Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2206: new idea

"You obviously say that you are very busy every day, but you do this kind of thing again, what do you want to do?"

In the witch group, Eve looked at Zheng Yichen’s perfected world map and yawned and asked. During this time, she has been helping Yilin to perfect the heart of the infinite furnace. Although she does not know much about magic, Yilin is in When dealing with some materials and adjusting some materials, it needs her cutting ability.

In this regard, Yilin is the kind of evil party A, all kinds of picky, so that the kind of easy cutting work she thought became extremely troublesome.

"Children don't understand, don't talk nonsense, this is very important." Zheng Yichen sighed: "If we are sure that there is other land in this world, and then the Ark spacecraft is ready, we can go and take a look instead of going ahead. The Black Moon Project."

Whether it is the black moon or the white moon, they are far away from the mainland, and there are too many unknown circumstances, so in order to deal with the unknown, any preparations will not seem redundant.

Those who are prepared to proceed in a known environment are best.

There are other lands on this planet, which means that Zheng Yichen can obtain enough extra resources in a more gentle and understanding environment.

Of course, if there is another continent, that continent may be more developed than the one here, which is actually not bad, at least Zheng Yichen can obtain new knowledge and power from the more developed continent.

However, Zheng Yichen did not find any meaning of the New World in the map data obtained from various satellites during this period.

It may be that the sharpness of the photo is not enough, but Zheng Yichen can't solve the fog and occlusion caused by the storm. In this regard, I can try to learn more from the restricted area. After all, the divine writing in the black tower is representative. A kind of power can itself be a carrier of information.

Although the Shenwen has not been completely cracked, according to the current cracking progress, they have integrated some information, although this information is more for them to have a better understanding of history.

What is certain is that outside the ancient times, in the more ancient times, there was indeed an existence like a god, and the black tower was not a relic of the restricted area, more specifically, it was a refuge.

Modern existence can be aware of the catastrophe of historical faults, even in ancient times, let alone the more ancient times, the power level was higher... In the ancient times, there really existed gods, although this is a black tower. Some records inside, but since that thing can exist in the restricted area.

The credibility of this record is still very high.

What is the cause of the "non-existent things" in the black tower, then we have to wait for later exploration. Anyway, the black tower stuff, whether it is Zheng Yichen or Yilin, all have a little extra thought, after all, they have eaten too much. Lost, no matter how to punch through that copy.

In the subsequent time, the alchemy incarnation in the underground world has the care of other witches. Unless it is to meet Hongyu or go to the main city of the abyss, Zheng Yichen basically does not pay attention to it. Just make time every day to read the report. Not a few minutes.

The construction speed of the new city is quite fast. Every day new resources are put into the new city. The colossus weapons on the front line of the war have increased. It should be the impact of the last meeting. On the ancient ruins side, Zheng Yichen I have to take time to pass more than an hour every day.

The purpose is to make the space barrier over there produce corresponding effects. After new research, the space barrier of the ancient ruins is not a real space barrier, but also a space-related force, but it is more of a space magic technique. Advanced status.

Specifically, it is to solidify the space. This is easy to misunderstand that it is the same as the protection of solidified air. In fact, the difference between the two types of protection is not one or two blocks.

In addition, there are new weapons for the study of ancient ruins. Those new types of weapons include light explosive bombs. After the explosion, the dense light element particles will disintegrate the enemy from all angles.

"Okay, this kind of armor can be tested, it's best to find some powerful professionals to use." Zheng Yichen looked at the armor in front of him and said, this armor is a trial work, and solidifies the protective state of the solidified space. Those bookshelves are not as good as those in the library.

But the protection effect has also reached the top level. It is not that it cannot be made to the full strength, but after the full strength is made, if the protection is broken by a stronger attack, a strong space expansion and explosion will occur.

And the current type is able to ensure that when the protection is blown, the space expansion explosion explodes outward, rather than the explosion in all directions. The space expansion directional explosion is regarded as the last super protection of this armor. The explosion theory at that time You can push away all attacks.

At the same time, the shock can also make the wearer bounce away from the source of the attack.

"How about Demon Oss?" A spellcaster said with some emotion, looking at the armor in front of him. Now that the technology has just broken through, don't think about the appearance. It can be used. When the technology is more mature, the adjustment of the appearance will be considered. .

"Yes, hurry up and send it over." Zheng Yichen nodded, Oss's combat power is now the mainland's high-end level, and there is no problem testing this armor.

"It's simple, through the magic network, alas... I hope this armor can block the abyss's colossal weapon." Another spellcaster still looked a little sad. After ignoring the abyss environment, the colossal weapon brought it to the mainland. The loss is even greater.

The line of defense has losses every day. To block it forcibly is not impossible, but at a high price. Through a lot of sacrifices, they have discovered one of the drawbacks of the colossus weapon, that is, the problem of energy.

After fighting for a period of time, the bearer of the colossus weapon sometimes retreats after gaining an advantage. It should be that after the colossus weapon is out of the abyss environment, although it can be used, it can't keep up with it in terms of battery life.

But as long as the place is struck down by the abyss, there will be pollution of the abyss environment there, and the source of the pollution is things like stone statues. The stone statues are like trumpet colossus and have the same effect as the original flesh and blood colossus. , Can quickly create an abyssal environment, and after that environment is linked to the fog of the abyss, it becomes an existence similar to a repeater.

Based on a series of developments in the abyss, the Continental Coalition Army has analyzed a possibility. A large-scale operation is brewing over the abyss, which may be months or years later. After all, many practices in the abyss are now It's like laying something.

And why is it possible to expand the scope of influence of the abyss environment?

Colossus weapon? No, no, of course it is the Colossus of the Abyss.

