Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1846: The new inner ghost has appeared

If you can become a city lord, you can still enjoy enough resources. The lord of Abyss Ruby City, Kunke doesn’t think that Hongyu will really call the identity of the city lord to the other party, but she Since that promise is made, as long as the alchemist agrees, it will be the deputy city master above all the deputy city masters of Hongyu City.

   It's a bit complicated to say that, but let's briefly describe it... Elite Vice City Lord.

   is not comparable to those second- and third-rate deputy city masters.

But the other party is still active in the new Hongyu City, mostly rejecting Hongyu's proposal. Thinking of this, Kunke couldn't help but laughed: "It seems that he has a big picture. I hope that Hongyu City will not change its name in the future, and you will not change. Into his toy."

   "I have really reached that point, I can only say that I have failed too much."

After the instigation failed, the smile on Kunke's face disappeared. Hongyu, the woman, values ​​the alchemist very much. After the chat is over, the next thing is business. Zheng Yichen's ability Kunke has admitted, so the next step is about some follow-up plans Arrangement, Hongyu sent a very important alchemist.

It does not mean that she will not be involved in some things later. The alchemist also needs the technical support of magic technology, or that this is the main role of the alchemist. Hong Yu is now responsible for getting some magic technology in the mainland. , The greedy woman who gets the technology will share it casually?

  Think too much.

   doesn't want to share it casually, but wants to put the magical technology she got into use, she will definitely let people she trusts participate in the abyss monster transformation plan, instead of stuffing those technologies directly to the demon city.

  The premise is...This woman really has the ability to get enough magic skills, if she can't get it, she will lose an important subordinate.

"Part of the magic technology problem has been solved. You just need to take care of the things you are responsible for. The other aspects are my business." Hongyu's face has a faint smile, and the next step is to talk about the allocation of resources. Now, she likes this process the most. After all, she is dominant this time, and Kunke will definitely suffer!

After that, Hongyu left the main city of the abyss contentedly, Kunke's face...just like that, anyway, after some research results were beaten by the dragon on the mainland, he was in a bad mood and looked calm. But it often gives people the feeling of a grumpy brother.

Staring at the leaving Hongyu, Kunke couldn't see the joy or anger on his expression. Now Hongyu's performance is even better. He won't say much, but it doesn't mean that this is over. Everyone is weak. At that time, Hongyu is strong now, he won't make extra small moves, so it will only be himself who suffers.

   Hongyu woman would not fail to think of this, otherwise she would send her precious alchemy with peace of mind?

After returning to Hongyu City, Hongyu looked at the several abyssal women in front of her with great interest. Through mirror prediction, she could directly see the peculiarities of these abyssal women. They are all pregnant now, but the offspring conceived are not. What a purebred abyssal creature, but a hybrid of humans and abyssal creatures.

   Human beings have a structure only in the ninth month of pregnancy, and in these abyssal creatures, it only took less than a week to reach the level of human beings for nearly seven months.

  Since they are a hybrid of humans and abyssal creatures, their parents are naturally humans. Although the physiques of humans and abyssal creatures are very different, some things are not impossible.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Even if the current thing seems to be really impossible, but under the influence of some kind of force, it creates a unique situation , The mother of evil gods, the woman of Cromia influenced some human betrayers in the mainland. After the betrayers came to Hongyu City, they used as seeds to conceive these abyssal creatures.

The process is not too tortuous, so there is no need to elaborate. Anyway, the final result is like this. This is also the way Cromia brings the'technology'. Strictly speaking, the offspring bred by these abyssal creatures are not real offspring. The body is a mixed race, but the soul is the deputy on the human side.

After Cromia tried to kill some professionals who mastered magic technology on the mainland, they retained their souls in a special way, attached to the human traitors, and sent them to Hongyu City. As for There are human descendants that affect the creatures of the abyss.

   Hong Yu cares about this? As for these abyssal women, under her order, they don’t even care about it. For them, eating and drinking are good during this period, and there are extra rewards. The price is nothing more than waiting for more than a week. Pieces of meat, it doesn't matter at all, the three views of abyssal creatures are very different from the three views of the mainland.

   The third day.

Hongyu looked at some children with abyss characteristics in a cart covered with cotton pads. These babies were much larger than ordinary babies and much smaller than the creatures of the abyss. They did not cry. , It is more curious to watch your own state.

