Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2537: The Holy Spirit is not the Virgin

The existence of the Holy Spirit does not have a fixed form, it is in line with the environment of the times. This era is mainly based on humanoid creatures, so the form of the Holy Spirit is humanoid, which is also an adaptation. Zheng Yichen did not know that the white-haired Pope knew. Not sure about this.

But after the incarnation of the Holy Spirit is made into a human form, even if the human beings disappear on the mainland, as long as the Holy Spirit uses that incarnation, the form is still human. Of course, human beings have continued steadily in this era. The connection deepened.

Then she will gradually become a symbolic existence involving survival, just like what Irene said.

Morphological change is also a special adaptation of the Holy Spirit.

They don’t really need the uncertain change of this form, but that kind of unique adaptability is what they need. This adaptability is well researched and can be used in a variety of environments. And this adaptation is still based on goodness and blessings.

This special adaptability is easily accepted by the environment, so Yilin still attaches great importance to the research on this feature, although this feature may not be used for a long time in the future.

But as long as you use it, it will definitely have a great effect.

For example, in the future, when the Ark spacecraft can really enter and exit other worlds, the environment in those worlds may be the same as this one, but the receptivity may not be so. The special adaptability with kindness and blessings is in most can function in any environment.

Unless the environment is similar to **** or purgatory in an illusory world, a place full of chaos and disorder, the characteristics of goodness and blessings will be counterproductive.

But in a normal environment, it's different. In such an environment, this characteristic is directly the same as hanging a sign that is harmless to humans and animals. It doesn't matter whether the person who hangs this sign is really harmless to humans and animals, but there is such a thing. Things are similar to certificates, and those with certificates are definitely more reliable than those without.

So this research project is used in the future.

It doesn't matter if you don't use it now.

"The way of the Sanctuary Church, tsk tsk, looks more powerful than the Ziluo Chamber of Commerce." Zheng Yichen looked at a list in front of him. This was the 'shopping list' on the Sanctuary Church. The Pope personally opened it to Zheng Yichen. , there are many things on it that Ziluo Chamber of Commerce can't get.

In terms of shares, it will definitely not be all of the Holy Church, but looking at the shares that can be obtained, Zheng Yichen will directly take all of them. Anyway, he has a lot of money here, and the Holy Church still owes him a lot, just take it. Now, hoarding resources is something that Zheng Yichen really likes.

"That's the truth." As for Zheng Yichen's words, Qin said calmly, no matter how the Ziluo Chamber of Commerce develops, it is only the model of the Chamber of Commerce, and it can come up with some special ways, but that's it, unless some very special means are used, just It doesn't pay to do that.

Ziluo Chamber of Commerce is essentially the boring game Qin used to play, but this game has gradually played a greater role, so there is no need to make those redundant operations.

Therefore, in terms of obtaining some resources, the Church of the Holy Church has an advantage. Except for those special parts, the others are similar to the Ziluo Chamber of Commerce, except that some resources are obtained at a lower cost.

"That's it. Next, we went to the abyss to search. With the cover of the Church of the Holy Church, this matter can be done casually."

The Ark spacecraft Zheng Yichen is not afraid of exposure, but feels that after the direct exposure, a group of people will come to investigate. He doesn't care about that.

I even want to have some conflicts with the dark church, and then carry out a reasonable robbery directly from the dark church. I heard that the dark church also has a lot of elemental hearts.

The more stuff the better.

At the entrance of the underground world, many people stared at the flying ark spaceship. The entrance to the underground world is not small, but it is not easy to enter with the width of the ark spaceship. The problem is gone.

The space magic technique used does not need to adjust the space of the entrance too exaggerated, it is enough to open it a little.

Zheng Yichen was thinking about whether to make a special 'key' in the future, using meteorite metal to make one, with a more stable space built in, and put the ark spaceship in and carry it with him when it is not necessary.

"Is that a spaceship??" Looking at the ark spaceship that disappeared in the underground world, the adventurers at the entrance of the underground world looked complicated. They were used to seeing things like aircraft. The development of magic technology has made that kind of thing became inevitable.

The magic car is a common means of transportation, and the 'magic plane' that is faster than the magic car has long been available. At first, those things were used in the war. After the war entered the end stage, that kind of transportation was completely civilianized. Yes, although civilians can't afford it most of the time.

But because of the development of magic technology, some civilians with better living conditions can still be used. Of course, these civilians are basically technicians and the like, and they are doing that to meet the needs of work and better accept the transfer.

