Cursed Dragon

Chapter 2609: 1 system

"Children's Day..." Li Yu looked at the date on the phone, it was Children's Day tomorrow, and looked at the message sent by a friend to him, saying that it was Children's Day getting together, although they were all adults, but I'm still a big kid. It's rare to have a festival. If I haven't been there, I always feel that something is missing.

If you can, go to the park or playground, and grab those play equipment with children.

"Boss, do you have a holiday tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is a day off." Yilin said without raising her head, Li Yu was no stranger to this. The proprietress was reading or writing books when she had nothing to do. When there were some new books in the bookstore, he had to suffer a lot. the temptation to put it back, those books are still the same.

Others may seem to be related to ordinary psychology or feng shui, or even some folk customs and foreign customs, but... But after he has successfully cooked an egg with his heart, it would be a bit self-deceiving to think so. .

He has not been single until he is thirty years old, and he can already become a fire mage.

Ahem, in a word, these books are the above situation for people without talent, and it is another situation for people with talent, please refer to him for specific reference.

Thinking of this, Li Yu couldn't help but quietly glanced at the foreign girl. In a short period of time, the other party had mastered it skillfully. This kind of speed made people feel tongue-tied, but after Li Yu looked at the book the other party had been reading, Immediately understood, the other party is very smart, plus the particularity of the book, it seems normal to be able to learn.

However, Li Yu didn't have much thought about the book titled "The Origin of Hatred. It seems to be adjusting his views on hatred and affecting the mentality of those who have hatred. On the bright side, it is mainly to adjust the mentality... In fact, he also saw some clues.

Thinking of the dreaming technique he himself had learned, the source of hatred has nothing to say, not most of it, but it must be a 'basic passive' skill book similar to the dreaming technique.

Li Yu didn't think that the book was very powerful, so he just went to learn it. He wasn't full of hatred. He needed to learn the source of hatred, and then use that hatred to turn hatred into fuel to strengthen his spirit and will, and even affect his physique.

He has no hatred, family harmony, and the source of hatred is not suitable for him at first glance. If he is forced to study, then he thinks that if he is an ordinary person, he can better regulate and control the hatred factor, and he is now Not 'ordinary people' anymore.

Learn it, in case, like the fire in your heart, if a substantial flame is ignited at first, you will almost burn yourself.

Heart fire is very stimulating to emotions. He is learning about the source of hatred. Adding two and two, it directly changes from a gas tank to a high-explosive bomb.

Make it impossible.

Ellie can study that book and learn it well, which makes Li Yu not want to have too much relationship with the other party. He admits that the other party is very beautiful and has a good figure. The cold face matches Gao Yan. Value, very attractive, but attractive is not a point to contact more.

A girl who has hatred in her heart may not seem to be able to become a character like a sick girl, but such a person should be kept at a distance.

Therefore, the two of them are in the bookstore. Although they are both employees, they do not have much contact in daily life. They have spoken less than 20 sentences together now, and every conversation is very brief.

It was determined that the bookstore would be closed tomorrow. After the vacation, Li Yu started to look for new books. It was not because he wanted to learn more. He could study for a long time with a single heart fire and dream magic. He was looking for other books to read. For reference, greed is not enough to chew, but if you encounter the kind that suits your own situation, you must learn.

On the other hand, Ellie looked at the book The Origin of Hatred that she turned every day. She had completely memorized the contents of the book. Now reading these books is a special understanding process. understanding and influence.

The hatred did not disappear with her use, on the contrary, under her persistence, it was more solidified, and it continuously provided her with food for strengthening her spirit and will.

As for the changes to her body, she doesn't have any feeling about this at present. It may be that she has not learned and understood the source of hatred deeply enough, but Ellie is very clear that now she can easily exceed the limit that she couldn't do before, just like It's a long-distance run. In the past, she might get tired after running two kilometers, but now she can last longer.

There is no increase in physical strength, but the source of hatred strengthens her spirit and will, allowing her to break the original shackles. It is another matter if it does not hurt the body. She has hatred in her heart and wants to strengthen herself. But will there be any harm to her body? ?

There are other aspects of learning, Ellie has a clear experience, otherwise she would not have learned a new language in a short period of time and used it fluently, although she was forced to learn it every day. Will be troubled by severe headaches, but the learning effect is really not to say.

Now she can read any book in the library without much dyslexia.

