Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2349: future possibilities

In the abyss war and some problems in the mainland, the number of deaths of the dragon race exceeded 100. During this period, there were less than ten new dragon races, and this trend is still decreasing. After all, the war has begun, and many dragon races have Not willing to give birth to offspring easily.

Giving birth is tantamount to a long period of 'weariness' and a period of weakness after childbirth.

If the dragon clan is in peacetime, if these lost clansmen want to be fully replenished, it will take decades of hard work at least, and this is still a quantitative supplement. What is even more difficult is the long growth period of the newly born dragon clan.

Otherwise, how could the dragon race become cautious after a period of abyss war.

Of course, no matter what the external situation is, the dragons in the dragon world still seem to be quite carefree. Most of the dragons here are those who are too young, and some dragons who have become adults are basically concentrated in the dragon. The city is over there.

This time Zheng Yichen was invited to come to the Dragon Realm, talking about the weirdness of the abyss.

Although the dragon family has become cautious in the abyss war, the dragon family has not withdrawn from the war. They know very well that if the abyss creature wins the war, they will not let the dragon family go in the future. The cautiousness is only to avoid more clansmen appearing meaningless. Sacrifice, I really want to start fighting, and the dragon family will not be afraid.

It's just a fight, if you can figure out some problems before, then you can naturally avoid some sacrifice problems of the clansmen.

Zheng Yichen was thinking about what kind of special resources he could get from the Dragon Clan in the future. There was nothing to say. Everyone got what they needed.

The various accumulations on the Dragon Clan side make Zheng Yichen very jealous. After all, the Dragon Clan is an ancient race that existed at the beginning of the new era. It was because of the protection of the Dragon Realm that the Dragon Clan missed the early stage of the modern era. The continent of the environment did not miss much time either.

It is the first group of races that are active in the mainland and are very powerful. The resources accumulated from that event to the present, ordinary Zheng Yichen can't see it, and he needs as many special resources as he has.

Reach out and want to get all of them.

The source of power is to be made public, but you can do something else before making it public. That way can also be divided into several versions. It is more or less to get something. Otherwise, if it is casually disclosed, others may not believe it. What is so kind?

This is something that affects the entire professional system, and no one can guarantee that there will be no harm or backdoor in the future.

Zheng Yichen answered the question of the abyss weirdness that the dragons cared about. Anyway, he knew so much. As for the possibility of some analysis, the abyss weirdness was definitely more than five or six living bodies in the abyss. After all, it fell into the abyss back then. There are many witches in hand.

I won't talk about the dead. The abyss can only keep those witch corpses alive. For other purposes, only the living witches will be used by the abyss for some special research, so the abyss is weird. , not all of them have something to do with Enchantress.

After that, there are other topics. Zheng Yichen vaguely heard some other meanings from the words of the second elder of the dragon clan, Gladys. The dragon clan wants to truly "accept" Zheng Yichen...

ah this...

If it were someone else, there might be some extra thoughts. For Zheng Yichen, he felt that it was better to maintain the current relationship. His reply to this was to think about it first.

The Big Three of the Dragon Clan didn't say much. After all, their hint was indeed a bit utilitarian. If Zheng Yichen was an ordinary cursed dragon, he would be finished when his identity was exposed, but Zheng Yichen's ability and influence showed the range. Getting bigger and bigger, the attitude of the dragon clan continued to change.

I even regret not having such a determination in the first place.

When Zheng Yichen left the Dragon Realm, Gladys gave Zheng Yichen a crystal that stored information, and Zheng Yichen went directly to the Labust Empire, which was ready to welcome Zheng Yichen's arrival.

The king of the Labust Empire, a man who looks very spiritual, has affinity, and is close to middle age. Considering that this world has magic, and there is no inexplicable restriction that the royal family does not allow cultivation, the appearance of the other party looks young. , in fact, maybe sixty or seventy years old.

The year before last, the Rabst Empire changed to a new king, and the current king of Rabst was in front of him. Changing kings during the war would still have an impact on the entire empire, but the original king of Rabst dared to do so. Do, it means that the new king's abilities are fully qualified.

This is indeed the case. After the other party took the position, those problems were eliminated in less than three months, and the development of the Labust Empire was even more stable and positive... It doesn't have any special meaning, it just means literally .

The new king has seen the changes that magic technology has brought to their country. After taking the top, he highly respected magic technology, but he did not fall into the status of a normal spellcaster when he praised it, and he was not fascinated by the brilliance of magic technology. Eye.

According to Zheng Yichen's understanding, before the new king succeeded to the throne, he had studied in some laboratories that researched magic technology. He was very clear about the development foundation of magic technology. It is built on the accumulation of enough magic technology on the mainland side.

If the Rabst Empire wants to continue to develop magic technology in the future, magic technology cannot fall, and the feelings of spellcasters cannot be ignored because of the current level of magic technology.

As for warriors... warriors are similar, warriors are the way to make magic technology better exert its corresponding power.

The new king is very motivated and ambitious. If it weren't for the war, the other party would have thought about how to go further. In this case, Zheng Yichen has nothing to interfere with, and the national affairs of the mainland have nothing to do with him. In this world he is a black man.

Although the Labust Empire can't wait to give Zheng Yichen an account in its own country, if possible, it also wants to give him the status of a member of the royal family. Those gentle-tempered and capable princesses can be seen casually, and those princesses will not care about Zheng Yichen. There are witches around.

After all, this dragon has already proved its own ability. In the past, it could be said that this dragon took off by means of a witch, but now it can’t be said that it is still the same, right?

