Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2282: The difference between a man and a monke

The expression on Kai'Sa’s face is very poor, and Dan Marina’s words have indeed brought her obvious pressure, prompting her to want to understand this matter more urgently... But no matter how you want to end it, you must find it first. The existence she wants to find will do.

How to find the undead witch already has a specific method. Although it is impossible to completely determine the location of the Heretic Mother, the general scope can be determined.

If the mother of the evil **** wants to be born, there must be a fixed link.

In addition to some arrangements made by Dan Marina, the World Defense Society will also join in this action. The addition of the World Defense Society will further reduce the scope of the birth of the Cthulhu Mother, even if the World Defense Society is primarily aimed at the Abyssal Envoys. But Dan Marina will also join the World Defense Council's operations.

With her extra operation, the target is not limited to the abyss messenger.

At that time... Let's talk about how to deal with it at that time. Although there may be the worst kind of situation, there are still contractual restrictions between them, and the worst situation also has room for maneuver.

The most urgent thing is to find the Mother of Cthulhu.

There is a mighty action on the mainland. The messengers of the abyss seem to have really lost their eyes and ears, and they are very passive towards the evolution of the outside world. The many actions of the World Defense Council and the investigation team have not disturbed the messengers of the abyss, they have been found. Some small fish and shrimp are fallen, but those fallen are of little value.

It belongs to the lowest level among the fallen, and has not even touched the fruit of life from the tree of reincarnation, and some of the abyssal creatures are almost all small fish and shrimps.

"What... let me make a match with these abyss creatures?" Pho looked at the investigation team members who had been found in amazement. After tangling for a while, he nodded slightly. He didn't know what was going on. Don't want to get involved in the war anymore.

But he still cares about some things about the abyss. After all, on the mainland, as a betrayer of the abyss, he is arguably the one who most wants to defeat the abyss. There are some unexpected situations. His first thought is to cooperate. .

Phosphorus followed the investigators to the local hospital. There are several abyss creatures that have been caught. Some life magicians are already waiting here. They are all top life magicians from the ancient ruins. , Specifically used for some special comparisons.

The abyssal creatures that stayed on the mainland before have been eliminated by the abyss messengers. There may be some fish that slip through the net, but it is difficult to find them immediately. The remaining abyssal creatures all came to the mainland through the reincarnation tree. They want to make a detailed comparison between these and the original abyssal creatures.

Although phosphorus was transformed into a human appearance by life magic skills, it was essentially an abyssal creature.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon." Looking at Pho's nervous expression, a middle-aged life magician said with a smile. When Pho just relaxed, the other party's expression immediately became serious: " Lie down obediently!"


"I didn't pay too much attention before. Now I compare it. There are really some subtle differences." The life magicians who came here from the ancient ruins are all top-notch and have suitable targets for comparison. They quickly checked out some of them. problem.

There are some very subtle issues that can be ignored before. After all, the physique of humans is different from that of humans, and the creatures of the abyss are similar, but the information that is turned out now has a big problem.

The problem is changing according to the situation. If you make a comparison with your heart, you can pick out a few thorns if there is no problem. Moreover, these are inherently problematic.

"Then what do these subtle differences mean?" Archer asked from the side.

"The simple, rude and inaccurate explanation is the difference between people living in contaminated areas and monkeys raised in a clean and clean environment." said one of the oldest life magicians, this kind of subtle difference has never been noticed before. ,reason? Abyssal creatures are abyssal creatures, and these abyssal creatures have enough wisdom, it doesn't matter if they are abyssal creatures.

Only after starting a deliberate comparison, the above description is completely applicable.

They are indeed abyssal creatures, but the slight difference completely makes the two completely different species. The former is a genuine abyssal creature, and the latter is a man-made thing, and there is no trace of pollution or erosion of the abyss yet. What's the impact? After they reincarnated, because of their original habits, they will still be the same for a certain period of time.

But as time goes by, the abyssal creatures that are not polluted will be similar to the abyssal creatures that were left on the mainland, and they will even behave more Buddhist.

As senior life magicians, they have naturally studied those who are lurking in the abyss. In the hundreds of years in the mainland, the abyss creatures that stayed on the mainland have become much cleaner, and they are still the kind of abyss creatures in nature, but The abyss creatures on the mainland showed more thoughts.

The cruel ones are still cruel, but they don’t appear to be too brainless and violent. The situation of irritability is also greatly reduced. It is bad or bad. Compare it with the abyss creatures that live in the abyss all the year round. The abyss creatures that live in the mainland, It is undoubtedly more sensible.