  The body is a baby, but their soul is not. Cromia has affected these people. Now these human souls who master magic technology are also human traitors.

   Because of the special method, the baby grows very fast. On average, they can grow up to about one or two years old a day. You don’t have to wait for them to fully grow up, and you can get everything they want on the same day.

In just a few hours, these "babies" who can eat meat at birth will soon become tough. Some mothers are stronger, and the corresponding babies grow faster, and they can even write directly with a pen. , They don’t understand the abyss script, but the lingua franca is enough.

The woman Cromia...Looking at the cubs who have begun to record magic skills with pens, and can even communicate with each other without obstacles, Hongyu’s finger gently taps on the tabletop. Cromia is a woman capable of It has something to do with'fertility', but what it looks like needs to be determined later.

   But anyway, that woman's abilities are indeed very special and dangerous. People on the mainland probably never thought that this woman's neck ring would use this method to smuggle technicians.

   And it's easy to send people over. There is no need to spend considerable energy to dig corners or do other things, just give the woman contact with some people with high-end technology.

These people quickly recorded the skills they mastered. After Hongyu took a look, he motioned to his subordinates to arrange these cubs. They weren't a consumable that was wasted after using it once, Cromi. Ya can send these people down, or the woman owes her a favor.

   If she wants to let the other party continue to do this, she has to give something.

   Judging from the technical information recorded by these people, Cromia didn't fish in this matter, and all the people who sent it over were genuine.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   After obtaining the knowledge and information they have, they can continue to carry out related follow-up research afterwards, although it cannot be like a large research team on the mainland The progress is the same, but at least the Red Jade City can get more special technologies, and the short-term goal of the task arranged by the Abyss Main City has been completed.

As for the long-term goal, don’t worry now. Cromia’s method is easy to use, but the mainland power is not a fool. The woman does this frequently, and technicians have been killed. The mainland will also take this matter seriously. ...

Zheng Yichen looked at the knowledge that Hongyu had sent over, and the corners of his mouth grinned slightly. Although this knowledge did not involve those very high-end magic techniques, and some of it was incomplete, the missing was very serious, but it was formed. Part of it is indeed able to meet some of the needs of the abyss.

At least with this kind of technology, the production of some backward magic guns is not a big problem, and the cost can be suppressed, but the technology is not comprehensive enough to open up other aspects of research, but even this kind of relatively backward technology, in the mainland It's also kept secret over there.

It’s still the same. Magical firearms are easy to imitate. As long as you are an alchemist or engineer, it is really not difficult to draw a gourd with your hands. It is rare to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of mass production while still guaranteeing the firearms. In addition to the strength of it, there are some more core parts.

"...How did you do it?" Zheng Yichen was also a little bit murmured in his heart, this is really unbelievable, but it did appear in front of packed these things and delivered them. It means that afterwards, I have to show that I can match my own abilities, and come up with some unique magical techniques that belong to the abyss style.

   "Hey, it feels bad." What is the current behavior? Investing in the enemy, even though it is indeed in exchange for more useful information at the same time.

Zheng Yichen himself had some plans before, that is, to properly develop the theory that was made not long ago, to let those abyss monsters use their lives to rush, life and death force conflicts as gunpowder, no matter how strong the abyss monster cannon fodder, at most The 35th artillery was directly scrapped.

   And because of the utilization factor, the power is not as powerful as the magic weapon on the human side. At the same time, the range is a little bit hip. The proper way is to increase the long-range output of the cannon fodder while reducing the overall strength of the cannon fodder.

When asked afterwards, he could confidently say that this was the product of the test phase. The development on the abyss is completely different from that on the mainland, and there is no corresponding technology on the mainland. What can he do, more simply, he It is straightforward to say that I don't know much about life magic skills, and that the overall strength is reduced is the pot of the person in charge of the other party.

  He is only responsible for stuffing weapons on the monster cannon fodder.

But now that there are more of these things, some plans need to be changed, and the other is to figure out how the red jade got these things. Even if the normal professionals are betrayers of the human beings, some people who have important skills will betray. Betrayed? Those who rebel have little chance to enter the underground world, even to the cities in the abyssal territory...

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