Cursed Dragon

Chapter 239: Meet again

Because it involves warrior-related testing, the steps are much more troublesome than the mage ’s test. As long as the mage ’s test is tested for related talents and potentials, the strength can be displayed during the test, not at all. An additional test step is required to end.

The soldiers not only need to test the speed but also the physical factors such as strength test, reaction test and physical strength. Waiting for nearly fifteen minutes, Zheng Yichen took the second hand on the watch, and the bionic alchemy avatar synchronized with Zheng Yichen. His emotional state yawned for a long time.

Fifteen minutes, at this speed, if normal enrollment, how long will it take to end? Or because of the special enrollment, the test steps are more troublesome.

After 17 minutes, Lily walked out with a test sheet, and the instructor would keep the test results confidential, but if the students chose to make it public, it would not be their business. Zheng Yichen, Zheng Yichen took a look.

Strength rating, excellent +, speed rating, excellent +, physical rating, excellent + ... magic rating ... none!

"What does this mean? It's too close to break the lower limit?" Zheng Yichen asked Lily while looking at Lily. Most of the test results of this transcript were excellent, and some of them even had this extra value, which obviously exceeded the test. The level is just the magic rating ... which is a bit embarrassing.

Lily nodded gently and pulled Zheng Yichen's clothes corner: "Apart from the magic power, will it be a bit too arrogant? I haven't completely let go of my hands and feet."

"No ... this is very suitable." Zheng Yichen said, putting away this test sheet. Perhaps her test results were extremely good, but these results are combined. If it is not good enough, it is a magic rating alone, nothing Breaking the lower limit of the score can determine some of Lily's future direction.

Warriors also need magic power, and the later magic power is an important factor for the super power of the warriors. Without this power, even if the physical conditions are excellent, it seems that in the schools that value the future, it is only the initial advantage. However, comparing human power with supernatural power, the later it seems, the bigger the gap can be.

Unless Lily can cultivate the power of fighting spirit, after all, fighting strength is more derived from the strength of the body, the magic power is actively mobilized on its own and spiritual power, and the fighting power is passively mobilized on the basis of personal will. in use.

This active and passive looks no different, but the magic force of the active mobilization of the road system that separates the two forces can interfere with the external elemental power, but the passive mobilization of the fighting spirit is difficult to achieve this.

Lily's body is very good, but the cultivation of combat spirit is too unstable, not to say that good health can definitely be cultivated, but the body is good enough is indeed a hard indicator of Yu Ge, otherwise the combatant warrior will not appear to be relatively proportional There are few, and there are not many soldiers who follow this path, even though that kind of power close to the destructive power can be called invincible.

Therefore, Lily wants to have enough development, she must show some of her potential. After showing a higher physical quality than excellent, even if there is no magic power, it can make the school think that she can come out in combat. Only one path can be better cultivated, otherwise, it will be labeled as insufficient potential.

Even if the tuition does not need to be paid by the college, she will only become an ordinary student. Ordinary students want to be more difficult to get ahead. This is not a novel. Ordinary students have buried geniuses and talents. With additional treatment, the distance from ordinary students will only increase.

Lily has such conditions to be better nurtured. Zheng Yichen has enough financial resources to support her to get such training from the academy. Why give up this advantage in order to keep a low profile?

Is it silly to have the right resources without using it?

"Actually, you can perform better."

Zheng Yichen looked at the instructor who came out of the test room and nodded toward Zheng Yichen: "This kid is very good, and the special notice you got is worth it."

They can pay the tuition in full, so the instructor naturally understood that this special recruitment notice was obtained by other channels, but he did n’t care. There are many such students every year, and ... in the school This type of top student is quite welcome. Poor students need to make early investment. This is still the premise of the other party's smooth sailing. In the unlikely event that something happens, this investment will obviously be in trouble.

Is still stable for students like Lily. After all, the more talented students appear in a school, the greater the fame. All schools are trying their best to attract excellent students to join.

"Shall I test it again?" Lily asked in a low voice.

"..." The instructor standing aside twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth and was testing it again? What does this little girl mean? The previous test of feelings still failed? After staring at Lily for a moment and confirming that she really wanted to do it again, the instructor waved her hand: "No need to be so troublesome, your evaluation has exceeded the limit, and continuing to exceed on this basis will not affect too much. Big overall rating. "

His words are not too troublesome to fool Lily, it is the truth. After all, there is no trace of magic in Lily ’s body, nor can he attract the power of the outside world to cultivate magic. The physique that belongs to the devil class may be this kind of defect, let her be in the body Has a stronger advantage than others, but!

Without special power, the future development is limited in the end. It is important to know that having special power is an important proof to break the limit of body growth, so even if Lily ’s body evaluation is better, make sure she can cultivate the fighting spirit. Before, she was always attached to a threshold by the college's attention.

Is a top student beyond ordinary students, but not a genius, or a defective genius ...

"..." Lily looked at Zheng Yichen with a faint dead fish eye. This guy obviously pretended to seem to understand very well, and now he was beaten.

"Cough, after all, I haven't been to school. Many of them are as it seems from the book. Deviations are normal! Um ... how come the school accommodation?" Zheng Yichen coughed lightly and asked. This instructor.

"Two kinds, the first kind is the ordinary school bed, the second kind belongs to the apartment where a few two or three students live together." Speaking of living alone, the instructor paused and added: "Students in the apartment are generally Is a top student. "

"The apartment." Zheng Yichen made a decision for Lily directly. The classmates gathered together, and the top students were obviously able to have a synchronized topic. Lily has performed well enough to let her live in an ordinary school bed. Perhaps some top students live in the school dormitory, but Zheng Yichen considers another point. There are many people in the school dormitory ...

