Cursed Dragon

Chapter 493: Restricted

Think about the kind of movement that took thousands of miles, and then think about the way that the witch suddenly left when I saw Dan Marina, Luo Lisi or even Irene, um, it is a very sudden way of disappearing, these Zheng Yichen really intend to After starting to learn the techniques of space expansion, I have already asked, it is not a unique secret method, it is an item of space operation.

Compared to combat, it is much simpler to move alone, and there are too many variables involved in actual combat, so it is not used by particularly proficient people, and it will only pit yourself without real auxiliary effects. .

At that time, Irene said confidently that of all the witches that Zheng Yichen knew at the time, only she could use her space operation skills to the highest peak in battle. Hit '.

Regardless of him, Zheng Yichen is quite clear. The mastery of space operation is a special trick, but if you want to learn it, it is far away. Let ’s get started first. Do n’t say anything else, it can expand the size of a small bag. Just double it, um ... Wait until you can get yourself into the door of ordinary people, it is almost an entry.

"Captain, guess what book he read?" With Zheng Yichen's "full-size large" open path, they should not be too relaxed on the way to Shilin, so Green and other people's mentality also relaxed and encountered Before the really troublesome humanoid figure, this kind of humanoid figure with no face was just a cannon fodder, and it was okay to beat ordinary people. It was not enough to deal with them.

Not to mention Zheng Yichen's unreasonable act of meeting a big fireball.

"I don't know." Oss shook his head, taking the book and stitching it together from a large pile of paper. Even the cover was made of two cardboards. How did he know what the book was, and whether Zheng Yichen really looked into it still needs to be verified. This is all the way. Zheng Yichen didn't even turn a page. Even if the words on it are small, can he read several pages?

"Will you ask, Captain?"

Oss did not speak, glanced at the green hair, is there such a pit of his own captain! ?

"It's not important, it's just space-expanded learning." Zheng Yichen heard their whispering and gently shook his hand to read all the way, and still didn't turn over the book on the first page.

Cough, Green heard a cough twice and was choked. He is alien and has elven bloodlines. Well ... so the life span is far more than ordinary people, and even the appearance changes slowly, do n’t look at him young Unreasonably, age can be compared with Oss, Fred and Garcia, so he knows a lot.

Is spatial expansion learning something that ordinary people can learn? Those expansion bags are all made by people who have mastered the skills of space expansion. He once had the opportunity to get in touch with related things, only the knowledge of space expansion, as long as there are enough people in the family, he can still get in touch.

But there are not many people willing to contact, after all, although sometimes arrogant and arrogant, but there are many times when I have a B number in my heart, I have been exposed to knowledge that is almost 100% difficult to learn, and I have to pay some price for it. Why not Do you have nothing to do with this kind of thing?

The time Green met was just a coincidence, and he learned it without paying anything. However, he gave up after learning a bit. It is too desperate to contact this kind of knowledge without talent. The talented people It takes a lot of time to get some substantial gains, let alone none.

Now Zheng Yichen is learning this kind of knowledge ... So is he talented or not? No matter what point, after knowing exactly what the book Zheng Yichen read, he just wanted to say ... This is the effort of Long Zhente Niang! !

"Have you learned?"

Lina asked. She was wearing a light protective suit, which was different from the special combat uniform. However, the protective ability was better. It was specially customized. Because she had found Zheng Yichen before, she now made this light suit. Protective clothing will not be suspected.

"..." Zheng Yichen glanced at the woman, and it was definitely intentional to ask such a thing. He didn't say anything, and he directly lit the first page of the book, pointing to a bowl like an upside down on it, with The dense little dots and lines look more complicated than the magic pattern: "Looking at this stuff, what do you think!"

This special lady is the entry knowledge! !

Starting with a picture, the content is entirely based on enlightenment, although there is content to add, but ... Zheng Yichen is still a little bit puzzled. The technique of space expansion is not magic, but an external influence on spiritual power and magic. This useless magic array It is very convenient after learning. Actually, the process of magic formation is less, and the learning process will be more difficult and complicated.