Of course, after being sane, some problems arise, such as fear of death and heavy selfishness. Most of the abyssal creatures are in a state of mild madness. It can be said that the abyssal creatures after leaving the abyssal environment will not change much in their nature. , But it looks more like a person in other respects.

They have done quite detailed comparative studies on these, but the ones checked now are too clean, and the clean ones have a greater impact on the abyssal creatures!

Another life magician said: "If you can talk about an example that can be matched, it is probably the split body that appeared at the beginning."

When the Mother of the Heretic God sneaked into the mainland, she used a unique method to create a group of special splits. Up to now, that incident has an additional psychological impact on some people involved.

"Can it be traced back to the Mother of Cthulhu through these?"

"This is not what we are good at." Several life magicians shook their heads. All they can do is analyze the difference between the genuine abyss creature and the pirated version. Now the result is very clear. They are really helpless after the class. It is easy for them to study living bodies, can they directly find the Mother of Cthulhu through this anomaly?

It's not a problem, it's impossible.

"We can try the loopholes of these'monkeys', maybe it will be easier to solve the messenger of the abyss." At this point, the oldest life magician is a bit regretful. They have ignored this problem before. If so Didn't ignore it, and carried out early research, maybe the abyss messenger was solved long ago.

It is also possible that there are no research results at all. What results can be studied, and the issue of time must be considered. Now they are in a hurry and spend a month or more to study these? The day lilies are cold.

"Then bother you masters." Archie nodded. Even if you are in a hurry, you still have to do these things. The tree of reincarnation will not disappear because of this. Someone will use the tree of reincarnation to create abyssal creatures in the future. Yes, if we don't study this aspect now, we will have to do it in the future.

Archer quickly relayed the findings here to Oro. Oro did not feel unexpected about this. The abyss creatures that came to the mainland through the tree of reincarnation, what they have done so far is considered normal. It was normal to look through the files at the same time, and those normal did not affect some of the plans and arrangements of the Cthulhu Mother.

The reincarnation tree is in a state of high frequency use from beginning to end. Oro suspects that although the first reincarnation trees do not have the fruit of life, they will inevitably bring to the mother of the evil **** when they are used...

"How's the news spread?"

"There is no direct feedback. It seems that the messengers of the abyss haven't received the news." A staff member answered Oro's question. Oro's arrangement has a part that provokes discord. They have leaked some news here, let alone. It's real and fake.

The point is that the Fallen have a great affair, and they use the Abyssal Messengers to solve some problems. Now their plan is about to succeed. There are many types of news. As long as there is something that can reach the ears of the Fallen, it can produce a lot of problems. Great effect.

Those fallen are from the abyss, even if their individual state is freed from the influence of the abyss due to the influence of the tree of reincarnation, the messenger of the abyss is not ordinary creatures from the abyss, even if it is changed, it will not be like a trash fish. Easy to change.

After knowing the news in this regard, those Abyssal Envoys can do something more or less, either for the Mother of Cthulhu, or for other fallen ones. Anyway, at this time, they are doing more and more. The wrong state, no matter what action is taken, is good for the follow-up arrangements of the investigation team.

But up to now, the abyss messengers have not taken any extra actions, as if they have seen through his arrangement, even if the abyss messengers are doing things to help the evil god’s mother, it is better to operate on his side if there is a little movement. .

Doing nothing, on the contrary, gives people a bad feeling that things have been cast.

Oro couldn't help but smoked two more There is no breakthrough here, so start with other fallen ones, as well as the Cthulhu Element.

The fallen ones of Xiaoyu Xiaoxi can be ignored, and some fallen ones who are still alive, the investigative team also has records, more attention, and the assistance of the prophet, it is not difficult to target those fallen ones, the abyss messengers just want to pretend to be dead Just install it.

It would be a good thing to pretend to be dead, but Oro was worried that the other party had become the dog of the Cthulhu Mother.

"Captain, the dragon of the dragon clan is here."

"It's punctual, let's go, they come and we have to be completely busy." Oro threw away half of the cigarette in his hand, and was ready for everything he could do. The next step is a tough battle. Clean up the remaining fallen ones, clean up the evil spirits, clean up the abyss messenger.

Can't solve the Cthulhu Mother, and can't solve those powers that might become the help of the Cthulhu Mother? This is a continent with dragons, witches and various forces, not an abyss!

Can the Mother of Cthulhu be able to fight the entire continent with her own power?