With the support of the witch, but if you don't have the ability, you still can't fly high.

Even the Labster Empire sent some special investigation results to Zheng Yichen. Regarding Loris, in short, they traced back some of the cursed witch's past through investigation. Loris's hometown is also Labst. part of the empire, and even some descendants of her homeland can be found.

The awakening of the witch will have a great impact on the environment, but there were still some people who were not within the scope of influence back then, and went elsewhere to avoid the disaster.

In other words... The Cursed Witch actually has the 'nationality' of the Rabst Empire.

Zheng Yichen didn't know what to say about this, and even wanted to laugh. Loris is older than the Labust Empire, yet still has such a relationship?

The current invitations of the Rabst Empire are similar to those of the Dragon Clan. After the abyss is weird, they are slowly replaced by the future development of magic technology. The new king of the Rabst Empire thinks. To occupy a greater advantage in the development of magic technology.

And Zheng Yichen is the leader of magic technology. It is very important to have his support in the future. Even if it is a period of total war, we must fight for it. No, it should be said that we need to fight for it during this period. Some of Zheng Yichen's technologies will be made public, but What the Rabst Empire hopes is to prepare it from them first when it is made public.

After that, we talked about the princess of the royal family who is good at magic technology.

Zheng Yichen heard this a little big, but it is impossible to say that the princesses of the royal family and the princes are weak and weak. In normal times, there may be those with pits in their heads, but in war times, those who can represent the face of the royal family, there is no such thing as One is not to have received an elite education belonging to the royal family.

not accepted? Then don't go around in the name of a member of the royal family.

Therefore, the existence of princesses and princes in this period is very powerful, and most of them are really powerful. Including some research, there is no shortage of resources and teachers who teach, and any type of learning can be enjoyed first-hand. Education, plus the royal bloodline itself, is merit-based.

Passed down from generation to generation, the existence of that kind of natural waste really appears, but it will become a rare example. There is a possibility of being left out, but as long as you are tough enough, the probability of standing out is not low. If willing to give up, such a rare example will also receive extra attention from the royal family.


It's not the kind of slices, but the royal family has specially studied how this rare example appeared, so that this possibility can be avoided in the future, and even if such a special situation occurs, there are some of them. A special situation that is not understood, what if this special situation is unique that leads to this mediocrity? What if it was born to awaken a certain bloodline power?

For the royal family, they have all the resources to keep a 'natural waste wood', especially the natural waste wood that will not be conceited. At the same time, it can also serve as a 'vaccine' for the royal family. After all, with the influence of the royal family. Strength, there are many things that require personal ability, not strength.

Therefore, being born on the side of the royal family, especially in times of war, except that it is really useless, as long as you work hard, the royal family will basically not cause that kind of neglect.

It's just that Zheng Yichen really doesn't have much interest in the existence of big princesses and little princesses. If you put it ten years ago, it would make young people feel excited. However, ten years ago, he was even more powerless, and he didn't even have a human shape. , at most just look at it.

Ten years later, it's a bit boring now.

After all, with the improvement of his strength and ability, his eyes are also picky, princess? How is the strength? How can you fight? Is there any witch who can fight... No, the witch is a bit exaggerated, just say there is a war chess of the witch of destiny, that is, the devil Os can play?

Exaggerated too? Avenger Berson can always be at that level, right?

Research capacity? Well, where do you currently rank among the top researchers in mainland China?

Too many people and pressure from competition? Okay, let's not talk about rankings, just ask if you are doing research in the ancient ruins? Neither? there any special characteristics or other factors? nor?

What else can he bring up, beautiful? The Charm Witch is on his side. The Life Witch, who has the ability to live and also has the charm of life, meets him every day. What is the attraction of being simple and beautiful.

If he can, he can pinch his face with his life magic skills now, and he can be fascinated by a mirror.

With the improvement of strength and ability, the situation of breaking away from low-level interest is rising. Although it will not completely break away, Zheng Yichen will not let Zheng Yichen have an idea in the face of many beautiful existences, and sometimes he will think about it. Pay attention to these, it is better to play two games.

At least those illusory girls in the game are untouchable, but they are more attractive.

Seeing that there was still time, Zheng Yichen went to the church again, but the result was the same as above. The abyss started strangely, and then he changed to another topic after talking. When he returned to the volcanic furnace, Zheng Yichen felt a little uncomfortable. numb.

Seeing that Zheng Yichen's expression was a little wrong, Loris immediately asked, Zheng Yichen waved his hand weakly: "I can talk a lot about the weirdness of the abyss or the future development of the mainland. After talking about it, it will soon become a blind date meeting."

As he said that, he took out the crystal that Gladys, the second elder of the dragon clan, gave The crystal is not a roster of beautiful female dragons, but a 'christening ceremony', which will be discussed later.

In the Labust Empire, after Zheng Yichen showed certain attitudes in the past, the old king no longer cared about assigning him a royal status, and the new king is picking it up again now, although only A sign, but it also showed the difference between the two kings.

In the concept of facing the magic technology, the new king of Rabst is more forward-looking, and his ambition is more obvious. If the war is over, I am afraid that the Orb Empire will not wait for another ambitious war to start again. The Buster Empire has already taken the lead.

People will die in war. Zheng Yichen still yearns for peace, so he doesn't want to get involved in the affairs of those countries. He may be able to be a coordinator, but after becoming a coordinator, he may not be able to change the contradictions in people's hearts. Besides, he really wants to To be that one is not a small responsibility.

It is completely thankless. The cooperation with the Rabst Empire can still be carried out, but there are some things that need to be paid attention to, but those are all things after the war. think so much.