Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2000: Some things have unclear meaning

The huge consumption is worthy of the power of these abyssal creatures. The beasts are still easy to find. The mainland is rich in resources and the environment is excellent. You can find strong beasts just by looking for them. It is like an abyss. The beasts there are except for the estrus period. , And basically live alone at other times.

For no other reason, the abyssal environment is too bad. If there are more beasts living in a place, then those beasts will lack food. Without food, they will naturally fight each other and plunder each other's body as rations.

This situation does not exist on the mainland. You can find several different types of beasts moving in an area at any place. If they were in the abyss, they would have been doing it a long time ago.

The needs of flesh and blood are easy to deal with. The most troublesome thing is the resource requirements of the soul. Beasts and monsters are powerful, and humans are too far apart from them. Therefore, if you simply need flesh and blood, it is best to find beasts and monsters, but The soul is that human beings are stronger.

If there are some monsters, the soul will be stronger than ordinary people, but in the case of beasts, the difference between most souls and humans is obvious.

The tree of reincarnation requires enough soul power to cultivate. The easiest place to get souls is the abyss battlefield. It is impossible to take them out by collecting souls there. The soul hunter group is a very It's a good choice, but it involves the pseudo-theory, it's not easy to start directly, and it's easy to expose their traces.

"This **** concealment." Another abyss creature said angrily. In the abyss, they don't need to be so concealed in their actions, a small village of less than two hundred people? It will be destroyed casually, it is like now, to destroy this kind of garbage village, it needs some strategy.

If it doesn't work, you should come quietly. If it weren't for the finishing work of the human traitors and the fallen, they probably had already exposed it a few days ago.

They will continue to be busy afterwards.

"After the tree of reincarnation is formed, the subsequent resource requirements can be reduced a lot. The most difficult part of this thing is the rooting stage." A fallen person said whisperingly next to him. The abyss creatures from these abysses are not easy to provoke. Yes, two Abyssal Lurkers came here yesterday, but when the two Abyssal Lurkers came, they were arrogant, and when they returned, they looked like a defeated dog.

The power of these abyssal messengers is too strong. Some monsters that require them to hunt together can be dealt with in less than ten seconds by the other party, and efficiency is equivalent to strength.

"According to the current progress, this giant tree of flesh and blood will be able to take shape in two days."

"Two days? Yes, hurry up to find a new hunting location." The Abyssal Envoy said, even if it is not challenging to deal with beasts and monsters, it is also a kind of killing. The blood will make him feel extra excitement and the screams of humans. It made him excited.

It's a pity that now I can only kill in a low-key manner.

Underground world.

Hongyu looked at the equipment that was arranged by Zheng Yichen in front of him. These equipment belonged to the relic of the gods. Unfortunately, it is not mainly related to production and the like, but a kind of creation similar to the core of alchemy. This thing can be used to carry out some It’s no wonder that Kunke quickly lost interest in such things as magic research.

For these things, it is basically equivalent to the ancient people getting a laptop. There is no extra software in the computer. Although you can find a way to charge it, it's just that way to use it. At most, you can use some of the calculators in it. , Basic software such as drawing tools.

Can you count on this computer to directly drive the upsurge of technology? If you want to be beautiful, it will be different if the laptop is replaced with a production lathe. It doesn't matter what kind of production lathe it is. The point is that the kind of thing can produce the corresponding thing.

This is the case with these devices now, and the help for direct use is limited. Those that are basically useless, Zheng Yichen dismantled all of them under Hongyu’s sign, and strived to thoroughly research the dismantled devices and integrate them into the current magic technology. In the system, the rest are useful.

"This can quickly heal injuries, and even adjust one's own body state to a certain extent. There is no harm in this total adjustment." Zheng Yichen pointed to a machine belonging to the remnant clan and said that this device is very useful for the research of life magic skills. , The treatment of the injury is only incidental, and the adjustment of the state of this thing is the main thing.

It's like a humpbacked lame human coming here, just adjust it, you can not add any special parts to the opponent, and adjust it intact to a normal state. After the adjustment is over, check it, and you can find the opponent's bones. The muscles are the most perfect in theory among human standards.

