Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1598: invite

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The ancient creatures entering the illusory world will definitely bring some new influences to the illusory world, such as the introduction of new information. The information will initially be different from the illusory world, but those differences will soon be affected. repair.

A considerable part of the information Zheng Yichen obtained from the damaged core and those memory fragments was imported into the illusory world. Those information were all research information about ancient creatures.

He was provided with detailed related parameters, allowing him to carry out a series of information import, enhancing the comprehensiveness of the illusory world, but after all, it is the ancient biological information parameters in the ancient environment, which is different from the modern environment.

There must be some corrections. Now that ancient creatures have entered the illusory world, they can quickly repair them according to some of the activities of ancient creatures, unless those ancient creatures choose to start from scratch and create a trumpet to experience the illusion. world.

But, for the first time, none of the ancient creatures chose to create a trumpet. They all used their own default image. This is good. First collect enough information parameters from them, and then import those information parameters based on these information parameters. A series of adjustments are made to the information entered.

"I'm leaving now." Zheng Yichen looked at the expanded cage on the doll's side. The cage here was covered with red and blue intertwined colors, a unique cage where the two forces of extreme cold and extreme inflammation merged together.

The highest specification closed room on his side was shaped by this kind of power. It is suitable for use here!

The beholder waved his tentacles to indicate that he had heard it. The beholder is an ancient creature with proficient mental power. When he enters the illusory world, he will also pay attention to the situation of the outside world. Even with little attention, he can respond to Zheng Yichen's words Made a response.

As for the things done by other forces, Zheng Yichen glanced at it when he passed by, and they were similar. Those who can hook up with these forces are basically ancient creatures with high intelligence, such as stone lizards. Basically no one took care of it.

The main reason is the inconvenience of communication.

Hum~ With a little tune in his mouth, Zheng Yichen walks on the side of the ancient ruins. After completing the contract, the people here have no reason to target him. Anyway, Zheng Yichen is now the actual controller of the ancient ruins? There is the dungeon. It is a neutral zone, but not elsewhere.

The scope of these people's activities are all in Zheng Yichen's site. It depends on his face? Naturally, they will not be stupid enough to continue to confront Zheng Yichen at this time? If you have anything, just discuss it.

Extending the shops here? Zheng Yichen did a set of physical exercises at the entrance of the mall, and then walked leisurely to the central room, not to mention how arrogant it was during the whole process.

Other people didn't respond much when they saw Zheng Yi like this? The upper hand targeted this dragon? What else can they do? Of course, he obeyed the order and obeyed the command. If you don't do this, it won't be fruitful. After all, not everyone is free? Can do whatever they want.

Now there is no ban in this area? Then the activities will be free? Their subordinates have no substantive dislike for this dragon? Some things this dragon does? They don't think that kind of thing is so bad. .

Whether it's curing potions or soul gems? It's a great help for professionals. Good things in the treasure house? They won't be able to reach it, and all the high-levels of the forces behind them can be contacted, and this dragon will not change this regardless of its identity.

So the things that have never been there will naturally not feel uncomfortable because the dragon has broken the way to the treasure house? They all know that no matter how much they toss, they will not fall into their own hands? On the contrary, this dragon has made some public After the follow-up plan.

On the contrary, do they have a chance to get some things in the treasure house? The only thing that needs to be cared about is after getting those things? Can they hold it? Don't just get it, the upper ranks of your own forces will come over immediately and take it away under some name.

In that case, the individual will feel aggrieved? According to the conditions of the dragon, it is achievable to enter the treasury and get those things, but it is very difficult. The things obtained after hard work have become someone else’s marriage. Yi, don't you vomit blood?

If that's the case, you won't get it if you have a chance, and proceed in secret? After watching this, how did the dragon record something? In case something like a list comes out, then the existence on the list close to the target is definitely the target of everyone's attention.

But that kind of situation is its own business. No matter how much the dragon says, it has given a relatively fair chance and will not allow those ancient magic items to be touched by only a few people. How do they treat this one? Does the dragon feel bad?

