Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2251: Embarrassed person

For such an illusory village, Frita still has more than one hundred in his hand. This thing is not just made and used. It seems too deliberate. Normally, it is consumed while making new ones. Such illusory villages even There will also be some professionals who enter and come into contact with the illusory residents inside.

Before the illusion was punctured by someone, there was no difference between the reality and the reality.

"Let's go." After shaping this illusory village, Frida waved her hand and left the place directly. She did not deliberately add relevant information on the map, but the selected places were basically blurred. The relevant information is coming.

As for the source of this kind of vague information, it is naturally provided by the Demon Soldier's Summoning Book. It doesn't need to be too accurate. Rumors are sometimes useful.

After all, to others, this place belongs to the kind of "probably, as if, a little impression" of a village. After someone sees this place, this uncertainty will become a definite event, and they will be exposed to it. The mercenaries here will easily add them to the map.

Further enhance the reliability...but it is not perfect.

Oro discovered the problem, but that guy was a wise man and found a special problem, but he didn't make everyone aware of it. Instead, he followed the situation and targeted the fallen.

It’s not that he doesn’t know about witches. There are witches involved in the Abyssal War, but they don’t intervene on the bright side. Many forces have closed one eye on this issue. The matter is similar. On one hand, Oro thought While clarifying these things, we are also taking advantage of the current situation.

"What do you think?" Oro said to the youth around him.

Li Chade shook his head slightly uncomfortably: "I can't see it."

He has used his own special vision to try to find the problematic place in this "ghost town", but everything he saw is normal, but after investigation, they can really confirm that this is not a normal little place. The town is a real ghost town that is not in any record.

But the residents of the small town inside seem to be very normal, and they have enough understanding of the outside world, as if they really have a long-term communication with the outside world.

"I can see that there is a problem." Oro smiled: "Let's go."

"Don't investigate?" Li Chade looked a little surprised.

Oro shook his head: "This step is enough to investigate. I almost know who made the shot."

He has already investigated a lot of ghost towns, and he has personally investigated every place. At this point, it is basically enough. It is possible to create such a ghost town that makes people think that there is no problem out of thin air. Probably only the Unreal Witch could do it.

What does this witch say? It belongs to the kind of witch who is more capable of making trouble on the record. It is only after the appearance of the artificial witch that the other party broke away from the original connection with the dark church and became low-key. The dark church did not give a detailed account of any special inside story.

The reason is quite simple. After all, it’s okay to cooperate with a witch in the dark. It’s not good to tell it on the open. Even if the dark church creates an artificial witch, it can only be said that they have the ability. Anyway, during the war, the dark church will not accumulate so many unfavorable speeches for itself.

In short, a witch who is very capable of doing things at this time intervenes in the affairs of the fallen is indeed very worrying. After all, the illusion witch is really not a good witch, uh, at least compared to the witch of the life witch, it is. Such.

Only after investigating the information, Oro did not intend to expose the matter. Sometimes it is not a good thing to be smart. He is not clear about the conspiracy of the Unreal Witch, but after a series of investigations, he can What is certain is that these ghost towns created by the Unreal Witch have more advantages than disadvantages.

All aspects are directed at the fallen, but there are no substantial victims. This is the result of various investigations. As for how these ghost towns concealed the fallen, Oro investigated from another direction. , There are indeed some discoveries.

That is, during the recent underground world wars, the cleaning of corpses was a little unusual, and some people were secretly recovering the corpses of abyssal creatures. This kind of thing has been happening for a long time, but recently this aspect of recovery has appeared obviously. The ups and downs.

The person doing this is very secretive, but as long as he does it, with the resources in his hands, it is easy to investigate. The corpse is also flesh and blood, and the reincarnation tree itself needs the supply of flesh and blood. Can.

So during the initial investigation, Oro was a little lucky. Fortunately, he was vigilant and cautious. He couldn't help trying without seeing the beautiful girls and food in the ghost town. Now think about it, it’s true that he didn’t do that. It is the right choice.

"Then you won't investigate this ghost town anymore?" Richard couldn't help asking, the obvious problem here is very big...

"Investigate, but we don’t need to investigate. We must take precautions in other aspects." Oro nodded. The ghost town affairs still need to be investigated, but normal investigators can come here, and the investigation will be done. The direction is also for the fallen, not a ghost town.

Just like the process of investigating the fallen in other times, it is nothing more than a deliberate mark during the investigation. In those villages and towns that are not recorded on the map, you must bring your own food, and it is not allowed to touch the food and the food in such places. Water, even women don't think too much about it.

For the time being, other aspects are just like that. He directly exposed the existence of the ghost town. He didn't even think about it. He didn't know what the real purpose of the illusory witch was, but the existence of this ghost town was indeed guiding. The fallen are not interfering with normal human gathering places.

Therefore, in addition to the purpose of the investigation, the investigation team will also find ways to guide the fallen ones to focus more on these ghost towns, and his side is to do a good job of other major things that the illusion witch might do. Preparation, of course, if this kind of major event is not aimed at normal people, it can actually be ignored.

After all, the witch’s reputation in the mainland is also changing accordingly. The Destiny Witch is one of the vice presidents of the World Defense Society. The other party sits in that position and takes responsibility for some things. The Unreal Witch really wants to If you want to make a big trouble, the Destiny Witch will be the first to be condemned, and even the position of the vice president will be unstable.

