Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2331: It was because you didn't eat?

Within a week, Xincheng received quite a few commissions, although these commissions, without exception, were all about purification materials.

But this has also directly increased Xincheng's income. Of course, in this process, Hongyu also made less money. Although Hongyu has the smallest share of the share, so what? What she got was even a prostitution.

Zheng Yichen also paid attention to the situation in other places. After the burning evil energy was supported by the main city of the abyss, it took off directly on the abyss side. As for the impact of pollution, there was no way to solve it before, and now the pollutants are directly burned. Just drop it.

At present, the most active ones on the battlefield are still burning fel monsters. Those monsters can "explode" when fighting, and their strength is more powerful when they are on the verge of death.

In this regard, the mainland seems to suffer too much. Of course, there are also some transformed bodies on the mainland. Anyone can master the magic skills of life. Although the version of the mainland is different from the abyss, some technologies that have flowed out from the ancient ruins have made the mainland. The progress of the professional system is really not small.

The first to bring out some transformations is the Dark Church. The transformations are basically monsters. As for the human-dominated transformations, the Dark Church also has them, but now they are in a state of full union. The Dark Church does not have any in this regard. Going too far.

Ordinary people have no potential for transformation, at least those who are in the rank can do it. For those humanoid transformations that have appeared at present, what the Dark Church claims to be the war dead.

All of them belonged to the corpses that died in the abyss war, and no one collected the corpses and appeared to be complete. Those corpses were snatched back by the people of the dark church at a great cost, and they were reproduced by means of transformation to play the residual heat and fight against the monsters in the abyss.

The specifics are obviously not directly confirmed at this time. As long as the Dark Church does not go too far, plus interests are involved, everyone is turning a blind eye to this behavior at present.

In this regard, the Church of Darkness has not done anything out of the ordinary up to now. Well, there is still no such case of being asked for trouble on the bright side.

The Church of Darkness is arrogant, but not stupid. It is right to know that it is right to use extraordinary means in extraordinary times, but there must be a degree. Within this degree, they can carry out various experiments as much as they want.

Once beyond this range, the rest is all kinds of resistance.

As long as they are not resisted, in addition to their greater performance in the abyss war, they can also obtain enough research materials, and when the war is over and peace is restored on the mainland, they will further gain sufficient advantages.

Zheng Yichen has learned about the transformations of the Church of Darkness. That thing, the Church of Darkness started tossing for a long time, and now it's just making it even more 'excellent'. As far as Zheng Yichen knows, there are already more artificial witches in those transformations, burning evil energy. Mixed with the witch power of the artificial witch.

Zheng Yichen maintained a high degree of attention to this. If it wasn't for his special status, he would have wanted to participate in this research, but... no.

In order to maintain the human design, he can't participate in this kind of research. He can study burning evil energy, study some other evil forces, and give a way to crack it, but he can't directly do things like human body transformation. Come quietly.

Participate in this research? It turned out that the Dark Church had a direct threat to Zheng Yichen.

If he can defend in the world, he will appear all kinds of tough, that is, he has no "dark history".

Needless to say about the well-known thing that he has a relationship with the witch, apart from this, what black history does he have on the bright side? Not at all, he behaves properly, and speaks very hard.

"Is the elemental heart I want not ready yet?"

Zheng Yichen handed Hongyu a copy of the information about Red Steel, and Hongyu glanced at Zheng Yichen: "That kind of thing is too rare, how can it be so easy to get it? But if you can get the quality of Red Steel in a short time Take it up a notch and you'll be fine."

"Improve it by another grade? Do you think this kind of thing can be easily improved? The greater the improvement, the more obvious the side effects of red steel."

"That doesn't matter, the key is strength." Hongyu said casually, anyway, red steel is not something he uses, and there is a great demand for red steel in the abyss main city.

The abyss monsters transformed by burning evil energy have played a great role in the abyss battlefield, but the effect is not as big as imagined.

Mainly because of strong pressure, the mainland has also come up with a lot of targeted means, and the transformation of the mainland is also very troublesome. In addition to artificial witches, there are also some demonized warriors.

Combining the power of the witch with burning evil energy, the combat power of those transformed bodies is not bad. The same method is used for this abyss. Anyway, both sides are almost stacking buffs. As for the burning evil energy monster cannon fodder Thing, useful in night encounters.

But if it is to attack the position, the effect is very general. It is true that that kind of monster is strong, but the problem is that no matter how powerful it is, it is also a cannon fodder monster. Everyone is equal under heavy artillery. 'malicious.