There is also the library. Although there are quite a few books in the library that they can’t read, they can read some books. Even if the ancient knowledge is not important, who can get access to ancient knowledge? Do not want?

The former library was also inaccessible to members of their normal forces. Now it can. That is also some of the benefits of that dragon. When it comes to publicizing some things, this dragon is very timely in thinking.

In time, the strength behind them did not have time to discuss a good statement. The reduction of some of the influence of the dragon has already been made public. Under such circumstances, they have not had much contact with this dragon in the ordinary days. Man, what hatred can he have?

Hate is also an organization, not an individual.

There were no more specific plans. After Zheng Yichen left the expanded mall, their idle people walked in immediately. There are not many people in this place on weekdays, but now it is completely lively.

I came here before and returned here, limited by the influence of the organization behind it, and talking about nonexistent, now? Here, you can really just like shopping in a shop. The shop assistants here are also quite beautiful.

Even the alchemy puppet made by that dragon, um, speaking of this, that dragon will also enjoy it very much, the alchemy puppet made is so exquisite.

There is a kind of magical power shrouded in the entire mall, not a forbidden domain, but a projection-like magical power. This new technology made them feel quite surprised.

They can actually feel the real feeling of the things projected in the mall. It is not a simple projection, but after being exposed to it, they can directly experience it, and perform a series of follow-up identification observations and other operations.

It's just that this kind of thing is limited to this mall. After leaving here, those things will disappear, and the information tested is also simulated. It looks powerful, but it is actually a visual effect.

Of course, based on the magic projection technology here, even though it is a visual effect on the physical level, it can show relative power on the projection level. For example, holding these projection props to start with those projected test objects.

The test object cannot reach the level of the real object, but if there is a reference object, then the power of the magic item can also be estimated to a certain extent through direct observation. As for the potion and the like, it is not within the scope of this test.

This is so, and it makes those who come in now feel surprised. There was no such technology before. Now that it is taken out, is it a new technology learned from the ancient ruins?

Except for this new technology, the other processes are very simple. As before, the entire mall, except for the few alchemy puppets at the cashier counter, only has some basic service puppets, responsible for cleaning and the like. Things.

The cashier, when you’re busy, some ghost maids will come over to watch. When you’re not busy, a ghost maid can take care of everything here. After all, what those people choose in the mall will eventually come. Pick up the goods here.

The process is also very simple. Bring the projected goods directly to the cashier. After the checkout, the projection will be exchanged for the corresponding items, which is very convenient... and it eliminates the possibility of theft.

Want to steal something? What's the use of running out with the projection? After running out, the projection disappeared, and it would be blacklisted. The gain was not worth the loss. Some stalkers with manual work never thought of doing this kind of thing in this dragon shop.

In the past, this dragon used projection as a way of displaying merchandise to open stores. Now that the technology has improved and this model has been further improved, it is conceivable that this model will continue to be carried forward in the future.

Those stalkers with strong stealing ability will smash their claws when encountering this model that may be carried forward. Stealing projections is meaningless. Unless you can find the storage location of those items, the key is that some storage locations are not normal. The warehouse is out.

Some people think that a stalker can successfully steal from a heavily guarded place is very powerful. It is a proof of the opponent's strength. At the same time, many of those people will think why the opponent won't roll over?

Ordinary people have to be beaten for stealing things. Professionals like stalkers are more expensive. If caught, it is not as simple as being beaten. It is not impossible to be beaten to death by being chopped off in public.

There are not too few ideas of this type, why? Hey, why should you spend expensive money to buy something that a stalker who is good at stealing can get with just a finger? This is too uncomfortable!

It is either unfair or uncomfortable. After all, a stalker can succeed in stealing, which can only be done after hard training, and there is a corresponding pay... But prostitutes are always easy to envy and hate.

It's just that Zheng Yichen's current advanced projection merchandise model has further accelerated the possibility that stalkers who are good at stealing will lose their jobs in places such as shops, which is good.

