking about it. , If you are inevitably dying in reality, it is not impossible to try to enter the illusory world completely after death and start a new life.

As for how long the illusory world can last, the producer who can make the illusion world must be a big man. It's trivial to live for thousands of years, right? As long as the producer is alive, the illusory world will only get higher and higher. As for what is threatened by the producer after entering, is that a thing? He is not a particularly important person, how much threat can threats...

In short, if the dragon wants to enhance the education of the new generation, the illusory world is inevitable. Of course, it must be combined with some real situations. Some rules of the dragon are changing very quickly, and Zheng Yichen is inevitable. Getting busy, first of all, the original standard-specification store has been directly expanded dozens of times, and the Dragon Clan helped to support the construction. Zheng Yichen didn't invest much at all. After that? It's not so much a store, it's more a special area similar to a combination of a library and a museum, where the new generation of dragons can learn more about things on the mainland.

If you understand that you want to get started, you can experience it. There are things from all walks of life. Zheng Yichen is already a little numb to this. Okay, the dragons can see far enough to do things. Anyway, he can make money in this matter. Zheng Yichen doesn't dislike a lot of money. What's more important is that the scales on the dragon side are not easy to get, and the rules are not easy to change, but the dragon world actually has a large accumulation of ancient materials.

That's right, since the ancient dragons used a certain way to survive the card time and survive the historical fault catastrophe, they would naturally collect a lot of things and a lot of resources when doing so. This is also an ancient relic that the dragons can operate on Zheng Yichen. Only the information stored in the library and the central area is of interest. As for the things in the treasure house, it is reasonable. Although the dragon race was not the strongest in ancient times, it was not a weak race. After fully stocking the goods, I really look down on ancient times. The treasure house over the ruins has accumulated...Of course, they don't have an intuitive understanding of the size of the treasure house over there.

Zheng Yichen didn't take the initiative to talk about this. At first, he didn't like it because of the pride of the dragon clan. The senior officials of the Dragon clan didn’t ask, he tacitly didn’t say about it. Anyway, everyone knew it well, just like Zheng Yichen only knew that the Dragon Clan had accumulated a lot of ancient materials, but the specific quantity was not I don't know, if he knows that he might have the urge to rob, it's better not to know. If you don't know, you can exchange according to normal needs.

Under the premise of mutual satisfaction, no one suffers.

So Zheng Yichen is very busy here in the Dragon Realm, um, where he can drive his own development and accumulation, he is always very busy. After the busiest period of time, he will feel relaxed, and then restart. Discover new areas and get busy again, alas... I continue to be thankful that my current body does not have hair. The hair in the human form is catalyzed by life magic skills, and new ones can grow out of it. No, I am now. In the human form, the hair will not fall off naturally.

Then it's fine.

"Let's do it, you can watch the Dragon Clan Experience Hall first. I'll go to the guardian fortress to see the situation." Zheng Yichen pulled his thoughts back and said to Loris, guarding the fortress is related to the safety of the world. , After all, if the seal is broken, the curse of the alien world will be completely connected with reality. Judging from the current situation, the real world obviously can't touch the curse of the alien world.

Existence in the cursed alien world can easily adapt to the environment that distorts the real world, but the real environment cannot bring additional influence on the cursed alien world. How do you know? Zheng Yichen has tested it. The test was conducted with the cursed alien soil transformed from the source of the curse. The real environment does not have much resistance to that kind of soil, so if it is really head-on, the real world will be rubbed on the ground. The victim of accepting the curse of alien training.

There shouldn’t be any problems with the Cursed Gate. The Great Wall of the Border has done their best to this matter. Apart from the contract influence and the massive support of external resources, they are professional in this area. Now, except for those crazy people who want to make trouble. In addition, some spellcasters with a bad mentality appeared.

Although those people don’t want to destroy the world like some lunatics, they are a little sick in their exploration of the unknown. They go to guard the fortress, and their idea is to actively enter the curse through the seal that seals the door of the curse. Let’s explore the world, and it’s very nice. Why is it to solve the disaster and solve the curse from the root? Just such a seal is not a thing. Although the dragon is close to humans, it is still a Balabala of a foreign race. Anyway, the reason is not used. Rarely seems righteous!

These people were all held back by the professional law enforcement team of the Great Border Wall. Whether or not they wanted to solve the problem from the source ~ or some lunatics pretended to be like this, the one with this idea Don’t even think about running, just leave it all. When doing this, the Great Border Wall did not release any news to the outside world. Since there are people who have such thoughts and release news to the outside world, then those who have such thoughts will definitely change their way. It's better to keep it secret and see how many people can be recovered.

Zheng Yichen now has a copy of this kind of information in his hand, and it was passed to him through Lori. The source is naturally from the Great Border Wall. Not to mention anything else, because of this piece of information, Zheng Yichen is going to guard the fortress. Take a look and take a few things by the way to show how much you attach importance to the Cursed Gate, something that is related to the safety of the world, even if it is a cutscene.

After other forces have determined that there is nothing in the initial stage, they can send a representative who is very important on the name. Zheng Yichen...There is no strong representative, let Lorice pass? That's impossible, someone else? Little brother Carlin? Not qualified, Lily or Zenia, they are too young, and they don't use EVA, and they don't work. In the end, he has to go there in person.

This is also necessary to maintain the network of relationships.


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