Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2300: Very inspirational but not surprising

The ruins that Zheng Yichen had explored in the abyss belonged to the remnants of the gods, and he found the altar of the **** recollection. The research direction of the **** remnants in that relic was the resurrection of gods, while the ruins explored by Kromia learned that he was descending from the gods. It's strange that the two are not connected.

"What do you think of evil energy?"

"En? What happened to the fel?" Cromia asked back, obviously because she didn't know much about the power of fel. At this time, she couldn't lie, which meant that the ruins she was exploring did not have the power of fel.

"You keep talking."

Chromia did not conceal any details about what she found in the ruins. The final result of the ruins of the ruins was that the ruins were filled with a large number of evil gods, and she had a strong control over the evil gods at that time, and she was also very powerful at that time. Prepared enough to explore the ruins.

Most of the evil gods in the ruins became her help. The exploration of the ruins is not difficult for Cromia. The evil gods in the ruins are also recorders. By dominating those evil gods, she can easily master them. She didn't understand some of the knowledge in the ruins, but it could be understood by those evil gods.

After that, the ruins were destroyed by Cromia. She had already obtained the knowledge inside. Naturally, it was impossible to keep the ruins. As for some of the objects and things inside, not much remained, the ruins were in her. When it was discovered, it became a lair of the evil god.

Most of the things in the ruins were soaked by the chaotic power of the Cthulhu, becoming rotten, and looking for something valuable is like panning for gold in the shit.

Although there is not much substantial acquisition, that knowledge is enough, of course she does not want others to acquire such knowledge.

After that, Cromia had a new goal, especially after learning that something like Cthulhu was only a ‘inferior product’, she thought about getting the genuine product, what is the Cthulhu? She also wanted to descend to God, but instead of trying to find a way to trace the arrival of a more distant ‘God’ into modern times, she was born as a god.

Combining the knowledge gained from the ruins, she started a long research. The research on Cthulhu is still going on. Although Cthulhu is a'failed inferior product' recorded in the knowledge of the ruins, no matter how bad or inferior is, it is still a surrender. Related products.

Panning for gold in **** is also panning for gold. The key is to get gold. Cromia doesn't have that much foundation, nor does the whole system knowledge possessed by the existence in that ruin. She needs to study and fill up many parts of her own spirit.

She doesn’t expect to become a **** in one step. She can gain the potential to become a **** through research. It is also good to get a ticket to the road to godhood. Her research has always been carried out in the abyss, and the missing parts will be filled out later, but The biggest problem is that there is no suitable environment.

The environment of the abyss itself is not normal. In that environment, she cannot be born purely. As long as there is a problem in the process, it means that the gold scoured is not clean and cannot meet the clean standard. Then it is still within the scope of Cthulhu.

However, the passage between the mainland and the abyss is firmly suppressed by the Great Border Wall. The abyss creature can't escape, and she has no way to leave. If she can't leave, her plan will never be implemented, forcibly betting on it? In an abyssal environment, it is not a bet, it is a surrender.

She has no good way to do this, she can only continue to research from the Cthulhu realm, trying to find the influence of bypassing the blockade enchantment, and smuggling from the abyss to the mainland.

It is a pity that she has been in the abyss for too long. She has been contaminated with the power of the Cthulhu, and has been affected by the abyssal environment. Underneath the human skin are only the organization of the Cthulhu and the flesh and blood affected by the erosion of the abyssal environment. She is even deeper than the abyssal creature. Even though she studied a lot of smuggling methods, she still couldn't get her wish.

But it is very easy for those smuggling methods to smuggle from the underground world to the mainland.

"When I return to the mainland, I can't wait to implement the plan, the abyss? Huh...!" Cromia snorted coldly, she didn't have any memories of the abyss, she went to the abyss in order to pursue stronger power. , But now her vision is high, and places like the abyss have become a garbage dump in her eyes.

She even has plans for the future. If she becomes a god, whatever she gains in the war over the abyss will be suppressed by her. The garbage dump must be positioned as a garbage dump. Don’t pollute clean places. It’s a good pasture for gods on the mainland.

Of course, before she can fully grow up, she will guide the mainland to persist for a longer period of time, for ten or twenty years. Ten years is fine. At that time, she has fully grown up. Twenty years would be better. , So that after she grows up, she has more time to strengthen herself and strive to reach the realm of God in the true sense.

Rather than simply possessing divine power that surpasses the evil god.