Buying things belongs to buying things. They reported the new discoveries as soon as possible. The major forces were not sure whether this was a technology obtained from ancient ruins or a new technology developed by Zheng Yichen, but anyway , This model is more valuable.

Not all organizations do not have businesses. For example, large-scale organizations. Both the Templar Church and the Dark Church have corresponding businesses, operating some unique shops or other businesses.

Templar churches are all normal industries that are hungry, and dark churches are more involved in places such as the black market. Which of the two is more profitable... Relatively speaking, it will not be too bad.

The normal industry can be open and honest, plus the influence of reputation. Individuals can buy and sell things from those places. Although there are not many people on the black market, the activities that can be traded in it generally involve big A transaction of money.

Dozens of transactions in a normal industry may not be comparable to a single transaction in the black market, and the transaction speed of a single transaction in the relative black market may not be comparable to the speed of dozens of transactions in a normal industry.

In the central room, Zheng Yichen looked at the movements of various places in the ancient ruins and stretched his body. The entire central room is already under control. Except that the secret library cannot be opened temporarily without knowing the password, there is nothing else to miss. local.

Zheng Yichen could also open up the protection of space cracks if he wanted to, as well as the workbenches belonging to the central room. When he dismantled it before, he understood the internal structure of those workbenches, which were quite comprehensive workbenches.

It's just that it's not very suitable for modern magic technology applications. If you want to reinvest in this place, you need subsequent adjustments. As for pulling people into the central room, it also requires a series of additional tests. Zheng Yichen now has some suitable candidates.

The development of power around him has always attached importance to quality. Just here, it is enough to just pull the people around him, even Lilia is quite suitable.

There is also Emily, a genius potionist girl from the Potions Association. It is also appropriate to leave her a place to specialize in potions. Other witches can also have a seat here, even if some witches are not good at research. , But they are still real geniuses.

As for other candidates, it is not easy to find for the time being. The existence of geniuses does not mean that they can be encountered casually. While he wants to find geniuses, others will not miss any geniuses they can meet.

This is not a matter of many competitors, but a matter of all people becoming competitors!

However, if some geniuses have excellent abilities, after publishing some information about the central room in the future, they can also attract some capable and free geniuses. While looking for them, waiting for the fish to come together is also a The way to get genius.

"So, there's nothing going on here right now." Zheng Yichen muttered. There is no connection between the central room and the dungeon, but some monitoring items belong to ancient relics, as long as the console is operational. Linked up, this kind of monitoring is another line.

On the doll side, Zheng Yichen placed a more tightly closed room. Although there is no dungeon that produces a good effect of neutral power coverage, it can effectively isolate some people from trying to contact the doll and die.

There are other places...There is nothing else in other places. There are not many people who can support the restoration of the past operations here in the entire ancient ruins. Some are procedural passive operations. There is not enough staff to follow-up research and development. what.

Some are a new alliance for their own interests. The original intention of the ancient creatures who built the ancient ruins did not continue. Even if Zheng Yichen later pulled up a team here, he was only doing what is currently beneficial to him.

Although this super alchemy core is not as good as the original version, it has much better performance than the experimental product on the underground base. After activating the console, this alchemy core still has a great performance that has not been displayed. It currently maintains ancient times. The performance of the relic operation is less than 1%...

Of course, with the reopening of the treasure house, the development of the living area, and the opening of some other functions, the proportion of this performance will further increase.

Look at such a large super alchemy core. Under normal circumstances, those places are fully operational and the load is only about one-tenth of the load. This is still much worse than the original alchemy core.

If it is replaced with the original version, it may occupy less than 3% of the performance under full operation. Where is the other performance used? According to the information records in the damaged core, more performance was used in various studies of the members of the central room.

Various auxiliary tasks occupy a considerable part of the performance, so letting such a large super alchemy core idle here is a very wasteful behavior, even if this super alchemy core is given to Qin for game development, it is better. Idle.

