Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2504: people who don't need protection

Looking at such a city that looks modern and magical at the same time, Zheng Yichen also feels very good, at least there is a really obvious feeling of returning home.

Of course, the time for the development of magic technology in this world is still too short, and the aesthetic concept of people from other worlds, so that no matter how developed this city is, it will not really be the same as those cities on Earth, but will only appear close. rather than similar.

Close places, such as those Internet cafes, bars, etc., especially the internal style of Internet cafes, are no different from the ones on earth. This is all caused by the influence of the illusory world, and of course there are some other things. aspect of the subject wind.

For example, natural style, mountain style, etc. Anyway, under the power of magic, these main styles are easy to create. For Internet cafe owners, making money is not shabby. What's wrong with magic? The power of magic is not just for fighting.

It is better to use in daily life. This concept has a great influence on ordinary people, and it also has a certain degree of influence on spellcasters.

Although spellcasters don't want to work as electricians, they won't refuse in some matters, especially in terms of making money. Money is hard currency and resources. Only with resources can it be better. Practice and study magic.

Spellcasters who have no money have to live a miserable life. Generally speaking, the dailyization of magic power has gradually cut back the overflowing pride of many spellcasters. At present, in the concept of ordinary people, spellcasters are like this The existence of , in fact, is more related to the kind of powerful 'scientists'.

"The world is changing so fast." Listening to the local changes explained by Zheng Yichen along the way, Angelia's tone became even more emotional. She has lived here for hundreds of years. Although it is not that she cannot adapt to the current world changes, she is really living in in this environment.

It gave her a natural slight discomfort while feeling outrageous everywhere.

In her traditional impression, magic power should not be like this, but here it has changed in a form beyond her common sense.

This is still under the premise that she has some understanding of the outside world. If there are some people in this world who have been away from the world for a long time, and even missed the abyss war, they will join the world. Facing all these changes, it will only feel even more outrageous.

Knowing the way, and after Angelia became rich, Zheng Yichen didn't follow her very much. She is so old and can take care of herself. The power of the dark church can't affect Rabst. Empire, not to mention that her location is still the capital of the Rabst Empire.

As for Angelia's combat effectiveness, although she has not experienced much combat, her combat ability is actually not weak, and she is better at defense.

"Still thinking about this? Don't think about it, it's nothing to worry about. You don't believe she doesn't believe in that dragon?" Oro said to Archer, who nodded and put the information in his hand. Put it aside, this is a piece of relevant information about Angelia.

The other party lives in the capital of the Rabst Empire and has been stranded for two days. Although most people don't know Angelia's identity, when she walks on the street, at most, some people are a little concerned about her appearance. curious.

After all, her white hair, white pupils and snow-white skin, the overall tone is white, which seems to be a special case, but that's it, the world is full of wonders.

There are not a few aliens in the city. For example, in some fruit shops opened by aliens with pointed ears, the fruits are much better than normal fruits, and the prices of the corresponding fruits are also very expensive, which does not affect the business of ordinary fruits.

Now this kind of feature of Angelia may be some kind of alien, and ordinary people's ability to accept aliens is gradually increasing, so Angelia's appearance is even more irrelevant.

But in addition to ordinary people, there are people who know Angelia's identity. It is very clear that this girl is a very special existence. When the other party is single, it will inevitably be noticed by some people, whether it is a spell caster or some who are good at life magic. skilled people.

As for who is paying attention, there is no need to specifically mention it.

It is inappropriate to attack Angelia directly. Her current identity is very special. Although her identity has not been made public, the popularity of the Great Wall at the border has always been very high.

If you really do something to her, many forces will be under a lot of pressure, and the most important thing is that the other party has a direct relationship with the dragon, so even if someone has an idea, at most it is only a tentative contact to get some of her blood. substances such as hair.

For those who know Angelia's identity, they are too curious about how Angelia can survive in a normal environment, not only can do random activities, but also eat and drink casually, and participate in some entertainment projects. .

Oro's side also paid attention to Angelia's affairs, but after paying attention to it for a day, they reduced their attention to this aspect, mainly because there was no need to maintain the previous level of attention, they found that Angelia was even a After breaking out of the blocking barrier, it still has a strong power.