As for Li Yu, who is not far away, she is not interested. Even if she knows about the other person, she is a special person. She has read the book on Dream Spirituality, and it is very special, but after reading it, her idea is to learn from the little sheep. Yes, if she hadn't experienced those desperate encounters and let her choose, she would definitely choose Dream Spirit Art, not the source of hatred.

Now, the source of hatred is simply too suitable for her.

Hatred as fuel has allowed her to do things that she couldn't do before. Ellie has a strong feeling about this. This is just the beginning, and she can further exert the power of the source of hatred.

With this improvement, she now has no doubts about Teacher Dan Marina's arrangement. This is not an ordinary bookstore, it is a special treasure trove at all, but most people have no talent, so right The stuff here is just read as an ordinary book.

Some have never thought to understand anything from it.

In addition to those ordinary mysticism books, as long as they are related to Yilin, each one contains powers that ordinary people cannot understand, and as long as individuals meet the corresponding conditions, they can learn the essence of those knowledge.

Of course, the books here are not suitable for everyone. Being talented does not mean that you can learn it casually. You still have to choose the ones that suit you. Learning other books will only lead to twice the result with half the effort.

So when she was studying, Ellie didn't think about studying books other than the source of hatred, and the one she's studying now is enough for her to study for a long time.

She can use it proficiently in a very short time from use to uselessness, and she doesn't care about the little problem of headache. What Yilin answered is that the headache is caused by too serious mental exhaustion.

In the final analysis, she is too weak, so she can't exert all the effects of "The Source of Hatred. It's enough to use it more, as long as she can bear the discomfort."

Of course, it doesn't matter if the side effects are obvious. She plans to learn more about other things, not knowledge-related, but combat-related. For this, she needs to find some other books. There is nothing in this bookstore that involves combat. books.

Like some books on special operations and compound preparation, she has to find them elsewhere. There are other ways to fight. Ellie is prepared to write down first, and use hatred to strengthen her spirit and will. In this way, the learning efficiency is improved, and the memory of what you have learned is very deep.

It is much more efficient than what you normally learn. Don't care what knowledge it is, write it down first, and when you need it, you can quickly turn it into practical knowledge, so as not to actually start practicing, because The reserve of knowledge is insufficient and embarrassing.

Another point is her teacher Dan Marina... Since she left her here, Dan Marina has not contacted her, as if she had been forgotten. During this time, she wanted to contact her again and again. A moment to Dan Marina, but every time I picked up my phone, I hesitated for a long time, and finally gave up the idea.

Every time she picks up her phone, she tells herself that she is not the weak girl she used to be. She has a lot of important things to do. It's been so long since Dan Marina left, and she can't stand this situation anymore. ?

It shouldn't be like this.

"After get off work, I won't be here tomorrow." At six o'clock in the afternoon, Yilin closed the book in her hand and said to the two employees in the bookstore.

Whenever this time, Li Yu feels a little emotional. When he goes to work in other places, he wants to get off work early, but when he goes to get off work here, he always thinks that the boss is too conscientious, and he really doesn't mind working more overtime here... Is it too early to get off work at six?

Give him ten minutes to cook and he can still work until ten o'clock at night.

However, in this regard, Yilin has always been like this, on time and on time, even if there were guests in the bookstore at that time. Of course, when the store opened in the morning, she was also very punctual. Li Yu was a good young man who was idle when he was working. , made a simple statistic, since he went to work until now, the opening time of the bookstore has not fluctuated every day, just like a set alarm clock.

Doors open at eight o'clock on time, never more than a minute's deviation.

The foreign girl who Li Yu didn't intend to have too many encounters with, after Yilin's voice fell, she took the book and left, and she simply did not envy Li Yu at all. Who can provoke the person who has thoroughly read the book The Origin of Hatred?

No matter how beautiful such a person is and how good his external character is, even if his boss endorses that this girl is not bad and a good person, he will not have many thoughts.

Too dangerous.

As for the books in the bookstore, he had already classified them a lot when he went home and took notes. The source of hatred is to use hatred to strengthen spiritual will and enhance himself. Dreaming magic is a refined method and a gentle adjustment. own mental state and state of mind.

It doesn't have much impact on the will, but this method is better than being safe and mean, and it is difficult to cause problems no matter how tossed it. Of course, people are like this, and there will always be people who like to die, even a piece of tofu will kill you. It may kill people, let alone dream magic involving special powers.

Although the effect of Dream Spirit Art on the will is not too great, the overall appearance is moderate. Moderation is equivalent to no shortcomings. He thinks it is quite good.

