Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2107: explode

Some things won’t regret until they are lost. For example, in the current incident, I knew that Kunke was able to produce this weapon. Whatever he said at the beginning, he had to keep the other party well. With the support of the abyss, Kunke would definitely be able to make something more. Unique fel manifestations, instead of maintaining a state of confrontation with them now.

Isn't it good to deal with the mainland?

Uh, for the current Kunke, dealing with the mainland is really bad. It's already done like this. Naturally, there is no room for relaxation. Even if Kunke gives up at this time, let alone those hidden in the main city of the abyss. The superiors, the Chairman of the Abyss here will not let the other party go.

A little mercy is just to let him live for a while, and then squeeze out all the knowledge he has before killing him.

Right now, it's better to wait for the result. He can't participate in the battle, but can look at other places. There are still some Abyss City Lords in the mist, and Hongyu is only one of them, so it doesn't appear to be very attractive.

As for why those Abyssal City Lords are here, on the one hand, the place close to the Abyssal City is safe, and on the other hand, they naturally want to pick up the leaks.


The soaring mushroom cloud covered the fel colossus, and the explosive fel tore through the mushroom cloud that had not yet dissipated. The opened eyes of the fel colossus exuded unique power.

What accelerates the fel colossus is only one of the power characteristics of the witch. In addition to the fel colossus, there are several power characteristics of the witch. Although those powers are affected by the fel and life magic skills, they are very different from the original version. Great, but no matter how much it is, it belongs to the power of the witch.

Incomplete ones also have unique effects.

A part of the red impact that hit the Fel Colossus was reflected back. Although the proportion of reflection back was very low, less than 5%, it was an attack released by the colossus after all, and the reflected part directly burned the fog. Several huge cavities came out, and a small red streamer fell on the city wall.

A hole directly burned out of the main city wall of the fortified abyss.

Chairman Abyss’ complexion was a little dark. Kunke was originally the city lord of the Devil’s City, and it was quite normal to have some witch’s flesh and blood in his hands... Now that he used those flesh and blood on this fel colossus, he directly let this evil spirit The Colossus of Energy has added some unique abilities.

The abyss colossus has rich attributes, and although the fel colossus does not have that rich attributes, its main attack is fel energy, but the special power that the witch's flesh and blood gives the fel energy can make up for his shortcomings.

It is true that the reflection ratio this time is very low, but the Fel Colossus is resistant to beating, and a little reflected back part of it. That is also the attack of the Abyss Colossus, and it can still produce great destructive power when it falls on the Abyss Main City.

The distance between the fel colossus and the main city of the abyss is still getting closer, and the presence of two giant soldiers is constantly blasting at a distance, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the fel colossus has become a lot weaker in the big bang just now. , The wound on the body was difficult to heal, and the red abyss colossus power was mixed into the fel energy.

The braving green breath was also mixed with black charred smoke, and the blow of the abyss colossus had already injured the root of the fel colossus.

This affected the state of the Fel Energy's loud noise, and Kunke did not dare to venture in anymore, so he could only delay for a while, and wait for the Fel Energy's quality intensity to further increase, to get rid of this abnormal state.

The Abyss Colossus on the main city of the Abyss would not give Kunke this chance to recover. The continuous bombardment made the injuries on the Fel Colossus more and more serious.

For this reason, Kunke had to slow down, and the fireball from behind immediately approached, and the expansion force caused the Fel Colossus to expand further, and the originally bloated Fel Colossus was almost liquefied.

Those eyes on the body are also ‘swimming’ everywhere in the ocean.

A considerable part of this continuous bombardment was reflected back. The pits and pits on the main abyss were severely damaged. The Chairman of the Abyss standing on the wall ran back wisely and gave up the idea of ​​watching the battle here. If there is a ray or a black thunder, or a violent wind hits where he is, he will definitely die.

It doesn't matter if you change a place to watch the battle. The fel colossus has been suppressed, and the distance between the fireball and the fel colossus is getting closer and closer, and the evil power over there has been so strong that nearly half of the fog is polluted.

Kunke felt his consciousness gradually become chaotic and crazy. The increase in fel energy has exceeded the body's ability to bear. His body has completely transformed into liquefied fel energy. His soul is soaked in this liquefied fel energy. There is magic stone power like flame in Noh.

