Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1848: Detour

Regarding the investigation of the pretenders, he realized that there were errors in some parts of his investigation. There are many similarities between the pretenders and the betrayers. After all, they are all human forms. One is that the soul has changed, the other is. It's the mental deterioration, and it's really hard to tell if you don't dig out the person for a good look.

Even if there is a soul lens to distinguish, but as long as it is cunning enough, there is always a way to avoid this target, pretenders, betrayers...Even if they are almost the same, but the distinction between identities is wrong, but it will bring additional impact .

Now most people think that the pretenders are completely wiped out with the destruction of the puzzle. Some survey results are indeed like this. For this reason, many people's attention to the abyss pretenders has begun to decrease, saying that it is for more. For the betrayers and lurkers...

  From a normal point of view, this is indeed no problem.

But Oro has corresponding confidence in the results of his investigation, but according to the existing information, there is a contradiction. Although he can directly point out who the target is, the problem is here. There is no basis for nothing. What about humiliating innocence? Even when he didn't rush to do it before, it actually achieved his current safe situation.

   The target he stared at was not finished together because of the demise of the puzzle, which made the clues and evidence he collected before directly turned into clouds.

   is useless, click to start the investigation again.

The betrayers and lurkers just need to continue their previous investigations. The pretenders are getting less and less attention. Oro has no support for investigating in this area. If you invest too much energy in this area, it will still' The betrayer' caught the handle and gave him a cover that didn't work well.

From another perspective, if those human traitors really do this, it will be beneficial to him. If the pretender is really okay, then his investigation is a waste of energy, but if there is a problem, then he can instead. Investigate some information that has been modified.

   "Let's start from this aspect." Oro exhaled and told Archiel about his plan: "We divide the work."

"This is an adventure, unlike you." After hearing Oro's plan, Archer frowned slightly and said. This plan is indeed a bit too risky. Oro will just bet again, even though he won't be given to him in the end. How much influence it will bring, but it will inevitably interfere with some of his personal influence in the future.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   His fight with the'secrets' of the abyssal forces is already very fierce in the dark. If the personal influence is reduced, then in many things All will appear passive.

"That's why you divide your work. You continue to be responsible for the current betrayers and lurkers. While I cooperate with you in this regard, I will mainly investigate the pretenders." Oro saw Archer's worry: "And I also have a special advantage."

"Dragons?" Archie nodded. Now that Oro is ready to use the'Dragon's Profound Friendship', he won't advise anything anymore. After all, Mustache has noticed something unusual, then There is no harm in being careful about some things.

   "Well then, let's work harder in the future."

   Oro’s investigation of the pretender certainly cannot be carried out with fanfare, but when he is mainly investigating this, Archer will bear more pressure. After all, the two are in the same department.

In Demon City, Zheng Yichen looked at the cannon fodder of the abyss monster in front of him that was undergoing testing, and exhaled slightly. This is the limit he can suppress. As a cannon fodder, the long-range output capability of this thing is good, in order to meet Kunke's requirements. , The range of this thing has also been improved, but the price is the possibility of blasting when launching.

The probability is not high, just a few percent. After all, it is the use of life force and death force to conflict, so as to detonate gunpowder to fire ammunition. You can't expect how stable this thing is. In terms of power, it is simple and rude, and it is also lethal. Not bad.

However, due to the drag of the barrel, the speed of these cannon fodder monsters has been reduced. In general, the overall strength of this gadget has increased by less than one tenth. The attributes of this gadget are still very balanced. Zheng Yichen and some monsters After the spellcaster of Mingcheng made adjustments, it meant to demolish the east wall to make up the west wall.

Part of the attribute strength of this monster was transferred, in exchange for the performance of long-range attacks. In terms of testing, it was very successful. At least it can guarantee that 90% of the cannon fodder monsters will not die on the way to the charge. Now this range can be guaranteed. Eighty percent die on the charge, and the remaining 20 percent can effectively counterattack.

   After this kind of thing is shaped, it is to transform the flesh and blood factory, transform the flesh and blood factory, and put some life magic information into it, and then the matrix produced by the flesh and blood factory can produce this cannon fodder monster.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   There are two kinds of cannon fodder monsters. The first one is to add nothing and directly produce bone muzzles. In that case, there will be additional consumption, after all The strength of the muzzle must be high before it can be put into The second is to put in the corresponding metal materials, which consumes less.

In fact, there are many transformation plans, such as spraying acid liquid, similar to the transformation of Hydralisk, etc. There is no need for an operation of fusion of life magic skills and magic technology, but Zheng Yichen’s identity in this place is' I don’t know how many life magic skills, now that I have received the order, I will follow my professional field.

   As for the abyss creatures who understand life magic skills, they were directly crooked by Zheng Yichen. This crookedness will not last long. As this weapon is put on the battlefield, it will gradually be improved by the abyss creatures.

What he has to do is to additionally suppress this correct and improved route. While making the abyssal forces feel that the power of the abyss has improved, he continues to go round the bends. As long as the enemy's development speed is suppressed, then the mainland side is tantamount to accelerating development. Speed, at the same time, the current transformation can still send some resources to the mainland.

After the death of the former cannon fodder monster, it was a pile of toxic rotten meat. Now it carries metal objects. After sending a large amount of cannon fodder, just recycling scrap iron can bring back some losses. This is what Zheng Yichen will do in the World Defense Society. On the side of the proposal, a recycling device was developed.

Well, let’s wait until these cannon fodder monsters are officially put on the battlefield. Now, he finally has the opportunity to get a good understanding of the flesh and blood factory on this side of the abyss. He has to figure out the things made with the flesh and blood of the witch. Which witch is the flesh and blood, and how to quickly guide the death of the flesh factory.

   By the way, if you have the opportunity to figure out how many flesh and blood factories there are in the abyss, if you don’t have an accurate number, you must figure out the general number.