Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2070: Choose

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This nest is not large, and it was cleaned up quickly. Li Chade also saw one of the things that the investigation team has processed the most. This place can see an unformed sapling. The light red shoots are very fragile, but There are a lot of corpses buried under this half-human sapling.

There are both human and World of Warcraft.

Richard walked over and pulled out the sapling. The sapling that was pulled out made a terrible howl, causing Richard to rub his ears, this light red sapling. It was directly burned by Richard with Purifying Flame.

The flame of purification spreads along the saplings to the entire nest, and all that can be investigated here have been investigated. These are the standard procedures for on-site cleaning.

"Any major discovery?" Richard couldn't help asking on the way back.

"Discover? What major discoveries can be made. This kind of investigation is more of luck." Auro smiled and said, even he couldn't make a major discovery with just one action, otherwise it would appear that the abyss forces are too idiotic. NS.

Since the Abyssal Envoy accumulated enough power, the information about the tree of reincarnation has been leaked out. How do you say the tree of reincarnation is like a ritual of the evil god, uh. More specifically, it is drawing cards. The Cthulhu card pool cannot be held by others, but the tree of reincarnation is directly related to the abyss card pool.

Some human betrayers quietly found the tree of reincarnation, and they can fish out some powerful abyss creatures from the abyss, and let those powerful abyss creatures work for them for a period of time. This is already a kind of harmony. The rules are, of course, those human traitors can operate with such peace of mind, and it is more that the tree of reincarnation has been modified by the abyss.

In addition to the quiet use of human traitors, the fallen can also use it, and the cultists can also use it. This is a far-reaching conspiracy. As for ambushing a wave of abyssal creatures through the tree of rebirth?

The idea is good, but don’t forget that the cultivation material of the reincarnation tree is a lot of flesh and soul power to make the reincarnation tree grow. This simplified version does not need to be cultivated into a giant tree, but it requires a little soul and flesh and blood materials. There are many.

How can the Church of the Templars do such a thing? In more cases, it is also to draw water from bamboo baskets. It is like replacing them with the flesh and blood of monsters. Specifying is not acceptable. When cultivating the tree of reincarnation, the flesh and blood of a person must occupy at least 40%. If the soul is 20% , Below this standard, the tree of reincarnation will not grow.

The adjustment of the tree of reincarnation over the abyss can be said to be full of malice.

On the one hand, it can continue to rely on some thoughtful people to pull strong combat power from the abyss, on the other hand, it can also weaken the vital power of the mainland, not to mention anything else, as long as the human betrayers do not die, the fallen who worship the evil gods and the evil gods do not die. Light, the abyss lurkers weren't all killed, the tree of reincarnation was like an evil **** ritual, it was difficult to eradicate.

At most, there will be a decline in the impact of the crackdown, and it will really disappear? Difficult.

No matter how the Cthulhu rituals are tossed, they are more often one-to-one. If you solve them in advance, you can limit the damage to this certain range. As long as one tree of reincarnation grows, it means that there is a lot of death behind it. .

The Cthulhu ritual is before the loss, and the reincarnation tree is after the loss. The order is different, and the severity of the damage is different. After all, the abyss creatures created by the reincarnation tree, in addition to the death caused when the tree is formed, Those abyssal creatures that were reincarnated on the mainland can themselves bring additional damage.

"But this time the action, the clues are already available, this matter is left to me." Oro smiled, did not say too much detailed information, the investigation besides finding clues from the living existence deep in the mountains, but also I can find clues from the victims, including small things like clothes and accessories.

So he already has an eye for the next goal, but it's not easy to say it directly.

Richard got the list from Oro in the evening, but they did not return to the headquarters of the investigation team. There is no doubt that there is another action tonight. Fortunately, his condition has recovered. Continue to be responsible for sniping. As for the course of action, wait for Oro's follow-up arrangements.

Moustache was reluctant to say more about some things, and he didn't bother to ask more, how long did he join the investigation team? In less than three days, how could someone tell him in every detail that it’s good to follow instructions and act. That doesn’t require brains, just do a good job of ‘where to go? How many to kill? This kind of preparation will do.

Extra worry? There is nothing to worry about when dealing with the Abyssal Creatures and the Abyssal Creatures of the mainland who are involved in them. There is nothing wrong with directly killing them. No matter what, for any reason, the 25th children are hated by people.

"..." Richard looked at the list in his hand seriously, and had to say that the background of the Templar Church is really big enough. There are more than one hundred special magic options on the list, most of which are aliens. The reason for occupying more is that the alien race itself has a dominant bloodline ability.

Even their magical power comes with attributes that belong to bloodline power. Oro looked at Richard's thinking seriously, smiled and didn't make any suggestions. Let the person choose this kind of thing.

Richard quickly read the choices on the list. He was a bit regretful that he did not see the power of the saint on it, not to mention the power of the witch, the lord of the snow mountain, and the lord of the volcano, like the Avengers. He didn't even think about magic power. He thought he couldn't do Bosen's level, so the revenge power should be forgotten.

Like some other special magic powers, he felt very outrageous. For example, the mad warfare magic power. Didn't the special berserker clan start with collective fighting spirit? There is magic power too? It looks very special, but I always feel that there is a kind of difference between the four different things. It's like comparing the superior and the inferior, and he just skipped it.

"Dragon's magic power? Does this also exist?" Richard Li asked in amazement.

"Interested in the magic of dragons?"

Li Chade nodded some special magic powers of other alien races are also very good, but since you plan to choose alien races, why not choose those top alien races? His soul gem has been in the hands for a while, and it has always been in an unactivated state. Sharpening the knife does not accidentally chop wood, and the soul gem is not activated, but the soul power inside can be cultivated and strengthened, and it will not start when activated. Too slow.

It's just that without activation, the soul power of the soul gem has been improved with half the effort.

"Since you have to choose, you must choose a good one."

"It's a normal idea. Have you decided on the kind of dragon magic power?" Oro asked. The dragon magic power is not too difficult to obtain, but it is not too easy. If that person is worth training, it is for the temple church. , It is not difficult to obtain.

"White dragon, just the magic of the white dragon."

A hint of surprise flashed in Oro's eyes: "We will go to the Dragon City after we wait."