Cursed Dragon

Chapter 367: Things are deadlocked

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Instead of waiting for Lina to wake up hungry for food, they waited for a group of church churches passing by here, the number of the team was about 80, and their faces were all serious and capable. Perhaps they saw here that Os and others were here After camping, the church members who rushed to the road were stationed nearby.

Even when they are resting, the movements they produce are quiet. If there is no light there, it is difficult to notice them.

"It's all elites." Wood looked at the members of the Templar church and said that the whole process of the other party's stationing was seen by them. During the whole process, those people did not have any extra moves, even extra. There is no dialogue, and the division of labor is extremely clear. Although the number of people is large, everyone contributes very accurately, and the station is completed in the shortest time.

After that, it ’s also neat to fire and eat. By the way, it seems that there is a takeaway shop of the Templar church in the trading area of ​​the Summon Book ... This takeaway shop is also very popular. On the one hand, it is internal digestion. The members of the church bought it themselves. On the other hand, those who were not in the church were curious about the takeout made by the church canteen.

The Templar Church will come up with this online store for a very clear reason. In order to prevent members of the Templar Church who are outside activities from being pitted, although the probability is very low, who can guarantee that those takeaways will be no problem? Why don't you make a huge takeaway online shop on your own side? Templar churches also have income.

The place where the Templar Church is stationed is not far from them, but there is no interference between them. The two sides are clearly separated. After eating, some members of the Templar Church chose to rest, and the other part was guarding. jobs.

"I'm going to ask about the situation." After eating almost the same here, Rick stood up, and the Templar Church did not appear to be overbearing in other things. In the wild, if it was not urgent enough, even When you are free, you can pull the two members of the Templar church without violating the rules.

Of course, you do n’t usually do this for church members who are usually outside. Even if you drink two glasses, you will drink only the wine they brought, not someone else ’s.

Therefore, it is not something that needs special attention in the past. As long as it is not the kind that requires special confidentiality, they generally will not keep it.

It did n’t take long for Rick to return to the place where they rested and talked about the situation he asked, “It ’s still the thing over Windsong Valley, where the power of the Undead Witch has begun to spread outwards. Several small towns will suffer. "

"It's not where the undead witch deity appears, it's just spreading, should the people of the Templar Church be able to control it?" Gael said inexplicably.

"It's okay in other places. The situation of Fengminggu is different. Don't forget the windflies that live there all the year round." Rick shook his head and hundreds of windflies gathered to attack, let alone those bustling cities. In addition, even the main city of the empire will be seriously injured when it encounters a combined attack of this scale.

Fortunately, such things as windfly are generally not very aggressive, and each is considered a dead house. I only like to live in a place where the wind elemental strength is strong enough. Birds are not birds anywhere else, even if someone angers them. After a certain distance beyond the place of survival, they will take the initiative to retreat. So far, no one has made any big news because of the use of the power of windfly.

"Those windflies fanned a big storm and accelerated the spread of the power of the undead witch ..." Speaking of this, Rick paused a little: "There is another point. It seems that there are other things besides this matter. The important thing, they did not explain. "

Wood nodded his head, and the people in the Templar Church did not hide some things, but the important things did not just say anything. He took out a map and left a red dot on it. The place where the red dot is Fengming Valley, and they are now far away from Fengming Valley ... not too far away!

During this time, they basically took some tasks nearby and gradually moved away from the Valley of Wind and Wind. After all, it was near the festival in this world. They all wanted to catch a good deal on the day of the festival. , And then went back comfortably to go through this big festival once a year.

This festival can be said to be a rare common festival in the world. It is to celebrate the day when the abyss was closed. Be aware that in addition to the disasters caused by the witch, the abyss is also a disaster area, and it also brings disasters to the mainland. In comparison, it is stronger than the witch.

In order to close the abyss, the mainland did not know how many creatures were put in it, so this festival is recognized by all countries, and no one wants to change it. It is necessary to say that the importance of this festival is probably the New Year.

