Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2076: Is pollution useful?

Frowning tightly and staring at the flame giant in front of him, the hands-on Abyssal Envoy was looking around. The very well-protected Avenger Bosen had filled himself with BUFF, and a large number of revenge spirits gathered from all directions. Coming over, for a while, he became the most conspicuous existence in the entire canyon.

The standing earth dragon looked at the gathering spirits of vengeance, and his eyes were full of anger and complexity. Although the spirits of vengeance have no specific shape, they are all like burning fireballs, but some of them are special. It is conspicuous, and it exudes the aura belonging to the dragon soul, that is their dead clan.

"Thank you, and leave the rest to me."

Bosen took a step forward, and the flames of revenge on his body soared into the sky, forming a huge pillar of fire nearly 100 meters away. The pillar of fire on the side of the earth definitely exceeded the emission limit, but here it became a deterrent and fallen creature. Torch.

The earth dragon roared and grabbed his companion and flew out of the canyon. Some half evil monsters wanted to intercept it, but they were swallowed by the huge pillar of fire before they did it. At this time, their mission has been completed, even in their hearts. No matter how much anger, we must retreat.

The earth dragon knew that even if he died, he would die outside the gorge. If he died in the gorge, he would become the nourishment for the tree of reincarnation. In a short period of time, his companion to the end was entangled with some roots. Fortunately, it was entangled. It's not deep, it's easy to be torn off by him.

"Come on!" The restless pillar of fire on Bosen slowly lowered. The pillar of fire just now was not that he wanted to show off. It was because there were too many spirits of vengeance gathered at a time, so that the intensity of the flames of vengeance reached To the highest level in history, there was a short-term loss of control.

Now that he has recovered, he will definitely not continue to maintain the state of excessive consumption of power. The vengeful spirits around him roared and actively gathered to Bosen's hands and asked him to hold the summoning magic soldier Fang Tianhua. The halberd also burned with black smoky flames.

The resulting pressure made the messengers facing him feel pressured, which made him a little bit irritated. When he was not in the open state, Bosen was just a human high-level warrior that he could easily pinch to death, and his state was full now. After that, Bosen’s power displayed amazed him, even envy... the **** power contract, the **** soul gem limit.

Otherwise, the abyss would have been able to obtain these two powers, such as the power of the flame of vengeance, for them, the abyss creatures, it is an auxiliary force that gets stronger and stronger, but it is a pity that the abyss can't use this power at all. The price of use is being backlashed by the web of destiny.

"Don't be too proud, human!!" The Abyssal Envoy roared and raised his hand to hammer on the ground. The ground cracked and densely covered with thorns covering Bosen. These thorns were waved by him before they touched Bosen. The huge war halberd was all smashed, unreasonable power, and a large number of vengeful spirits screamed at him, which invisibly brought a lot of mental pressure to this abyss messenger.

The spiritual influence of one or two spirits of vengeance on him can be ignored, but thousands of spirits of vengeance are glaring at him, and the mental state of the abyss messenger is not indestructible.

Seeing that the giant flame of revenge that transformed into a size of seven or eight meters rushed over violently, the messenger of the abyss, who was under the main pressure, had insulted anger on his face, his hands were pierced into the ground, and when they reached out, they were already condensed. Two huge fists were there, and the soil around him condensed into a whirlpool under his feet.

In the whirlpool, dense knives were constantly cutting Bosen’s feet. Bosen only glanced at the ground slightly. The spirits of vengeance gathered on the halberd in his hand, and smashed the ground fiercely. The whirlpool was blown up in the earthquake.

"..." The messenger of the abyss who was about to rush up was silent for a moment, and glanced at the tree of rebirth. At that time, Bosen’s combat power directly broke through the sky.

Compared to their previous estimates, it is several times higher. Is there really no upper limit to how much this guy's Vengeance can increase?

If there is no upper limit, then even if the mainland is really occupied by the abyss, with a lot of casualties, if Bosen is still alive, can he be able to explode with hundreds of millions or even more spirits of revenge at a certain moment Falling out of the base camp of the abyss forces? How strong can Bosen in that state be? Can the Lord of the Abyss be punched? ?

This guy...must die! !

"Come on, you blew yourself up to pollute him!" The Abyssal Envoy who can use the earth element power roared, and gave absolute instructions amidst the reluctance of those half evil monsters.

Those semi-evil **** monsters were also made by the far-reaching Cthulhu city secret method, and couldn't resist the command from the Abyss City Lord. These semi-evil **** creatures roared and rushed towards Bosen, although they were directly blown up before they got close to the opponent, they were beaten. The filthy power emitted after the explosion flooded the environment near Bersen.