Most of the time, for civilians, the car is still the most versatile means of transportation. Of course, it doesn't matter for professionals. Can't afford to sit in the luxury class, and can't take the ordinary class?

"It should be, but that one is too big, right?" Someone said with some envy. Zheng Yichen appeared when he passed the entrance, letting people know who the spaceship belonged to.

"How can it fly so big? That dragon is too good." Envy is envy. After knowing who that kind of thing is, these professionals will do their own things. It's the dragon's words. , it wouldn't be surprising to come up with something like this.

But why didn't that thing come out during the war? Some people have some doubts, but now that the war is at its end, the addition of such a thing will not have much impact on the war.

Besides, they have all seen things that are more shocking than the spaceship. You must know that the size of the underground beast is much larger than that of the ark spaceship.

The Ark spaceship is the younger brother in front of the underground behemoth, so after seeing the underground beast, it is the same thing to look at the Ark spaceship, but such a large spaceship is the first case, maybe some empire will come up with it in the future One, used as the flagship of the Empire.

After all, being able to get this thing out is also a symbol of strength.

"Although the Church of the Holy Church doesn't do anything to us witches, but in terms of influence, I really have nothing to say." Eve looked at the map in front of her and said that the Ark ship has its own scanning function, even in the dark underground world, it doesn't matter, infinite In addition to providing the corresponding energy, the furnace core.

The hearts of the elements above can also play a role in other enhancements. Right now, the ark spaceship is turned on to scan in a dark environment.

The scanning function is similar to the special perception of the dark witch in the dark night. The heart of the dark element of the infinite hearth has added an additional increase to this scanning function. After the processing of the ark spaceship, Eve now sees a clear picture. .

With high definition, you can even see the traces of some small animals in the underground world.

They are now driving the uncamouflaged Ark spaceship, all the way unobstructed, which is caused by the influence of the Holy Church.

Even when going to the abyss, the same is true.

"I'm going to start killing again." Eve yawned while holding her chin, looking at the environment of the abyss.

"Where does such a murderousness come from?" Glancing at Eve, who was idle and doing nothing, Zheng Yichen said, those two witches liked to kill in the abyss.

Maybe the two young witches also have this kind of impulse, but those who can take actual actions will adapt to witches and symbiotic witches. Zheng Yichen, who is the head of witches in the abyss, wants to give them a vacation.

"Well? What is this?" Zheng Yichen looked at a message sent by the Holy Spirit, and raised his brows slightly: "Holy Spirit, it's really not the Virgin."

"How?" Eve asked curiously, Zheng Yichen forwarded the message from the Holy Spirit to Eve.

After Eve looked at it, she showed an expression similar to Zheng Yichen: "Indeed."

The Holy Church originally had an abyss burning plan, directly using the abyss as the coal mine base of the Holy Church, burning all the substances here, filling the burning fel furnace, and now the Holy Spirit is ready to change this plan.

She intends to purify the abyss.

Although this is difficult, but now that he has obtained a unique body, the Holy Spirit expresses that he has the ability to achieve this level. The magical framework in the Holy Spirit incarnation contains powerful purification related magic, which is more effective than the purification that Zheng Yichen did before. The core must be strong.

In addition to the characteristics of the Holy Spirit, as long as you can ignore the erosion of the abyss, you can continue to play a role in the abyss. Of course, the abyss is a place of chaos.

It means that you want to pass on the existence of good thoughts and blessings to the abyss, UU reading www. The abyss has to experience 'despair' first. As long as the creatures in the abyss pursue their existence under enormous pressure, the influence of the Holy Spirit can play a corresponding role.

Affected abyss creatures can slowly change. Of course, the basis of this change depends on the changes in the abyss environment itself. The abyss itself has not changed, and no matter how much changes are made, it will not help. And how feasible is this thing? Just look at the betrayer of the abyss.

After the abyss creatures who betrayed the abyss before were transformed by life magic skills, they lived in the environment of the mainland, and there was no difference between them and the creatures on the mainland in daily life, so the new plan of the Holy Spirit had the possibility of operation.

But it is definitely impossible to 'influence' one by one, time does not support it, and for large-scale operations, the above conditions must be met first.

Therefore, the abyss war will last for a long time, and all the high-end power of the abyss will be defeated, some questionable knowledge of the abyss will be destroyed, and the existence of those abyssal creatures will be suppressed...
