Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2350: About Miku

"The christening ceremony, tsk tsk, the Dragon Clan really values ​​you." After looking at the christening ceremony, Kaisha said to Zheng Yichen in surprise, and then her tone became disdainful: "But it's too late to take this out now."

This kind of baptism ceremony is a special secret technique corresponding to the soul, which can directly change the state of the soul. Well, the effect is that the cursed dragon of the year got this way, and if you get some fresh dragon souls to complete this baptism ceremony, you will be able to Avoid the oppression of the dragon's body on its own soul.

However, this is basically impossible to achieve. The cursed dragon will eventually become crazy because the soul is oppressed by the dragon body. several dragons.

This baptism ceremony is performed in the early stage of occupying the dragon's body, otherwise it will be recognized by the dragon clan, and the dragon clan will take the initiative to help with the baptism.

Now the dragon clan gave Zheng Yichen this thing, just to give Zheng Yichen an extra choice. To put it bluntly, the information is not equal. Maybe the dragon clan still thinks that Zheng Yichen's soul will be affected by the dragon's body.

It's just that his strength is enough and his soul is special, so this kind of influence is not obvious, but if he can complete this kind of baptism, it can completely avoid the influence.

In fact, Zheng Yichen's soul has long since assimilated the current dragon body, and has become similar to the current state of the undead witch. There is no problem with the body affecting the soul at all. Instead, the body will be affected by his soul, but Zheng Yichen has mastered the deformation. The dragon's body will not become distorted because of that effect.

The baptism ceremony is completely tasteless to Zheng Yichen.

Even if Zheng Yichen uses it, it is the icing on the cake... No, it may not be effective, after all, the speciality of Zheng Yichen's soul is there.

"Let's keep a record." Zheng Yichen said, the content of the baptism ceremony was not complete, and the dragon clan's icing on the cake was of no use to him, so this kind of special win was meaningless to him.

Transforming into a real dragon clan, the kind with dragon souls, what is the use to him? There is an extra layer of Longwei belonging to the Dragon Clan? That thing doesn't seem to be of any use to him, he is not particularly good at fighting, and his current state is very good. Compared with the dragon form, he prefers human appearance.

"What will you do with the Labust Empire in the future?" the chaotic witch Anna said, "Would you like to stay in the Labust Empire?"

Her power is easy and good at causing chaos. Even if the Rabst Empire changes to a king who is better for that country, if she is quietly doing things there, as long as it is not too obvious, there is basically no The possibility of discovery, and the less obvious troubles, will not take effect too quickly.

In ten or eight years, nothing happened to the Rabst Empire, but after a few decades, the possibility of a big incident in a powerful empire has increased infinitely.

"Don't be full, there is a new king over there. It's normal to want to do a great job." Zheng Yichen rolled his eyes, although the empire is already the top country in the mainland, but the mainland now has three major empires. How about the king of which empire does not want to be completely unified and become the godless king of the continent?

Even if it splits in the future, it will be in the future. Such great achievements will inevitably leave a deep impression in history. Those who will reunite the continent in the future will only be imitators, not transcendors.

So what the new king of the Rabst Empire is doing now is exactly what he should do in that position. Even if the success rate of some things is not high, if you don't try it, there will be no success rate at all. As an empire It is difficult to hold up that position without enough self-confidence.

"We don't need to take the initiative to get involved in those things. Instead of caring about these things, you should find more useful things." Zheng Yichen is really not interested in things between empires.

"The Church of the Holy Church wants more cores of purification, which has something to do with the burning of the Fel Energy Stove. I'm considering cooperation."

The Church of the Holy Church did not come up with any special win, or there is no such idea. After all, according to the known information, Zheng Yichen has no less than three witches, and this is still a ball, they Don't even bother to mention this.

It is estimated that there is also a need to wait until the end of the war to sort out this type of things thoroughly. During the war, Zheng Yichen's importance was too great, and it was indispensable.

"What's the reason?" Yilin asked. This time, Zheng Yichen couldn't ask for the Heart of Elements casually. One of that kind of thing is enough. He kept asking for that kind of thing in exchange. The church paid too much attention to the situation here, and it would be fine to do that after the Ark spacecraft was about to be completed.

Anyway, it's almost finished, there's definitely no shortage of resources, and the reserves won't be too bad. If something is discovered, it won't affect the overall plan if it is disturbed. Now only a bridge has been built. , the subsequent progress of the hull is more resource-intensive.

"I mentioned the church's secret vault to them, and they agreed."

"...Is there such a thing?" Kaisha showed a surprised look. The secret library of the church is only in a special area in the legend, a place that was not found during the Witch Alliance period. No, there may be witches who have found it, but In the end, it was all over. After all, in addition to those who were known to be dead by other witches, many witches disappeared mysteriously.

The high probability of those mysterious disappearances are also dead.

"Yes, I just said it casually at the time, and the church agreed to it after thinking about it." Zheng Yichen folded his He was also a little puzzled about the church's approach. , it's fine to be able to save it in the Witch League period, so there's definitely nothing to say about the protection there.

But it is so mysterious that Zheng Yichen is a little hesitant now. What if it is a pit? Although the church's behavior has always been very upright, the existence of the Dark Executors is not using any legitimate power, but there is nothing to be picky about.

And it has always been monitored by the church's judgment. Once there is a problem, without waiting for others to take action, the church's judgment will first solve the dark executors who have problems.

The church behaves in a splendid style, but when it does something necessary, it will never be too rigid about means.

Seeing Zheng Yichen's hesitation, Loris said simply, "Then don't go."

Whether it's Zheng Yichen going by himself, or taking her with him for insurance, once something goes wrong, he'll be very passive. They know too little information about the church's secret library.

It is said that there is only the mysterious pope of the church who can contact the secret vault of the church, but this is only the news...