He learned the magic of dreams, and it was not a big problem to get in touch with his heart after the event, but Ellie was different.

In addition to dreaming magic, there are books such as "Pride and Flawless, Lazy Wisdom, Abyss of Desire, and Heart of Jealousy" in the bookstore. These are also similar to dreaming magic. .

But the content is still divided between ordinary people and gifted people, and the understanding of ordinary people and the understanding of gifted people are completely different.

These Li Yus are not very interested, and more importantly, they cannot learn it. This book is suitable for those who are 'arrogant' in the true sense. As long as they can master the knowledge in the book and make use of it, they can do it. To the point of being similar to Ellie.

The arrogance of the subject of the book is not the kind of arrogance that simply has status, but it is based on the comprehensive crushing between people, so arrogance is the main thing.

Compared with sports, because he is the top, few people can match it, so can he be arrogant and compare his education? He has multiple degrees and is still increasing, which is beyond the reach of others. This can be arrogant, driving skills, aesthetic art, painting, calligraphy, piano skills, etc., all can be like this.

In general, because all aspects or most of the people have surpassed the vast majority of people in the world, so there is arrogance, and to achieve that step, it takes great effort and one's own The more obsessed with arrogance, the more people will develop towards 'all-powerful'.

This book is definitely the hardest one. Is the Almighty so easy to be? If there is really a person who is extremely arrogant and has the talent to get this book, then Li Yu feels that most of this person's final fate is to exhaust himself to death!

It is really difficult to reach the top of the content in the book.

The theme of "The Wisdom of Laziness is very clear. It doesn't need so many long stories to describe it. It can be summed up in one sentence... Using wisdom to be lazy is like going out. In the past, I used my feet and a carriage, which was very tiring, but Later, there were vehicles such as automobiles, high-speed rails and planes. How lazy people are, the more 'mobility' they can get.

"Abyss of Desire is a book that Li Yu thinks is very dangerous. Mastering this book of arrogance and flawless may make people with limited energy exhausted to death. Abyss of Desire is to use desire to strengthen one's own action. This book has spread. Generally speaking, a group of unscrupulous 'madmen' will come out.

However, the learning threshold is different. For people without talent, when reading this book, it is to deepen the understanding of personal desires and guide them in a positive direction. For example, a person is short of money, but has no talent, can only Take a look at the surface of this book and really learn what it is.

Then this person may change his mentality and think about why he is short of money compared to others. Is it because he is not working hard enough or is his vision limited? After serious reflection, try to change all of this from yourself.

If someone wants to pursue each other because a certain girl is beautiful, but can't catch up, then those who have learned the surface level may try to improve themselves and make themselves capable and attractive.

Desires arise because of lack and want. This book can adjust one's mentality and focus on optimizing oneself to obtain what one wants and what is lacking. At the same time, there is also a part on how to restrain the ever-expanding desire.

A dangerous but useful book, well, for the average person.

"The Heart of Jealousy is similar to "The Source of Hatred. The stronger the jealousy of others, the greater the boost. This is true for gifted people. For ordinary people, it is based on How to get rid of jealousy.

Being jealous of others is nothing more than being incomparable to others. If you are comparable, you will not be jealous. On the bright side, the psychological impact of this book is to make a person who is only incompetent and jealous gradually turn to A person who constantly strives to improve in order not to be jealous of others, and eventually surpass those who are jealous of themselves.

Some are similar to Arrogance, but not as extreme as Arrogance.

To be honest, these books similar to the seven deadly sins are more dangerous one by one, but the most dangerous is still the abyss of desire. Others seem to be very dangerous, but they are relatively low. The most harmless is probably the wisdom of laziness. Now, knowledge such as arrogance, source of hatred, and jealousy needs to have an anchor.

If you want to maintain arrogance, you naturally need to compare people to maintain your arrogance, or else you will be arrogant in the air? Therefore, people who can really use the knowledge of arrogance and flawlessness will definitely disdain choosing to kill because they can't compare.

The source of hatred needs to have a target of hatred, and it depends on the target of hatred to determine the magnitude of danger. After all, hating one person is different from hating everyone. The source of hatred is about a 'source', so in most cases, individuals do not Will hate all human beings, the source cannot be traced, unless that person was persecuted by people all over the world from birth.

