Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2091: Makeover

"Come with me, your surgery time is up."

Pho looked at the man in front of him, nodded, and agreed with lingering fears. It was not that he was worried that he would be killed, but that his mentality was affected by another incident. After the flesh and blood colossus was killed, the messenger of the abyss began. For the clearance of the abyss lurkers, all the abyss lurkers on the mainland will basically be cleared.

This shows that his choice at the beginning was too correct. He was not the only betrayer of the abyss, but the clean-up had affected all the lurkers of the abyss, including him. Fortunately, he surrendered a little earlier, and this kind of thing happened afterwards. It has nothing to do with him, and then he just needs to enjoy life in the mainland.

Brought to a hospital by this man, Pho's eyes widened, looking at a few other creatures in the abyss. Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, meeting in this form still gave him a little bit Care, but soon they showed a tacit smile, which probably means that although we don't know each other, it's a coincidence.

"You can set up your own image here, and then we will use life magic skills to adjust your appearance to match the appearance of the mainland."

"Can the mainland's life magic skills really achieve this level?" Another abyss creature asked in a little astonishment.

The doctor who spoke did not explain too much: "The new technology from the ancient ruins, hurry up, you have two hours to choose or squeeze your face."

The abyssal creatures looked at the magic machines, took their seats without hesitation, and started to operate on them. The operation system is very simple. Just a little bit is enough. There are many portrait pictures on them, some beautiful and normal. , Handsome, etc., each picture can be modified with additional pinching, height setting and so on.

Phosphorus is very satisfied with this option. After all, the aesthetics of the abyssal creatures are somewhat different from that of humans. Although he has been hiding in the mainland for hundreds of years, it only makes him look normal when he looks at the appearance of humans a little bit. He designs his own human appearance, which is a bit difficult, but it doesn't matter if he looks at it now.

Even if you can't pinch it well, you can directly choose the ready-made one later, but at the moment, even if it is a pretty good picture, he thinks there are many places that can be slightly modified.

Two hours later, Pho made a choice, squeezing his face or something, he basically gave up. After squeezing out the organs one by one, he felt very satisfied with putting them separately, but after they got together, what an enchanting thing is this, or Choose the ready-made ones, at least the ready-made ones look okay, and you just need to adjust a little bit in some places.

For example, the hair color of the hair or something.

"It's all decided? Okay, so be it. The operation time is estimated to be one day. You can sleep well, and there will be no side effects." The doctor looked at the pictures submitted by Phosphorus and clicked. Nodding, just have a contrasting appearance picture. One day is not a long time. After all, this is a major transformation of the whole body.

If the relevant technology flowing out of the ancient ruins is not good enough, this thing is really not easy to operate. After all, the characteristics of the abyss creature are very strong, and it is not the slime that can shape the shape at will. This life magic skill can not only force corrections. Appearance, and can also change the nature of the physique, turning it from a normal abyssal creature into something similar to mixed blood.

Like a mule, it can live well, its endurance and strength are not bad, but it is not fertile.

This is also a necessary condition for these abyss betrayers on the mainland. The mainland really does not need any different races with abyssal hybrids. When they are alive, they play and live in the mainland casually. If they die, they will return to the dust. .

"See you tomorrow." Pho said.

"See you tomorrow." The doctor nodded, and several unconscious abyss betrayers were sent to a closed operating room in the hospital. Some life magicians were already waiting here.

One of the old men looked at the abyss creature sent over, and slightly curled his lips: "Let's wait for a long time. Let's get started. We still have a lot of research to be done."

The life magicians here are all from the ancient ruins. Usually they study the abyss creatures. The spellcasters study the magic weapons and magic for the abyss creatures. The life magicians study naturally about life. Level restraint the knowledge of abyssal creatures.

Such as viruses that are only effective on abyssal creatures, unique life magic skills that can dissolve the vitality of abyssal creatures, and the body structure of abyssal creatures, and so on.

Many of the weaknesses of abyssal creatures are provided by this group of scholars who study life magic skills, so that the frontline warriors can more easily solve some abyssal creatures.

Some other lieutenants can also make special weapons against abyssal creatures based on the weaknesses they have researched. It can be said that these life magic skills have contributed a lot to the mainland. Under normal circumstances, they should not be allowed to come here. It's just that they have studied a special project here.