Therefore, the mainland must increase the strength of counterattack, and strive to compress the abyss environment to a small enough area, so that even if the abyss colossus starts a large-scale operation, it will be difficult to intervene further. Of course, they think What's worse is the technological breakthrough on the abyss.

If something like the Abyssal Colossus can also resemble a flesh and blood colossus...

Well, the possibility of this is not too high. The Flesh Colossus can be regarded as an imitation of the Abyss Colossus, and the requirements for the environment may not be so harsh, and the complete product of the Abyss Colossus is like that.

But even so, whether it is the ancient ruins or elsewhere, they are trying to develop weapons that can target the abyss colossus.

"Only armor is not enough, don't forget the colossus equipment and shield." Zheng Yichen said, making the expressions of the spellcasters present even more worried.

Researching and learning knowledge makes them enjoy it, but the pressure of time makes them lose their hair frantically: "Although the progress on the mainland has been fast enough, there are always new tricks on the abyss."

Zheng Yichen didn't say anything. It is inevitable that new tricks can be formed on the abyss. Although the abyss is chaotic, what about the chaos over there after clarifying the source of the abyss? When the chaos passed, it also inherited the heritage of various ancient creatures that perished.

Although most of those heritages are incomplete, but the number is large enough, after they are accumulated, they can not be underestimated, not to mention that there are leftover species of the remnants of the gods, led by ancient creatures, plus remnants of ancient races. , It's normal that some new tricks can always come out over the abyss.

Even Zheng Yichen felt that if the abyss hadn't turned into chaos, after the initial abyssal disaster, there would be no future on the mainland.

"Go hard, the future of the mainland is in our hands."

"Your Excellency Connor, what do you think of this design?" A young spellcaster hesitated for a moment, and took out a design drawing from his space expansion bag. His qualifications in this research group are not high. However, being able to mix in the research group of a group of old men and middle-aged uncles also proved his excellent ability.

"Oh? Light-explosive weapons?" Zheng Yichen looked at this design drawing and suddenly became interested. Otherwise, how could he support many research bases?

Isn't that for this, there will always be new ideas when there are more people.

From the design drawing, the light explosion weapon is designed based on the light explosion bomb. The light explosion of the light explosion bomb can directly disintegrate all kinds of existence, including protection and attack such as magic.

The young spellcaster wanted to condense the light burst and shape it into the shape of a weapon. The effect of the light burst would only appear after touching an object.

As long as it succeeds, this weapon can produce great destructive power, whether it is a super protection against the entity or a protection composed of special forces. It will disintegrate the target's defensive structure from the particle level. No matter how strong the protection is, it will be cut down. It will be damaged, even if it can be temporarily blocked, if it can be cut down continuously, the degree of damage to that place will become more and more serious.

This weapon gives Zheng Yichen the feeling of a high-frequency knife. The high-frequency knife can be tried. The material can be made of meteorite metal, but the difficulty of light burst is much higher. It is true that this thing uses light elements to harvest. Bundled, even if it is made, it will look similar to a lightsaber.

But after this thing is made, lightsabers and lightsabers are definitely two types of weapons. Lightsabers have high temperatures, but light burst weapons don’t carry any high temperature. Light burst weapons say that they are cutting, but in fact the object is broken down. The element itself is the strongest piercing force.

Within the bounds, the state of collision and refraction is maintained...Well, it is still the feeling of a high-frequency knife.

The former is to disrupt the target's defense through high-frequency shocks, and the latter is to pierce the target's protective layer with countless light element particles.

"The idea is very good, but the feasibility is difficult. You can try this research." Zheng Yichen said after writing down the content of this design drawing. The design drawing is still very primitive, and many of the above designs are more theoretical. Yes, data or something, it is estimated that this young spellcaster got it from the illusory world.

Without further improvement and experiments in reality, he would never be able to make this kind of imaginary weapon, even test items.

"Your design drawing gives me an idea. You can try this model." Zheng Yichen talked about the slightly modified high-frequency knife's "fantasy weapon". This thing is a science fiction product on the earth. In the world of magic, some steps can actually be manipulated.

For example, there is a magic called concussion in magic. The effect is to release a strong concussion attack. This magic has a very good effect on the kind of enemies wearing heavy armor.

"High concussion weapon..." a spellcaster murmured: "The magic released will indeed be disintegrated by strong concussion, but more often the magic structure explodes before the disintegration. Use this idea to do If the weapon comes out to cut magic, it is easy to cause trouble, but if you are dealing with the protection type of magic, you can try it."

There is a big difference between concussion to disintegrate magic and find the magic structure to destroy it. The former is equivalent to the time of bombing, and all the threads are cut off, and the cutting time is not necessarily completely uniform. The latter is Find the exact line that can stop the bomb explosion, and then cut it Light explosion weapons can also be tried, but let’s start with the simple ones. Will Your Excellency Connor also participate in this research? "

"It's the same as before. I will come when I have time. I have a lot to do."

Other spellcasters didn’t feel strange to Zheng Yichen’s words. Changing to someone else’s words would inevitably give them a feeling of picking fruits. They would feel for fish all day long, and after they had researched something, they would jump out and reach out.’ Bring you'.

But Zheng Yichen really helped them break through many research bottlenecks in the ancient ruins. He said that now is completely fine.

Leaving from the ancient ruins, Zheng Yichen went to the Great Border Wall again to help the White City Lord update the world ritual.

Looking at the completed vacancy on the world instrument, Angelia smiled gently: "Is this the whole picture of the world? The continent looks like an island..."

"It's not so much an island, it's more of an eyeball, helping me keep it secret."

"Of course it's okay." Angelia's smile became brighter. She couldn't leave the Great Border Wall, but now she can see the whole world...