As the fireball approached, the intensity became higher and higher, and even surpassed the fel energy. Kunke couldn't perceive all this in detail. A revolving lantern began to appear before his eyes, looking back on his life... he There are more people who are unwilling. If it hadn't been calculated by the **** woman Hongyu, he wouldn't have fallen into this situation.

No, it has been traced back to his betrayed subordinates for a longer time, but it is a pity that he can't find the other party anymore.

Unwilling, furious, crazy.

The fel colossus whose body had begun to liquefy turned into a wave of flesh and approached the main city of the abyss. Kunke knew that he could not hold on for long. The woman Hongyu had indeed won, not only pitting him, but also pitting him by the way. After the main city of the abyss, he deliberately failed Hongyu's plan.

But at this time, he was too unwilling to do nothing and wait for death. If the power behind the main city of the abyss could accept him and let him enter the inner circle, he would not be reduced to this point.

Until now, he still wants to struggle, holding the main city of the abyss to fend off the disaster, as long as he can reach that place, he can survive, whether he betrayed his subordinates or calculated his own red Jade, all can settle accounts after autumn.

As long as you can get there--


A cyan wind column blasted into the body of the fel colossus, a large amount of liquefied fel energy splashed out, and the liquefied fel energy was all blown into the distance. The wind column knocked out a huge gap in the fel colossus. One-fifth of the size of the Fel Colossus was blown away with one blow.

Through the damaged area, one could see the huge bones melted inside, and a head dripping with semi-melted body tissues was lifted up.

The eyes on the body of the fel colossus quickly converged on this head, and those eyes exuded a dead gray light that made people feel fearful.

The fel energy is also filled with a light gray color. This color is like the diluted color of the derivatives on the meteorite. A fel light with a diameter of more than 100 meters blasted out. This blow made the evil The half-melted muscle tissue of the colossus's head turned directly into liquid.

After the mist touched the fel colossus, most of them turned dark green. High concentration of fel radiated from the mist. Hongyu frowned slightly. When things were wrong, he and Zheng Yichen arrived. The wall of the main city of the abyss is now.

But the attack of the Fel Colossus was still beyond their imagination, and the influence of the Fel Energy could be felt in this place, and her body was still contaminated with Fel Energy.

Affected by the current impact, the fel energy that had been drawn nearly half of her body directly exceeded the original level, making her injuries more serious.

Chairman Abyss widened his eyes and looked at the fel light cannon. The light cannon collided with the wind column released by the abyss colossus. Unlike before, this time the light cannon was not directly blown away, and the fel energy was hit. Dispersed, but the fel energy that was dissipated was scattered in the nearby environment.

Let an unknown rain of fel rain in the entire environment.

The fel colossus whose head has melted and only bones is carrying a fireball, he is still moving, maintaining a speed relative to the fireball, and the eye sockets in the skull's head are full of fel energy, like a burning flame.

Kunke feels that his vision has been separated from his body, and the surrounding environment is like a bird's-eye view. He controls all of it. His current height is on the side of the fireball. The time around him seems to be distorted. It is extra slow. Thinking that already seems a bit crazy is accelerating...

Through the mist polluted by the fel energy, he clearly'sees' everything in the mist, including some still alive monsters arranged by him, and some of the far-reaching normal creatures, which are affected by the fel energy and are going crazy. And the abyss creatures struggling in the waking state, through the holes in the main city wall of the abyss, they even saw a large number of abyss creatures inside.

Including the Chairman of the Abyss who was watching the battle, the red jade under the city wall and the alchemist, and even he even discovered the two witches hidden nearby. This is incredible!

The world seemed to be completely controlled by him. This god-like feeling made Kunke a little confused for a moment, and then his heart was replaced by surging madness. With such power, why shouldn't he use it well and wait for him to figure it out afterwards. NS.

"Why is everything so slow!!" Kunke roared inwardly. He wanted to use this kind of absolute power to dominate the body of the Fel Colossus to remove the ruby ​​jade, demolish the main city of the abyss, and pollute the abyss colossus, in this state , He could clearly feel the evil energy being manipulated easily by himself.

It allows him to release a fel light cannon that is several times more powerful, and even with a little more time, the power can be doubled. The light cannon of the Abyss Colossus can also try to defeat it head-on, but when all of this really starts to operate, He realized that the only thing that was quicker was that his consciousness became faster.

Whether it is the power of the Fel Colossus or the related movement operations, it is all turtle speed. In this turtle speed operation state, he can indeed make all his operations show in the form of ultra-high precision. , But the problem is that he will die before it is fully effective.

