Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1836: Erupt in silence

"Accelerate the captain, let's not be left behind." Green jumped out of the car and said, looking at the black dragon Liana in the distance.

  Oss nodded, and immediately followed, his expression was a little angry, and he said it well before, did such a thing as soon as he got there? Although he said he took action, the premise of the action is to work together, not to run away with explosive power.

After   , his expression recovered, Liana who ran away stopped: "Why didn't you keep up?"

   "... Next time, don't worry so much, don't delay these ten seconds." Oss pointed to the sky, and said in a deep voice, "Those pretenders and lost points can't run."

   "I just don't want to waste time."

   He shook his head and walked in the forefront: "Don't be too impulsive."

As he said that the huge sword in his hand blasted the ground in front of him, the earth shattered, and a magical barrier was exposed. The pretender inside glared at the person who lifted the roof. The radiation fluctuations are very troublesome. It also has sufficient penetration to the earth.

They can only stop them with magic enchantments. They didn't even act on the sky-eye satellites in the sky, in order to come to a chase after the dark under the lights and avoid them. As long as they survived, they could survive, but how long will it take? , He was approached directly.

   You don’t even have to wait for people to continue fighting afterwards, as long as you break the magic enchantment, you can expose them to radiation fluctuations, and be roasted to death by the radiation fluctuations that restrain the fascinating power.

   "Damn, do you have to kill them all?"

   "Is that killing you all? The old lady wants you to exterminate the species." The black dragon Liyana wanted to rush up irritably, and directly tore through the magic barrier, but was stopped by Oss.

"There is no need to go down directly, use this." He took out a magical firearm and shot a shot at the magic enchantment below. The purifying flame spread quickly over that layer of magic enchantment. The pretender was full of unwillingness. The magic enchantment was accompanied by a backlash curse. As long as the people above dared to make a move, they would be severely backlashed.

   They have to die and try to take away some people from the action team.

With the rupture of the magic enchantment, the radiation fluctuations spread by the Skyeye satellite also acted on the pit. The hidden spots here immediately melted away. The pretenders are protected by their bodies, and they can hold on for a little longer, but That is, if they hold on for a while, they are unwilling to die like this.

Directly took out the preset weapons and bombed them at Oss and others. Compared with magic, pretenders prefer magic weapons. The main reason is that pretenders are different from normal humans. When magic is used, fluctuations will also occur. Expose their identities, and there is no such problem with magic guns.

It’s just that at this time, who cares about that? The caster just releases the magic while using the gun. The warrior is the same. Anyway, it’s enough to output everything in the shortest time. Oss will not waste time here and destroy the magic. A crimson shield of blood erupted from the sword of the sword, and rushed down against those attacks.

   "I also said I was impulsive. Isn't he impulsive like this?"

"Of course not." Green directly refuted the black dragon Liana's words. The enemy's protective shield has been broken. What Oss is doing now is to accelerate the death of those people. As for the protective shield, the intelligence is all Immediately updated, some protective shields in other places have backlash curses.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   There are also some unique magic belonging to the abyssal forces, which might lead to death. The members of the action team have been slightly damaged, so When encountering some kind of protection from a protective shield, directly use something like Purifying Flame Bomb to break it, and the rest is a normal battle.

   The protective shield was broken, and these pretenders are not allowed to resist? They dare to resist and don't wait to die obediently. As a member of the mainland action team, they have the responsibility to kill them on the spot.

"Then I'll go down too!" Liana rushed down a second, and then fell to the sky. With two fireballs of average intensity, she stepped on a pretender's head with one foot, and the pretender was under a huge impact. , Burst on the spot, the extremely **** scene did not cause any riots in the battle...

In less than two minutes, a speeding magic car was on the road again. Oss, who was driving, sniffed the residual blood in the air. As a magic sword cultist, there was no blood in the battle, but the black dragon next to him was contaminated. Quite a lot of blood, the opponent did not use weapons, although he maintained a human form, but the black dragon's physique still existed.

The pretender’s weapon can directly resist her body, and can interrupt the enemy’s weapon with one punch and kick. The magic of the caster falls on her, and the effect is minimal. The black dragon is really the king of melee in the dragon clan. .

"I can really hold my breath." In the volcanic area, Zheng Yichen looked at the reports everywhere. Under the predictions of the second elder of the dragon clan, the remaining mysteries were removed one by one during the high-speed action of the action team. There was a lot of resistance in, and the pretenders also brought out some heavy magic weapons like contraband.