Seeing this scene, the messenger of the abyss secretly sneered. In such an environment, the spirit of vengeance would be contaminated...not to mention Bosen. He just watched Bosen rush over as if he was okay, and shot him with a halberd. After being underground, the Abyssal Envoy was a little dazed, enduring the severe physical pain, he relied on the ground to get out of Bosen's attack range, and looked at Bosen, who was nothing but okay.

Although some of the revenge spirits around him have changed in color, the burning and boiling vengeance fire is still raging, and even more violent after the change of color, what a ghost!

The spirit of vengeance itself is a product of resentment full of violent paranoia. It should be natural to be polluted. Moreover, Bosen’s intensity pays attention to the mode that a single spark can start a prairie fire. A single spirit of vengeance is not so strong. Under the influence of the high concentration of Cthulhu power, it should be instantly contaminated.

The spirit of revenge in the blockbuster is contaminated, can he himself stick to his mental state?

Obviously, Bosen persisted, and just like the raging in the second stage of the BOSS, he roared up to the sky, carrying a red light like a domineering body, waving the halberd in his hand, flying sand and rocks all the way, wherever he passed. With broken arms and flying around, whether it is the abyssal creatures or those fallen and betrayers, they all shun this smoky flame giant.

What the fuck!

Seeing that the attack he released was directly exploded by the opponent with the most violent attack, the Abyssal Envoy was embarrassed. It was not until the second Abyssal Envoy came here that he stopped the attack on the more and more violent Avengers Bosen.

"His mental state is a bit wrong." Bailong Alice said as he watched the fighting Bosen. The pollution power of the half evil **** had an impact on the spirits of revenge after all, but the obsession of these spirits of revenge is revenge, kill him. Those abyss creatures, so even if they were affected, they just seemed more violent.

Pollution? Is pollution useful? Pollution only adds some ink to the fuel, and even these inks have a combustion-supporting effect, making the fuel burn more turbulent.

"We have prepared two purification and purification teams." Oro said. They had already considered this situation when they acted. Bosen also knew that there would be such a possibility, but he still chose to come here: "Even There is also a group of mirroring prophets, as long as there is something abnormal on his side, he can directly pull people out."

Alice nodded and didn't say anything. She was just observing Bosen's state seriously. The strength Bosen displayed now surprised her. This is no longer a simple triple jump that can describe it, it is directly. After opening it up, now Bosen can chase dozens of dragon hammers in the sky, but she can't beat it... it's so exaggerated.

This is the power of human beings. The decision of the elders is really right. Dragons can avoid a lot of things in the dragon world. They can also avoid being left behind by the times, but the times on the mainland have changed. It's too fast.

Continuing to hide in the dragon world, that kind of not being left behind by the times is really a question mark.

"I also went to the Bailong Alice's sight fell on the most active and brightest groups of vengeful spirits around Bosen. Those are her people...

"Be careful." Oro nodded. He looked at the battle on Oss' side. The demonized Oss is also quite fierce, and there is no lack of blood in the surrounding environment, so he fought with the Avengers. Bosen was almost the same, and he was more brave in the war, and his teammate Berserker Fred also maintained a clear and frenzied state. With this unique frenzy, he rushed to kill in the group of half evil monsters.

Fred's frozen soul directly ignored the spiritual pollution of those half evil monsters. Dragons and humans needed corresponding props to resist that pollution, and Fred was fundamentally immune.

Flies can't bite food in ice cubes.

Those who came to the mainland through the tree of reincarnation of the abyssal powers have the saints to fight against, but unfortunately there is too much combat power on the underground world, otherwise the situation here can be directly ended by crushing, but this Can only think about it, if this side is really crushed, then the battlefield on the underground world side will not know how many positions to lose.

Those positions were all won with a lot of sacrifices.

In another place, Richard, who was hiding in a stone cave, wiped the sweat from his face, feeling the tremors on the ground, and couldn't help but exhale: "This kind of war scene is even more apparent than on the battlefield. Tiny."

At any rate, most of the combat power on the battlefield is ordinary combat power, and the individual’s expressive power can be stronger, but this time, all the people who come here are masters, and the fight is like a movie that burns funds and fights special effects. All kinds of explosions, all kinds of magic fights, and the main conflict areas are summarized. No matter how strong it is, there is no guarantee that you are really safe.

He just fired two shots, and was almost bombarded by an attack from nowhere...