The jealous heart also needs to anchor the target. This is similar to the arrogant and flawless low-end, and the degree of danger is not low. The theme of knowledge is to surpass the jealous person to get rid of jealousy, but it may also develop into the situation of killing the jealous target, in order to kill the jealous target. The goal of jealousy, so as to improve yourself.

This depends very much on the individual's mentality. Those who choose to use violence to solve jealousy are tantamount to killing the chicken and taking the eggs. The source of jealousy is different from the source of hatred.

Although the knowledge of books has the effect of adjusting personal problems, these books are really not the kind of mind control books. No matter how good knowledge is in the hands of bad people, it will bring danger. The reason why the abyss of desire is dangerous is that there are Apart from the anchored target, the main part of anchoring is yourself.

Fortunately, in addition to the corresponding talents, these books also have corresponding requirements. Talented people may not be so jealous, just ordinary standards, which are not very useful at all.

The same is true of arrogance. Wouldn't someone really be arrogant and want to surpass everyone in the world?

Compared with these "Seven Deadly Sins" books, there are corresponding "Seven Virtues", but the Seven Virtues look very good, but in fact they may not be so safe.

Lazy wisdom has met the right master, and it can also promote the development of technology. Can this be said to be bad? The same is true of the 'Seven Virtues', which look good, but some situations are not so good.

Although it may not be that good, people who can learn and use this knowledge can make friends more or less, and at least half of the "seven deadly sins" have met, it is best not to have too much relationship with each other.

Compared to the above, Dream Spirit Art is quite normal. Moderation is good. No matter how you say Moderation, it is better than those "Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Virtues" that seem a bit extreme.

There are more choices when there are comparisons. With so many comparisons, Li Yu has no opinion on the dream spirit technique that he has used, and Li Yu is also a witness to the appearance of those books. , from the lack of the beginning to the gradual perfection.

He watched the proprietress of the bookstore with his own eyes, and put those books one by one in the bookstore.

This makes Li Yu a little suspicious, so does the earth really have a so-called dark world? In other words, this dark world is a little different from what he had imagined before. It’s just like the ordinary dark world, there may be murders, illegal transactions, smuggling, etc., but it’s not the kind of “superpowers” ​​he thinks. ?

"As long as I don't touch it, it should be fine." On the way back, Li Yu muttered. He looked at the store next to him, reached out and touched his pocket, his throat moved slightly, and then he clicked his tongue and walked quickly. leave.

He admitted that he had the urge to buy cigarettes just now. When he was in school, he hadn't smoked a few times, and he didn't like it very much, but now that he has just learned the passion, he can cook eggs, and he doesn't prepare a pack of cigarettes when he goes out. If you can't raise your hand and light a cigarette in a suitable atmosphere, you will feel a bit of a loss no matter how you think about it.

The sound of a sudden brake sounded, and Li Yu opened his eyes wide and looked at a figure flying by in front of him: "Du, what's the age, how come there are still people like this??"

He looked at the person who bumped and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. It happened so suddenly that he didn't notice that there was no chance to help at all. , After being hit and flying, his head smashed on the road's teeth, and it seemed that there was no way to save it.

When the other party was dying, Li Yu blinked in confusion: "...?"

At the moment when the person who was in the car accident died, he had the illusion that his 'spirit, energy and spirit' had been pulled away, and when he carefully observed it, he could not see any traces.

After the ambulance and the police blocked the scene and pulled people away, Li Yu had no chance to observe.


"It's so beautiful." Looking at Loris in a wedding dress, Zheng Yichen had never heard of the camera in her hand. Loris also showed off her appearance generously. Taking wedding photos is not a shy thing, as long as Zheng Yichen doesn't Clap and clap directly to get started, then there is no problem.

This dress will be used tomorrow. This is how she wears it. Looking at Zheng Yichen, because of the hot weather, she wears a tank top and shorts, which is straightforward and casual.

"Of course it's beautiful, and I don't even want to see who made it." Lilia was not idle, she was going to take a few high-quality photos, and when the opportunity was right, she would hang it in her shop as a signboard. Low-key is not so low-key at the same time, and will not be secretive in all aspects, pretending to be a pig.

She continued: "I will have a chance in the future, and I will also make a dress that suits me."

"..." Zheng Yichen wisely kept silent about this. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. In the local real-time news, a car accident case appeared. He took out the magic soldier summoning book and glanced at it. There are some new reincarnators.

There is an example in the city where the reincarnator comes from. It's a very common thing, and it's nothing to worry about.