"Dizziness!" Fred said dumbly. He just glanced at the picture of the upside down bowl on the page. The slight dizziness made him know that this kind of knowledge was not accessible to him. He did n’t have any interest in magic, so he recovered quickly after not watching it.

As for the way of holding this pattern to pit people in battle, generally it does not work. After all, the dizziness caused by this kind of thing is not really dizzy, but a mental discomfort, like some People who are afraid of heights stand behind the tempered glass and look at the scenery. They feel uncomfortable, but they know that it is safe.

In combat, qualified warriors can basically overcome this discomfort, and a complex and dizzy magic array is displayed during the battle, it is better to directly shape it into magic.

"Great ..." Green had contacted this kind of knowledge before and had a corresponding understanding, so he wasn't dizzy. Even if he was dizzy, he was staring at the complicated picture, but Zheng Yichen had something that he had seen before. The difference is clearly marked with the understanding part, but the starting point looks much higher than the ones he has contacted with. There are many similar patterns that he was exposed to, but the number is more than twenty, and it is more simple and clear. Zheng Yichen There is only one of this, which means that the difficulty should be higher ... Who pits him?

It ’s not like a pitman, it seems more difficult, but the above notes are very rich, which reduces the difficulty of learning, and the pattern above is more clear and clear. Green took a closer look After the meeting, there was even a faint sense of clarity, which was better than staring at more than 20 irregular patterns before.

The person who made this thing ... is definitely a master!

"It's somewhere." Garcia looked at some of the guards in front. Those guards wore special combat uniforms similar to them and wore masks, but that kind of mask was simpler than what they carried, but the material was obviously better. They also have the emblem of the church, they are the people of the church.

Zheng Yichen looked at the members of the patrolling church, and suddenly felt that the sword, sword, or even the gun in their hand was replaced by a firearm ... With the looming figure in the stone forest like a zombie, this free is a biohazard. Forbidden area!

This place has the enchantment set up by the Templar Church. The "humanoids" of the activists in this area cannot climb out of here. After coming here, Zheng Yichen, as the only person who does not even wear special combat uniforms, is of course very attractive. People, but after seeing him, those members of the patrolling church are no strangers. Zheng Yichen is the only person in the entire blockade who is not a person ...

Although the alchemy puppets he made look like humans, they are not real people. It doesn't matter if they have protection or not. If something goes wrong, he can solve it by himself, even if it is not checked, why? The church knew some, but did not explain to them, but the instructions had been issued, and it was their turn to worry. The reason why Zheng Yichen could avoid the inspection was simple. Some parts of the alchemy puppet were maintained for a long time with curing medicaments. Go up.

"Be careful when you go in. These places are not close to the past. It's dangerous." A member of the church gave a map to Oss and recorded their information. They said that the first one of this map is free, the whole The squad is suitable, and whoever wants a new one later will have to spend money. These maps are not in vain, but they are explored little by little by the people they teach, of course, they will not always be given away in vain.

Oss glanced at the label on the map and nodded slightly. Originally, things like maps didn't have much effect in the stone forest. Those stone pillars would change from time to time, but after the church had completely dabbled here, it had been established. Many 'indicators', those indicators are a product of light and shadow magic, have no substantive effect, that is, love somewhere to make a 'light path' that is invisible, even difficult to eliminate.

These light beams are the reference points for using the map. The red areas on the map are high-risk areas, the yellow areas are moderately dangerous, and the blank areas are places that are not explored. If an interested adventurer can Collect the corresponding things to explore here ... The stone forest is very large, and the efficiency of the church alone is very slow. If you join the adventurers and even the mercenaries, they can transfer some of their staff to do other things.

If the trouble of Stone Forest was completely solved, the place was indestructible in the past, and now there is a trend of collapse here. It is a good opportunity to completely eliminate the hidden dangers here. Even if the undead witch is said to have been killed, all her leftovers must be removed.

