Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2309: Reformer

The efficiency of the ancient ruins has always been high and explosive. When the abyss has made enough breakthroughs in the research on fel energy, the first 'fel energy power station' has been built here. The realm of the evil **** is used by waste. In the environment full of evil energy, there is still the power of the evil god.

It's just that those evil gods will be swallowed by evil energy the moment they appear. The edge of the evil god's domain is surrounded by a circle of water. The main function of the water flow is to isolate. Those waters are introduced from the holy spring and established by magic. Out of the water ring, water will circulate at high speed in that ring.

Then re-enter the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Church. If you want to maintain this water ring, someone needs to keep an eye on the situation here. As for the cost, if the fel power station is powerful enough, then it is not a big deal. .

The burning evil energy is ignited by the laterite material, and that kind of thing only needs a small fire. Zheng Yichen was also on the scene on the day of the ignition. At present, this 'power station' is only a small test product, and does not cover the entire evil spirits domain. .

Zheng Yichen looked at a stove in front of him and grinned slightly. The stove is a magic power converter researched from ancient ruins. When burning evil energy burns in it, the power emitted by it will be transformed as much as possible, and the transformed things are new magic power. .

Next to this furnace, there is a pipe, a steady stream of evil energy substances flow into the transformation furnace from the field of evil energy, and the dark green flames can be seen burning in the place where the transformation furnace transmits light.

"Success." A deputy looked at the stable transformation furnace and nodded. Burning fel energy is different from fel energy. After ignition, the nature will change, and it will not emit too strong radiation. Therefore, this transformation Furnaces don't need much protection either.

The only thing that needs to be done is the pipeline that transports the evil energy material. That kind of pipeline is also double. The first layer is the material that is most resistant to evil energy. At the same time, this layer of material also uses the technology of space solidification to avoid Fel substances directly contaminate the pipes when they flow into the reformer.

Fel energy can pollute almost anything, but the solidified space can resist the pollution and penetration of fel energy. This technology has been used by scholars of ancient ruins to make transformation furnaces.

I have to say that this plan is really good, avoiding the pollution of evil energy to the greatest extent. The second layer of the pipeline is the purified water of the holy spring. If there is a rupture in some places, the evil energy will directly touch the pipeline. , then the pipeline will definitely be polluted, and the polluted place will be purified by purified water.

This is the second layer of protection. At the same time, there are people monitoring the flow of purified water. If there is a change, there must be leakage pollution in some places.

Being so cautious, Zheng Yichen has nothing to say. I wish the development of these technologies in the mainland will get better and better, and strive to break through the sky barrier of this world one day.

The successful test of this reformer has inspired the entire project team. Next, we only need to test the output power of this reformer, and then make a bigger one, not to mention the entire Cthulhu Realm. It is enough to suppress the influence of the Realm of the Heretic God and turn waste into treasure.

At the same time, the abyss has become the corpse of the abyss creatures, which can be thrown here for disposal, which is simply too convenient.

After visiting the entire ignition ceremony, Zheng Yichen returned to the volcanic furnace, holding a design drawing in his hand. The design drawing is related to the transformation furnace. Burning evil energy is also a kind of energy, or it is like the one released when the vitality is burning. kind of power.

Otherwise, how could Zheng Yichen think that burning evil energy is burning the body and life of the entire planet?

The design of the reformer is not difficult. It is rare to use the technology of solidifying space. This is the core part of the 'evil power station'. After all, there is no such technology. part, as long as it comes into contact, contamination will proceed.

The initial pollution may not be too big, but as long as it is polluted, it may be ignited by burning evil energy, and ignition means that some pipes will be melted through and serious leakage accidents will occur.

Therefore, it is not enough to have a transformation furnace. That thing can be made by any force with a little background. It is nothing more than a question of transformation efficiency.

Zheng Yichen can also make a conversion furnace with a higher conversion rate, but it is not necessary. The main reason is that the magic soldier summoning book itself has the effect of conversion, and the conversion efficiency is very high.

"After the completion of the ark spaceship, we can also make a reformer as a spare." Zheng Yichen said and glanced at the infinite furnace heart not far away. During this time, Yilin did not put down the research of the infinite furnace heart, enough Let Yilin use the meteorite metal.

