Cursed Dragon

Chapter 208: Self-fearing transformation

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Zheng Yichen relied on her ability to get Lili out of the power control of the Undead Witch, but that power was changed to Zheng Yichen because of Zheng Yichen's ability. Zheng Yichen didn't use the skills and methods of those powers, but that kind of power was ultimately Zheng Yichen's. One point cannot be changed, no matter how Lily develops, the final imprint of that power is still Zheng Yichen, this is the essence!

Even the deeper and stronger the development, the less it can be influenced and changed.

At present, the best way to deal with it is that Zheng Yichen finds the undead witch, and asks her about the control of the corpse puppets, so that all the places out of control of Lily can be restored, um ... this is obviously impossible.

So Lily's situation can only be out of control like this.

Zheng Yichen, who did n’t even know that he was being watched by two women, continued to do the research at hand. Anyway, he has been very idle recently. Is n’t he doing nothing? It's just that Lily's situation really makes Zheng Yichen a headache.

In a few days of testing, he has recorded a summary. In short, her physique has undergone great deviations. There is a double standard in taste and smell. The first is normal human taste and smell, and the second is on flesh and blood. Aspects……

She eats normal food very well, she likes raw flesh and blood, and even has a preference to a certain extent. After the preference is a strong craving!

If her cravings or preferences are satisfied, her appetite will return to normal, and Zheng Yichen feels that her craving for flesh is not simply wanting to eat, but wants to ingest some of the ‘factors’ that she must have, such as vitality!

The stronger the creature, the deeper the vitality. The former Lily was just the physique of an ordinary little girl. The vitality of her body has been able to live a self-sufficient life. However, her body has been continuously strengthened recently and has reached the previous ten. Several times, this enhancement is all about the body!

According to the situation of normal people, there is such enhancement, then their vitality will also be enhanced, but Lily does not seem to have this enhancement, only limited to the enhancement of the body, it may be the reason for missing the soul, or it may be hidden Because of the power that **** exists in her body, her vitality cannot naturally increase with the strengthening of her body.

Squatting on the ground in front of me, the dragon's face ... uh, the dragon's expression Lily can't see it, but she can see it from Zheng Yichen's eyes. The ordinary temper in front is very good, and it is easy to fall into a state of self-talk and neuropathy. Long, you are very serious now, and the reason for it is still on your body.

She could not help shrinking her body and hugging the little animals around her. When Zheng Yichen's test started, she gave up the idea of ​​sneaking these little animals, and was accompanied by a dragon that made them afraid all day. Lily, who often feeds them, has become the trust of these small animals, and her deep trust ... Well, mainly because there is no other dependence, so that these small animals, which are mostly instinctive, can be scared with a stare. It's really hard to die their dragons!

"Am ... am I doing something wrong?"

"You have changed. The once indifferent loli is gone!" Zheng Yichen said very seriously. Lily opened her mouth slightly in amazement. Was the dragon mad again?

If you think about it for a long time, your own time seems to have changed a lot.->> , update the latest chapter of Cursed Dragon as soon as possible!

When did this start? Um ... It seems that after the dragon got the information it wanted from the small town, the last bit of obsession in my heart was gone.

In the past, her heart was occupied by obsession. Although Zheng Yichen was afraid of his dragon body, more fear was suppressed by obsession. At that time, her idea was very simple, and her life was so bad. Just die, can it be worse? It may be more comfortable to die, so there is no fear.

Now, after deepening her understanding of the dragon, she feels that in the human aesthetics, the dragon is very scary, Zheng Yichen ’s black paint, and there is no flattering or fascinating dreamy appearance, It is estimated that the dragons with such cold lines can only be seen by those rough and tough guys.

But what about this? This dragon has a good temper and is very gentle. She hardly ever sees this dragon getting angry, and a little anger is just a hurry to smash things after failing some experiments. Then he quickly adjusted it. Restored to its original state.

In all senses, this dragon is very good in all aspects, except that ... it looks too tough and sharp.

Now, she really doesn't know how to respond to Zheng Yichen's sudden nervousness. She can't always express her thoughts in her heart, which is embarrassing.

"Okay, the joke is over, we are back to the truth." Zheng Yichen looked at Lili's expression of wanting to say and not wanting to say, but actually was unable to vomit, and patted his claws. The expression became serious again: "In terms of character, return It ’s a good thing, but in terms of body, do n’t you really plan to say it? ”

"I ..." Lily was completely silent, her head still turned a little bit, just joking just now, why did she change her topic in such a hurry at this moment, her body changed, and she didn't know what to say, Nature tells her that her current physical condition is very wrong, although she really wants to have the strength of the triple qualities that Zheng Yichen once exerted.

The problem is that she feels that her body is out of control ~ ~ At first, eating too much Warcraft meat caused her to become strong quickly, which made her very addicted. After the indulgence of the heat, she found it difficult for her to turn back. Just eating cooked food can no longer satisfy her, even if those foods are powerful WoW meat that ordinary people can't digest, now she is still able to slowly increase her strength.

But some things she desperately wanted could not be injected from those cooked foods, even in the raw foods that were put on for a long time. The raw flesh was too anxious. She felt that when she ate, the things she needed had been lost. A lot, it is far from satisfying her, only those fresh blood foods will do!

The reason for giving up secretly to the small animals around them is that they are too weak. The weaker ones are not as good as she went to secretly eat some raw meat that has been kept for some time. The raw food is very unhealthy. She was worried about it. But after that, she didn't have any worries. After eating, not only did she not have any problems, but she became more energetic.

"I ... I'm scared." For a long time of silence, under the watch of Zheng Yichen, Lily said in a low voice, she was not afraid of death once, even now, with the change of ideas, she may start to fear again, but It is much lighter than ordinary people, and occasionally she feels that there is nothing unacceptable to death, but she is afraid of her own changes. She seems to be changing to aliens and monsters ... Is she still human?