Cursed Dragon

Chapter 1949: 1 body double-sided

"I did it, how about it?" Battilia held a meat dumpling in her hands and presented it in front of Zheng Yichen. This thing looked like a hairless rabbit cub, probably because the temperature of the air was a bit low. The skin of this meat dumpling wrinkled together, twitching lightly.

"...What did you refer to?"

"No reference, I thought about it myself." Battilia gently squeezed the gray meat dumpling in her hand. This is the result of her practice of life magic skills during this period of time. Now she looks like Zheng Yichen Like the little girl who listened to the teacher's announcement, her expression was a little nervous.

Zheng Yichen took the meat dumpling in her hand, squeezed it in her hand, and checked it additionally: "From the perspective of completeness, your life magic skills have been thoroughly introduced."

His entry standard is very high. For other apprentices, it’s enough to be a combat suture monster. Zheng Yichen’s entry requirement here is to make a complete one with no traces of suture, no matter how the suture monster. Said it is also a product of patchwork.

Although the powerful stitching monster is like the stitching monster that appeared in the underground world before, it is another high-end life magic technique.

There is no doubt that what Battilia has done is pass.

But this thing is not a girl at all, even in terms of age, every witch is considered an old witch, but she is just a girl in appearance. This life magic creation hasn't fully awakened yet, Zheng Yichen stimulated the meat dumpling a little bit. , And then the life force contained in the meat dumplings is rapidly activated.

The skin that had been wrinkled by the temperature was restored to be smooth and smooth, just like the shell of a beetle, and the soft body became rounded, and the bloodshot small bones were pulled out from the left and right. The bloodshot quickly grew into flesh and blood, forming two small razor-like wings.

In the center of the meatball was opened a long thin line gap, the gap opened to reveal a big red eye, the eye was full of cruel resentment... It can also show the look of the eye very cleverly, and Battley Ya's eyes are almost the same.

This thing has a slight sense of self.

"Hiss——" The cry of the life magical creature like the little devil ball, waving its wings lightly, and slashing at Zheng Yichen's wrist quite ferociously.

With a click, the wings of the little devil ball broke directly, and there was a sound of broken bones. It was not made by Zheng Yichen. It was Battilia who stretched out her hand to squeeze its wings. The little devil ball screamed and took up most of it. The eyes of the body were open, revealing a mouth full of fangs, and there was a baby cry.

There was a hint of misery in Pattilia's eyes, and the little devil ball was directly exploded into pieces of meat. The flesh and blood were bound by magic and thrown into the trash can: "Yes, I'm sorry, I made a failed product."

"Things are actually pretty good."

Zheng Yichen glanced at the trash can that specializes in disposing of discarded flesh and blood materials. Pattyria was very careful in learning, so that the trash can was replaced very quickly.

"But it attacked you." Battilia shook her head with a firm expression: "This is not what I want to do."

This is not something you can control... Zheng Yichen twitched a bit in his heart. Battlia's idea is very good, but his situation is similar to Lori's. Whether it's a potion or a prop, Lori's production will be good. Contaminated with the characteristics of her core ability.

The Symbiosis Witch is not much worse, just when the life magic creations made by the Eight Classics are infected by the symbiosis, even because of her extra investment, it seems more dangerous, and the appearance of the little devil ball is purely hers. Personal preference.

Just like Zheng Yichen doing alchemy puppets, everyone has their own style. This style is printed in habit. As long as they are not deliberately doing bad things, their personal styles are obvious in the creations made normally.

Pattilia has accumulated too much resentment in her body. Symbiosis infection is a special symptom that can really make people feel empathetic. Not to mention, any mental pollution caused by a symbiosis infection in Pattilia can Let some true Virgins fall and blacken.

Therefore, before Battilia’s resentment is really dispelled, any life magic creations made by her cannot be truly normal at all, and it is difficult for her to dissolve her resentment... Zheng Yichen thought about it, this difficulty is quite high. .

Regarding this situation, Zheng Yichen told Battilia very seriously. After listening to the symbiosis witch, she showed a lost look: "That is, whether it is the production of life magic skills, potions, or even magic props...I Can't you learn it?"

"It's not that you can't learn well, it's the difference in creation caused by individual circumstances." Zheng Yichen said. This is something that needs attention, so there is no need to cover it up. It is better to say it clearly: "There are many witches. These technologies are not needed at all times. Why are you so interested in these?"