He and the fireball seemed to be integrated, but because of this, he was bound by the fireball. He could not affect the fireball, and the distance between the fireball and the Fel Colossus was still getting closer.

All this seemed extra slow in his eyes, that is... he could only wait to die.

"What's the matter?" Zheng Yichen asked when he noticed that there was something wrong with Hongyu's state.

Hong Yu looked serious: "That ancient meteorite has other secrets."

She didn't know the reason, but as the ancient meteorite and Kunke approached, a kind of creepy feeling appeared on her body, which made Hongyu unable to restrain this instinctive jealousy, and at the same time there was a yearning. ...

"We seem to be exposed." said Tawil, the concoct witch. Just now, she felt a slight change in the surrounding environment. The surrounding environment has been processed, but a line of sight has just been penetrated and adjusted. environment of.

"...Who discovered it"

"Speaking of which you may not believe it, but what you found seems to be the fireball, or something on the fireball." Tavier explained. She looked at the big fireball, and as the fireball approached, she started The liquefied Fel Colossus changed again, and the liquefied body part began to evaporate.

However, those evil energies were abnormally concentrated, and it seemed unnatural to forcibly converge into a form, but this was only the last struggle. The speed of the people of the Fel Colossus was getting slower and slower, and the attack of the Abyss Colossus was particularly powerful. , Every time it can reduce the size of the Fel Colossus by more than one-tenth.

Although this ratio is decreasing, Tawil has found a special point. It seems that this is not the lack of output of the Abyss Colossus, but the attack intensity of the Abyss Colossus has been deliberately reduced, as if to avoid the complete death of the Fel Colossus. From the beginning to the end, the Abyss Colossus did not actively attack the fireball.

"It's over." Hongyu said, the fel colossus that was barely gathering power was ready to release a super strong attack. The strong fluctuation made the abyss creatures in the abyss main city feel a fatal threat, but after all, there was no such blow. Release it.

When the fireball touched the fel colossus, the body of the fel colossus ceased all activities. With a slight touch, the entire fel colossus completely collapsed. The broken and melted bones instantly disappeared, and the ground remained high. The concentration fel energy was completely swallowed by the fireball.

A sun emerged from the center of the explosion, illuminating the underground world, and the impact spread out in all directions. The tyrannical impact blows away most of the mist polluted by the fel energy, and the effect is exaggerated compared to the abyss colossus. The Abyss Colossus unfolded a layer of earth-yellow protection, which covered the entire main city of the abyss.

The impact caused this layer of protection to fluctuate violently, and other places were a mess that was destroyed by that impact. The fel energy that spread out was also affected, and it was blown away a lot by the impact, but the remaining fel energy was even stronger. .

"Ahem...Is it okay?" The gray-headed Frida asked the witch next to her. The moment the shock wave arrived, she quickly made a transfer, but the speed of the shock wave was too fast. Even if she evaded it quickly, she was still caught The impact of the edge swept away, and now Frida felt as if her body was burning.

The magic is boiling, and she seems to have become stronger because of this, but it doesn't feel good that this magic is burning, and it also affects her detailed operation of the power.

As for when this state can be calmed down, let's talk about it later. She released a few phantom shadows to get a panoramic view of everything nearby. The environment near the main city of the abyss has completely changed, and the explosion center is a few kilometers away. The big hole in the distance was smashed into flat ground by the shock wave.

The main city of the abyss, which was obscured by the fog, was fully revealed at this time, but it did not have the original magnificence. The wall facing the fel colossus was pitted, with many huge holes that could be seen in the city.

In the distance, some abyssal creatures affected by the shock can still leave some corpses with luck, but they can only lay down bones. There are still severe burn marks on the bones, and they will turn into ashes with a light touch.

The explosion changed the terrain, but it also completely emptied the area with the highest fel energy intensity, and no traces of fel energy were visible. It was not that the fel energy was not good, but the back ball was more powerful and completely crushed the fel energy.

"It's okay. The restlessness in the body is the remaining power of the fireball. I'll sort it out for you later." Tawil exhaled and said. She also felt that Tawil, but based on her own ability, she was right. This flame-like power has a more accurate judgment.

This power can make their magic power boil and burn and become stronger, but it is not without a price. The witch will also become addicted to this power. The power to keep the magic power in this state does not always exist, and when it is exhausted, When the magic power returns to normal, they will inevitably have a longing sense of emptiness.