"Also, do you want to accept the commission?" A member of the church looked at the record in the call of the demon soldier ... well, this record is after some cooperation between the church and the mercenary guild. Part of the information of the adventurers or mercenaries registered in the mercenary guild is not related to their privacy, but some mission completion records.

Although Oss ’s records have changed recently, his former adventurer team was disbanded, but the team ’s previous adventures are quite rich. Oss ’debut time is not long, but there are many major events, as for Green, etc. People also have corresponding records. This team is quite powerful in general, and it is only then that he put forward such commissioned tasks.

Switch to the ordinary mercenary squad. After checking their related records, some of them will not only recommend, but also persuade them, do n’t run around here, hurry back to their temporary camp, accept Some missions to clean up flesh seeds or humanoids, don't die here at a young age ...

"Well, accept." Oss nodded and accepted the exploration mission issued by the church. Why didn't he accept it? Zheng Yichen was in the team. Think about such a full-level gangster leading the team. Although Zheng Yichen seems to have an additional purpose.

But people have no purpose why they want to join their squad, they have already acted on their own.

Knowing that Osman and others are experienced adventurers, the members of the church who speak no longer say anything, and he is not the father of these people. Some things can be explained briefly. People will not mix out such achievements.

After entering the stone forest, Zheng Yichen lifted the flame trial with impunity, then thought of something, put down the weapon, and pulled out another ice sword with a cold air, the moment the sword was taken out , Oss and others could not help but have a creepy feeling!

Green grinned slightly, he encountered the enemies using Frostmourne Sorcerers to make enemies, and the frost attack with the negative energy generated by the wraith was very troublesome, but there was no such weapon as Zheng Yichen. After that, they will have such a creepy feeling, so to say, how high did this dragon make his magic soldier proficiency pile up?

Just a flaming trial is enough, and there is also an evil magic soldier, ice and fire two days ... I have seen the chain explosion attack of ice and fire that Zheng Yichen once released, Oss is much calmer than Gray and others. Then, he saw Zheng Yichen mastering two magic soldiers with different attributes just to release that kind of attack, that kind of attack ... But even the abyss creature that he had to work hard to defeat could easily give off in seconds.

It was a pity that at that time, the elemental power of Zheng Yichen's attack at that time was not seen with the magic eye.

"Isn't the blue anger suitable for the ice attribute?" Garcia said involuntarily. Oss looked at him without a word. The magic soldier used by Garcia was the blue anger, and he was very proficient in the magic soldier. Gao even gave her a very strong feeling of 'love to put it down'!

It is a pity that the magic soldier is often covered up by Frostmourne's 'light', and the same frost weapon ~ ~ Frostmourne's performance exceeds it too much ... not necessary The reason is that under the premise of needing frost-type weapons, there are more people who choose Frostmourne.

Frostmourne's frost effect can also bring negative energy impact after freezing people, and the blue anger is a special attack effect only on a single enemy. If it is for the purpose of pursuing destructive power, the flame trial, which is not a better choice. ?

Frost is more reflected in the restrictions.

"That's right." The frost grief in Zheng Yichen's hands was replaced by blue anger ... Garcia looked at the corner of his eyes slightly, and looked down at the magic soldier summoned in his hand, talking about the strength of the magic soldier ... ... he lost!

It ’s not magic, I ’ve worked very hard, OK, even the goal of quickly breaking through to the advanced magic soldiers has been put down, focusing on improving the proficiency of the blue anger, but now compared with the magic soldiers in Zheng Yichen ’s hands This stage is definitely advanced summon!

"These humanoids will be regenerated with the flesh and blood seeds scattered in unknown places after they are eliminated, so after meeting them, they will mainly restrict." Zheng Yichen said, the blue anger gently waved, and a swaying approached The humanoid that came over was frozen in place: "As long as it doesn't die, it won't refresh the new ... probably ..."