Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1876: Recovered well

"It's so delicious, I haven't eaten such food in a long time...No, it seems that I haven't eaten it in a long time." The symbiosis witch tore the barbecue in her hand and said vaguely, expressing extremely resentful words, but Her performance was exactly the same as before, showing an abnormally weak state.

   "Excuse me, are there any more?"

"Yes." Zheng Yichen brought out some new food. The quantity of these things is not that many. After all, the activities here rely on alchemy incarnations. This thing does not need to eat. The things he took out now consume an extra large amount of food. The magic power was sent, and the rest was obtained by looting the abyss city.

"thank you."

   Zheng Yichen seriously looked at the symbiotic witch who was eating in a slightly ferocious state, and the other side's weak energy was like a calm water surface with turbulent undercurrents.

There is no danger on the surface, as long as you enter the water, you will feel enough to tear any existing dangerous undercurrents. Then how to arrange the symbiosis witch. Originally, Zheng Yichen wanted to take her away, but her current instability makes her Zheng Yichen hesitated, bringing her back to the mainland is not a good choice.

   When the symbiosis witch is on the abyss, she can harm the enemy’s rear at will, how about the mainland? The Symbiosis Witch is very easy to get out of control now. Once out of control, a large amount of hatred is raging on the mainland, who will bear this pot? It should be said according to the emotional witch, it is best to kill the symbiotic witch.

   Although she is alive and can cause a lot of trouble to the abyss, if she is caught back, the abyss will be able to revive the flesh and blood factory immediately, it is really not as good as dead... and the symbiosis witch herself has this kind of expectation.

   "It's not easy to live again, do you still want to die now?" Zheng Yichen asked.

   "No." The symbiosis witch shook her head: "I have my own desires, I have what I want to get, and I want endless revenge."

   "Then let's discuss some things first." Zheng Yichen gave a chuckle, and the Symbiosis Witch stared straight at Zheng Yichen.

   "Is this your real appearance?"

   "No, I'll change it now if you want to see it."

   She nodded seriously, "I want to see it."

It is very simple for him to change a layer of skin. Anyway, the skin of the alchemy incarnation is plastic. As for the bones, it is basically in the shape of Zheng Yichen, mainly to ensure convenient activities. Switching takes less than a few seconds. Zheng Yichen's real appearance, the symbiosis witch looks very much looking forward to it: "Then you can still smile like just now?"

   "..." Sister Witch, something is wrong with you.

Zheng Yichen rubbed his face and revealed the same smile again, but the original intention was different. The smile was naturally a little awkward, but the Symbiosis Witch did not feel any abnormality. She fixedly stared at Zheng Yichen, knowing that his smile disappeared: "There is also Is it a problem?"

   She shook her head, indicating that it was gone.

There are no other questions, so continue to discuss some things. Regarding the specific situation of the Symbiosis Witch, the communication alone cannot be completely determined. Zheng Yichen still needs to check her body, and it is possible to check it together with her soul consciousness. , This request is a bit too much.

   But the symbiotic witch blushed slightly, and weakly agreed.

"This is very dangerous for you, even if you are a witch." Zheng Yichen said righteously. The witch is very powerful, but if she opens her body and soul unguardedly, even if Zheng Yichen is weaker, he can still master it now. The skill of the witch directly seals all the power of a witch and easily solves it.

   "Well... I know, I don't care, it can only happen to you." The Symbiosis Witch lowered her head and said softly.

Ma Ye, this is a problem. Zheng Yichen couldn't help but twitched in his heart. He wanted to give up the next thing, but the plan was still going on. He exhaled and reached out to hold the Symbiosis Witch and stretched it out. Touched directly by her hand, a faint pink was added to her pale skin.


The perception of life magic skills, soul perception, and consciousness perception proceed simultaneously. The symbiosis witch's physical condition is fully displayed in front of Zheng Yichen. Her physique has basically returned to normal except for some contaminated parts. If Zheng Yichen has not studied it Destroyer's words.

There must be no superfluous problems, but now Zheng Yichen found the part of the saboteur in the normal symbiosis witch, but this thing was clearly eliminated before, but now it has reappeared, those hatreds. There are a few traces of Destroyer Demons on his body, and it is probably also affected by the subject.

Observing carefully, the part of the destruction demon has naturally merged with the body of the symbiosis witch. This part is not an abnormal part, but a normal part, which belongs to the “initial physique” of the symbiosis witch. Now, as for how she got this part of the characteristics.

Zheng Yichen guessed that it was not a good beginning. When she was sealed in the flesh and blood factory, but the flesh was not human-shaped, and there were a lot of messy parts that affected the stability of her flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood part of the demon was also destroyed. It's a messy part.

