Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1717: Still very reasonable

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Two alchemy avatars are twice as happy, one is used as a fighter, and the other is used as a mage. According to Zheng Yichen's test, the alchemy avatar with destroyed demon bones can be used as the avatar of the law system, and has the flesh and blood. The torso is used as a fighter, and the bone material is not irreplaceable.

It's just that there is no unique enhancement attribute like Destroyer Demon, but the strength is still achievable. If you can reach the standard, you can withstand the burst of power of the alchemy incarnation made of Destroyer's flesh and blood. It is more suitable to be regarded as the alchemy incarnation of the warrior system. .

For those with bones, the bones are more capable of withstanding. When making the alchemy incarnation of the law system, some special materials can be stuffed in, such as ice souls, flame cores and other materials. The bones of destroyers are so hard. , Can withstand the destruction of this material, yes, whether it is Ice Apparition or Flame Core, it is a kind of destruction to most materials.

At the same time, Zheng Yichen can also add some additional additions to the bones of the alchemy incarnation made from the bone material of the destruction demon. When using the power of the gods, things like the gods will cause a series of follow-ups due to the high-intensity use. The most common problem is fragmentation.

Then there is the inevitable flickering phenomenon. Of course, this is the material that flickers when it can bear the influence of the divine power and does not break. Destroying the bones of the demon is extremely high in endurance, and there are some other things. The stimulus of the aspect will also affect the strengthening of the bone, further avoiding the destruction of this kind of bone by the divine power.

"Then let's use the method first." Zheng Yichen looked at the two alchemy avatars, thought for a second, and directly decided which alchemy avatar to use. You don't have to think too much at all. Use this alchemy avatar first. Quickly solve some forces that need to be solved, and then search for what you want from there, then upgrade the workshop, further increase the strength of the alchemy incarnation, and cycle.

"Simple and easy-to-understand operation process!" Zheng Yichen nodded looking at the plan that didn't need to be thought of at all, and left his workshop, and began to make trouble in the place where the general translation of the mainland is the blood devil city. When I got up, the people in the Blood Demon City thought that it was a Destroyer who broke in here, and they even doubted life. The Destroyer was wise?

Actually learned to hide?

After testing the performance of the Destroyer Demon, Zheng Yichen felt quite satisfied. This alchemy incarnation comes with ice soul and fire core respectively. The situation in the game is the flame effect and the frost effect. The two powers should be able to A considerable conflict occurred, causing serious damage to this skeleton.

But in Zheng Yichen’s technique, it’s easy to combine the ice and fire elements, and the burden is to stimulate the destruction of the devil’s bones, which continuously enhances the strength of the bones, which should be side effects but become gainful. The effect, as well as the use of divine power, after high-precision testing, when using divine power, it does have an impact on this alchemy incarnation.

However, that effect was quickly eliminated by the destruction of the Destroyer’s bones. The main reason was that the environment gave the Destroyer’s bones to counteract the damage and flicker. The environmental protection took the initiative to fill it, which would lead to Some lack of flicker.

This discovery made Zheng Yichen more unscrupulous in his subsequent actions, and even found a weapon for the abyss special attack. Although it can only be used on the abyss side, it is enough to be able to use it here. Who will let him at the beginning? Thought of the abyss of extinction?

It feels good to use the things in the abyss to make more powerful weapons to deal with the creatures in the abyss.

In addition to text deciphering things like Shenwen, if you want to get more useful test data, you have naturally used it with high intensity. With such a good carrier, how can it be used without high intensity? In addition to grabbing some of the materials and knowledge he needed, Zheng Yichen was ready to attack other saboteurs.

It didn’t take long for the entire abyss to realize that there was a lunatic in their side, who was specifically looking for a lunatic to destroy the devil. The one who was startled was the Dark City, and then the Blood Demon City. The lord of the two places were in the city. The battle traces of the Vandalism were captured nearby, and I thought that something was going to happen, but the Vandalism was killed instead.

Once or twice is acceptable, but the number of times is too high. Once the lord of the two cities ventilates, the problem is not that simple. What a good thing is that. Destroyer is a characteristic of the abyss, and the abyss creature is for that kind of existence. Those who stay away, but absolutely don't want the destruction demon to be extinct.

Even in a sense, the saboteur is still a tool for the rulers to maintain their power. After all, the thing has no brains and there are still many places to use. The saboteur has always been an absolute power symbol in the eyes of the people of the abyss. But nowadays this symbol of power is actually being killed as a pig...

One or two is fine. According to the information captured by the prophet, at least four saboteurs died in a short period of half a month. The idea that something was impossible, it was fake, appeared to those insiders. In his mind, they all felt threatened, they were able to slaughter the destruction demons, and they still existed with reason and purpose. Wouldn't it be worse if such a guy attacked them, those in power?

Soliciting? How to recruit such a person? At the beginning, there were people who had the mind to solicit, but now I wish this guy died sooner!

So there is a legend about Zheng Yichen here in the abyss. It is not a legend with a good reputation. Zheng Yichen does not care. In the high-intensity hunting within half a month, the alchemy incarnation of this law system has reached a limit, and the bones are stimulated. , The protection of the environment has also reached the upper limit, and now the bones are full of dense cracks, and there is a slight flashing phenomenon.

This set of bones will not last long, but the effect that can be exerted to this level is beyond Zheng Yichen’s expectations. It doesn’t matter. Just make a new alchemy incarnation. Now Zheng Yichen’s goal is besides hunting and destroying demons. I want to figure out the existence of the flash of lightning that was released to kill the demon **** pillar.

