Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2334: Are weapons possible?

The bloodline of a berserker is very strong. It is normal for an ordinary berserker to double his attributes after becoming mad. It's not a problem to challenge the level of a deep madman, isn't it amazing? brain changed...

Fred's sober madness is even more powerful. After all, his way of freezing his soul was brought about by the power he obtained from the snow mountain, but even so, his lucid madness was limited to normal madness, and deep madness. If it is changed, the maintenance time will be worse than that of Bumpman's endurance on Earth.

Deep madness and normal madness are not on the same level. Fred's sober madness technique allows him to maintain normal madness for a long time, but in deep madness, his maintenance time is not long. Go, even deepening the mastery of the technique of freezing the soul, each time extension is not 'dramatic'.

Instead, it's measured in seconds.

Zheng Yichen doubted whether the ancestors of the Berserkers were high-IQ creatures. Even if they lost their IQ after being deeply mad, they could keep their IQ within the range of positive numbers, instead of the modern Berserkers, which directly turned into negative numbers.

It has to be said that Fred is really powerful in the Berserker family. After further researching the source of power, Zheng Yichen has a new understanding of the special ability. Berserker is an existence with innate ability to become mad.

Although the Frost trait that Fred later obtained is not a special ability, it is a trait, but this trait not only affects his body, but also appears on his soul. If he is not a berserker, it is estimated now. It has the special ability to control ice.

The reason why that frost characteristic is a characteristic, not a special ability, is very simple. Fred only has fighting spirit and no magic power. Only the frost power can be reserved for the characteristic part, not the more expressive special ability. ability.

And this step of change Zheng Yichen is already in progress. The magic power brought by the soul gem allows Fred to operate in this regard. Although the magic power in the soul gem is not Fred's, it is related to Fred's soul. , can also be used, and Fred's frost feature is also a complete state.

Therefore, it is much better than those tragedies who transplant blood, but the efficiency of fusion is not high, and the source of power generated can only exist in the soul gem.

The reason why his power source is the most inferior is that his frost characteristic is not 'consumed' during fusion. After all, although the magic power in the soul gem is fused with the soul he has merged into, the magic power is not the original after all. goods.

The power source of fusion is not so pure, that is to say, although those professionals who have transplanted bloodlines are tragic, they can keep up with the progress in the later stage. Fred's can only maintain this way, and the growth potential is really limited.

Fred is still calm about this. He doesn't care much about the existence of magic power, and the potential of battle spirit is not bad. Battle spirit warriors and magic warriors are not a career path in themselves. It is good to envy magic power, if it is not the fusion of power. The source can extend his deep madness extra time, and Fred is not necessarily so troublesome to operate.

It's just that the magic power generated by the source of power is not compatible with the fighting spirit. When he is deeply maddened, once he uses the frost magic to prolong the deep madness time, it will cause the increase of the deep madness to decrease.

To put it simply, it is the same as doubling the crit rate in the game, but at the cost of a passive that reduces crit damage.

At other times, I also add an external ice armor to myself, which acts as a defense when it does not interfere with the fighting spirit, and can also save the consumption of fighting gas when it is under attack.

After all, the fighting spirit is a tough thing, and when it resists an attack, it is a straight and hard bang, and the protection composed of magic power is more skillful.

The source of strength Fred's improvement is not big, but it has increased his battle endurance a lot. Even so, Fred still maintains a serious learning state when participating in the experiment. He is wondering if he can make it A further fusion of battle energy and bloodline power.

Zheng Yichen has only the source of power related to magic. He can understand that dragons are originally magic creatures.

It's normal that he doesn't have that high depth of understanding of the fighting spirit. It doesn't affect him having his own ideas. He will try to open up a new path in the future, the pressure of learning? It doesn't exist, don't look at his big and three rough, when he calms down and learns, he has become an outlier among most professionals.

Fred can always study in the most focused state, and the way of freezing his soul allows him to maintain a state of high efficiency when doing some things on a daily basis, in addition to keeping him awake and mad when fighting.

Zheng Yichen certainly supported Fred's idea.

In fact, Grey can also try this. However, no matter how powerful Grey's fighting spirit is, she is still a witch. She has natural limitations. Berserkers do not have such a problem. Their fighting spirit and bloodline strength are highly compatible. Normal berserkers are more violent than ordinary people in the performance of their fighting spirit.

If Fred can really make a breakthrough in this area, Zheng Yichen will be happy to see it, and he will even study it well in the past and use it in some of his own research projects.