Even Oro has speculated that this matter was arranged by the Destiny Witch specifically for the Unreal Witch? As for the do you deceive those fallen ones when the ambiguity comes? This kind of thing can only be done in secret, and there is no harm in doing it in secret. After you really fascinate those fallen ones, and then directly disclose it, the witch should still get a lot of prestige.

For various reasons, Oro is even more unlikely to directly disclose the results of the investigation. He doesn't want to offend the two witches in one breath, or even cause humans to bear greater losses because of the temporary loss. The investigation of this matter is for the time being. That's it, and wanting to know something further, he felt that it would be quicker to directly contact the Destiny Witch on the World Defense Council.

"Okay." Richard didn't say anything more. Oro had half the problem with this kind of saying. However, as a member of the first-line investigation team, the other party attaches great importance to him, and he has even learned some information, such as in After the ghost town appeared, there were more dead people, but judging from the big data collected by the survey team, there are actually fewer dead people?

It sounds outrageous, but the actual data is like this, very contradictory.


"What the **** is the weapon order? How long has the new city been set up, and has it started to toss like this?" In the new city, Zheng Yichen looked at some of the orders in front of him uncomfortably. He was suddenly called by the shadow warrior Carloer from the laboratory. , Although I am mentally prepared, I still feel a little unhappy after seeing this stuff.

After becoming the lord of the new city, it is normal for him to be interrupted while researching. After all, the new city is mainly responsible for more things, and he can’t fish at will like before. This is the current one. That's how the order is, and Carol can decide some small things.

And the things between the Abyss City Lords are not for him to decide.

The normal weapons orders can be dealt with in the new city. Abyssal alchemists are not difficult to process and synthesize materials. They can actually make weapons, but the weapons they make are somewhat different from those made by blacksmiths. Simply put, the weapons made by alchemists are more focused on'industrialized' products.

The blacksmith made a purely handmade and private order. Under normal circumstances, the former is obviously more advantageous. The main reason is that after applying a template to industrial products, the quantity is large and the quality can basically be stabilized. The blacksmith's words It depends purely on personal ability.

The efficiency will not be too high.

But don't forget that this world has magical powers. Blacksmiths are not efficient when making weapons, but after creating a top weapon, they can directly explode a lot of industrialized products made by alchemists.

It’s just that the alchemist is not a blacksmith. In terms of weapons production, it’s more to directly process the materials and let the blacksmith mass produce certain weapons. The deputy job of the alchemist sounds like a very versatile profession. It is indeed able to win in all aspects.

But the core of the alchemist is the processing of various materials and the application of transformation and synthesis. Based on this core, the alchemist can appear to be competent in all aspects of deputy positions. The processing of metal materials allows the alchemist to touch the blacksmith and Engineering, when dealing with those plant-type materials, you can have direct contact with potions.

In general, the core of the alchemist determines their'omnipotence', but no matter how omnipotent, we must figure out the key points. If you come into contact with the knowledge of other deputy positions in normal research, you will also improve the knowledge of other deputy positions. That's normal, but if it's specifically for omnipotence and take the initiative to master the knowledge of those deputy positions...Look at talent.

For those who are truly talented, doing so does not affect their future. For those who are talented in general, they don’t even know their own profession, just thinking about tossing so much knowledge of the deputy, and their achievements are limited. It's normal.

Zheng Yichen is competent as a blacksmith, but the problem is that the identity of the abyssal alchemist is not good. It is not a big problem to let him make some alchemy bombs. Those are the core of the alchemist, the synthesis and use of materials, but the magic Guide weapon...Come on.

Come casually with his original identity, but this identity is not good. Zheng Yichen glanced at the city lord who placed the order, and slightly curled his lips. He paid less and asked for more, which directly reminded Zheng Yichen of a certain country on earth. When doing business, he didn't make a few shots first.

Anyway, if you can take advantage, you can take all kinds of things.

For such an order, there was nothing arranged, so I just threw it aside and made a simple reply, which summed up in three words...I think it’s beautiful.

Let’s take a look at some of the other backlogs. The parts that Carloer can’t handle and can only be left first, Zheng Yichen looks a little It’s only a few days, and it has accumulated. With so many'big events', even if the front line is indeed very fierce during this period of time, there is a big problem in bringing so many things out to him.

There is no doubt that this is deliberately making things difficult, saying that it is not enough to cause trouble. The things demanded in these orders are indeed very useful for war. The new city can really be found here, and the abyssal creatures will inevitably get additional advantages. But the problem is that some things have not yet spoken in the main city of the abyss, and other city owners have asked for this and that first.

If the new city has existed for a long time, it is not a big problem. If there is a foundation, there is a solid foundation, but the new city is still in the final stage of completion, what is the foundation?

The bottom line is that the resources provided by the main city of the abyss are supported, what else is there? The accumulation of knowledge, the crystallization of technology? Those things don't take time. Of course, there are a lot of Abyssal lieutenants, alchemists, potionists, and blacksmiths in the new city.

But none of them are fully integrated into the new city. They come here more to value the convenience of the new city. Here they are more worthy and will not be controlled by other Abyss City Lords. They can better other cities. Some high-ranking people here negotiate terms.

What about outside? There is nothing outside. Let them actively contribute their knowledge or participate in other aspects of research. At present, it is a bit difficult. The cohesiveness of the deputy in the new city is not enough, and they still value themselves more. Interests.

In addition, there are a lot of two and five boys inside. It is really necessary to get a few big projects. Those who participate in the deputy positions, more often come with the idea of ​​stealing the teacher, especially in the project chaired by Zheng Yichen. Some twenty-five boys just want to fish, he is wondering whether to kill a batch first... (to be continued)