Cursed Dragon

Chapter 381: How to cross

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Chapter 380: This is a mission item

"What? The Templar Church has opened a blockade for the exploration of Winding Valley?" The adventurers and mercenaries who gathered in the blockade were a little surprised when they got the news. Not long ago, the Templar Church established a double blockade. Area, they are all outside the second blockade area, the opening time of the first blockade area is very short.

Once you missed it, you could not enter, and the daily opening time was limited. After this time, the Templar Church will not do anything, but they will not reopen the blockade, which means that they did not go back before the time came. Do n’t think about going out, wait. Two days, these monastic churches are very clear, even if the violators complain, it does n’t make any sense.

The dangers of Fengminggu are very clear to the people who mix here, so not many people are willing to risk staying in the first blockade for the night ... People may be gone after a night!

And now, the first blockade area has been completely lifted, and it can even allow other people to enter the Valley of Wind and Sound? Some people thought for the first time that the Templar Church is looking for cannon fodder. After all, after going in and exploring useful information, you can get a bounty or other prop rewards, equivalent things, in the Templar Church.

But these people thought about it for a while. It seems that there is no reward for the Templar Church. After the first blockade is lifted, they will also be unable to bear to explore. As for the reason for exploration? It is also because of the interest that things about witches are very valuable. Without the rewards of the Templar Church, some special things are obtained from them. As long as they are related to witches, they can be sold at a high price in the hands of some people.

Even after being sold, you do n’t need to do any mercenary anymore. You can go to a town and become a rich man for a lifetime. More importantly, you can also trade with some empire. There is no problem with the title, such a big benefit, they will not miss it if they know that there is risk.

People who have figured this out have a feeling of looking at the enemy when they look at others. Those people are their own competitors. One more person has the possibility of taking some profits, and the people who are anxious for them are the church people. They also entered the Valley of Wind and Sound, and they were even more decisive. How could this special lady endure? Of course, hurry!

In addition to the benefits, what the Templar Church did did not allow them to say that those who entered could get a ring amulet. After taking this thing, they could ignore the environmental impact of the Valley of Wind and Wind for a certain period of time, avoiding the interference of the sage, free !

Very special things, and the style looks very gorgeous, but after knowing the truth of this thing, not many people are interested, this thing is time-sensitive, the material is only ordinary metal, not magic material, blessing After a certain secret method, the end of the aging has no reuse value. No wonder the Templar Church took this thing for free!

This stuff is special to the task props placed in the task grid in the game. It ca n’t be used as a real equipment at all. It is more like a ticket to enter a special copy.

"Okay, these amulets have been dealt with." In a tent, Diya recycles and dissipated his power. The people waiting outside the tent came in immediately and took the boxes inside ... there were all those inside. Rings, and the specifications of different boxes are different, suitable for people with different fingers thick and short, as for the origin of these ring embryos.

There are a lot of customized businesses coming from Tiantian. These things are customized from Tiantian ’s shop. It did n’t take long for the order to be placed. The other party ’s fast delivery and high efficiency are not surprising. These things It's made of ordinary metal, it's easy ... The only thing that is puzzled is that these rings are not contaminated with any magic signs. They should not be made by magic means, and they also have appearances, except for different specifications. Rings of the same specifications are almost identical in appearance.

"Madonna, these are enough for now, you can rest for a while." Said a church member who moved the box.

Diya nodded, found a place to sit down, took out the demon call book, browsed the contents, and said when did this habit develop? In the past, when I was okay, I chose to look at some interesting books, but now that habit will be replaced by the magic soldier summon book. The books are a bit troublesome to carry, and she has no room to carry.

Some are just a space prop that comes standard with the Holy Girl. The space is not large, but it is enough. With the foundation of the Templar Church, it is not difficult to give the portable space that a Holy Girl obtains, at least from the beginning. Up to now, no saint has ever owned it, the reason is very simple ... The life of the saint is there, after the space is generated, it is impossible to use it, let alone use it as a new space debris to make space props. In this way, it is better to divide a space debris into some space props for the saint.

