Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1714: Stand and get things done

Powerful and more popular appearance characteristics, this is the kind of abyssal creature that seems to be popular wherever it goes. Generally speaking, the possibility of such existence as civilians is very low, but it is not impossible. More All of them belong to the kind of person who has an identity, in the human world, that is "aristocrat".

That is to say, the nobles will have a more perfect guarantee of blood, the way of pure blood, guarantees that the existence of their system has pure characteristics, such existence will also appear more intelligent in the abyss, and there will be no such follow A situation in which you gradually lose your senses as your strength increases.

Occasionally, the descendants of civilians will also have some bloodline power bursts, which directly eliminates other messy bloodline powers and purifies the type of their own blood. As long as they can grow up, it is possible to create a family, but there are more. It was discovered and taken away by the superiors before they grew up. Although it can be regarded as one person ascending to the sky, the opportunity to become a part of the superiors is gone.

Those who are not willing to cooperate are handled in another way.

The abyss creature values ​​the purity of bloodline, let alone Zheng Yichen's appearance, even if he has a pure green scale on his body, as long as there are no other abnormal characteristics, it is the same in the eyes of other abyss creatures.' The type of'good-looking', the rhetoric such as being good-looking and handsome is not unique to the alchemy incarnation Zheng Yichen currently uses.

A dozen dark red spars, a plate of three-mature meat from unknown creatures, and a large glass of some transparent dark green wine. These things are the harvest of Zheng Yichen. He holds his arms and looks very burly. The owner of the tavern looked in a good mood. He probably didn't make much. Seeing Zheng Yichen didn't continue to say anything.

He waved his hand: "If you want to find a suitable place to spend the night, I can recommend some. Don't worry, they are pure nobles."

"I prefer to speak with strength."

The tavernkeeper didn't care: "That's even more coincidental. They also prefer pure ones who speak with power."

Zheng Yichen began to taste the so-called clean food and wine, three mature meat. According to the memory of the abyss, this level of meat can make people distinguish whether it is genuine or fake. If the wine is based on dry mouth After distinguishing, the taste function of this alchemy incarnation is perfect.

In general, the owner of the tavern did not deliberately cheat people, but compared to the food on the mainland, the food that is eaten and drank now still has a feeling of expired, and these can make the surrounding abyss creatures jealous. Food and wine.

As for the tavernkeeper’s proposal, you don’t need to think too much about it. In fact, it’s not the abyss girls or the “ladies” he chooses to spend the night at, but those female abyss creatures who choose them. The specific process is not dead. The witch's knowledge extracted from the soul power of the abyssal creatures is also described.

Just like a physical examination, find a place to take it off and perform a detailed examination. Although some abyssal creatures don’t see any abnormal features in their clothes, they can find some extra scales or other areas such as the armpits and thighs after they are stripped. It is some skin that is not like normal skin, etc.

And the special part that can be accepted by the nobles of the abyss is basically the eyes. The other places are either the same as nothing, or if there is the same color, whether it is the whole body scales, or other special skin, Or maybe it's hair... highlighting a high purity is the best choice.

Don't worry about not finding a matching target, the species here in the abyss is quite rich.

That’s why he doesn’t want to be selected as a livestock. Moreover, although some parts of this body can be used, it is a product of life magic skills and alchemy. It is essentially a mule, and more importantly, it is a creature of the abyss. Zheng Yichen didn't dare to compliment many appearances.

He admits that he likes beautiful girls, with beautiful skin, white waist, flat chest and big breasts, and it doesn't matter to wear that wheat-colored skin, but the girls on the abyss are basically abnormal.

After eating a meal, Zheng Yichen left the tavern with the bag containing the spar. The owner of the tavern glanced at a few people in the tavern, and did not make any statement, just like Zheng Yichen said. When the product was sold before, it may return to the other party's hands later, a very knowledgeable person.

In addition, the other party is still a suspected pure existence, such an existence is not easy to provoke.

"Well, it's the elemental crystallization at all, it's still contaminated." Zheng Yichen looked at the spar in his hand. From the color, it can be seen that this thing is of a fire attribute, and the inside is full of rioting elemental powers. The black is affected by the abyss environment.

