Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2324: don't want simple

69 net 69, the fastest update of the cursed dragon! "Continuing to increase the occupation level will indeed increase the individual attributes." Zheng Yichen did not refute Lilia's words, but added to her words: "But after liberating a higher occupation level and raising the occupation level, you can Point out more new skills."

"Ah this..." Lilia blinked her eyes and tapped her head lightly.

She ignored this important information. In addition to growing up to gain additional attributes, isn't it just to gradually unlock more new skills?

Whether it is an active skill with a powerful effect or a passive skill that greatly improves oneself, the ban can only be lifted after reaching the corresponding level conditions when playing the game.

If the professional level is restricted, after reaching the upper limit of the current template, you can only watch those more powerful skills in a gray state forever.

No matter how much you improve the attributes of an individual, it is impossible to lift the ban. From this perspective, the occupation level is very important.

Improving individual attributes within the level cap can indeed continue to enhance, and even surpass those high-level beings. However, those high-level beings can also work hard. Just like those with a level cap, they can continue to improve their individual attributes. Incidentally, You can get additional bonuses brought by the promotion of occupation level.

And many higher-level skill upgrades.

The stronger are stronger, and if the road is wider, those powerful beings will naturally gain more.

"I want to learn!" Without thinking, Lilia made a decision. What happened to the test? As long as the test can unlock a higher professional level like Zheng Yichen said, it is necessary to participate. When she was dealing with the Colossus of the Heretic God, she always thought that if her strength was stronger, she could withstand the extra power of fate. backlash.

Then the reappearance forbidden spell that was maintained at that time can be fully expressed, rather than the same as dysplasia.

It was because of the direct manipulation that Lilia knew very well that with her current ability, she might not be able to reach that level in ten or eight years. After all, there were several dragons supporting her at the back, and the extra pressure was shared with her. Only then did it quickly reproduce the Forbidden Curse.

Without the support of those few dragons, she could only reproduce about one-tenth of her life, and it wouldn't last that long.

If she unlocks a more powerful power, she may be able to easily release the forbidden spell in a single lifetime within a lifetime.


"Very good, then I will continue to say that the prerequisite for the source of power is to have special abilities."

"What's the matter?" Lilia's expression suddenly dropped, special abilities, what special abilities can a prophet have.

Super intuitive? That is just an innate talent, and it can be continuously exerted without consuming special power such as magic power.

If there is any special ability for a profession like a prophet, it is probably the retrospective ability of Dan Marina, and the others? Super intuition is the basic standard of a prophet, and you don't want to become a prophet without this. As for the mirror prediction technique, this is a skill.

Personal talent is biased towards this, so when she learns this, efficiency takes precedence over other prediction techniques, but this is not a special ability or bloodline ability.

The bloodline ability is more acting on the body, it is the ability stimulated by the influence of the bloodline power of the body, and the special ability is expressed from the soul.

The specific difference is not easy to distinguish. There are two fire-type abilities, one is generated by the influence of blood, and the other is generated by the soul. Both can use flame, but the source is different.

An existence like Oss belongs to the flame ability brought by the power of blood. If his soul is stripped out, Os will lose that kind of flame ability with a high probability, and the soul will be different. It doesn't matter if you toss or change your body.

The undead witch is an example. If she needs to, she can change her body at will, but her original ability will still be completely preserved. Other witches can also do it, but they can't toss like the undead witch.

Whether it is bloodline ability or soul ability, as long as it can be merged into the source of power, the drawbacks can be erased.

Zheng Yichen valued Lilia very much, so he explained this very clearly, but Lilia's expression became even more sad: "It is very attractive, and according to the characteristics of the source of power, there will be no such There is nothing wrong with the existence of power, all of which are included in the circle of entry-level people, but I don't have it!"

Bloodline ability? She doesn't have soul power? No, there is only a super-intuition and a talent that focuses on mirror prediction.

What did she use to integrate the source of power? The necessary conditions are not all together, and with a hammer, other professionals can try to awaken a certain bloodline power through the awakening potion, and feel that the ability brought by a certain bloodline power is almost the same, and it is enough to melt it directly.

As long as the source of power is obtained, the future can be expected.