Zheng Yichen was a little curious about this. At first he thought that Battilia was simply boring and wanted to pass the time, but after that, her serious study attitude was more daunting than Zheng Yichen at the beginning.

"Because you like this knowledge very much."

"...That's it." Zheng Yichen brows his brows slightly. For this reason, a normal person might feel very happy to hear it, right? But it was not a good reason for him: "If this is the case, then make some adjustments."

"? Can it be solved?"

The corner of Zheng Yichen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a chuckle: "It won't work if you change to someone else. Of course you can change to me, but some parts also require your cooperation and hard work."

Don't persuade others to be kind to others without suffering.

He didn't want to persuade the symbiosis witch to give up resentment, even if this power made her look like a barrel of explosives, uncontrollable and easy to explode, but all of this was not what she wanted.

All he can do about this is to help, to help her better control and utilize this uncontrollable power.

"Your symbiosis infection will affect any creation you make, but relative to the creation, what do you think of you now?" Zheng Yichen asked when looking at the symbiosis witch.

Facing Zheng Yichen's gaze, the Symbiosis Witch looked away slightly: "Very hypocritical."

When Zheng Yichen was here, she wanted to show her good side, but her essence was still crazy, depressed resentment, manic spirit, venting crazy impulse, etc., all of which were hidden under the calm water surface. The bitter undercurrent.

"So you can change your mind, let your life magic creation also show the duality, the specific operation method, I will show you."

He made a clown alchemy puppet, a semi-biological combination of life magic skills and alchemy puppet.

Battillia carefully observed the clown doll made by Zheng Yichen. When it was made, not only was it not scary, but it also looked a little cute and funny. Zheng Yichen placed the 1.2-meter clown doll in Battilly. Ya before.

She hesitated for a moment, stretched out her hand to catch the clown, and activated the symbiosis ability. Zheng Yichen could obtain the right to use certain things through his own characteristics, and then analyze those things in detail. The symbiosis ability of the symbiosis witch was similar.

Normal alchemy puppets cannot coexist, but this semi-biological type does not matter. Through the symbiosis ability, she quickly reads out the particularity of this semi-biological creation.

On two sides, there seems to be something like an hourglass in the body of this clown. As the'particles' of the hourglass are constantly lost, when the white particles accumulate under the hourglass, they gradually turn into a dangerous red. .

The transition time is about two hours.

Pattylia waited expectantly. Two hours later, the sand in the hourglass she had observed had completely turned red.

As a result, the hourglass also reversed. The red part began to lose. But when the hourglass was reversed, the clown puppet became distorted and terrified. The cute and funny external characteristics were wiped out. Obviously, the appearance has not changed much, but added After the underworld filter, the effect shown is completely different.

Not to mention that this thing can scare the crying children, even if you see it with an adult, it might scare you to pee.

Not only did Battilia feel that there was nothing wrong, but her eyes became brighter and brighter. The thing Zheng Yichen had made gave her extra inspiration... one double-sided.

This is her own situation. The crazy impulse brought by endless resentment is now suppressed, and will accumulate deeper and deeper over course, her resentment now is like a bottomless pit. That's it for accumulation.

But the creatures infected by symbiosis have different derivatives, and those things do not have the particularity of Pattilia.

The inspiration that Zheng Yichen brings to her now is a change. She can follow Zheng Yichen's practice and create a one-sided double-sided creation. When it is completed, the symbiotic infection will be suppressed, and after it has been suppressed to a limit Just release it.

When it’s almost released, the suppressed restraining force will be reversed again, and the cycle will start again and again. This method can even make the life magic creation more powerful to a certain extent. After all, the restrained explosion is like being suppressed. The spring rebounds like that.

The more the limit is pressed, the stronger the rebound force.

The problem is that she does not operate in this way, and her conditions do not seem to be able to achieve this level. The symbiotic infection is largely passive. Sometimes she does not pay attention to it, and the blood and flesh tissues under the skin will be deformed. .

"It's okay, I will teach you." Zheng Yichen said simply. This life magic technique was also learned from Annie. The devil forest somewhere on the mainland is related to this technique. The origin is the life witch studying life magic technique. Made it out.