Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1573: Not even a necromantic creature

"Cursed Dragon (

Lilia wants more research on the power of the witch, even the goal is set, the artificial witch, Lily wants to advance her corpse puppet physique, this Zheng Yichen feels no harm, after all, the physique is strong and Lily will be able to do so in the future. Become stronger, but Lilia’s artificial witch target...

"Are you sure you want to do this, the burden of the artificial witch will not be less than that of the real witch." Zheng Yichen looked at Lilia and said: "Even if there is an awakened witch, but then you have to accept the witch's fate..."

"This is just a goal for the future. I can study it normally first, and then study it normally. I will choose it when it's really not good." Lilia said, Zheng Yichen looked at her for a while and nodded.

"Well, since you have made a decision yourself, take me with you on this matter. I am also interested in the research in this area." He is not advising anything. Lilia herself has the highest quality soul gem, soul The magic power in the gem is also the magic power of the destiny witch. This is already considered to be the power that belongs to the witch, but she is obviously not satisfied with it, or that the power now obtained does not allow her to achieve her goal.

People are obsessed with revenge. A person like him who doesn’t have the same experience doesn’t have a lot of beeping. Rather than staying idle and eating and holding on to all kinds of advice, it’s better to follow along and watch and study. Harvest, you can also see what Lilia can study, and if something goes wrong, she can be brought back in advance.

And Lily.

"What is your corpse puppet after advanced? A ghoul?"

"The corpse demon." Lily couldn't help rolling her eyes, what a ghoul, she doesn't even have a soul, how could it be possible to be like a ghost. The corpse demon is the advanced state of the corpse puppet. Words in this world...Uh, as I said before, they are not pure evil symbols, but powerful symbols with magical powers.

The witch, the devil, the magic skills, etc., are all a state of extreme or close to the extreme with magical power. Of course, there is the existence of a witch. The devil has also said before that anyone who dares to claim to be so will die. If they want to profess so much, they must first see if the witch agrees or disagrees. Even if the witch is really extinct in the future, there are still people who want to profess so much, they have to see if the majority of spellcasters agree or disagree.

Even if they agree, there will be a lot of competition for this title in the future.

So even though the physique of the corpse demon sounds something like that, but the advanced state of the corpse puppet is no problem. If you continue to improve, will there be a corpse **** in the future? Uh, cough, just think about it, continue to ask, Lily said that the corpse demon is a complete advanced form of the corpse puppet, and there is no higher level, no matter how it is improved, it is within the scope of the corpse demon.

Of course, the specific difference between the two forms of the corpse puppet and the corpse demon is not as simple as a few blocks, and the consumption of a corpse demon in advanced stages can allow the undead witch to shape tens of thousands of corpse puppets at will, no It's as simple as over ten thousand. According to this comparison, it seems that a corpse puppet will become a corpse demon with a one in ten thousand chance. In fact, it is absolutely impossible for a corpse puppet to advance to become a corpse demon without the correct way.

"That's not bad." Zheng Yichen nodded. In addition to the restriction of the correct method, the demand for some external materials is also very strict, so if it hadn't been for Lily to get the'New Year Red Packet' from the Undead Witch, she knew this route. In the future, no matter how strong it becomes, it will only be strong within the corpse puppet’s physique, rather than the more potential and developmental corpse demon. Even if she can find a new path in the future, it will not be the corpse demon. Kind of physique.

And in the limitations of the corpse puppet, a new path can be found. The physical form of the corpse demon will only develop better. Therefore, Zheng Yichen does not have much opinion on Lily's choice. As for resource consumption, this is quite a lot. , Or else Lily will be able to finish the work after returning home after the New Year, and she won't have to wait until now to start doing it. It wasn't that it didn't work before, but the hard resources she needed could not keep up.

Although there are many advanced material choices, Lily does not want to choose the kind of things she does not want, such as the heart, the human heart, and ordinary people, although they can be used, but the number is very large. The caster Lily's heart can reduce this number. With a human heart, Lily will not be too repulsive. The main reason is the impact of the corpse puppet's physique. The key is that she does not want to persecute people casually like an evil **** ritual.

