Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2479: Safer than you and the Witch of Destiny

"Okay, there are a lot of problems, but it doesn't affect your activities. You can use something like Destruction Demon's Heart sparingly. Give it to me first, and I'll adjust it for you."

Hongyu handed over the heart of the destroyer to Zheng Yichen. Zheng Yichen looked at the heart of the destroyer and nodded slightly. Hongyu was not stupid. He left a lot of traps on it at the beginning, but those traps were basically the same. It didn't work.

Zheng Yichen walked directly into the ark spaceship. The laboratory that has not yet been built can also be used now. He directly used some of the equipment inside to deal with the heart of the destroyer, and filtered out all the things that could be filtered out.

As for the follow-up strengthening, it depends on the situation. This thing is easy to use in the abyss, and it is a stronger heart in a normal environment.

As for how to use it, at most it is digested as a base material, so that you can get a big enough heart.

Just like when Oss fused the Heart Devourer's heart, holding the Heart Devourer's heart as the base material, the heart will gradually 'necrotic', and when it becomes necrotic, it will guide the body of the person involved, and constantly grow new ones. The heart parts replace those that are necrotic.

At the end, the person involved got a super heart that was completely transformed by lifeless magic skills.

That kind of technology is still unique to the Witch of Life. Anyway, Zheng Yichen has not seen anything similar anywhere else. As for making it public? He wasn't that boring, unless Annie wanted to do it herself.

He had the knowledge, but the knowledge was given to him by Anne.

Now this heart is also used by Zheng Yichen as the base material, and it will be consumed when he adjusts the Ruby body later. This thing can be regarded as a good thing for the explosion of combat power, but there is no need to use this thing for one's own people.

"You take this first, and it will consume the materials later." Zheng Yichen handed the processed Heart of Destruction Demon to Hongyu.

Hongyu looked at the beating heart and raised her brows slightly: "How can you do so well?"

"This is still the result of rushing work." Zheng Yichen shook his head and said nothing, and went to silently improve his plan. After two hours, the entire Volcano Furnace Laboratory became lively, and everyone who could come here came. .

Zheng Yichen put away the perfected plan and came to the adaptation witch. Looking at the adaptation witch whose body had not fully recovered, he thought about it and looked at the two cribs: "Are you interested in practicing again? ?"

"No, no need." The adaptation witch glanced at the two witch babies and shook her head: "I am different from other witches. As long as there is no restriction, the problems on my body can be quickly washed away."

She also has traces of the abyss creatures forcibly changing the magic. Those magic changes are basically to limit the witches and control the witches. Her magic power has always been in a state of scarcity, so she can't do anything about those transformations and can only passively accept it. on.

But now she is not subject to any restrictions, and the traces of transformation still exist, but as long as she has enough magic power, she can use the ability to adapt to clean up all the traces of transformation and return to normal.

There is no need to use the birth technique to re-train a trumpet like those two who were half useless before, and their spiritual consciousness shattered into slag.

Even if she followed suit, she would not directly become a new witch like them, but for some of her own experiences, she did not want to escape in this way.

She's not yet vulnerable to that point, and adaptability brings her more than just her body's ability to adapt to various attacks and special forces.

This also includes the mental will aspect.

"Then your body..."

"Don't underestimate me." The adaptation witch said simply. She looks miserable now, but she knows her state very well. The resources in the volcano furnace are so good. She has a bottle of magic.

There are also some standard props on Zheng Yichen's side, the 'life converter' made of meteorite alloy. Those things made her recover in terms of magic power in one night, and her magic power was also destroyed by the abyss. biological destruction.

The speed of recovery itself is not fast, and the magic power that those things have damaged her has repaired part of it, and this part can allow her to speed up the adjustment to her own state.

She can even read more books during this period of time. With that contract, she can also access a lot of knowledge in this circle. It can't be said to be an eye-opener, but a skylight directly on her head. It's no wonder that the witch on Zheng Yichen's side showed that kind of power.

Purification of magic power, the Black Moon Project and the like, oh, the latter needless to say, it is mentioned in the contract, there is nothing to refuse to adapt to the witch, now the witches are integrated, she refuses? If you refuse, you will not see the sun today.

Not dead and can't see.

"Well, if you need anything, you can speak directly."