She still knows the colossus of the abyss on the other side of the abyss, and is quite afraid of that kind of thing. Generally speaking, after the birth of the mainland, the longer the war persists, the better, and the more advanced the better, the more advanced the better. In her opinion, all will be the construction of her pasture in the future.

It's a pity that she died before she was born...Bah, she was blocked when she was just born. Before she could do anything, she was forced to sign a contract that she had never contacted.

"What kind of self-confident thinking in Secondary Two, have you never played in Unreal World?" Zheng Yichen asked involuntarily after he figured out Cromia's long-term goal.

There are geniuses everywhere. Some people just have no chance to show their talents. In some things, humans or other alien races may not be worse than witches. As long as there are enough, there will always be some amazing geniuses. , Cromia is undoubtedly this type of existence.

She may not have any talent for other things, but in studying the power of evil gods, Cromia has shown a superhuman talent. Aside from other things, people just don’t understand the ancient times and the knowledge of the gods. Under the premise of more, the abrupt research was successful.

Maybe this kind of achievement is not the kind of sedition pursued by ancient creatures, but the result of her research is suitable for her. When Cromia talked about her grand plan, Zheng Yichen was also looking at some materials, and Annie was preliminary. The kind of research on Cromia's physique.

The pure physique that makes life witches marvel at, the potential of this body has far surpassed humans and foreign races, and the dragons can’t compare with them. This is still a newborn state. After fully growing up, Cromia may be true. Can try to set foot in the so-called "God Realm".

Of course, considering some of the problems of this era, and she doesn’t know anything like divine writing, even if she forcibly stepped into the realm of gods, she would have a very long time to explore the use of power. The spacecraft did not master the corresponding driving skills.

It's just for Cromia's purpose, how to say it, before crossing, that is, when he was young, he would feel very good, strong, and very pursued, but now it sounds like a second-degree.

However, Cromia was very serious when she said it, making people embarrassed to interrupt her.

"How could I get in touch with that kind of thing?" Cromia immediately shook her head. She knew that that kind of thing was made by a mysterious producer on the mainland. In addition to creating an illusory world, the producer also had magic soldiers. Network, in her follow-up plan, the producer is also one of her goals.

After all, I will become a **** in the future. As a god, there must always be some existences such as divine envoys and servants. A mysterious but capable producer is very good.

Of course, before she achieves her goal, she will definitely not have too much contact with the creators of the gods and secrets, let alone use the magic contract, contact the illusory world through something like a login device?

God knows that after using that method, the producer will find her because of this, she still needs to be cautious before her goal is achieved, she has only heard of the illusory world.

"Then it's normal. It's okay. You should play more in Unreal World and learn more about the special vocabulary in it."

"...Are you taunting me?" Cromia frowned slightly. She didn't think there was any problem with her purpose and pursuit. Stepping into the realm of God as a mortal, what a great achievement is this? In the end, that’s all of your performance? ?

Even if most of the people present are witches, with talents and strengths that ordinary people do not have, in Cromia's view, witches are just a group of lucky women, even ordinary people, as long as they are lucky, they suddenly awaken. The power of the witch can instantly become the peak of power.

No effort was required in the process, especially during the period of the Witch Alliance, the witches did not have much external threats, and they awakened when they awakened, and the difficulty of survival was simple.

Why do a group of lucky women look down on her pursuit?

"No, your pursuit and goal are indeed very inspirational, but how to put it, the more you know, the more calm you are about some things."

Ancient gods and gods are indeed very strong, yes, UU reading However, on their side, they all know that ancient gods and second-generation gods are tears of the age. Compared with becoming gods, if you avoid becoming an age, Is it better to have tears? It is only a matter of time to ask for the realm of the gods or something.

Besides, in the realm of gods, among others, the people present were more or less exposed to it.

Different from Cromia’s pursuit of goals, if Cromia achieves the goal, it means that people who can’t drive a spaceship have obtained the spacecraft. They have learned how to do each before they have obtained the spacecraft. All kinds of driving skills, after waiting for the spacecraft to take off on the spot.

Let alone a spacecraft, you can quickly get started with other new vehicles afterwards. It is a route with a full foundation. So Cromia’s these are amazing, but they have a great reaction. It's really not surprising.

Compared to these surprises, Cromia's knowledge of sedition made them even more concerned.

Not to reproduce her operations, but to further analyze some of the questions about the witch through the relevant knowledge of surrender.