Cursed Dragon

Chapter 21: Still alive

Zheng Yichen once tried to make a few changes to the magic formation engraved in the spiritual consciousness, but the result was the collapse of the magic formation, but his mental strength did not pay attention to stop this collapse. God, the reason why it fails is that on the one hand it is not enough to understand the magic of the pattern, on the other hand it is the lack of mental strength ...

The spiritual power Luo Lisi said that he can meet in a short time, all he has to do is accumulate the formation magic, if both conditions can be met, basically can enter the rank.

Since the magic formation carved into spiritual consciousness cannot be easily improved, is it okay to do it outside? His mental strength is inadequate compared with the advanced mages, but the recovery speed is extremely fast!

More importantly, the traverser's brain can't help it!

Now that we have come to this world, we must leave something unique, right? Wanting to put what he wants into practice, what Zheng Yichen wants to express most now is ... I love learning!

"It seems ... I can't practice fighting." Zheng Yichen glanced at the ring on his arm with a paw holding a hand-made barbell. He said helplessly.

Fighting strength is related to body strength. According to Zheng Yichen ’s body strength, he has long exceeded the standard of human soldiers to develop fighting strength, but he persisted for a long time, and used many methods of oppressive physical exercise during the period. .

"If you can't practice, then exercise, this will strengthen your mental strength."

"... Ok." Nodded, Zheng Yichen no longer said anything, and asceticism did indeed have an effect of improving spiritual power. After all, this was a test of will. After looking at the time, it left the barbell aside. Walked out of town.

The powerful monsters appearing in the forest have been picked one by one by Lori during the time of training and learning. The appearance of the giant python here seems to be just an accident, so no new ones have been encountered since, similar to The python creature has appeared.

Although Luo Lisi said that the strength of Zheng Yichen and the python is now four to six ... He does n’t listen very much. After all, he is constantly undergoing hard work of gravity blessings every day, and his physique is growing fast, although still No longer.

Claws picked up a stone bomb on the ground and flew out. The flew stone hit the head of a rabbit in the distance. After experiencing the novelty of magic, Zheng Yichen resumed his normal hunting posture.

"Um ... this?" After picking up the hare on the ground, he left a trace of the woodland in the distance. Zheng Yichen narrowed his eyes slightly. There were many species in the forest, but there were not many flying!

Now he sees a special feather on the ground, which is far more than those ordinary birds moving in the forest. Where does the big bird fly from? Or was it accidentally killed after passing here?

Picked up this feather and sniffed it gently. The temperature above was very fresh, and it would not fall here for more than half a day. Not only that, Zheng Yichen also felt a faint magical fluctuation on it.

Some kind of bird Warcraft?

Squeezing this feather, Zheng Yichen carried his prey to the town, but found that Luo Lisi, who would wait for her return every day, was missing this time, put the prey aside, he waited for a while, and went to his home in idleness The windows flipped door to door.

Rubbed his paws and looked around like a thief. Seeing that Roris had not returned, he looked at some places in the town that had not been explored.

Just as he was taking small steps to get close to the unexplored place, Luo Lisi's voice suddenly appeared behind him.

"We are leaving here."

"Well? Where to go?"

"Anywhere, it can't be here."

"What happened?" Looking at the cutlery that Lolise pointed to fly ash, Zheng Yichen's dragon mouth slightly grinned, this hand disengagement is really silent!

The reason Zheng Yichen can see it is because he is interested in the effect of this spell, and can dissociate the object into powder, which is decomposition in Zheng Yichen's eyes.

"The people of the church are here."

"Church ...?" Scratched his head. Is it true that there is a church like this in the world?

"What are you thinking?"

"Well, is the church you said the kind of crown on the surface, the kind of insidiousness in the dark, and the kind that is used for death?"

"You think too much."

Lolisi jumped gently on Zheng Yichen's back and said calmly.

"Then ... Is there a **** in this world?" Zheng Yichen asked, since there is a church, coupled with the special power of this world, the existence of a **** seems not impossible, Roris shook her head.

"That's gone?"

"It's not that it's not, it's just that it hasn't been in this world," she explained. "There used to be a divine presence, and now there is no trace of it, but God is still connected with this world ~ ~ Zheng Yichen sucked his tongue , Double the pressure of feeling, even if the dragon clan is gone, and now there is the existence of God.

"Ignore them, they can hardly interfere in this world." Luo Lisi still said calmly, "In your words, just treat them as mascots."

It's simple to say, if you have the strength like you, it seems to be impossible to do so, whispering in your heart, Zheng Yichen left in the direction that Luo Lisi pointed.

When he passed a high ground, he saw a heavily armed team approaching in the distance. "They are here to investigate this town."

No matter how remote this town is or how backward the communication in this world is, for so long, someone should have noticed that something is not right in this place.

It ’s okay if the people here have left because of any accident, but the disappearance of everyone inside is obviously not an accident. It ’s more like a human evaporation. He has always had an idea. Lisi has a lot to do with it.

"Those people who may not be alive are still alive?" After hesitating for a while, Zheng Yichen asked the questions he had always wanted to ask.

"Still alive."

Huwen ~ He heard a long sigh of relief in his heart. If everyone in the town was evaporated by Luo Lisi by some means, Zheng Yichen really didn't know how to continue to face her afterwards.

Even if she can act without caring about life, after all, she has lived for so long. Relatively speaking, Zheng Yichen is currently difficult to accept this kind of thing. His mentality still largely retains the state and three views before crossing. The accumulation of two decades cannot be easily reversed overnight.

Said it was soft-hearted, at least for him this concept can not be changed.