So Zheng Yichen put a new arrangement down in the witch group, and arranged some seats for the witches. As for the use, I don't need to come here, just use the alchemy puppets remotely.

Even so, Zheng Yichen estimates that there are only a few people who can use this every day. The life witch and the pure witch are two. If the undead witch, there may be some basic parts of the research on distorted information that can also use super alchemy. The core is processed.

Lilia's research can also assist with this thing. As for the potionist girl Emily, researching potions also requires a lot of experimentation, and the auxiliaryity of the super alchemy core is also obvious.

As for the rate of use of this thing by other witches...just that, it's better than just being idle.

There is nothing wrong with the ancient ruins. Zheng Yichen’s daily routine is back on track. The war on the mainland is still going on, but no matter how he fights, it doesn’t have much to do with him. At most, he pays attention to the development of Magic Technology when he is fine. .

The Labster Empire did not disappoint, the development of Magic Technology has always been stable, and the Sato Empire was also very jealous, and followed closely the vigorous development of this area of ​​technology.

In terms of policies, new adjustments are constantly being made. Even if they are different from the Labster Empire, the benefits are still obvious to ordinary people. The number of ordinary people who can be regarded as civilians has greatly increased. Now, as for the original poor, there are also more opportunities.

The main reason is that ordinary people can engage in more industries after being exposed to magic power, rather than the passive situation where ordinary people are easily eroded by magic in an environment with magical power.

Based on this, a large number of jobs have been vacated directly, such as mining in elemental veins, and it has become like mining in ordinary veins. In addition to worrying about the problem of collapse, the concentration of elemental power is too high. The high impact can also be ignored.

After all, the physique of ordinary people lacks the special power of magic, and it is too weak after all, and the environment with high concentration of elemental power and the environment full of magic are not based on physical fitness, but on magic resistance.

If you have magic power, you will have a little magic resistance in this respect, and that little bit determines whether ordinary people can work normally in such an environment. Without that little magic resistance, even a person who can face and run for ten kilometers without changing his face Ordinary people can't stand it for a long time.

At most, it takes several times longer than ordinary people with average physical fitness, rather than being completely unaffected. Of course, a little bit of fighting spirit is another matter.

Whether there is a special force that determines the possibility of ordinary people working in a special environment, ordinary people can involve these parts, some development work is more efficient, and there are other materials handling, even There is no need for some spellcasters to train some Apprenticeship training also needs to look at the qualifications of apprentices. Those who meet the qualifications may not be those with flexible hands and feet, but now they are directly looking for ordinary people with soul gems as staff Wouldn't it be better?

A series of changes have affected the new generation of young people in this world. Although ordinary people who can't keep up with the changes of the times have become passive, but in the changes of the general environment, they can adapt slowly, but can't adapt at all? Then wait for the next generation.

After the population has been renewed for a few generations, there will be no so-called maladaptation. All these new changes are the normal environment at that time.

"But it would be better for the war to end earlier." Zheng Yichen put aside the invitation letter in his hand. To be honest, it is true that war can reduce the population, but the problem is that the population reduced by the war is all young and strong. These people Isn’t it beautiful to invest in the progress of this era?

There are still many undeveloped places on the mainland. It is still too early for the population of the mainland to reach the upper limit of the continent’s tolerance. With the addition of those who died in the war, just look at the so-called upper limit. Reaching is an indefinite thing .

However, such a situation as war really cannot be directly interfered by Zheng Yichen... Can things in the ancient ruins be treated as personal matters, interfere with the war? He was pointing fingers at the entire continent, and would he still want to control the entire world?

Without this idea, there will be people who will use this idea to hack him, so they just don't give this idea.

"The invitation letter from the church?" Lori picked up the invitation letter that Zheng Yichen had put aside, and raised her brows slightly: "The moderates came to you again?"

"Well, there is an invitation about distorted information, I am going to check it out."

The moderates are not like the radicals. This invitation can go and take a look. It's just that the main body is past, and he can't afford the consequences.