"This thing should be used by the new generations of the relict race. Even a deformed child can grow into a standard healthy existence with the adjustment of this equipment." Let alone the talent, the bones and muscles of the body. To reach the level of perfection, the way to switch to martial arts is that the roots are perfect, and there are no flaws.

This kind of physical condition can be quickly used no matter what skills are learned about the body. The renegade race has this kind of equipment, it can be said that the existence of their race, no matter what after birth, is the kind with full basic attributes. Status, follow-up improvement depends on personal talent and hobby.

"This thing can be used in mature form, do you want to try it?" Zheng Yichen said to Hongyu after introducing this thing.

"Not interested." Hongyu glanced at Zheng Yichen. Her body does not need this extra adjustment, but this kind of equipment can be used to train some cronies. She looked at another machine that looked like a replication center: " What about that?"

"Well, let me take a look." Zheng Yichen took out a document, carefully looked at the content above, and said: "A thing that can strengthen the resonance between users and the web of destiny. I don't know much about the power of destiny. So there is not much research on this thing, and I don’t know what hidden effect it has."

The research on these devices is based on the textual information records collected from the remnants of the gods. It is not a big problem to understand the general effect. In-depth research and understanding are just a few of them: "But I can be sure. This is for the prophet, it must be very awesome to use."

"It can be used in conjunction with the optimization and adjustment device just now."

Optimize and adjust the device to adjust the physical state of the target, and this device allows the user's soul and spirit to resonate with the web of fate, thereby obtaining the talent of the prophet, and this talent seems to be permanent, unlike the tower of clairvoyance. The Son of Destiny cultivated over there doesn't want to reduce their talents, so they can only stay in the Tower of Clairvoyance for the rest of their lives.

"This thing is good." Hongyu nodded. She was not interested in the body adjustment equipment just now, but she could try it out. Then she learned about other equipment that can be put into use. Hongyu seemed a little dissatisfied: "So I brought back so many things, and these are the ones that can be used in the end?"

"That's enough, okay, how much do you want?" Zheng Yichen asked back: "The ruins were so severely destroyed. It is already very profitable to leave these things. The remaining equipment can also be used, but It is something of unknown meaning in our time. If you want, I can reinstall it. You treat it as a collection."

"Then I'll take this away." Hongyu said while looking at the fate sympathy device. Her side would not use radiant liquid as the driving energy for this thing like Kunke.

According to some studies by Zheng Yichen, the radiation liquid is a contaminated energy source. Although it can completely drive this kind of equipment belonging to the relict clan, when using that kind of thing as a drive, the user is also in a high-concentration radiation environment. No matter how strong the body is, it will be deformed due to the high concentration of radiation.

Even become a monster directly.

If it is compatible with energy, although these devices cannot be fully operated, there will be no physical and spiritual danger.

"You are free, anyway, everything here is yours." Zheng Yichen waved his hand and said, "It's okay to send me out quickly."

Hongyu did not stop Zheng Yichen and waved him away from here. This is a secret area made by Hongyu. It is a completely enclosed space with no entrances or exits. If you want to come in, you can only jump by using mirror image prophecy. The coordinates of the place are also shielded by Hongyu.

Other prophets wanted to find this place, unless a Luoyang shovel poked into this place, otherwise it would not be possible to find this place.

After Zheng Yichen left, Hongyu stared at the device of the survivor of the fate. There was a related manual next to it. It was also the result of Zheng Yichen's research. After reading it, she knew the specific operation method and some of the above. The words were also translated by Zheng Yichen into the words of the abyss.

There are no obstacles to use

Zheng Yichen, who had returned to his workshop in the New Red Jade City, cleaned up his things and disposed of all the miscellaneous and useless things. After clearing up some materials that could no longer be left, he figured out what was going on. Kunke rebelled. Hongyu lacks a suitable tool to investigate the information of the remnant protoss.

After all, Kunke is an old man of the abyss, and his connections are much richer than Ruby. Kunke can know a lot about things Ruby doesn’t know, but now the other person is gone, and he doesn’t know where to hide. What toss about, Hongyu wanted to kill Kunke, but after she met Kunke before, she put it off for a while.

It is estimated that she and Kunke have reached an agreement. He is not sure about the content of the agreement for the time being, so let's satisfy Dan Marina's curiosity first.