Under the condition that the materials are not limited, the infinite hearth is now in a completed state. It can be said that the most important power source of the entire Ark spacecraft has been completed, and the rest is the main control room and the hull itself.

This is the real big project. The labeled parts in Zheng Yichen's hands have been stored for more than 60,000 yuan. The large and small parts sometimes make Zheng Yichen feel a headache when he flips through the directory of the magic soldier summoning book.

But no matter how much headaches you have, you must continue to accumulate, and the number is still increasing steadily, sooner or later, it will exceed 100,000 and 200,000. After all, the hull part can be carried out drastically, but some details inside the hull require a lot of Parts filled.

In this incident, the magic soldier summoning book and the super alchemy core of the underground base provided him with great help. Every time Zheng Yichen updated the design drawing, the simulated Ark spaceship module would be adjusted synchronously, so that Zheng Yichen could keep up with it. Benchmark those parts that you have already made.

Of course, the parts that have been made so far are almost all the parts that will not be changed, and the parts that can be changed or improved. Zheng Yichen will not do it either. After the meteorite metal is reshaped, it is almost impossible to melt, so once it is not used If it is on, then he can only find a way to use it elsewhere and re-label it with a new label.

"The transformation furnace can be discussed after the Ark spacecraft is completed. During this time, you should pay more attention to the abyss. The abyss is going to make a big move." Dan Marina put down a book she was looking at and said, She now mainly appears in the World Defense Association, the ancient ruins and the volcanic furnace.

The whole person became lazy.

"What can I do with a big move? I can't go directly to the abyss colossus, right?" Zheng Yichen snorted, and things over the abyss are just like that. What he can do is limited, even if he can operate some things secretly, but Some things take time, even if he has achieved Ruby's purpose.

The main thing now is the game between Ruby and the Demon City Lord. As for the Abyss Lord City, the two City Lords wisely went around. No one wants to be more involved with the Abyss Lord City at this time.

What Zheng Yichen has done is limited, but he has gained a lot of benefits. After finishing the first stage of research on fel energy, the abyss main city quickly arranged the second stage, and the resources given out were more than last time.

Obviously, after the collective death of the abyss messengers, the abyss's observation power on the mainland side was greatly weakened, and the abyss forces also felt a clear sense of urgency.

Of course, if there is no such thing, according to the plan of the mother of the evil gods, Cromia, she will continue to have some contacts with the abyss, secretly mislead the development of the abyss forces, interfere in the abyss war, and strive to make the mainland insist Longer, until she fully grows up.

By the way, now Chromia doesn't like being called the mother of evil gods. In her words, she used to have no choice, but now she just wants to be a good girl who keeps herself clean.

The attitude of those grown-up witches at that time was... spit! Just about to call Bi Chi directly.

But what Chromia did was right. She really has a strong 'cleanliness' right now. When she eats, she has to wash those things in her own way and drink water. It was about the same time, and that way was undoubtedly the way she had prepared in advance.

After knowing the problem of purifying magic power and normal magic power, she gave up the original cultivation method. Even if she gave up this method, her growth time would be extended, but Chromia did not want to let herself A 'foreign body' has been contaminated with a clean body.

This kind of cleanliness will be maintained until she fully grows up. It takes ten years for her to grow up in a normal way, and if she gives up the normal way of cultivating magic power, the time she needs has more than ten times.

But Chromia said she didn't care. She had sacrificed her body and soul in exchange for her new will never contaminate her undeveloped body just because she wants to save trouble. order something.

At this time, Dan Marina asked Chromia to take a look at the vitality transformation tool made by Zheng Yichen. That kind of thing is a New Year's gift for witches, one for each hand, with a unique binding feature, although the effect It is only a single transformation of vitality to restore itself, but it is only powerful enough to have a single effect.

In addition to satisfying their own survival energy, what they eat will be fully transformed into additional life force.

It's like the evil way of extracting vitality. As long as it doesn't extract the upper limit, it basically has no effect on them. At most, they can recover after eating two good meals, and even if the upper limit is extracted, this thing can be slow. Assisted recovery.

Ordinary people get this thing, as long as they are not targeted, they can live for a long time... No accident, eat well, and at the same time they can get tired of living, they can also become quite strong. At the same time, because of the transformation effect of this thing, the holder does not need to worry about gaining weight, just eat it.

Their New Year's gift is something that Chromia needs to pay to get.