Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2415: can be 'resurrected'

The man in black robe looked at some jelly-like things that Zheng Yichen took out. This kind of thing was still squirming gently in the container, which seemed to give people a very bad feeling, but the man in black robe did not have much. reaction.

"Is this your latest work?"

"Yes." Zheng Yichen nodded with a natural expression, and directly used this thing on the imprisoned monster. The whole monster's ferocious eyes showed 'intoxication', and as Zheng Yichen approached, the struggling and twisting body also soothed.

The overall look is very relaxed, even Zheng Yichen took out the knife and tried to cut the flesh on the other side.

It's just that this kind of living body's weird state is very unique, the flesh and blood are extremely tough, and it is difficult to cut it off. If you try to get it off, it will soon turn into a mud-like substance, just like the body fluids collected by Zheng Yichen before. .

This stuff is very aggressive.

"Well done, but isn't this something made by alchemy?" The man in black robe asked with some doubts.

The kind of thing Zheng Yichen used was obviously not a legitimate alchemy creation, but more like a creation of life magic skills.

"This is just a synthetic material, and I haven't dealt with it in the follow-up." Zheng Yichen briefly explained this kind of thing. This thing can make Weird fall into a temporary sense of 'satisfaction'. In this sense of satisfaction, Weird will fall into peace.

In general, they are full and sleepy and want to sleep. Of course, put them on them, that is, when they are full, they need to sleep to improve their digestion, but this sense of satisfaction is false, and the weirdness will wake up soon, so into a more manic state.

Of course, no matter how manic, its power has not improved, and it is still unable to break free.

With Zheng Yichen's explanation, the man in black robes understood that this kind of thing is generally a special fuse, a necessity, which can ensure that when the weirdness is dominated in the future, when an abnormal state occurs, it can be directly forcibly controlled. down, not really out of control.

At the same time, this thing is a follow-up synthetic material. With this synthetic material, Zheng Yichen can try more follow-up operations, and the restraint made can make Weird work better for them. After all, Weird is a tool, all they need is Weird. That strong and unique body, nothing else matters.

After knowing this, the black-robed man knew how important Zheng Yichen's discovery was, and immediately waved his hand, indicating that the research materials that Zheng Yichen needed in the future could also be delivered quickly, including a witch's corpse.

After all, this is good news out of bad news today.

This kind of thing that can make the weirdness fall into a false sense of satisfaction has a very low attenuation, and can be used in large doses every day to ensure the weird sleep state, and when the weirdness remains asleep, you can try to conduct more in-depth research .

That thing is fixed, and a lot of forbidden magic steel is bound on it, and it is not easy to carry out follow-up research, it is far better than the one lying on the test bench.

What Zheng Yichen has come up with now perfectly solves this problem.

A witch's corpse.

The black-robed man, no, or the abyss remnant of the gods, sent it to Zheng Yichen very quickly, as well as some corpses, bones, etc. of the destroyer. The materials are quite fresh, and Zheng Yichen can say about this. What?

It feels very cool, as long as he shows enough value here, most of the power in the abyss can serve him.

The corpse of the witch sent over was very complete. Zheng Yichen checked it and curled his lips slightly.

The witch's corpse does not easily decay like a normal corpse. After simply killing the witch, if the witch's corpse is not disposed of, it will still become a 'pollution source'.

Of course, if the magic power in that body is also drained, how will it rot or how will it rot.

If it is not exhausted, the witch's corpse will have a direct impact on the environment. The journey will be a cycle, and that cycle will be fed back to the witch's corpse, and the local area will be 'contaminated'.

It becomes the same as the effect on the environment when the witch awakens.

This kind of problem is not too big, because it is a corpse, so this effect is passive and can be easily detected.

There is not much magic power in this corpse, but the life force is very abundant. Of course, the life force is injected from the outside in the dark, which keeps the witch's body in its current state, and there is no possibility of decay, just like Zheng Yichen was born from the devil Like the corpse of the Shining Witch that the castle stole.

Zheng Yichen even came up with the location of the fatal wound that the witch had suffered at the beginning. She was pierced by the heart from behind by a powerful attack. And the power of this witch is not that kind of bloody, and it is already very deadly under this kind of injury.

"Well... my eyes are also blind, how did they get plotted?" After learning about the witch's fatal injury, Zheng Yichen pouted.