She knew that Zheng Yichen didn't like this method, so Lily seemed to be very restrained in the choice of materials in this area. There are other things that are indispensable, and those indispensable things, as long as they let go of moral constraints and wantonly Just make a few killings and you can make it all together. Zheng Yichen is her moral constraint, so in this regard, Lily's progress in the corpse demon physique has become very slow.

The heart and blood of Warcraft? It can be, but that’s not the best choice. Of course, if Lily doesn’t have any huge requirements for her image after she advances, it doesn’t matter, but she cares about her growth state and eagerly wants to advance her corpse physique. The corpse demon physique, how can there be no requirement, use the heart and blood of the demon to advance, then she will also be affected by the essence of flesh and blood, maybe it will make her body more

"For example, cat ears?"

"... Brother, do you like this?"

"Oh, don't think too much." Zheng Yichen waved his hand, the corpse puppet advanced. Although the heart and blood of the beast can be stronger in the initial state after the advancement, the appearance will be affected. This effect is not fixed. , But random, so I woke up after thinking about cat ears, the probability is not high, and cat ears, can’t issuing cards be replaced? Not not too much.

Since the materials related to Warcraft are not very easy to use, how do you say that related to humans? Lily is slow to collect materials. That is the reason why there are too few **** people in this world. For those innocent people, Zheng Yichen will definitely not have it. Thoughts, and those who really **** he doesn’t have much thoughts. In this world of special power, after the **** people die, more people will benefit from it, especially the spellcaster.

An abnormal magic research by the caster can easily destroy a village or town. Of course, the things needed for the advancement of the corpse puppet are more related to humans. Zheng Yichen directly ignored it and helped Lily complete it. After this incident, I felt that the corpse demon was very powerful, and I specially cultivated a few extra ideas.

The persecution of those damned people is persecution, but this tossing down... Well, his soul is also human. As for the part used in the study of the sealed space, Zheng Yichen does not have any psychological pressure. A group of **** people exerts the last The residual heat allowed them to master the way to solve the curse of the alien world. This is a contribution to the mainland. Although they are doomed to die, everyone who benefits from it will be grateful to these unknown people.

"In general, the problems you encountered are not too difficult for me, but why did you choose the underground world?"

It’s not Zheng Yichen blowing, but telling the facts. As long as he intervenes in this matter, Lili and the others will be finished. In terms of collecting materials, Zheng Yichen has a lot of ways to study the power of the witch. Artificial witches are easier to cooperate with this aspect of research, so these two are stupid.

"The underground world is more secretive. When the corpse puppet is advanced, there will be an evil aura. I will find a suitable place." Lily said, the transformation of the corpse puppet is easy, and the undead witch can do it with a wave of her hand. Let most professionals discover the anomaly, but the corpse puppet’s advanced level into a corpse demon is equivalent to flying, the movement will not be too small, and the materials used will make the entire advanced process full of blood, so she does not Maybe find places that are easy to be found to do this kind of thing.

The best place is the underground world. The entrance to the underground world is easy to monitor. With this, the Puli Dungeons have no idea how many cultists trying to enter the underground world have been intercepted. Everyone is not stupid, Puli. Not stupid, knowing that the underground world has too many undeveloped areas. If cultists come in, the underground world will definitely become a hotbed area for the Cthulhus.

Therefore, the control in this area is particularly strict. If you encounter a cult, one will be hanged. A pseudo-theist? The false gods don’t care. Everyone knows that false gods and evil gods are fighting every day. If cultists cannot access the Internet, they can be like the soul hunter group and the balance sect. They will never talk offline, but tear online. Forcing is more frequent.

All these precautions reveal an important message, that is, there are too many places to care about in the underground world, so Lily only needs to find a suitable place to complete the corpse puppet advancement calmly. You must know the dark church. I didn't know that with the help of the underground world, a few artificial witches were awakened.

"I know there is a place related to artificial witches here, and I am going to come and find out." Lilia said her reason. That place is the Internet cafe operated by Unreal Witch and Concoct Witch. There are artificial witches over there. The witch is not controlled by the dark church, and according to Lilia’s investigation, in addition to artificial witches, there are also awakened witches. Of course, we can investigate this aspect to find out whether she has a relationship with Zheng Yichen. There is a possibility of investigation.