In that case, I'm afraid I will approach the center of the crater directly because I can't bear this kind of force.

Tawil narrated his discovery again. This is the same effect as the magic stone that Zheng Yichen brought back. The related information of the magic stone is also in the group. After listening to it, Frida was a little unhappy: "Even if there are side effects, so A large piece of land is left for the creatures of the abyss...I will deal with it later."

"Yes." Tawil thought for a while and said, there are many ways to deal with it, even if it can't completely prevent the abyss creatures from using here, but she can also use other methods to make the abyss creatures unable to use it easily.

"It's over." Zheng Yichen looked at the place where the fireball smashed into a bit tangled. Such a large area that had been soaked by the power of the ancient meteorite was used by the abyss. The picture was simply beautiful.

Chairman Abyss also breathed a sigh of relief. The explosion effect of the meteorite was too strong. The crater exploded by that thing looked only a few kilometers away, but if the impact of the explosion erupts in the main abyss, it can directly destroy the entire main abyss. The Fel Colossus was intercepted far away.

Even if the fireball exploded, the impact of the impact here was greatly weakened, and most of the evil energy was blown away by the impact, which was a good thing.

The protective cover released by the Abyssal Colossus has dispersed, and the special foreign enemy has been wiped out. The Abyssal Colossus does not need to continue to be displayed. When the Abyssal Colossus slowly sinks into the ground, a dark streamer quickly approaches, as if Like a meteor, it passed through a big hole in the main wall of the abyss.

Straight into the abyss colossus.

This is a surviving mocking monster. This monster does not have its own ideas like the King of Inferiors. It is a biological weapon created by Kunk. Kunk's order is to let a monster close to the abyss under the cover of the fel colossus. In the main city, look for an opportunity to launch a deadly attack on the Abyss Colossus.

The destructive power of taunting monsters must not interfere with the entire Abyss Colossus, but its body has been specially adjusted by Kunke. Its body has a very high concentration of fel meat, like a dynamite bag. Kunke’s is Let the taunting monsters contaminate the Abyssal Colossus in this way of suicide.

But before taunting the monster, he was killed first. Kunke miscalculated the attack strength of the abyss colossus and the strength of the fel colossus. He died, but the taunting monster was not dead, and he still obeyed Kunk's last command.

Since it was a suicide attack, the speed at which the taunting monster erupted at this time made everyone present unresponsive. After all, it had the ability of a flash witch.

Under such full movement, the body of the taunting monster began to melt. When nearly half of the body was exposed to the skeleton, it successfully slammed into the abyss colossus with a ding...

Just like a mosquito bites an adult, the lethality of the poor mouthparts is almost negligible, but this mosquito carries the virus.

The taunting monster was crushed to pieces in this collision, and even because of the passive protection of the abyss, the body of the abyss colossus was not even touched, but the ultra-high concentration of fel flesh and blood broke out.

The protective cover of the Abyssal Colossus is soaked with a large green, like a rotten tomato smashed on a window, and the surface of the Abyssal Colossus has a faint green, as for the isolated fel energy directly to the side of the ground. Go up, making the ground over there green, and the abyss colossus continued to sink into the ground.

Soon there were abyssal creatures here, and the evil energy on the ground was cleaned up.

"...What? That's it." Zheng Yichen muttered while looking at the disappearing giant statue of the abyss. He thought that the taunting monster that caught him off guard could bring some surprises, so he just snapped. Gone.

Did not break the defense.

"How do you want to go back first? I want to treat the injury." Hongyu said. After that, the main city of the abyss must have a meeting. She has to deal with her injuries quickly.

All traces of Kunke were completely wiped out by the fireball, and the main city of the abyss was not damaged much. The damaged city wall would be filled again afterwards. Then the chairman of the abyss brought people to the area where the fireball erupted, and the shock wave spread. The power of going out quickly dissipated, but the special power in Da Keng was still strong.

After the fireball exploded, a considerable part of the force penetrated into the soil. Although the range of several kilometers was not too large, the superior behind him required him to stare at the crater well and not let anything else. The abyss creature approached.

In this regard, the Chairman of the Abyss didn't even restore the fog that covered the main city of the Abyss, he came directly to this place, and new fog was formed here, sealing the entire crater.

On the edge of the crater, Frida glanced at Tavier, she was not exposed in such an environment, and she was also at a loss for the concocting witch next to her.