He didn't need Zheng Yichen's help to get used to the witch, so he went to work on what he had to do, deal with the treasures he got from the abyss, and deal with the alchemy incarnation. He couldn't help but break it down.

"...Decomposition? It's too wasteful, leave it to me."

"Why do you want that kind of thing? Wouldn't it be better if I just give you two bottles of imitation god's marrow for research? With your ability, it's not difficult to separate a part of your soul and create a false soul." Zheng Yichen said to Kaisha.

His alchemy incarnation was made in this way, using soul magic skills, as well as the weaving of emotional witches and illusory witches, a soul that was basically the same as Zheng Yichen except that he had no ego.

It would only be easier if the undead witch did this.

"Okay." Kai'Sa agreed without hesitation. No matter how well researched this alchemy incarnation is, it has been used, not first-hand. At the same time, due to time, the original information has been difficult to trace back, and now there is a chance to start from the beginning. The state began to observe, then what reason did she have to refuse?

"I'll be there when you break down."

"It's alright." Zheng Yichen said that this trivial matter is not a problem at all. After taking back the alchemy incarnation of 'Rudas', Zheng Yichen immediately started the work of decomposition, and Hongyu also came over and looked at the alchemy incarnation with a look on his face. A little emotional.

She sighed that Zheng Yichen didn't pay too much attention to it. He just raised his knife and dropped the head of this alchemy avatar he didn't like at the fastest speed, and decomposed it into raw materials with ultra-high precision and speed. The whole process It doesn't look **** either.

After all, he is a professional incarnation, and he has long passed the stage when he used flesh and blood as an incarnation, and the whole scene was dripping with blood.

After dismantling the incarnation part, Zheng Yichen took out the simulated soul. Under the scorching gaze of the undead witch, he directly rubbed it into a ball, shoved it into his mouth, clapped his hands, and spilled it. The burp of the soul breath.

The undead witch collected a part of the soul breath and quickly dispersed it. These soul breaths are useless. They are purely the accumulated impurities that Zheng Yichen spit out when he ate the simulated soul as a ginseng fruit.

"Okay, lie down with me." The undead witch dragged Zheng Yichen to her area and pressed Zheng Yichen onto a hard board.

"...Is this what you do every day?" Hongyu asked aside.

"Almost, Xiaolong is very researching." The undead witch answered Hongyu's question by the way. She has a good impression of Hongyu. Some things are more complete to get the secrets of the abyss.

"Including being studied?" Hongyu's expression was a little weird. She had thought about Zheng Yichen's daily life when she was in the abyss, but she never thought that the daily life here was like this?

"Researched? He got a lot of it. It's not your turn to worry here." Kai'Sa paused for a moment, and glanced at Hongyu: "For the follow-up research on the essence of imitation god, cooperate with me. How? According to your is the most suitable."

When she found out about the marrow of imitation gods, she became very interested, and she also got enough information from Zheng Yichen. The race of the gods has something to do with gods. As for the kind of 'dragon' in reality Descendants', or the kind of 'descendants of the dragon' with continuous blood, it depends on what the Protoss say.

However, the relics are finished.

I listened to it when I couldn't explain it clearly, but anyway, among the existences with the most 'God factor', besides the witches, Ruby was the most outstanding.

Even Hongyu is more 'pure' than their witches, at least Hongyu's soul is normal, unlike their witches, who will be affected by the Black Moon.

"What about security?"

"Anyway, it's safer than when you were with the Witch of Destiny." The Witch of Undying said lightly. Although she has enough favorability for Hongyu, Hongyu is not Zheng Yichen after all. She will only say this invitation once. If Hong Yu refuses, she will not mention it again in the future.

The resources and knowledge here are enough. The big deal is that she spends some time to make a similar 'artificial human' or a puppet. It takes ten or twenty years. In terms of the witch's life, that is not much time. .

"Is that so? Then I agree." Hongyu looked at Zheng Yichen, who closed his eyes and felt no sense of the outside world. He tried his best to digest the simulated soul.

Zheng Yichen's daily life is like this, how can she be like 'Abyss Ruby', who seems to care about many things? It's just a character design, there are no friendly forces around, all are enemies.

In this circle, they are all friendly troops, and there are no pig teammates. They are all top-notch existences in their respective fields of expertise. So why did she refuse?