Lili's disguised skin didn't choose a boy or a girl, but after all, it was the first time Zheng Yichen made it. It is inevitable that if there are more people, some holes will be accidentally seen. Pingbai is suspected. And, with few people in the apartment, Lily can be completely isolated and less in contact with roommates, which naturally avoids the possibility of being discovered more.

"Of course, there is an extra charge for the apartment."

"It's not bad!" Zheng Yichen waved his hand. The income from the market share of the potion made Zheng Yichen's assets increase every day. The tuition fees are nothing but trivial.

"So, come with me." The instructor nodded, pulled out a booklet from his pocket and opened it, looking at it: "Two people live together or three people live together?"

"Are there four?"


"Oh, let's have two people, I know what you want to say, the two are more expensive, right?"

The instructor who led the way left Zheng Yichen with a head in the back, and no longer took care of this guy. He led the way intently. Although Zheng Yichen was disgusted in his heart, he was still very dedicated and did not maliciously choose any places with poor terrain. Just follow the record on the booklet and find a recently existing vacant apartment: "It's here, write down the house number, and you can get the key at the registration desk. Do you want to continue to follow her?"

Zheng Yichen scratched her head: "Can't you wait until she registers?"

"Yes, don't let outsiders spend the night in the college. At night, unidentified people will be expelled. Now you are free."

"It seems to be fine. After having trouble in the school, I went to the bar to find the piano, and I will know it soon." After Li Li registered and received the 'student card' and key, Zheng Yichen said to her about Lily's study arrangements are very detailed by the registration staff at the registration desk. Obviously, when she was looking at the house, the test results about Lily had been reviewed and processed.

"Well, I will work hard." Lily looked up at Zheng Yichen with her small face stretched.

Zheng Yichen gave a soft cough and was looked at by a Loli. He felt a little uncomfortable. He seemed to be a father. He put down a box containing many daily necessities. Zheng Yichen reached out and pressed Lily's. Head: "In short, study hard, don't be impetuous, don't rush to study and fill such a martial arts framework, just lay the foundation first, don't forget, but you have the time that others don't have.

Lily nodded, and when she mentioned the time, her small face showed a bit of distress, and it was true that her time was much longer than that of ordinary people, and even others had died for more than a dozen generations. From the real loli to the old undead loli, she doesn't worry about the long life. After all, the youth on the front is a dragon, and the long life is also long, which makes ordinary people desperate. The biggest problem is that they don't grow up. what!

Think about it. In the future, if you have the mind of an adult, you will always be treated as a child forever. Who can bear it after a long time?

Where to go next? After leaving the college, Zheng Yichen glanced back at the signboard of the college, Cage College ... Uh, okay, what other Olin College was there before, right?

It seems that the names of these colleges are all named after someone. Zheng Yichen of Olin College has checked the relevant information before. In the history, there is indeed the person of Olin, and he is still a very strong person. The original principal of Olin College … It is estimated that this is the same at this college in Kaga.

"Go to the bar?" Zheng Yichen scratched your cheek, then shook his head. The bar must go there frequently in the future, and there is no need to go there just now. Since that is the case, taking advantage of the darkness, there is still a period of time. Go elsewhere.

Whispering, Zheng Yichen wandered aimlessly in Kaga, tried it when he was delicious, and tried it when it was fun, the time passed quickly in such a situation, he recovered. At that time, the sky was completely dimmed, and I took a look at the things on my hands, uh ... how to say, do you still have the potential of a shopaholic?

Shaking his head and holding the two bags on his shoulders, Zheng Yichen Shi Shiran walked out of the city. After a while, he wanted to be questioned, but just walked out of the gate of Kaga, Zheng Yichen With a slight jump in the corner of his eyes, he saw a slightly familiar figure, a big lying groove in his heart, but on the surface it was controlling this alchemy incarnation, and looked at the woman who entered the city with a slightly curious look ... …

Diya, the virgin of the Templar Church, speaking of it, the virgin in the Templar Church is not a special symbol, but more inclined to a 'professional'. By the way, the Templar Church says it is The church, in fact, people do not believe in God ... doctrine? The main thing is to promote world stability?

It may sound a bit fake, in fact it is really like this ~ ~ Promoting world stability, not guaranteeing world peace, the meaning is very simple, their main purpose is for those existences that affect the stability of the entire world, such as witch, There is a cult. As for the war between nations, the Templar Church is not responsible for it. You just fight. The brains of the battle are spilled over the entire battlefield, and they have little relationship with them, as long as they are not brain criminals. Just think about destroying the world.

Zheng Yichen is curious. How did such a special church form and grow to its present scale? Think deeper, probably the teachings of the Church of the Prosperous Tang Dynasty will be so easily accepted universally, Including those countries, there will be no additional rejection of the Templar Church.

After all, people will not interfere with your regime, and there is a church church. Those countries can let go of their energy against cultists and consider how to expand their country map and development.

The saint is biased towards a 'professional', so when Diya appeared in Kaga, although the eyes looked at by people had great respect, they were not supported by people like the royal family travel. Sincerity is not sincerity. The identity of others is not as good as others. Even if they disdain in their hearts and let civilians face this kind of thing, what else can they do if they do not support?

According to the expression of my heart, my own thoughts are revealed? That's the way to die.

After Diya's figure completely disappeared in Zheng Yichen's observation, he was slightly relieved. En, this bionic alchemy incarnation is worthy of the product of his more investment. Reliability is still possible. About Diya What appears to be doing again in Kaga, as long as it has nothing to do with him, Zheng Yichen said he was not curious at all!