Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2357: new power

The Abyss Burning Plan is long-term and a way to transfer the consumption of keeping the burning Fel Furnace to the abyss.

The idea of ​​the Holy Church is very good, but obviously all this can only be done through the abyss. As for the situation in the abyss, Zheng Yichen thinks it doesn't matter if the abyss is burned out. Anyway, the environment of the abyss is not small, and it will be a long, long time before the abyss. thing.

The environment of the abyss is full of erosiveness, so there is nothing wrong with burning it directly. It is better than the barrier of the abyss suddenly shattered one day, and the abyss is completely integrated into the mainland, okay?

After integrating into a large continent full of pollution, it is either assimilated by the environment of the continent, or it becomes a unique source of infection, which directly alienates the normal environment of the continent.

From now on, the plan of the Holy Church is still a bit whimsical, but the relevant experimental research has already been carried out. The investigation team will build a base in the abyss. As long as the conditions are suitable, the Holy Church will directly send one over there. Purify the Core, and build a large burning Fel Furnace there.

As for the lack of strength of the investigators who used the Tree of Reincarnation in the past, they used magic technology to make up for it.

How should I say it...a hundred years of planning.

You won't see any results for a while.

So even if the news is spread out, it won't cause any turmoil in a short time. Of course, it is better to keep it secret. Zheng Yichen can't afford to talk about such topics at leisure.

The abyss side develops the domain launcher, and the mainland side develops a new burning fel energy stove. Zheng Yichen can use both. The burning fel energy stove, he will also get one on the ark spaceship in the future. It can be used to prevent emergencies at critical times.

There is also the new information collected by the investigation team. There are many people, and the investigation team does not have enough penetration in the abyss, but there are many people in action. Some of the information obtained from the abyss is also helpful to Zheng Yichen.

Of course, the information collected by the investigation team is mainly based on the dynamics of creatures in the abyss, and the information that Zheng Yichen values ​​is the development of resources in the abyss.

There are also some ruins in the abyss. Obviously, the investigation team will not conduct more investigations in this area.

Take it slow, the investigation team is under the command of Oro, and you won't see any results within a month or two. The energy that the investigation team can exert over time will not be too small.

In the abyss battlefield, Lilia stared at the red shadow in the distance. After a period of difficult "retreat", and the essence of power provided by Zheng Yichen, she successfully got what she wanted.

Gained special abilities from the Mirror Seer's talent.

An ability she named Reenactment. This ability is related to her Mirror Prophet talent, and the phase is directly filled. After the breakthrough, Lilia immediately notified Zheng Yichen. In Zheng Yichen's eyes, this name is The white-haired girl directly became a middle-aged person...cough.

Originally, Lilia had white hair and blue eyes. The white hair was caused by the side effect of her previous research on forbidden powers. The color of her eyes was normal, but now her left eye turned directly into gold.

This change is not a simple color change, Lilia can see 'more' through this eye, and when needed, she can see the 'mirror' left after things move through this eye, and in an almost Immediate speed recreates it.

The ability to reproduce, in Lilia's words, is a perfect match for her mirror-image prophecy!

Lilia, who has obtained this ability, is directly in the state of entering the Great Perfection, and the fusion speed of the power source fusion is also very fast. The fusion is completely completed in less than three days, and then she can't wait to show it to Zheng Yichen. Get up her mirror image.

In the past, her mirror prediction technique only locked an area, and then used the prediction technique to exert a direct influence on that area. Sprinkling water on the small map of the mirror image prediction technique was equivalent to rain, and throwing the burning coal **** was equivalent to a 'meteorite falling from the sky'. The quality of the attack depends on the strength of the prophet.

Although watering and throwing things affect the quality of supply, they are more of an introduction.

Now her Mirror Prediction Technique is not limited to the original level. Mirror Mirror Prediction comes with re-engraving, and she can replicate her own or enemy's attack through Mirror Prediction.

In some scenarios, she can directly use prophecy to 'predict' that friendly forces thousands of miles away will appear in a certain battlefield. This is not a space transfer, but a mirror image.

It is an operation to copy the mirror image of the friendly army on that battlefield. If you don’t need to fight continuously, it is also possible to copy some long-range attacks of the friendly army. In addition, you can also copy the mirror image of the enemy to another. In an area, the damage suffered by the mirror image can also be transferred to the deity through the re-engraving ability.