The types are very diverse. There are three empires, and there are some without identification information, but since they are captured, they can be traced. These are things that are settled after the autumn. Those who privately provide these weapons can't run away. You must know the magician. At the same time the weapon shines in the abyss war.

There is also a threat to the mainland forces. The magical heavy artillery that the dragons can damage, and the pretenders can move out. Liana is not the first dragon to be injured. She is still good, and she is not lucky. He was sent to the hospital, but the scales and bones of the dragon clan were strong enough.

   Otherwise, some dragons have gone to see their ancestors now.

Under the influence of this heavy weapon, the action team also suffered additional losses. Especially at the beginning, everyone did not expect that the pretenders could develop to this level. They were caught off guard. Now the situation has stabilized. In the end, no matter how the pretenders can toss, under the radiation of the radiation wave generating device hung on the SkyEyes satellite, they are all in sight.

  According to Zheng Yichen's estimation, the mystery unity consciousness should have a larger counterattack. If it does not die out in silence, it will erupt in silence. Will that thing die out silently?

   "The matter is finally over, come and drink." Oro looked at the young man in front of him, said with a smile on his face, and Simon, who was sitting opposite him, shook his head gently.

   "The matter is not over yet, drinking is not good."

"Well, that's a pity, I'm not welcome." Oro shook his head and drank the drink in the small glass. They are still here at the World Defense Council and have not left, and the cleanup operation has already begun. It doesn't make much sense to leave here. After there is no meeting, they are in a state of free movement.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   will not need these people in the World Defense Council for subsequent actions, because everything is already prepared.

The people here should have fun, eat and eat. Oro and Simeng are chatting about some related things. The preparation time of the plan is very short, so Oro cannot guarantee that there are absolutely no loopholes. , But another way of thinking, short time also means that it is difficult for the enemy to react immediately.

He found a lot of illegal existence among the operatives this time, such as those artificial witches who got rid of the control of the dark church, and the awakened saints who were thought to be dead and not dead... This method violated the rules and reached the grandmother’s house. Even if it is the method used in abnormal times, if there is no deep friendship of the dragon clan to guarantee the bottom.

   Oro would not do this easily. It was too easy to be sent to the trial house, and it was not just like drinking tea after entering. Under such circumstances, don't want to come out after entering.

   It is the young man in front of him who first discovered the peculiarities of the puzzle. He was really calm enough.

The mystery unity consciousness exploded. As the clean-up plan gradually came to an end, under the lock of the second elder Gladys’ prophecy, the remaining strength of the mystery got rid of the prophecy, not completely disappeared, but transferred, those powers All moved to one place, and the burst of super power tore out a big hole in Skynet.

The SkyEyes satellites in the range were swept away, and the mounted radiation wave generator was completely In this super-aggregation form, the mystery integration consciousness directly ignored the remaining radiation. fluctuation.

"Oh, I finally can't help it. It seems that my previous research is still correct. Mysterious point integration consciousness does have a core." Zheng Yichen looked at the scene revealed on the mirror image prophecy, and said with a smile, the mystery was scattered. At the time, the confusion was too strong, and the positioning of prophecy was also positioned on those puzzles.

   After the number of mazes is cleared to the limit, the core will be exposed sooner or later. Of course, if the maze does not explode, then the core is said to be unstable, but it has now exploded.

"The current mystery is very strong." Gladys said solemnly. She had seen this state of aggregation not long ago. She also turned over in this state of aggregation maintained by my consciousness of integration. That is a large number of evil gods. A unique form of aggregation.

"Strong is strong, but it hasn't encountered a way of being restrained. I have studied the mystery for a long time." Zheng Yichen can see it without Gladys' explanation. When this mystery broke out, mirroring prophecy It's all blurred, but the location of the core of the puzzle has been exposed.

In this form that looks very powerful, even the witch is hard to get it right away, the mystery is actually going to die. Zheng Yichen has studied too many viruses for the mystery, and the mystery can be quickly dispersed. After cutting off the infected part, and now they have gathered together, showing a more powerful posture.

   Can those poisons be removed directly? With this size, the virus can instantly infect its whole body, and Zheng Yichen does not need to take action in this matter, or even some professionals are not required to approach it. A prepared sniper can complete the injection of the virus.