It doesn't quite match the records of the year. In the records of the year, Angelia was just a girl with outstanding magical aptitude. The special thing was her pure physique. If she hadn't been discovered earlier, she would have become a local The associated spellcaster.

This is related to her living environment. The underground shelter is the cheapest and best shelter during the period of the abyss. In such an environment, it is easy to be affected by the earth element.

In short, in terms of the magic aptitude recorded by the other party, step-by-step cultivation, even with the assistance of the existing power system and the awakening potion, if you want to become a transcendence, you will definitely not be able to do it without 20 to 30 years of time. of.

And after she became the 'human pillar' that blocked the barrier, her normal cultivation had nothing to do with her. She was one with the barrier, and the power of the barrier was her power. In this state, the power of cultivation would be was directly squeezed out...

Normally, after the blocking barrier disappears, Angelia's state will be returned to its original state, so she shouldn't have such a strong power.

Some spellcasters in the investigation department analyzed that this may be because Angelia is still alive, so she retains a part of the power that belongs to the sealing enchantment. Before running out, she still has a very strong power during this time.

Maybe she doesn't have the strength in the blocking barrier, but as long as this strength guarantees that she can have half the strength level of the border city owner in a short time, it is not something that can be provoke.

To sum up, Angelia basically belongs to the kind that does not need additional protection, and it is obvious that people are here to experience life, and the extra personnel to arrange some protection will affect people's experience.

You don't have to think about it. After staying in one place for hundreds of years, you can finally go out for a walk. Who wouldn't go out for a walk and run?

Oro can even analyze the place where Angelia is going next based on the existing information, which must be the Dragon City.

The capital of the Labust Empire is the city that has undergone the greatest changes under the influence of magic technology. It is called the real science and technology city. Considering the particularity of the maker, Labust is the name of the city. The Special Empire naturally acquiesced.

What happened to the heat? This heat can really rub off.

For Angelia, who has lived for hundreds of years, choosing the capital of the Rabst Empire means that she is full of curiosity about the outside world.

Enough to see here, where to go? Zheng Yichen is a dragon, and the Dragon City also has corresponding unique technologies, and does not exclude outsiders from entering the Dragon City, so is it still a choice?

As for the Orb Empire, there is no need to think about it, where Angelia is most unlikely to go.

The Sato Empire said that the good point is that it combines the advantages of the Orb Empire and the Rabst Empire, and the bad point is that it feels a little too high. In terms of research on witch warriors, although there are achievements, it is better than the Orb Empire. It's a lot worse, and the magic technology is also a bit worse compared to the Rabst Empire.

As for other people's attention to Angelia, it has nothing to do with Anyway, the investigation team will not, and there is no need to intervene in this matter, they still have a lot of things to do , For example, some things in the restricted area, the environment inside the restricted area is stable.

It seems to have become a new 'dungeon' for high-end adventurers. Although it is still very dangerous inside, at least it is not a near-death after entering the door. With the assistance of the Restricted Area Research Association, it can be guaranteed that there will be no accidents when entering the restricted area. As for internal exploration, there is a charge for activities in areas explored by the Exclusion Zone Research Society.

Activities in unexplored places are free. If you can survive, the restricted area research society will give you a big price to acquire relevant information.

The investigation team is active there, mainly to determine that there will be no dangerous factors similar to the curse of the other world in the restricted area.

The other aspect is to investigate the dangerous areas that have been famous for a long time in the mainland. They can't accept money and do nothing. Even so, the size of the investigation team has been reduced to one-fifth of the original. Investigators cut the majority.

Expenses have also been reduced a lot, so the treatment of the remaining investigators has not been reduced much.

The volcanic furnace, Bai Xue, the lord of the snow mountain, looks at the completion of the ark. From the outside, it is already a complete ark spaceship, thinking about something.

The Lord of the Volcano is also here. She came here quite frequently some time ago, but she seldom came here later. This time, she came here rarely, except to see that the Ark spaceship was about to be completed, Zheng Yichen sent her a message. an invitation, an invitation that seems a little unique.

Is it to stay on the mainland and passively change with the ups and downs of the times, or to explore the wider world?

She is not very interested in exploring, but she is quite concerned about the changes with the ups and downs of the times.