This ruby ​​can see this, the Demon City and the Abyss main city, want to reproduce the original wave of the devil disaster, but the mainland is not what it used to be, the magic weapons such as heavy artillery, let the abyss devil disaster The threat is further reduced, and those cannon fodders are simply a waste of time and energy.

During siege warfare, there is no difference between monsters with burning fel energy and ordinary monsters. They are all cannon fodder. In encounter battles, there is no need to build a lot of cannon fodder. Wouldn't it be better to make some better burning fel monsters?

The magic technology on the mainland has become a climate. When fighting positional warfare, the abyss really does not have an advantage. Do you want to have a greater advantage? It's very simple, just cut off the magic network on the mainland. The existence of the magic network allows many important war resources in the mainland to be quickly delivered.

This is equivalent to the demonic disaster caused by the abyss, and it is already a unique advantage of the mainland.

Today, when the times have changed, what about the reappearance of the dawn of the abyss?

Enough is enough, the mainland side will only increase investment in weapons such as magic-guided heavy artillery, and then come up with more powerful heavy artillery to fight against the abyss demonic disaster of Xiguang's recovery.

Take advantage of an outdated strategy to fight the mainland? Your brain is not enough...

Hongyu didn't say anything about this, and the reason is very simple. Chairman Abyss attaches great importance to new types of monsters, and has allocated the right to use the laterite mines to part of the Devil's City. The Devil's City Lord studies the burning of fel energy and the flesh and blood factory. , gave an answer sheet that satisfied Chairman Abyss.

What's the use of what she said at this time? Just being treated as a clown.

"It doesn't matter if the side effects are bigger? That's right, few people who can go to the front line can live long, I know." Zheng Yichen nodded. It seems that he is still a little conservative in the handling of Honggang. He felt that the red steel he made was too much.

As a result, Hongyu said that, for the abyss side, the red steel he is making now is still in the kind of "Master, you didn't eat?" 'Degree?

Even if the death rate on the front lines of the abyss war is extremely high, are you not afraid of those abyss creatures who survived being addicted to magic?

Zheng Yichen, who felt that he was underestimated, was going to come up with some powerful magic steel. The side effects were also disproportionate to the improvement, but it seemed very powerful in the abyss.

Get the Heart of Abyss Elements first.

Zheng Yichen customized a new plan in Xincheng. After Hongyu left, the alchemy avatar opened directly, and research or something could be carried out elsewhere. Besides, Honggang's research materials were already complete, and now they are taken out. They were all homework that was written before, and I felt that when the time was almost up, I took out some of the tasks and handed them in.

When the time is right, a lot of rich resources will be spit out from the abyss main city.

On the mainland side, the test of the tree of reincarnation is about to come to an end, and the World Defense Council meeting has begun to select suitable lurkers. Considering some of the side effects of the tree of reincarnation, lurkers can't just choose those very good ones.

The 'test' of the tree of reincarnation made them have a clear understanding of the drawbacks of that thing. The professionals who use the tree of reincarnation basically have no growth potential, and they can continue to become stronger in the future, but with one reincarnation After the tree, the growth potential of the client can be brushed down by more than 80%.

The future growth will directly pull the crotch, so the selected infiltrator must be carefully measured, and some of the values ​​of the tree of reincarnation have also plummeted.

This thing can raid and cause trouble in the future, but using it once will abolish the growth of all professionals in the operation, and the price is very It cannot be abused.

Zheng Yichen just listened to this meeting and had no opinion, although he had a better solution.

It's true that a normal professional is not easy to use, but he can fish out enough androids from the illusory world. The androids are the kind of people who have any body and use any body. The tree of reincarnation can be used casually, or even the full version. When the tree of reincarnation and the illusory world are paired together, it is simply a perfect match.

The premise is that the 'tree species' of the tree of reincarnation must be accumulated enough, and Zheng Yichen has already used some of his own energy to collect such things.

Extracting bloodline power is not a rare thing in this world with a high level of life magic skills. Annie's side can provide Zheng Yichen with a lot of 'tree seeds', and the Ziluo Chamber of Commerce on Qin's side can also provide a A lot, ancient ruins are the same as above...

It is too easy for Zheng Yichen to collect enough bloodline power. It can be said that in the future when the ark spaceship is ready, when he wants to fight a special war with the abyss, he only needs to hoard enough 'life' resources, and he can directly fish it from the illusory world. Come out with a lot of high-end combat power!