Or with the power of those two genuine witches, want to investigate? She doesn’t know when she was thrown into the river, but she met during the Chinese New Year. It’s a good idea to start from this aspect. Besides, Lilia still has real estate in Zhengpuli Underground City. She lived in this place at the time, so her plan was more clear. The reason why she can meet Lily here is that they had a chance encounter when they came here.

"You can just talk about the Unreal Witches."

"Hey, isn't this unfamiliar." Lilia smiled: "But now it seems there is no need to look for it."

"I know, it is really unnecessary. In that case, let Lily finish this thing first." Zheng Yichen said. Since Lily has come to Puli Underground City, apart from being attacked, other aspects are certain. He was ready, but he came too, so he contacted Annie by the way to see if there were any additional corrections in the advancement of the corpse puppet.

Regarding what she is doing, when she has the resources, she must do it best. Annie quickly responded. Based on the knowledge sent by Zheng Yichen, she made a simple In contrast, there are some additional corrections. In the final analysis, it has something to do with the human form created by the undead witch. The human form Annie has done a lot of research before, and the research is now basically thorough and thorough. of.

The human form is shaped by the undead witch. The main purpose is to resurrect the person she wants. That is a real resurrection, so there are so many references to the human form...

"In other words, can Lily be resurrected in a real sense?"

Annie, who is maintaining the video communication, rolled her eyes: "Dream, her true spirit is gone. The false true spirit was sent to Styx with kindness at the beginning, and you hoped to give her a true resurrection? To be more cold? , You are interacting with a corpse now, even if she has body temperature, heartbeat, and'self', but its essence is the same as a necro creature that is not dominated by necromantic magic, and she is even considered a necro creature Not on."

Necro creatures have souls anyway. Lily is just a corpse that can think and move. In this regard, Annie, as a witch, said it very directly.

"I know, but if you can think for yourself and have your own ideas, that's a person." Zheng Yichen nodded. Lily is indeed soulless, but she can retain the ability to think for herself, so Zheng Yichen won't have too many opinions. , He doesn't exist in this world, Sanguan still follows the earth, that's it.

"Are you sure her self-concept is normal?"

"Hey, you don't want to break my persistence, okay?" Zheng Yichen couldn't help but twitched. Annie spoke well on weekdays. At this time, she seemed merciless when she said everything. It is to expose the essence of the problem directly, but he doesn't want to hear it very much, just keep the status quo right now.

"Okay, I'll send you the relevant things and materials. You can solve this by yourself." Annie saw Zheng Yichen's face holding grass, and she didn't say anything more about this matter. What she said, she would only say this once, Zheng Yichen didn’t want to hear much, and she wouldn’t say any more “nonsense” in this regard in the future. If this guy likes to raise a corpse, go and raise it. Anyway, Lily’s state and Zheng Yichen’s The legendary'zombies' in the world are not much different.

She is ‘alive’ now, and once she dies, no trace will be kept.

Closing the Demon Soldier Summoning Book in his hand, Zheng Yichen smiled at Lily and others who were waiting for them and did not hear the content of Zheng Yichen's dialogue: "Get ready, if nothing else, your advancement this time can change. Stronger."

"I like that you are kind to yourself." Lilia said with her chin, and Zheng Yichen glanced at the girl.

"So you're not going to work on the temple church?"

Lilia waved her hand helplessly: "Well, let's wait for the church to kick me out. It doesn't really do much good to leave on the initiative."

"Then go, I will give you some information about the artificial witch later, but when you do something, remember not to do it by yourself."

"Don't worry, I will definitely call you when it comes to the important key point." Lilia waved her hand, saying that she would not carry everything alone as before. She used to study taboo power. No one has said that anything that can be said is not a taboo power, and even let people know that she will definitely be sent to the trial house. Zheng Yichen is different here, and what is called taboo power in other places is in him. The side is a very normal thing: "First solve your little adopted daughter's matter."

"Oh, this, forget it."

Zheng Yichen no longer wants to refute the identities of Lily and Zenia who are considered adopted daughters. After thinking about it carefully, there is actually nothing wrong with it. This is more intimate, and it is not easy for others to have ideas, plus They are very powerful by themselves. In short, other people think that they are like that. Here they can call them elder brothers.

