Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1782: After a break

Life force is a special force lacking lethality, but this type of force is not incapable of showing the effect of lethality. The key is to see who is using it and how to use it. Annie was able to turn life force into death force. Zheng Yichen did it under normal circumstances. No, but he can take tricks.

The way of reversing life and death is like the secrets of martial arts. Once you have mastered it, you can always gain a bit of research. Zheng Yichen's talent is not too bad, plus the witch's teaching of his knowledge is considered as a careful teaching, so a small amount of life force He cannot reverse it, but his life force has accumulated to a certain level.

It is not difficult to achieve the degree that the extremes of things must be reversed, and it can be said that they are prosperous and decline.

The huge vitality of the Demon Pillar is all gathered on Zheng Yichen's side. This kind of high-intensity operation can only be done by the main body here. The alchemy incarnation can exert the power to fight the Abyss City Lord, mainly with the help of props.

If the body comes here, it will only play better.

The dark green light ball with a radius of half a meter was lifted by Zheng Yichen. This thing hit the ground to ensure a large-scale local recovery phenomenon. According to the experience taught by the Life Witch, the light green color of life force is the quality. The best, the darker the color, the higher the level of clutter.

This dark green...Forget it, even if the life force contained in it can make someone immortal, the key point is that impure life force is difficult to absorb. Most of the immortal form is a huge mass of flesh like cancer cells. , Now Zheng Yichen wants to use it as an attack method.

Mottled black dots gradually appeared in the huge and heavy life force light ball, and then those black dots quickly expanded. The dark green sphere turned into a deep pitch black color, and the mighty breath of death spread out. , Zheng Yichen's hair has a little more white.


He dared not continue to maintain this pretending posture, he directly threw the huge black ball that had begun to swell, and then the space magic skills were fully activated, and he withdrew to the distance without looking back. .

When retreating quickly, a red shadow appeared at the corner of Zheng Yichen’s eyes. Looking at the red shadow that slightly opened his palm, Zheng Yichen’s eyes shrank slightly, his fingers moved quickly, and the magic thread was drawn quickly from his five fingers. A magic circle that came out.

Destiny closes the world!


The red jade that shot his hand frowned slightly, the folds that blocked Zheng Yichen's moving space were like broken glass, and even the sounds they made were similar.

"Strange." Hongyu had a look of surprise on her face. Her mirror image prediction technique was more likely to interfere with reality, but there was an extra'empty' in that area. The direct prediction technique was installed just like glass hitting an iron block. He directly shattered himself: "What kind of magic is this?"

These Abyss City Lord knew about Zheng Yichen's existence, so after his traces were exposed, in addition to Hongyu, others were also trying to intercept him.

After Hongyu's interception failed, she glanced at the depths of the mist, her face changed slightly, leaving a faint red mist in place, and the figure disappeared here. After reappearing, she had already passed the mirror image prediction technique. He moved directly to the main city of the abyss, and his face became pale.

Some of the guards on the city wall were a little strange, and other Abyss City Lords also found something wrong. The surging death force surged from the depths of the fog like a tsunami.

The scope of influence is constantly swelling in the form of crazy exponentials. No wonder the dragon retreats crazy like seeing a ghost, even ignoring some attacks and choosing to resist.


The black shock burst out in circles, being swept into the abyss, the monster directly terminated all activities, and the body stiffly smashed to the ground. The abyss monster also needs life force to maintain, and the erupting death impact directly gave all their vitality. Washed out, the body was filled with mighty death power.

Some abyss creatures that have no time to escape will end up almost the same as those abyss monsters.

The mighty shock wave even spread to the abyss main city, but before it touched the abyss main city, it was blocked by the protection formed by the surging mist.

"..." Hongyu looked at the death ripples that impacted the protection, his expression could not see much change, but the abyss guards who had previously suspected Hongyu's weakness were full of horror.

Without this layer of protection, they don't know how they died.

With protection, you can feel the pressure of death. Those abyssal creatures that are active outside, as long as they are within the range of death wave radiation, how many can they survive?

"Is that the death witch?" The human professionals who retreated to the distance felt the mighty breath of death power in the distance, and muttered to themselves with a frightening expression. Not many people noticed. When they were shocked, they were surprised. The figure appeared in their team through space magic skills.

