Cursed Dragon

Chapter 447: perfect

Diya knows that the dragon in front of him is a dragon with a unique pursuit and a dragon that is out of the normal fun of the dragon family. This world has people with peculiar pedigrees, but most of them are descendants of the combination of aliens and humans. After all, it is human-like, and it is close to human in body shape, or most of them are the same. Anyway, there will be no big deviations, let alone monsters.

It's just that Zheng Yichen's pursuit is somewhat impractical. Even if he is a small dragon, he can now have a width of ten meters.

"Uh, you work hard," she said.

"I'm thinking, one day I succeeded, can this world become more exciting?" Ding Ticheng said with his chin in his mouth, Diya thought about what would happen to the world if Zheng Yichen could really do this. kind? Wonderful will definitely be more exciting, after all, there are already examples of aliens, and if more non-human creatures can become humans, then it will be really wonderful ...

Many of the intelligence possessed by Warcraft is not weaker than humans. If strictly speaking, the Dragon Clan can also be regarded as a kind of Warcraft, but they are more intelligent and able to speak.

This is also the reason why Diya feels that Zheng Yichen's pursuit is not simple ... All in all, she doesn't have much hope for Zheng Yichen's success or not ... but this pursuit is really too different, looking at him Quite seriously, Diya even wondered what would happen if he really succeeded?

At that time, it is estimated that in the non-human race, he can obtain a great right to speak at any time. After all, the world is still dominated by human races. If foreign races can only be integrated into it, let alone those non-human beings. , Augusta was able to be active in Kaga, that is, at least every moment, there were at least ten humanoids staring at him, as long as he dared to do any dangerous behavior, blocking his first wave of attacks, after Thunder means is used.

Anyway, there is a dragon slaughtered city or something in a big city. Such a situation basically does not exist, and the human race is not so weak.

Moreover, the dragon's body is so big, it is even more impossible to engage in sneak attacks ... It's hard to find a city like Kaga, just to find something for yourself.

"Did you reveal a bit more? Tell her this?" After Diya left, Annie walked out of her room and asked Zheng Yichen as she watched.

"Huh? When did you come back?"

"It didn't take long for her to be too crowded with a body, so she came back early ... to answer my question."

"Oh, a dragon like me who collaborates with the witch should always be a little special pursuit, and my age is not old." Zheng Yichen's thumb and index finger are slightly separated: "Crazy ideas will definitely not Yes, since that is the case, it should be a little else. "

"So you talked about transforming things? Will she believe it?"

"Will you believe it's their business? All I have given is an indicator for them to refer to." Zheng Yichen shrugged: "Lest the church church people think I am too mysterious and mysterious, making them feel particularly uneasy. "

Annie looked at Zheng Yichen lightly, and would like to say to Zheng Yichen that you deserve it at this time?

Then I think about the resources that Zheng Yichen currently has. It seems that he really deserves to do so. As long as his identity as a producer is exposed, the outside world will definitely blow up the nest.

"... wait, you want to use the resources of the Templar Church?"

"Oh? Is it obvious?" Zheng Yichen blinked doubtfully. Can this be seen? Is this still the 'elder' who has been teased by Dan Marina?

Annie shook her head immediately: "It's not obvious. If we didn't study together often this time, I would ignore it ... so to speak, I value my research very much, and I'm also interested in your ideas. , You have a sloppy theory of transformation, and the specific framework is not filled with anything, but this is definitely a magic that has an important relationship with the life field, provided that you can succeed. "

"Not only has the elements of the realm of life, there are other new elements!" Listening to Annie said, Zheng Yichen couldn't help but feel a little bit proud: "If my expected frame is not deviated, the deformation operation will also include space operations. Skills. "

The magic in this world is omnipotent, many things can be done, and even strong enough to even tear through the space, of course, it must be a unique way. It must be impossible to do it with brute force. Many of the Earth ’s rules cannot be used in other worlds, or need to be used from another angle, such as the transformation of the large body to the small body. It is certainly not enough to compress it. During the process of transformation, the reduced part cannot be out of thin air Disappearing, disappearing, then there is no possibility of changing back, so in the framework expected by Zheng Yichen, Transfiguration must add space operation skills, not for the outside world, but for itself!