Lily has already done a lot of first-hand preparations, so some steps can be ignored. Zheng Yichen is nothing more than adding some extra according to her own inventory, replacing some parts of poor quality materials, and then finding a suitable dark area of ​​the underground world , Arrange a magic enchantment worthy of awakening, and just start the advanced process. This is not a ritual, but a way to improve.

Even if Zheng Yichen completely isolates this place from the outside world, it will not affect the whole process.

"So many hearts..." Looking at the materials that Lily had prepared, Lilia couldn't help but twitch at the corners of her eyes. These hearts were kept alive in a special way, and they were attacked yesterday. It's no wonder that Lily also cut her heart after killing the enemy, her feelings are all preparing for the present.

"I didn't do anything to ordinary people and innocent people." After hearing Lilia's mutter, Lily immediately looked over and said, appearing a little sensitive. The normal kill is to kill the enemy, like these things that are taken out now. In the eyes of others, it is indeed a bit evil, although all those who dealt with are damned, the damned people and the innocent people are the same after death.

You must know that since the end of the new year, she will continue to accept some rewards and commissions, looking for those heinous, and the hearts left by those enemies who are in conflict with her organization. As for the cultists, it must be no good. The body of the cultist has been contaminated by the power of the evil god, and using that kind of heart is purely uncomfortable for oneself.

"Heart is just one of them." Zheng Yichen sighed softly. This scene is really similar to the Cthulhu ritual, but to him it is really the same as a small scene. Many researches on life magic skills involve no Less flesh and blood, so Zheng Yichen's feelings from the nausea to the present is not a big deal anymore, things that have been used to it, now look at it and don't feel much at all.

Even thinking about this?

The heart is quite normal in this place, like some flesh and blood threads. Those are processed in advance according to the advanced method of the corpse puppet. Replaced with the undead witch to do this. Find one In cities and towns, there is no need for so many troublesome processes at all, and all the living things inside can be directly converted into the necessary'raw materials'.

Lily is not a witch, so these preparations have to be made step by step. The flesh and blood constitute a unique magic circle, which is related to all the internal materials. Looking at a'bloody' magic circle set up, Zheng Yichen shook his head slightly, This kind of thing arranged by people, he feels nothing, if it is replaced by others toss, no matter what the reason is, the first thing he thinks is that it is too cruel, too bloody, and the old double standard.

But now under the influence of the double standard, he not only thinks it is okay, but also adds some other things here, muttering, Zheng Yichen took out some of the things that Annie had sent An irregular mass of flesh and blood looks like something like cancer cells. It is definitely not a good thing at first glance. When held in hand, it still trembles slightly in Zheng Yichen's hand, and the slippery feeling is constantly accompanied by it. The drop of blood, the corner of his eye jumped slightly.

Throwing the flesh and blood dumplings on the ground, the flesh and blood dumplings that fell on the ground are still overflowing with blood. After the blood falls, it spreads into tiny threads, and quickly merges with the main body and the arranged magic circle. One, this is a new material addition, besides a few drops of dark green liquid, a heart the size of a goose egg, Zheng Yichen doubts whether this thing was removed from that human figure.

Think about Anne holding that thing as a baby on weekdays. This thing is mostly imitations. After completing the subsequent additions, Zheng Yichen wiped off the blood on her hands. In Lily’s expectation, yes She nodded: "Okay, we can start."

"En." Lily nodded. Before Zheng Yichen had time to speak, she took off her clothes clean, and stepped on the ground because the flesh and blood masses resembling cancer cells merged, causing the entire magic array to slow down. The blood and flesh overflowing from above, came to the center of the magic circle, matched with the dim light around, full of **** dark style.

A figure emerged from Lily, and the magic sword pseudo-god escaped from her body. Although it is fine if it does not escape, this operation involves magic power, and leaving it may have some special effects. Anyway, it is temporary. Just leave, and then go back again. Zheng Yichen greeted the magic sword pseudo-god, and under Lily's gaze, helped open the advanced flesh and blood magic circle of the corpse puppet. The scarlet light illuminated the surrounding dark environment... …