Now that the year is approaching, the Undead Witch has to do a big deal, which is really disturbing. Up to now, the purpose of the Undead Witch is at an unclear stage. Oss et al.'S originally relaxed mood became entangled. Can't be sure, will the undead witch get them involved in the same way as a gun?

"Otherwise ... let's go back to Fengminggu to see the situation." Oss said hesitantly for a while, if he didn't take the task for a while, the situation over Fengminggu had to be clarified, although Fengminggu is far away from the city where his sister is now, but things are not absolute. There are many places where the immortal witch left traces. There is a Fengminggu here, and there may be an additional thundermarsh elsewhere: "It's less than half a month since the festival, and now you won't earn much from taking the task. After looking at the situation, we will go back directly."

"Alright." Wood nodded seriously. Leaving when the situation is unclear seems to be able to avoid the risk, but at the same time it means to fall into ignorance. Even if the Templar Church will update some official posts from time to time on the forum, But many major events that cannot be uploaded immediately will not be updated immediately.

Whether others will do this is someone else ’s business. Anyway, even if they are present, the church ’s people will not reveal the core issues, and other “journalists” are only those superficial things that are released. Many are processed extra to attract people.

What is the specific situation, you still have to determine it yourself to see how serious the problem is. Fortunately, there is a bottom in my heart. What kind of ‘year’ is it?

"What about Lina?" Rick said.

"Ask her her opinion, it's better to let her go back first." When she said Lina, Os couldn't help but touched her eyes. The strong pulsation from her eyes still existed, and the pain was not as strong as it was at first. But it was full of a faint dull ache. After the discomfort disappeared, try the true power of these eyes. Now he doesn't plan to use these eyes when they are unnecessary.

Valley of Winds, the caster stationed in the Templar Church here looked carefully at the Valley of Winds, shrouded in gray mist, a strong wind tornado gathered above the canyon, which was stirred by the wind tornado The clouds in the sky and the gray mist in the canyon. A lot of gray mist is drawn into the clouds in the sky, making the normal-colored clouds look like dark clouds ...

They do n’t care about normal dark clouds. At most, they scare children when they thunder, but now the dark clouds appear in the sky are dark clouds mixed with the power of the undead witch. Once these dark clouds have spread out and merged into other clouds ... do n’t It rains a little bit in the place, it's almost!

The undead witch's lack of virtue is extremely extreme!

As for how far the dark clouds in the sky can float? They can only say that very far, far away, the dark clouds contain powerful elements of wind, and the scouting team of the Templar Church even took the risk to observe the dark clouds, and even found elemental ores that can only be produced in the veins of the elemental wind, Although it is finely crushed, its purity is very high.

After damaging several reconnaissance teams, some samples were collected here. It is important to know that the people who can rush into the dark clouds for reconnaissance are strong enough, and the worst ones can also fly. This time, several teams were damaged. , Placed in some small forces, enough to let that small force fall apart.

Some people have been damaged ~ ~ The results brought back are very bad. The dark clouds do contain a lot of wind elemental ores. These wind elemental ores appear gray, although they still contain the wind power, but they were Severe pollution, as long as the little elemental ore of the size of the gravel is crushed, the power of the element containing the element of wind spreads and the light wind can easily blow a large group of people ... It is not the damage eroded by the force of the element of the wind, the main injury It is the kind of power that pollutes the wind element and belongs to the undead witch.

Now those dark clouds contain a large amount of finely crushed wind elemental ores like gravel, and there is a huge wind elemental ore vein under the valley of Fengming Valley. Let this dark cloud continue to charge. A new natural disaster will definitely come. If you stop it, Those windflies did not eat dry food. The Templar Church has carried out several actions from the beginning to the present.

But without exception, all of them were forcibly crushed by those troublesome windflies. With the power of the wind element ore veins, the windflies exerted their power far beyond the windflies that live in other places, let alone They have been transformed into new strange things that live or die, and the power they exert seems to be more powerful, and things are so deadlocked ...

So far, support from other places is coming over. Since the matter over Fengminggu can't be solved for the time being, the first thing to do is to build a sufficiently strong blockade.
