Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2053: No special treatment for foreigners

  With the heart of the element, Yilin has enough confidence to stabilize the hole that was blown out by her. It is also a skill that can blow through the invisible barrier at the edge of the restricted area.

Yilin explained that this kind of barrier has the ability to repair. As long as it can prevent the force from gushing out in the restricted area, the hole will slowly recover. As for the hole that was made before... there is no way, time For too long, the place where the hole is located has long been a part of the inside of the restricted area.

   Even if it is repaired in the past, it is impossible to make the hole disappear. Moreover, the hole can no longer be said to be a hole, but a dam river that has been washed down.

   There is no problem with this right now, as long as Yilin does not withdraw her power before the hole recovers.

   This hole is equivalent to a pressure release point. Even if Irene blocked it to prevent the force from gushing out of the restricted area, the pressure here is already out of balance, so there is more room for manipulation.

Just want to achieve the goal, you still need to resist the harsh environment of the restricted area. Yilin explained a series of precautions in great detail. The chaotic power inside the edge of the restricted area will not be much different from the deep area, so don't I thought I could take it lightly on the edge.

The precautions are there, and the next step is to act directly. The full beast walked forward with heavy steps. When its paws touched the edge of the mountain, the manic chaos elements and its paws were produced. Intense touch.

Zheng Yichen has experienced this kind of feeling. After all, when he took Yilin and the others to the Dark Tower, he had already felt this kind of pressure. There was a chaotic elemental flame burning on his body, and every elemental power seemed to be maximizing. The pure form burns, even if it is elemental power such as water and earth.

Zheng Yichen was able to resist it at the beginning, but it is still able to resist it now. The defensive strength of the larvae behemoth is not said. Although it does not have such a thing as fighting spirit, it can still withstand this elemental flame in terms of resistance, so it is testing the water temperature. After the act was over, he walked straight forward, and the mountain that was touched by the giant beast collapsed in a large area.

At the same time, the environment has also undergone more severe changes. Zheng Yichen glanced around. When there is an invisible barrier, even if the inside of the restricted area is overturned, it will not affect the outside world. At best, it is dangerous to be seen by people. Now there is one. The hole, the force of the restricted area is infiltrating.

   With the restlessness inside, the strength of the infiltrated power began to gradually increase, and the external elemental power was induced to produce chaos, and the magic enchantment he arranged seemed to be unable to hold it.

"It's going to accelerate." He said that his body also began to change, transforming into a huge dragon form. The giant beast looked back at Zheng Yichen. In the state of the dragon form, Zheng Yichen's breath made it feel more cordial. .

With a muffled growl, it continued to push forward like a bulldozer. The whole mountain continued to collapse, some part of it collapsed under the power of giant beasts, and more parts were given in elemental chaos. Crushed, the crushed mountain turned into dust under the manic elemental flames.

   When there is no movement, the mountain will not be targeted by the environment of the restricted area. After all, there will be no variables if there is no movement, and once there are variables, the restricted area will become manic.

"Foreign mountains really have no special treatment." Zheng Yichen looked at the crushed mountain and couldn't help but said. He has been to the restricted area several times. It seems that the current mountain is compared with some'mountains' in the restricted area. Hip, the stones in the restricted area, even if the elements are chaotic, will not be destroyed, but this mountain is very fragile.

After all, according to the survey, this mountain should not have been within the coverage of the restricted area before. Later, as the restricted area expanded, it became part of the restricted area, but this is like immigration, and immigrants will not be like the aboriginals. There are special treatments.

   "And it's much simpler than expected. It seems that we only need to apply a little force from the outside to fix all this." Zheng Yichen said and glanced at Yilin who was silent not far away, and he immediately understood.

Okay, Zheng Yichen has also joined the work of the giant beast. The magic is not easy to use here, but the power of war spirit is very resistant to elemental chaos. After all, the thing does not belong to the elemental power, but belongs to the body. A kind of power, Zheng Yichen's turbulent fighting spirit made the giant beast tilt his head and couldn't help but glance twice. How could his owner look more fierce than himself?

Zheng Yichen, who rushed directly into the restricted area, could feel that his body was under great pressure. Elemental fire and fighting spirit violently collided, and the sparks sputtered made him like a super Saiyan...dragon, he A very unceremonious claw photographed the top of the mountain that was about to collapse. The sky was thunder and fire, and the crumbling mountain was completely destroyed.

   He didn't care whether the ancient meteorite would be destroyed. If the thing was destroyed so simply, it would not satisfy Zheng Yichen's needs.