There were a lot of props related to it, but with some battles, many saints fell behind, and some of those props were lost. Now they are left outside. In short, carrying a book is not as convenient as this on-call magic soldier call book It ’s also a good time-killing behavior to go to forums, go through shops, and occasionally find something you like to buy.

After paying real attention to this piece, Diya found out that she had really missed too many things. Through those stores, she said that her knowledge is constantly increasing, and the desire to buy for good things has also increased. En She occasionally contradicted herself, and it was a bit wrong to do so as a saint.

But as long as you do n’t do this at work, you should be fine?

As a saint, she never lacks money and has a lot of savings. Those savings usually have time to help some people, and there is still a lot of savings. In terms of helping people, the Church of the Templar once had training in her. Helping people is also a piece of knowledge. It does n’t mean looking at who is poor and giving more money directly, which will only mislead people.

The real help is to solve their current dilemma, but also to promote their enthusiasm. Anyway, the church church ’s cultivation of the virgin is not a way to cultivate the machine, it is very humane, especially in terms of insight, the importance of shaping the virgin , So that they have enough self-understanding, this is also a statement of the Templar Church, labor and capital is a straight shadow, even if it is important for the identity of the cultivation of the saint, the normal process is followed.

It ’s not like you guys who have crooked doors and evil ways, and they are brainwashing education in order to grasp the ‘Saint Girl’ firmly!

In short, Diya is very rich, and there are many things that have no place to spend. Therefore, many things do not have much temptation to her, but now with the emergence of various shops, those once secret tribes are not in contact with outsiders. Races are added to the Demon Soldier's call book.

Even though opening a store will not let them voluntarily reveal their place of life, those specialties have always been very popular, including Saint Diya herself.

Outside are the novels that appear in the forum ... Well, these kinds of things appear too much with the convenience of communication. After all, good posts will be more popular and advertising income will be more. It's a moving pen ... Oh no, I don't have to use a pen. Moving the brain consumes a bit of magic, and I can add some illustrations to the face. It doesn't matter if the painter can't do it. The brain is replaced by improved shadow magic.

painter? No need under the power of magic!

Although Diya is not keen on looking at these things, there are always a number of them that will interest her, such as some aspects of love, um ... love, Diya thought with his chin as a saint Female, Dan Marina originally called her a surplus girl, and it was not without reason. The saint is very free, but there are some restrictions.

Love is not related to them, but it is not because after the slap, it will cause your strength to decline and disappear. It is just a layer of film that can have a great impact on yourself. Therefore, there is no situation that affects one's own strength. The more reason is that love makes the saint look 'fragile' and has one more weakness.

They do not have the same curse-like disadvantages as the witch, but since there is love ~ ~ then some beliefs will be shaken with the appearance of this factor, even if the beliefs are firm enough, but if they are calculated by some caring people, However, she could become a saint ’s soul flaw. During the confrontation with the witch, some saints were mostly killed by a witch for such reasons. The other party ’s frontal battle was not strong. The wicked witch just pulls out one and can overwhelm the opponent in frontal combat.

But the actual result is that the saint ’s side has suffered heavy losses. After that, the Templar Church has relevant regulations. The saint ’s girl does n’t completely prohibit you from having love, but it requires a very difficult test. Such a test is not a deliberate effort. It ’s embarrassing, but the difficulty is even worse. The pass rate is not good, and the test is twofold. Both sides need to use it. It looks very demanding, but there are **** lessons placed there. With such regulations, the original ones The Virgin did not have any opinions.

Now Diya, after turning over the records of the year, will not say much. Once there were so many virgins who would have an accident. Now that he is the only virgin who is active outside, he should be more careful, so do n’t read the love story. Okay ... but now think about it a little bit longing.

She shook her head and longed for it, which did not mean that she would be easily 'tempted'. The church attached great importance to the cultivation of the will of the virgin. With the existence of the test, Diya had no hope of herself. After all, she felt a headache in the test.