The traces of the fatal wound were repaired by the abyss using life magic skills, but this witch is a dead existence after all, and the wound can be repaired by the life force injected from the outside, but that kind of repair is the same as repairing damaged cultural relics, the cultural relics are preserved. Part of it is indeed part of the cultural relic itself, but the part that is added to the restoration, no matter how consistent the material is, lacks historical accumulation.

Of course, not from the perspective of life magic, this witch's corpse is indeed flawless, and it is very suitable for research... as a beautiful specimen.

With a tut in his heart, Zheng Yichen retracted the redundant idea of ​​tracing the death scene of the witch's death. It was all hundreds of years ago, and the witch died thoroughly.

Even if the body retains enough vitality to not rot for a thousand years or more, the soul has long since disappeared, and this is just a body with the power of a witch.

After Zheng Yichen's research on witches was further deepened, he knew that the most important thing for witches is the soul, and the body is more affected by the sublimation of the soul.

Although it retains the power and ability belonging to the witch, it is not as important as the soul after all. This retained ability is more like the bloodline power solidified by the professional with the awakening potion.

Putting in a soul can indeed try to make the witch 'stand up' again, but that soul must face some challenges, just like the cursed dragon that appeared on the mainland before.

By occupying the dragon's body to obtain the power and talent of the dragon, however, the human soul lacks the quality of the dragon's soul, and will be oppressed and twisted by the body, thus becoming crazy and becoming neither human nor ghost.

The witch's corpse is not a dragon body, but a humanoid body, but that kind of problem still exists. At most, the degree of distortion will be much lower, but the possibility of madness is still not less, and if it is not serious, it will cause confusion in cognition. , of course the greater possibility is death.

Unless that soul has the characteristics of becoming a man-made witch qualified.

In that case, you can try to truly 'resurrect' the witch.

Well, that kind of attempt is not easy. The soul of the attempt must not only have the characteristics of an artificial witch who is qualified, but also its own soul must be strong enough, otherwise it will be directly crushed by the witch's body, and the weak soul is not enough. Take up the witch's body.

How did Zheng Yichen know so much? First of all, he has enough witch corpses to collect in his hand, and secondly, there are living witches and undead witches around him. If you talk about this daily, the two witches can give him enough advice.

At the beginning, Zheng Yichen's idea was to use the illusory soul in the illusory world as a filler. Needless to say, what if it is used in the future?

Later, I found that this method is difficult to work. The easiest way is to cultivate a group of powerful enough souls first, and those souls meet the conditions.

As for the strength of that kind of soul? Not to mention that it is too outrageous. If you want to exert the power contained in the witch's corpse, you must have more than half of the witch's soul, right?

It can't be less, after all, those souls are not the real witch souls, they lack some necessary factors of the witch itself, and it will not work if they don't meet the standard.

And let's not talk about the resource consumption of this kind of training, first of all, he must have a source of soul, let Zheng Yichen deliberately kill some qualified people for this kind of demand? forget it.

And those who were transformed into artificial witches by the dark church belonged to the unqualified type.

Although their souls are close to witches, their attributes have been fixed, and they will definitely not work if they are not compatible. Of course, they can also be used by qualified people who meet the attributes, but Zheng Yichen doesn't like this kind of transformation technology.

Besides, it is not in line with his position to do this kind of research at leisure.

After checking the corpse of this witch, Zheng Yichen contained it, and then processed the follow-up Demon's flesh and blood, as well as some other witch's flesh and blood.

The whole process made Zheng Yichen's heart a little rough.

But since they have obtained a complete witch corpse, is it okay to get a living witch later, as long as he can come up with something more valuable.

In the next period of time, Zheng Yichen was like a retreat. The affairs on the giant beasts have nothing to do with Zheng Yichen after they are perfected. The positioning of that thing is a weapon on the human side. Zheng Yichen's identity on the mainland side is an alien race. .

On the abyss side, the people in black robes have always paid a lot of attention to him, but no matter how much they pay attention, the actions of the underground giants will still not stop. Zheng Yichen occasionally gets news about which abyss city has been demolished.

It is said that many abyss city lords are ready to withdraw to the abyss, and their abyss cities in the underground world have been transformed into mining areas, instead of turning cities in the abyss into mining areas as before.

This transformation has the meaning of the last squeeze. The mainland coalition forces have discovered that many areas near the abyss satellite city have been destructively developed, and all that can be looted have been looted, and some areas are still highly polluted. Evil energy... disgusting people.