The mountain collapsed, and the powder was completely wiped out under the burning of the elemental fire. There was no sign of meaning, but the environment here was still agitated. Lori had already taken out her weapon, and the one next to Eve was tight. With some severing blades stretched, the two of them are in a state of being able to do anything at any time.

   Even here at the edge of the restricted area, it cannot be ruled out whether there will be any ‘monster’ in the restricted area.

After the mountain completely ceased to exist, Zheng Yichen glanced around. It was empty. The earth also appeared a deep valley due to the chaotic restlessness of the elements, and this deep valley followed this restlessness along the edge of the restricted area. Slowly spread.

The juvenile behemoth roared, and the elemental fire burning on its scales became more turbulent, but it moved forward unswervingly. Compared with Zheng Yichen's fighting energy against the elemental fire in the restricted area, the behemoth was Purely relying on the strength of the body to bear it, where it said, the earth was reshaped and forcibly fixed in a stable state.

There were waves of the earth, and everything hidden in the ground was excavated. There is nothing worth worrying about the spread and expansion of the forbidden area. After those things were shaken out, they were immediately destroyed by the elements of chaos and originally belonged to the forbidden area. Some things were shaken out.

Wreckage, fragments of some kind of object, etc., after these things were shaken out, they followed the waves of the earth and gathered beside the giant beast. The fluctuation of the earth has not yet stopped, but the scales on the giant beast have been carbonized, and the elements of the forbidden area The fire and the witch may have an accident, otherwise they will not move cautiously when they enter the restricted area.

But now, both Zheng Yichen and the giant beast are fighting against the pressure of the entire restricted area in a head-to-head mode, even if this place is opened by Yilin to relieve the pressure, but such tossing still brings a lot to the juvenile giant beast. Great pressure.

Seeing that Zheng Yichen's wings were fully expanded, his fighting spirit was released even more violently. If he excessively disturbed the environment in the restricted area, the pressure on the juvenile giant beast would be reduced a lot, and he would still be so disturbed. Observe the difference, except that the elemental power is chaotic in the restricted area.

The space is also very chaotic, but he can toss like this, mainly because the pressure relief port is maintained by Irene. The chaotic space is partly because of a hole in the invisible barrier, resulting in a temporary balance between the inside and the outside, so as long as he is not running Too far, nothing will happen, he is also a person with space magic skills.

   Whether there is any danger or not can be discovered in advance.

With the violent shaking of the earth and the roar of the larval giant beast, she still did not find what she needed to find. Irene watched the giant beast's body turn into scorched black scales, and the earth-yellow elemental heart around it flew directly. Upon reaching the tip of the larval behemoth's tail, the body of the juvenile behemoth immediately glowed with a heavy earth elemental light.

   With the extra support, it immediately felt a lot easier on its body. It didn’t have the heavy feeling of being pressed by the mountains on itself.

"Broken..." Dan Marina looked at the sky. After Yilin had separated an elemental heart, Zheng Yichen's enchantment could not withstand the elemental storm leaked from the restricted area, and the sky emerged. After the dense cracks, the real part of the sky appeared after the fragmentation.

Dan Marina waved her hand, and temporarily blocked the'information' here with prophecy. Mirror prophecy fixed the'environment' farther but it was only temporary, large-scale. Mirroring prophecy to lock the environment itself is like ink on a map, very conspicuous.

The locked environment can prevent the fluctuations from spreading out. After all, fluctuations will become weak if they are far away. As long as the environment she locks is large enough, then the weak fluctuations will touch the lock of mirroring prophecy. Will be temporarily blocked.

   But such a large piece of ink will definitely be explored, such as the Tower of Clairvoyance.

Looking at Irene again, Dan Marina showed a subtle expression. Irene wouldn't be able to do other things if she manipulated the elemental heart. She could completely add a new isolation while doing this. Enchantment, but she didn't do that, not deliberately, but couldn't allocate energy to do it.

Besides, the juvenile behemoth has the support of an earth elemental heart, and Zheng Yichen's battle spirit has spread a lot of pressure on it. At this time, the juvenile behemoth has really rolled the earth into the form of a tsunami, and the earth wave is like a tsunami. It was fluctuating like sea water, and some things turned out were squeezed violently.

The environment in the restricted area is too manic. The larvae behemoth can still achieve this level. It’s ability is completely concentrated on the earth element, and the heart of the earth element can do it so "excessively", but it is just too much. In this way, it can set off waves of the earth, but it cannot be finely controlled.


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