The two different usages result in different consumption. The friendly army cooperates in the battle and will not resist her Mirror Prediction, so the consumption will not be too high, while the enemy will naturally resist the Mirror Prediction, and the consumption will be doubled. increase.

GuEven so, this is a major breakthrough for Lilia, and Lilia has no dissatisfaction with this special ability that has been further dug out from the talent of the Mirror Prophet.

After testing this special ability, she had a feeling that Dan Marina still loves her and cares about her.

The re-engraving ability allows her to re-engrave an equivalent magic directly on the basis of releasing the magic, reaching the level of double-casting or even triple-casting... This situation made Zheng Yichen think of a certain A head, the MOBA game hero known as the shame of the intellectual world.

This ability is also a powerful ability when used in spellcasters, but the source is related to prophecy, and normal spellcasters basically cannot get this ability.

Unless one of the ancestors of the other party used to be a powerful prophet, and also obtained this special ability, the re-engraving ability is deeply related to Lilia's fortune-telling talent, and it can be further improved when it is matched with her prophetic technique. Demonstrate the uniqueness of this ability.

Moreover, in the field of spellcasters, Lilia can also learn magic. The magical talent of the prophet is basically not half-baked. She can completely reach a bottleneck that will not grow in a long time after a few years. Afterwards, delve into a decades-old magic.

In the professional system, the master will appear to be partial in the early stage, but after a master has lived for hundreds of years, or even longer, it will gradually develop in an all-round way. Of course, because of the lack of the talent of the prophet, no matter how comprehensive It is impossible to become a prophet even with chemical development. That kind of all-round development is the all-round development of basic occupations.

Regarding the power Lilia showed at that time, Zheng Yichen at that time rudely stuffed her a bag of power essence as a tonic to replenish her body, and then took a strand of her power source and stuffed it into his power seed. .

He can't be a prophet, but the source of this replica power is within the scope of magic, and the bonus to magic is also very large, so he must retain a seed of power.

And Lilia, who got what she wanted, has been waiting for a chance to fight with Hongyu. In the past, she was very painful to be suppressed by Hongyu, but now she has achieved great success and wants to find her way back!

I hadn't encountered Hongyu before, but now I have, Lilia's left eye exuded a faint shimmer.

"Oh~?" The stared Hongyu glanced at Lilia in the coalition camp, raised her eyebrows slightly, and noticed the change of the prophet girl. The golden eyes are rare. When that eye stared, she immediately sensed the subtle fluctuations in the power of destiny.

This kind of fluctuation is like the ubiquitous air, it will not bring any direct influence to people, and it will not even make people feel any abnormality.

Mirror-like cracks emerged from Hong Yu's side, but nothing shattered. The surrounding environment was still the same as what she had just perceived, which made her unable to restrain her smirk, facing the name that was often in her hands. The poor prophet girl.

A new prophetic power? That would be interesting.

"Don't be too impulsive." Seeing Lilia's restless appearance, a woman with long silver hair said beside her.

Lilia nodded suppressed her agitated mood. Although she has mastered new powers, in terms of overall strength, Hongyu is still stronger than her. She used to be able to compete with Ruby is evenly divided, and more is due to the support of teammates, which belongs to joint operations.

When Ruby and her spelled prophecy, they were always one-to-many.

This time, she didn't have so many 'assistants' around her, but the silver-haired woman's support would only be stronger, and the other party was Bai Long.

As a prophet, in this war, it is more to contain the other's prophet. If the other side does not have a prophet, then give a lot of support to oneself. The current fighting area is not complicated, and she does not need her. Open a map to support friendly forces, just keep an eye on Ruby.

She didn't shoot, but Hongyu didn't look at it that way. Lilia saw that Hongyu raised her hand and grabbed a sniper rifle from the red fog, and then curled her lips slightly. The style of the abyss also has the unique style of the abyss, which is obviously a firearm made by the abyss imitating magic technology.

Through the silver plate of prophecy in front of her, Lilia saw that Hongyu's muzzle had been aimed at her, she pouted slightly, and she raised her hand to prepare to release a mirror image to counterattack.

Dan Marina has a good talent for carrying her, not just casually. After gaining new abilities and integrating the source of power, Lilia started to develop a lot of new power usage skills.

Then Lilia rolled her eyes and changed her mind. Now, her advantage is that Hongyu doesn't know her new abilities. Based on this, she can find a way to trap that abyss red-skinned woman in the later 'fighting method'. First hand!

There is no need to expose your abilities to this kind of petty temptation in advance...


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