It is best to make a maddening potion that can truly synchronize with beings like Berserkers. The power of Bai Xue, the lord of the snow mountain, has the power of Zheng Yichen. It is not difficult for him to maintain a sober madness. If it is even necessary, Grey It can also be used, of course, it must be used at a critical time.

With Grey's physique and strength of fighting spirit, if she can temporarily go into a deep madness like a Berserker... Forget it, a normal madness will do. Who can stop her from a deep madness?

"You said, can weapons try to obtain the source of power?" Zheng Yichen said to the women around him, looking at the mixed-race berserkers fighting in the martial arts field.

"You can let Yilin try it out." Dan Marina folded her arms and looked at the weapon that Os was carrying while watching the battle. Zheng Yichen had this idea, and there was no doubt that he had an idea for the Destruction Magic Sword. The Devil Sword of Destruction also has the conditions to integrate the source of power, and the sword itself has powerful magic and special power.

However, it is only a weapon, not a professional.

"She's already busy enough, and it's more appropriate for Oss to try it himself." Zheng Yichen said with a tut. Although Yilin was very versatile, he knew that the witch was actually 'very tired', and he had all the money in his hands. There are many projects, and it is natural to know the energy consumption of doing research.

Yilin hasn't had a good rest since she started researching the source of power, and now she's also participating in the preparations for the witch's rampage. The witch is very tough and not so frustrating.

"If you want me to pay more attention, just say it directly, as if I would refuse." Dan Marina glanced at Zheng Yichen, whether the weapon can fuse the source of power, Os is indeed a very suitable tester, destroying the magic sword itself It is a weapon connected to the bloodline of Oss.

The literal meaning of the unity of the human and the sword is incisively and vividly expressed in him. When others hold the Demon Sword of Destruction, let’s talk about whether it can be used normally. It is impossible to use it like Os. Come to a fusion, the result is to be eaten alive by that sword.

With this unique connection, Os can indeed take the initiative to control the Destruction Demon Sword to integrate the source of power in the future: "It's not impossible to do that, his IQ is not enough, you need to adjust the fusion method of the source of power, Make that approach unsuitable for people."

"... Anyway, he is also a chess game that you value, so can't you give more confidence?" Zheng Yichen's mouth twitched slightly, he still thought that Os could complete this matter independently, so he also saved his mind.

"There are some things that can give you confidence. You don't have to think about it. He is not enough in terms of understanding of strength." Dan Marina said with certainty.

This kind of understanding of power does not mean that Oss does not understand enough of his own power, but that he does not understand the source of power enough. He just learned to walk and expect him to fly?

Regardless, Oss does have the possibility to operate, but if that possibility is to be fully achieved, I don’t know how many years later, Zheng Yichen will have to wait so many years?

"You don't have that much time, and you don't want to spend too much time waiting."

"That's all right, I'll pay more attention to this aspect." Dan Marina's words made Zheng Yichen unable to refute. His plan was to start the Black Moon plan in two or three months after the completion of the Ark spacecraft. Indeed, Won't wait that long.

The battle of the mixed-race Berserkers is very exciting. They have not yet integrated the complete source of power, but it is no problem to use it in battle. The blood-like magic power shows the violent characteristics of the fighting spirit, and the aggression does not look more than normal. How bad is the fighting spirit.

Affected by this magic power, they autonomously entered a state close to madness during the battle. Their physical strength and speed were greatly improved, but their reason did not become as direct as madness, just like passive. Get the same bloodlust in magic.

More importantly, this is magic power, which is more convenient than fighting spirit in terms of control. Some mixed-race Berserkers with good talent can already control magic power and shape them into rougher forms to attack.

If you master some martial arts, the power will be greater, and the most important thing is that the use of magic power has a lower burden on yourself, and the speed of improvement is faster than that of fighting spirit. , it can have more lasting battery life and similar bursts, as well as more bursts.

Of course, in terms of physique, it is definitely not as good as a normal Berserker, but the advantages have already been reflected. The power is not inferior to the magic power of the fighting spirit, and the passive that is stimulated by the magic power to enhance the physical performance in battle is an advantage. , not to mention the gap between peace and normal berserkers, but also gain additional advantages.

At this stage, they are only excited, not crazy. The test of crazy transformation will be carried out after the fusion is completed. Zheng Yichen is looking forward to the harvest at that time.

In the normal state of madness, he has ideas, but Zheng Yichen has never tried the magic madness, but he can look at it later. He doesn't have too many ways to explode, especially when the Black Moon plan is getting closer and closer. , one more way, it means that the success rate of the plan will be greater.
