Cursed Dragon

Chapter 25: uniform

With doubts, Zheng Yichen followed the ghost maid to the target point. The ghost maid walking in front of him suddenly stopped, looked back at Zheng Yichen, and reached out and grabbed a small tree on the side.

The tree actually began to distort and turned into a gray ghost. The face of this ghost was twisted. It was very different from the quiet appearance of the ghost maid. In comparison, the latter should have a high combat effectiveness. The result was gray. Obviously, the ghost like a ghost is the one who was hanged!

"You mean ... they are all pitiful." After a beating, the ghost maid drove away the ghost, noticed Zheng Yichen's strange eyes, and started to move while making gestures.

Seeing that Zheng Yichen understood her meaning, the ghost maid nodded quickly. She stretched her finger to the bone under a tree, and pointed to the direction that the ghost was hammered away. She had understood the meaning of her words many times. Zheng Yichen also figured out some experience.

"Well ... There are many ghosts in this forest. Are they all dead here?"

"..." The ghost maid nodded again, indicating that Zheng Yichen's understanding was not biased, and then she thought of something, and hurried to a new sign, this time it became a lot more complicated, and Zheng Yichen determined several times to understand.

The ghosts wandering in the illusion forest have a strong attack type. The gray ones can be let go. They are not bad guys before they die. The reason for the attack type is only due to the influence of illusion when they die. After all, those hallucinations are not good.

Such a death method, even if it is a good person, will appear distorted after becoming the ghost of the illusion forest. As for the black one, you do n’t have to be polite, just kill it!

This episode did not delay much time. After approaching the place where the accident happened, Zheng Yichen vaguely heard a cry of shouting.

No need to lead the ghost maid this time, Zheng Yichen first ran over, several young men and women are performing a wonderful Yan Yi, tolerate certain impulses, two of them seem to have been intolerable.

A **** scratch on his face, the shouting cry also came from her mouth. The reason why it did not harm others was because a middle-aged man in the team took care of it.

Look at the clothes on them, they are the same style, some are similar to school uniforms ... right?

Zheng Yichen is also not sure. After all, his knowledge in this world is too little, and many things have not been understood.

The ghost maid brought him here, no doubt he was asked to help. Through her explanation, it seems that this is still a matter of themselves. If they do n’t burn the tree cheaply, they will seem to be fine.

Looked at his paws, Zheng Yichen hesitated a little, but came out. As a result, several young people who could still insist on seeing the faucet that Zheng Yichen protruded, exploded in an instant!

I do n’t know what their hallucinations are. One by one, as if seeing an indescribable horror, he grabbed his hair and scratched his cheek frantically, biting to the classmates beside him, and even had a finger Simply snapped into the eyes, the middle-aged man who was still awake was also infected by the atmosphere, and could not hold on.

Actually reached out and grabbed the neck of the young man who was still stabilized by him.

The sudden change of Zheng Yichen's mouth was twitched, and a faint aura emerged from the tip of his nails, and a cone of ice burst from his fingertips, covering those who were completely mad.

The young people were not very resistant to ice fog. They fell into a frenzy, and they did not mean to resist actively. A layer of frost quickly condensed on their bodies, and their movements became extremely slow.

Zheng Yichen didn't expect this hand to wake them up either, in order to slow down their speed and get close to the past before they actually do self-mutilation!

The middle-aged man was a little bit troublesome, ignoring the soft control of the ice fog, and even bursting out a strong attack force ... but there was no use of eggs.

Was directly pressed by Zheng Yichen to the ground.

"Hey, I'm still pretty good!" He bounced on the back of a middle-aged man. He was still struggling and fainted. Zheng Yichen had long been familiar with the grasp of power.

After the gravity blessing training, Luo Lisi's requirement for his hunting is that it must be a living creature, which makes Zheng Yichen, who has been planning to do a lot of work, have to consider adapting to his excessively fast strength.

There are not many magics he tries to engrave into consciousness now, mainly because he noticed a little while reading the enlightenment book. Everyone ’s spiritual consciousness carries a pattern that is not infinite, the more engraved it is for spiritual power The higher the requirements, although ... Zheng Yichen has carved a lot, and still does not feel the so-called pressure.

But there are too many magics to master ~ ~ Moreover, these magics are all basic, and now how much mastery has little impact, although Luo Lisi only said once, Zheng Yichen remembered Down.

All professionals only start after entering the rank, although in the eyes of ordinary people, those who have enough power before entering the rank are also considered to be powerful.

The amount of magic in this world is too much ... leading to even the most powerful existence will purposefully choose the magic he has mastered. After all, the more powerful the magic line carved into the consciousness, the more memory it takes up 'The bigger.

After subduing these people, Zheng Yichen was a little worried. What should these people do?

Leave it alone? What if they continue to go crazy after waking up.

"It should be all right to send them out of the forest?" Zheng Yichen looked at the ghost maid standing quietly beside him.

The latter nodded gently, then immediately shook his head, made a light to the trees on the side, and took another sip. Zheng Yichen watched tangled to death. What was he doing at the time? No, you can ...

The meaning of the ghost maid expressed that it was okay to throw it out before. Now they seem to inhale the burning gas of the trees in the Forest of Phantom Demon. The impact is more serious, and it will take some time to recover.

"Hmm ... Since that's the case, go back first, I watched these people and waited for them to recover before giving them away." Thinking about it, Zheng Yichen said to the ghost maid.

The ghost maid shook her head and gestured for a while.

"Do you say I can't go back without you?"

The ghost maid nodded and pointed behind Zheng Yichen, he hesitated, his feet jumped up directly, and only after a certain distance from the ground did he instigate his wings.