The size of the dead becomes smaller, the principle is very simple, that is, the magic is filled in, so that the internal structure has been temporarily expanded, with magic links and substitutions, will not be scattered, when the magic is removed, the object will be It will shrink back like a rubber band, so the magic that makes the object bigger can only be used on the dead. The "structure" of the living is too complicated, and the dead has only a single component.

"Your pursuit is really simple." Yi Lin's voice came from behind Zheng Yichen, and he looked at the girl behind him with amazement. When did this come back! ?

"It's easy, I'm setting a precedent that is not in this world."

"It's not a precedent, some other ways can do it ... but it's not as convenient as you think, and even if you add the skills of space operation, your transforming theory is only a transformation from a large body to a small one. This is not a complete system. "

Zheng Yichen lipped his lips and satisfies himself. Why should he have a complete system? He checked some records. There are elves in the aliens in this world, but there is no such thing as a druid: "Everything is difficult at first. I'll satisfy myself first. What's wrong with the rest? Let the rest worry others ... Uh, what's wrong? "

Looking at Yi Lin's inexplicable serious face, Zheng Yichen asked involuntarily.

"The problem of magic should not be confronted with such a negative attitude."

"..." Seeing that she rarely showed such an extremely serious expression, Zheng Yichen took it seriously: "Well, in fact, with my magic knowledge, it is already the limit to complete the part of building the frame to this step, and the rest I have not The method is perfect, the change from the large body to the small body, I can also add the theory of space operation, and adjust the internal space of the body to make a high amount of compression when changing ... This is very scientific, but you let me use the small body How to do additional expansion on the basis? "

Yi Lin looked at Zheng Yichen with a strange and miserable expression on the child, and then shook her head, and she took advantage of the words that Annie said before. The power always makes people explode in what they need. With great motivation, Zheng Yichen ’s needs are limited to times. All his theories are based on his own needs. There is no need for others to be used at all. They can be widely used, as long as they can use them!

It is the same as the special villain created by the Undead Witch. Such a villain is too unique. Even if someone knows the way, it is impossible to dare to make it. Zheng Yichen's here ... the skill of adding space operation He really came up with it, and think about it carefully, if the operation is good, it really works!

Some rare space-type attacks are basically attacked from the outside to the inside. Whether it is collision or cutting, there is no inside-out. This is because the inner space has a unique independence. Coupled with its own power ... Don't care what kind of power, whether it is magic power or vitality, it is a kind of power, and vitality is more difficult to express directly. Even the soul carried in the body is a power factor. UU reading books

For many complicated reasons, the space inside the human body and the space outside the human body are not at all the same type. It is impossible for that kind of space type attack to act from the target body outside the body, only to break through from the outside. Of course, if it is a space type attack, The external and internal are the same, as long as they are supported, they are basically ignored defense attacks.

In the face of an attack such as space cutting, the ordinary unit is like a villain painted on paper. The paper is torn apart, and the villain painted on it will naturally break, but there is no absolute thing. The pigment used by the paper man is a kind of high-strength thing, the strength is far more than that of the paper, so if it is torn to the place of the villain, it will not be able to be further torn apart, or the mark of the torn around the villain, the paper is torn into In two halves, the villain is still intact.

At this point, Yi Lin feels that if she simply resists her body, there is nothing that can be done, but it can be resisted with magic. Therefore, Zheng Yichen ’s theory works, and there is no need to worry about being maliciously destroyed after the transformation is developed. The part of the body where the space is manipulated will only be destroyed by the whole system. This ... she has seen some short stories written by Zheng Yichen.

There is a kind of ‘demon!’ Appear! The description of 'is quite appropriate to be used here as a metaphor. Magic is very powerful, and it is versatile, but it can also be cracked by people. In short, Zheng Yichen was really able to reach that step. Imagine that it has been a long time since the success of the research, and now it ’s time to get back to business and continue to perfect the part of the framework. Zheng Yichen has put forward a very good theory, and even has perfected part of the framework. At present, there is just leisure time, you can continue to improve.

Even if it will not be implemented immediately, it can be recorded and may be used at some point in the future. rw more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's college