Before this……

He returned to his new workshop, which is the Evil City, anyway, according to the language of the abyss, the names of these cities are not so close, but according to the common language, it can also be translated into the name of Evil City. But since there were so many similarities before, Zheng Yichen simply translated it into this.

Anyway, the specific meaning is not much different.

Compared with other cities, this city is more'rules', but in fact it's that way. Some places that need to be squeezed will still have abyssal features, but the best thing in this place is that there are many things. Money can be used to solve problems, and even if the background is a little less, money can make a lot of abysses here to help.

This rule is already a leap forward in the abyss.

Therefore, Zheng Yichen's new workshop is also located in this place. In the past half month, Zheng Yichen has brought a lot of information about the use of divine power to the underground base.

"Master Hongyu, this is the information you want to pay attention to in the near future." In a luxurious room with dark red as the main color, a hand wearing a red silk glove woven like capillaries took over a piece of information. , The abyss creature who sent the information left the room without saying anything.

The owner of the glove flipped through the information in his hand, and finally stopped at the information about the influx of some abnormal potions in the Evil City.

Next to her was a bottle of potion that had flowed abnormally. After opening the bottle, a smell of pollution was immediately released. In Hongyu’s sight, the smell of pollution was quickly stripped out. A bottle of contaminated potion also became pure: "Then, who is so capable?"

It's basically impossible to make such a pure potion in the abyss. As for the purification ability? There is no such capable person in the abyss at all. There was no such person before, and there is no such person now. As for the capture of such capable person from the human side? It's useless, even if you catch someone with purification ability, once the opponent uses the purification ability in the abyss.

Then the abyssal environment will directly erode the capable person. It can be said that many existences in the abyss are related to the abyssal environment. Purifying the things in the abyss is equivalent to directly attacking the abyssal environment, and will naturally be affected by the abyss. Backlash, so any power of the purification system can't play its role in the abyss.

But what about this pure potion? Someone really sneaked their business from the mainland to the abyss here? If so, it's too showy. Would you like to investigate along this line?

"Well... there are additional orders? Abyss creatures." Zheng Yichen looked at the orders sent by the abyss creatures. He was a little surprised. His workshop was not hidden secretly, mainly because the space magic skills in the abyss were also used. It's inconvenient, and the high-quality workshops are not too small in size, so they don't make it a secret at all. They are just the ones on the surface. Anyway, there are many black workshops in Evil City.

On Zheng Yichen's side, he paid the money directly. All aspects are extremely legal. As for the investigation? Then go to the rules of the abyss, and ask him if he agrees with the knife in his hand, and order this thing. If it is changed to another city, more people will come with this identity or that identity. Here, just talk about how many things you want.

As for the lack of a deposit at all, first prepare the stuff and send it to another place. Whether you can get the money then depends on your personal ability. Do not agree? I don't agree because I don't want to be confused. Doing business in the Abyss is so simple and rude, and now that there is a written order for this thing, it is a rare situation in the Abyss.

Of course, there is no deposit or anything. The information in the order is not very detailed, and there are even many ambiguities, which are completely filled with the characteristics of the abyss. If you want to make money, you must beware of all kinds of hacking possibilities. Sex.

Zheng Yichen has become accustomed to this.

"Labor and capital must pay in full."

"Do you dare to order Master Hongyu?"

"Is there anything I dare not, as long as I can make a high-purity potion, the city that distinguishes it is also a guest, what happened to Hongyu? Who is Hongyu?"

"..." The abyss creature that sent the order looked surprised at the abyss creature in front of him. There is a unique technique that is very popular, but here is the abyss. The popular technique is more likely to be kidnapped and become a pig. Now, Lord Hongyu of Evil Demon City has already placed an order process very reasonable.

If you change to other abyss creatures, as long as you can make something satisfying, you can get paid with a high probability, but the pale black guy in front of him is so rampant that he is looking for a dead end.

"That's it." I slapped the order on the table, and this abyssal creature started directly. The opponent is also a pure person in the abyss class, and his physical characteristics are more than 90% consistent, so he moved. The strength shown by the hands was quite strong, and the front room of Zheng Yichen's workshop was almost blown through as soon as he shot.

The other party's meaning is also very clear. Zheng Yichen is purely toasting and not eating fine wine, then there is nothing to say. First speak with his fist. If his fist is not strong, he waits to be brought down by this abyss creature, kidnapped, and changed to another place. Honest work.

Otherwise, what else? Failure to do so is not an abyss feature. Zheng Yichen did not perform too high-profile, mainly because the new alchemy avatar is in the process of being made, and the alchemy avatar of the warrior system is not suitable for use here.

Although the thing is controllable, it is ultimately made of Destroyer. The flesh and blood of the body has its aura of Destroyer. You can easily be mistaken for even if it is exposed. After the new law system alchemy incarnation is made, do you really think it is easy to get a workshop?

Uh, although it is a costless business, the key is a waste of time.

So when Zheng Yichen kicked the abyssal creature out, it was five minutes later. The abyssal creature kicked out was still quite astonished. Seeing the dark ice thorns emerging from Zheng Yichen's side, there was a strong flash in his eyes. Of fear, this guy uses ice power.

Both offensive and defensive, this is also the reason why the alchemy workshop has not been demolished after the two sides have fought for more than five minutes. Most of his attacks have been absorbed by this ice, and he has also penetrated a lot in his body. Tiny ice needles.

The lethality of those ice needles is not strong, but it seriously affected the flow of his abyssal magic power and the flexibility of his body. He kicked him just now, and he felt a lot of muscles in his body shattered. After all, the physique is strong, and ordinary people will die from injuries. He can still speak and communicate normally, not even reaching the level of serious injury.

"Don't go too far! Only the deposit is at most!"

Abyss creatures are still very reasonable...