She is not an ordinary professional, but a prophet. Even if she uses the awakening potion to obtain a certain bloodline ability, it is meaningless to her, unless that bloodline ability is very suitable for prediction, such as resistance type bloodline ability , and the ability to make oneself resistant can also resist the force of fate.

In this case, it is also used. The biggest limitation of the prophet is that it is easy to be backlashed by the force of fate, which can reduce the magnitude of the backlash, or even offset it. Then she can go too far in some operations.

As for other fire, water and other bloodline abilities, forget it, it's a little bit to her

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ It is useless unless she is not a prophet, but a spellcaster.

It is impossible for a spellcaster to be a spellcaster, so you must continue to think of ways from your own professional field. Special abilities, so-called special abilities, whether it is bloodline ability or soul ability, the specific performance is like magic. the power of.

Magic-like is not weaker than magic, specifically, a power similar to magic, but it does not require additional learning and mastery of related magic arrays like magic.

As long as the magic power is consumed normally, the "magic" that mental power can easily release, and some do not even need to be released, and can continue to play a role, and only consume some additional magic power when it is triggered.

Just like the female dragon in the Os team, it has the bloodline ability of magic refraction, which is a kind of magic. Even if she does not actively activate it, she will passively play some role on weekdays, receiving magic and so on. When attacking with special power, it can be triggered directly.

"I've made an appointment for you, you can just ask Dan Marina directly."

When she mentioned her adoptive mother, Lilia couldn't help but raised her brows. It was indeed a good choice to ask the Witch of Fate, so what's the hesitation? Just start.

She quickly contacted Dan Marina, glanced at Zheng Yichen, and opened a video chat without a voice chat: "Xiaolong really values ​​you, don't disappoint."

Dan Marina smiled and looked at Lilia with a serious face: "The prophets rarely have special abilities, even if they use the awakening potion to awaken the bloodline ability, most of the help for the prophets is useless, and the rest The useful parts are only concentrated in the general categories of resistance, purification, and concealment and control."

The resistance is what Lilia thought before, trying to find a way to make that resistance bloodline ability resistant to the backlash of the force of fate. If there is, she can also get extra resistance when other prophets target her. , Purification is the literal meaning, through purification to relieve the backlash of the power of fate or the targeting of other prophets.

To invalidate the opponent's lock or other insidious tricks, concealment is to avoid the backlash of part of the force of destiny by hiding, and it also makes it difficult for peers to capture the straight line of their own destiny, or adjust their own destiny line. The existence state of the enemy gives the enemy a 'feeling of weakness', showing that the enemy is weak, and if it is concealed, it can be like a stalker, and it can be a fate-level confrontation and assassination.

Control means that when interfering with someone's fate line, a stronger interference force can be obtained, making it difficult for the interfered existence to get rid of this "control" belonging to the force of destiny.

"These types of bloodline abilities can be used in prophecy. The biggest question is whether they can be used in prophecy." Dan Marina said with a chuckle, making Lilia roll her eyes, her adoptive mother's meaning is very clear Well, the way to get the source of power has not been tested a lot.

Whether it can reach the level of serious illness she drew still needs some people to test it, and now Dan Marina is about to ask Lilia directly if she is willing to take the initiative to be this little guinea pig to test it.

"What if it doesn't work?"

"Then you can consider taking into account the power of the caster."

"Don't!" Lilia refused She knew what her talent was, and there was no future if she took it all into consideration. Only in the field she was really good at could she go further, and her talent for mirror prediction , which Dan Marina praised at the beginning.

Although Dan Marina does something like that, when it comes to prophecy, Dan Marina has her own pride. Good is good.

At this moment, Lilia is very firm about her power line, and has never thought of changing it from this aspect.

"Then explore your talents further." Seeing Lilia's expression so determined, Dan Marina didn't say much about the categories that she had proposed before. It's very easy to test, and some prophets suddenly... ...was willing to try it out.

Lilia doesn't want to forget it. Besides, what she said just now isn't a scam, it's just a lack of test results, and the conditions to achieve are the easiest, as long as you use a lot of awakening potions, plus enough luck to brush them. That's alright, this requires a low-probability-solidified awakening potion, lest in the process of using a lot, luck explodes and directly solidifies a certain awakened bloodline.

The easy way Lilia doesn't want it, then it's hard, the hard way is not easy to succeed, but the predicted benefits are greater.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^