Zheng Yichen took out the mirror and took a look at his head. He grinned slightly, and his hair became a lot whiter. It was not a life witch or death witch. He had tossed about this kind of operation that seemed like a forbidden curse, and its impact on him. It's still quite big, but he can be sure that his body has not been affected in any way.

A part of the hair was affected by the force of death and turned white. It was the result of the force of death being filled in. As long as that part was cut off, the new hair that grew out would be as black and shiny as before.

After looking back, why don’t you look back at the explosion? If you don’t look back, your back will be **** and bloody, if you look back...

The terrain of the underground world is complex. In order to deal with the war, the mainland forces have already explored the surrounding environment clearly. Some places have started construction work. This is not the kind of place where the door is blocked, so it was built. It's all a fortress model.

Those are important barriers that can hold weak points.

It’s not that the abyssal creatures cannot pass by other places, but that other places are all natural dangers. If they want to pass, more time will be wasted. Even the mainland forces don’t have to do it, and they will have a lot of extra sacrifices. To invade the mainland smoothly, the best passages are those guarded by fortresses.

In a temporary camp, Zheng Yichen saw that some staff were counting things. He had nothing to do when he was idle. He found a place to trim his white hair with a pair of scissors, and a figure came to Zheng Yichen.

"You are so courageous, the deity ran out?" Lilia, with her hands wrapped in bandages, said while looking at Zheng Yichen who was sitting on the ground.

"Some things must be done by the deity." Zheng Yichen looked in the mirror, and after making sure that there was no white hair, he burned all the hair that was cut off: "Your conditions are so difficult? The injuries can't be cured."

Lilia looked at her hands and curled her lips slightly: "The power of the volcano lord, how can ordinary healing magic be cured."

Her hands had undergone emergency treatment, but the casters of the remaining fire power were helpless and could only deal with the trauma first.

"Give me your hand." Zheng Yichen stretched out his right hand to Lilia.

She glanced around, hesitated for a while, stretched out her hands, a wisp of red mist escaped from her arms and gathered in Zheng Yichen's palms, followed by the burning sensation on her arms. Disappeared: "Hoo~ Thank you very much."

She didn't stay here too much. After all, the relationship between each other expressed that kind of understanding, not familiarity. The reason for coming here is that Zheng Yichen didn’t do this now. She would also ask Zheng Yichen to help him later. Everyone knows that this dragon has a good relationship with the lord of the volcano.

There must be a way to deal with her injury.

Now it is done directly, and the remaining power of the volcano lord is driven away, and her hands can be healed by finding a spellcaster with a healing magic.

After Lilia left, Zheng Yichen took out the Demon Soldier Summoning Book and looked at the statistics on it. Humans suffered a lot of battle damage here, but those alchemy puppets suffered even greater losses. The first wave of impact was to deal with the abyssal devastation. Alchemy puppet.

Even if it was cleaning up used goods, Zheng Yichen felt a little distressed by the war losses this time. Those lost alchemy puppets couldn't make up for it in a short time.

This is Zheng Yichen's battle damage calculated through the backstage records. The battle damage on the mainland has not yet been counted, but there are definitely a lot of people who died, and the number of human powers who died is also a lot.

On the side of the abyss, it seemed as if several city owners had died. The old man who used the blockade to kill the three abyss city owners quite powerfully, Zheng Yichen expressed his uncle's mighty power.

When he was looking at some data,, many eyes were paying attention to him. After all, Zheng Yichen is also a celebrity on the mainland side. He appeared in this camp, some of which have never directly contacted him. The reader also feels curious.

There are no companions, just sitting on the ground alone.

"Hoo~ gone." After reading the battle damage statistics, Zheng Yichen patted his **** and stood up, left the camp, and rushed to Puli Underground City. To say that the best resting place is Puli Underground City. Now, he did not intentionally express that he is the identity of the ontology now, nor did he intentionally conceal it.

As for what other people think, few people have visually connected him to the deity. The alchemy incarnation has been used a lot, and the body has appeared. Others thought it was a more advanced alchemy puppet. Everyone knew that the alchemy puppet he made was very good. Excellent.

"Oh, I'm lucky."

Looking at the witch blocking the road, Zheng Yichen stopped the off-road vehicle that was driving on land, land, and air: "Get in the car and say."

The blending witch Tawil sat directly on the co-pilot, and the research project on the Deep Valley of Despair had reached a bottleneck. Except for the main witches who stayed there, her witches all left there and did their own things. It’s a matter of course, so it’s not surprising that Tawil appears here.