If you can use life magic skills to transform these abyss betrayers into mixed-blood humanoids, you can also perform some operations in the reverse direction to drive some undercover agents on the human side into the abyss. The most typical example is the card. Lin's junior sister Serra has gone, but the opponent's physique has been affected by the abyssal environment and power for a long time.

There are not many traces of transformation, but the physique that has been affected by the power of the abyss has great reference. Relying on this kind of improvement to carry out some disguise, you can try to deceive the dark forbidden domain and the detection of the main city of the abyss.

It was said that it was a day, but in fact, the transformation was over in less than half a day. After the end, the life magicians did follow-up tests. It is rare to have such a coordinated abyss creature. Just leave after the transformation is over. It is true. It was too wasteful. After the follow-up test was over, they looked at the doctor who had been waiting.

"Well, the transformation on their bodies has unique traces. Even if they change their heads in other ways in the future, those traces will not be erased, and the rest will be left to you." As for these abyssal creatures, they choose Even if it is a beautiful appearance among humans, it is the same thing for these life magic skills.

After the level of life magic skills has reached a certain level, the so-called appearance is just a skin shape. It is too easy for them to reshape, not forgetting the original intention is the main thing, really want to be handsome or beautiful, just Those present can reach the top level of the mainland, but it doesn't make much sense to do that.

Ordinary people seem to be like that. In the eyes of excellent life magic skills, what is fake is fake. No matter how real and beautiful the remodeling is, it will be exposed immediately upon contact. For life magic skills, plastic surgery is the same. Lie to yourself.

Several life magicians left here with the research information they collected. They have to rush back to the ancient ruins to conduct follow-up research. The plan to remove the bone rod in the underground world is advancing very fast, the entire circle Many gaps have been dug out in the dark forbidden area of ​​form.

With the formation of these gaps, the offensive on the mainland side becomes more and more oriented. Even with the guard of the abyss colossus, it cannot truly break the invasion of the abyss, but it can suppress the abyss power back, that is a phased victory, as long as the abyss The power cannot be expanded, and any resources they can obtain will come from the abyss, not the underground world.

As far as the area they occupy, coupled with the rate of consumption of war, sooner or later they will consume the resources in the occupied area. Without the resource support of the underground world, the offensive on the abyss will inevitably weaken a lot. Of course, the human side It will not simply satisfy this suppression.

If there is a chance, I will naturally think of smashing the abyssal forces in a new way. The abyssal genocide weapon studied by Zheng Yichen, whether it is true or not, allows these life magicians to have new ideas, without distorting information and assisting with the curse of another world. It is difficult to get that kind of extermination weapon.

The body structure of the abyss creature can't be said to be complicated, it is chaotic, and there are too many If you dissect the corpse of an abyss creature, you can find a lot of messy life information.

God knows how the existence of the abyss is mixed, this kind of chaotic life information makes the offspring of the abyss creatures not necessarily the same as their parents, full of all kinds of variability, including now An abyssal creature whose appearance has been transformed by them.

Therefore, under this variability, even the special way of directly destroying abyssal creatures can only work on a part of them, such as the abyssal creatures like phosphorus. When transforming their appearance, they eliminated these abyssal creatures. Those extra life information parts are useless anyway.

Keeping it also allows them to have some more unstable characteristics. It is better to remove them, so that these abyssal creatures will not make a mistake in the future, and if they want to return to the abyss, they must also consider the resistance of their current physique. Ability to live in the abyss of the environment.

It didn’t take long for Pho and the others to wake up. Pho felt that his body was very weak, as if he had suffered a serious injury in the past, and his skin became fragile. The slight airflow could make him feel it, and he looked down. Looking at his palms, his slightly pale hands were completely different from the dark skin and scales before.

There is also a mirror next to him. Through the mirror, he saw an unfamiliar face. As for the strength, he clenched his fist and felt that there was not much change except that the skin became fragile.

The body is also empty, as if hollowed out, everything else is fine except for these.

"You are the first to wake up. According to your current situation, you can leave alive in one week in the hospital. Congratulations to your new students." The doctor said to the waking phosphorus, placing a box next to him: "What you have always wanted."