Even the destruction demon can get extra bonuses in the abyss. Does the symbiosis witch have the flesh and blood of that kind of thing? It is a kind of confrontation in itself. The weak symbiosis witch is constantly protected by the destruction demon flesh and blood in the home environment. Influence, it is impossible for her to maintain stability in her body.

In terms of soul, the soul of the Destroyer is also protected by the abyss environment. Zheng Yichen has a deep understanding of this, but he is not clear about some of the characteristics of the Destroyer that the Symbiosis Witch now has, whether he did not clean it at the time or was it a long time. During her torture, she passively acquired this characteristic.

The soul is similar, Zheng Yichen perceives and observes in consciousness, and suddenly she has nothing to say. Her consciousness is really complete, and the part of illusory consciousness is in a state of symbiosis, becoming a nutrient for the consciousness of a new born juvenile. Juvenile consciousness gradually occupies the vacancy filled by illusory consciousness.

Just like the heart of Oss’s Heart Eater, it was transplanted at first, but as the subsequent flesh and blood grows, the heart of the Heart Eater is gradually replaced by the flesh of Os’s growth, retaining the Heart Eater. The replacement of the heart characteristics, the symbiotic witch's current consciousness recovery model is similar to that model.

   The current symbiosis witch is a symbiosis witch, but the former symbiosis witch is not the current symbiosis witch...

No matter what, the current symbiosis witch is indeed a healthy state. Although the consciousness is weaker, but under the influence of the powerful soul, as long as the replacement of the illusion consciousness is completely completed, it can return to normal in a short time. , And even the strength has not been weakened by years of torture.

   Her magical power is even stronger than that of some witches that Zheng Yichen can come into contact with, such as the middle witch Eve, and the concoct witches who do not use magic as their strengths.

The symbiosis witch is not like a tortured witch at all. It takes a long time to recover. Zheng Yichen doesn't know if this is her crazy revenge against the enemy, using symbiosis to recover herself, or she has the characteristics of a destructive demon. , So that she can enjoy extra recovery in the abyss environment.

   Her destruction demon characteristics are incomplete, but she basically has a part of what the destructor should have. This means that if the symbiotic witch leaves the abyss, she will be additionally affected. It may not be fatal, but it will not be better.

After understanding her situation, Zheng Yichen also has an eye for the future arrangements. The symbiosis witch's consciousness is very stable and mentally unstable. It can be regarded as a special mental illness. The performance of IQ is normal and the intelligence is not defective, even if the memory is not present. If there is an abnormality, it will not affect the follow-up learning.

"Okay, okay?" The symbiosis witch, who was stained with a faint red glow, asked softly. Through the symbiosis ability, she could perceive Zheng Yichen withdrawing from her perception. At this time, asking questions will not affect Zheng Yichen. .

   "Okay, you are healthy."

The Symbiosis Witch nodded. She didn't have much feeling for Zheng Yichen's words. She was tortured for hundreds of years. Physical health itself is good news, but it is the same thing for her. Compared with the so-called health, She wants to make herself cleaner.

Looking at the symbiosis witch with a depressed expression on his face, Zheng Yichen had a headache. He was just a state of perception, not mind-reading, let alone why the symbiosis witch suddenly showed this expression, and there was no direction to persuade him. He was entangled. After a while, I took out a few books: "Let’s tell you about your specific situation, before you tell me what you know?"

   "I am very unclean."

   "...Forget it, let me say it." Zheng Yichen's mouth twitched, and he changed the subject decisively. He made a clear statement about the current body and soul state of the Symbiosis Witch.

   She listened very seriously: "Destroyer? The knowledge I got contains this part of the information, but it is not as comprehensive as you said."

Through the ability of symbiosis, she quietly swallowed all the gathering places of the abyssal creatures. When those abyssal creatures did not know it, she read all the memories. As for the way of completely plundering the memory, it is more convenient. But she instinctively resisted that way, and instead chose the more troublesome'reading'.

Even so, as a witch, the efficiency of reading is not low, and her consciousness recovery has not changed due to the large number of symbiosis plundering other people's memories. It is still dominated by illusory consciousness, and all of her growth is based on her learning. On the basis of.

   "You now have some of the characteristics of the Destroyer, so there will be some abnormalities when you leave the abyss. You may need to adapt. If you can't adapt, I have a solution, but the biggest problem is that you are not stable now."

   No matter how sympathetic to the encounter of the Symbiosis Witch, Zheng Yichen will never take a bomb back.


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