Even now these spars are considered clean in the abyss. Even so, once this spar is used by humans, it will inevitably be affected by the aura of the abyss. If it is used more, it is not just the body being affected. Influence, even the soul will be contaminated.

Therefore, there is a reason why the abyss has extra yearning for the mainland. Everything here is harmful. The abyss creatures have not shown full adaptability to these things. They can't use some things, of course. After living in the environment for a long time, their ability to accept some things has become stronger.

The contaminated elemental crystals in Zheng Yichen's hands are normal in the hands of those abyss creatures, and they can even be said to be of good quality. Also because of the pollution of the abyssal breath, the elemental power in this elemental crystal is actually More active, more stock.

Although the environment on the abyss is a weird black, there is still normal elemental power. Zheng Yichen’s ability to cast spells has not been lost here, but he needs to filter the abyss that is mixed with elemental power when casting spells. Breath, in short, no matter how normal people live in the abyss for hundreds of years, there will be some changes in their external characteristics, and even the witch cannot be immune.

As for the powers such as the abyss magic that he wanted to know, the memory of the spellcaster obtained before had provided Zheng Yichen with enough information.

Abyssal creatures have many characteristics. Although the mixed kind often brings them a drag, but also because of this kind of mixing, it is easier for them to produce some unique abilities. A few hundred years ago, the magic system on the abyss side It is also closer to the ancient magic system, but in general it should be a degraded variant of ancient magic, which is imperfect and there are many defects.

If used, it is more susceptible to the deep influence of the abyss environment, but the incompleteness is incomplete, and there are many types. The abyss can have unique advantages in some aspects, and it is also brought about by the knowledge. A few hundred years ago, the mainland broke out in the abyss. During the disaster, the abyss introduced the magic system from the mainland.

This led to changes in the original magic system on the abyss. The ancient magic knowledge of the degraded variant was combined with the magic knowledge system of the mainland, and it was further improved. Although it is somewhat different from the magic system of the mainland, it will not be the same when cast. Feel free to be affected and interfered by the breath of the abyss.

That is to say, this abyss spellcaster can build a teleportation array, and it belongs to the kind that has a status in the abyss. Otherwise, Zheng Yichen would not have such thorough information. The most high-end spellcaster lacks knowledge accumulation.

And the possibility of the abyssal creatures and the mainland living together peacefully?

It doesn’t exist. Even the pure creatures of the abyss are not much normal, and there is no room for the creatures of the abyss on the mainland. Even if there are many undeveloped areas there, it does not mean that they are on the continent. The creatures will give up those places.

For the abyssal creatures, humans are also redundant. The perception of humans on the abyss is the parasites left over from the old era. The eight achievements of this old era are ancient, but I don’t know how much information about ancient times there is in the abyss. It’s not just the continent that’s affected, the abyss has also been severely and some races of intelligent creatures found in the underground world. They also don’t know anything about ancient times, the abyss is here. What's the specific situation, wait step by step, I only came to the abyss for less than a long time, and I just tasted the things on the abyss, and I am not clear about many things here.

Although the spellcaster has many memories, the main part is about the abyssal power system, such as a lot of special information, the other party does not know so much, and it is not difficult to rely on that knowledge to make him hide and disguise in the abyss. But more information you want can only be explored on your own.

First of all, the way of sacrificing one's body is definitely not acceptable. Just sacrifice it casually. Although it is an enviable and jealous thing to be able to be on the side of many abyssal creatures, after all, it is a good thing to make money lying down. Ah, but in that case, the ultimate achievement is one thing, especially the behavior that is regarded as the selection of goods.

It’s a stain that’s hard to wash away if it’s spread out, unless there is a higher achievement in the future that can make other abyss creatures shut up, but the abyss creature’s brains are more or less problematic, compared to relying on achievements. The way those abyss creatures shut their mouths, in accordance with the style of abyss creatures, those abyss creatures with achievements are actually more inclined to directly kill all those with broken mouths.

By the way, this method is a waste of time. A better way is to join the army, participate in the abyss war, help the abyss to break the situation and bring greater contributions to the abyss, then you can directly reach the far-reaching upper level. Isn’t that the question of doing things on your knees?

What Zheng Yichen wants is to stand and get what he wants, and at the same time bring some extra damage to the back of the abyss, and then go to other places to take a look. He has at least one week of free time in his arrangement. .