Cursed Dragon

Chapter 540: competition

The next day, people in the whole town got up late, and a considerable number of people felt dizzy and had no energy to do anything. Some people even hit their minds on their women's women's dresses. Um ... why? The parties said they didn't know why, but they thought the clothes were pretty, and they should be more beautiful.

After looking in the mirror, the side effects of the nightmare magic are gone ... Okay, this is the face of the big masters, it is absolutely impossible to be beautiful, anyway, everyone in the town is expected to experience a day of doing nothing, after all, wake up After that, everyone is mentally exhausted and tired feelings accompany themselves. In this state, they are particularly powerless to do anything.

Not to mention that people with churches also added that there was an evil in the town last night. Because of the evil, all the talents in the town will have the state they are today, but do n’t worry, those problems have been solved. After that, after a good rest, everyone can return to the original state, Barbara without any side effects.

"Well! Yes, don't forget to come to me next time when you have such a thing." Zheng Yichen looked at the new materials in his personal space. The materials were handed over by the church. As for how to determine that the derivative witch in the town was solved ? This does not need to be determined, because the contract is over ...

Well, the content of the contract is that Zheng Yichen solved the derivative witch in the town. The church gave him enough revenge, and now the constraints of the contract have disappeared, and both parties can perceive it, which means that Zheng Yichen has completed the contract, so naturally there is nothing good. Confirmed it.

Therefore, the people in the church are particularly refreshing.

"I always feel that I have forgotten something. Are you the same with Oro?" The bodyguard rubbed his head and said a bit tangled. Oro glanced at him.

"What do you remember?"

"... I don't remember much, it seems to be playing a game with another myself in a special place ... I lost." The bodyguard frowned.

"Oh, then you remember so little." Oro said not so strangely, he also felt that his memory was missing, and maintaining his current strength was not only due to some of his personal reasons, but also other reasons, that That is to be able to dream ... or to have a higher chance of dreaming. After all, there is a strong presence. Because magic and spiritual power are both powerful, the chance of dreaming is very low. How long does it take to stay overnight?

I could n’t reach the condition of dreaming at all, but if I changed to the state of a dragon that can sleep for a few years, the dream is 100%. After all, I sleep too long. If I do n’t dream, I will be nothing. Feels bad too.

"How much do you remember?" The bodyguard asked, frowning.

"I didn't remember anything."

The bodyguard rolled his eyes involuntarily, so what are you talking about? He looked at his hands, a very uncomfortable feeling, he had an impression of himself, he did not remember the process, he had forgotten Yes, but he did have some impressions at the end. He lost. As for the reason, the bodyguard is not clear, but vaguely remember that he did not lose in the battle, but in other respects, what is not known.

But he didn't know to make him pay more attention.

"So ah, it's better to forget about this matter. Something like yours will only add to your annoyance."

"No, what I care about is that the dragon is already so powerful?" The bodyguard still frowned tightly.

"If you can be with the witch, even if ... well, even ordinary people should take off, not to mention a dragon." Auror showed great care: "So forget about it, the result anyway Not all we want, the matter of spawning the witch is solved, and then you can prepare to send the dragon away. "

"Shall we not leave?"

Oro chuckled and shook his head: "Why did the sprite witch not leave in this town? Isn't it because there is what she wants? What the sprite witch wants is mostly related to the legacy of the undead witch, This thing was not found, it was obtained by those people, maybe it can create a legend like a legend in some knight novels, or just get a 'magic king'. "

"Devil? Huh." The bodyguard pouted, and he dismissed the word. The devil's deeds were also recorded by the church. It is said that the devil's troubles existed, and no one in the church's turn would start. If it is lost, there are not many times the church members have participated in the record about the devil.

Not wanting to participate but not catching up.

"Leave? Why did you leave? I think this place has good feng shui. I plan to buy a real estate and use it as a leisure place." Zheng Yichen said to Oro with a serious face. Oro smiled gently and didn't feel Zheng Yichen's answer. To an accident.

"Then let me explain directly. There is a legacy of undead witch in this town. This church is forbidden to live outside."

"That's ordinary outside. I'm not an outsider." Zheng Yichen said, looking at Auro in front of him: "So, will the church fight for me?"

"Of course." Oro nodded. "This is the duty of the church."

"Then it's up to you," said Zheng Yichen. Regarding the legacy of the Undead Witch, the legacy of the Undead Witch has basically become a derivative existence. As for the hidden things ... they are carried by the person, this is not ordinary. The means that can be tossed out, the portable space is not a free space, but a piece of space that is integrated into one's own soul, inside the body.

So no matter where you are, as long as your soul exists, you can open the portable space, and where to hide some important things, and how can you bring it to yourself? Zheng Yichen is interested in the legacy of the Undead Witch, but the actual interest is not so great. His current main purpose is the core of the stone forest, not the legacy of unknown towns.

Tossing here is still a play, letting the people of the church know that they are here for the legacy of the Undead Witch, the degree of concern for themselves in the stone forest will be reduced, even a small decrease is also a convenience.

It is good for his later actions. Even if Oro is very smart, but based on the premise that the information is not equal, he can't speculate on some things.

"Okay ..." Oro nodded and said nothing more. It was not Oro's character to force others to change his mind. He wanted to let others change his mind. He was more inclined to persuade. Forced change was meaningless, it was just suppressed. The spring will explode with little attention.

Many things are still good for Junzi. Zheng Yichen wants to leave the undead witch, and the church has a reason to get it. Since this is the case, he has only one dragon, and he is not a deity, even if there is a witch behind her. ... and they won't lose.

Lost? That Oro felt that he should go to church for further study for a while, so as not to be punished to death one day because his IQ dropped because of the lack of waves.

After Oro uploaded the summary report, the town ’s affairs came to an end, and the church ’s support would come over immediately. The curse of the witch has also been investigated. In general, his mission has been completed, but What did Oro say before? Compare with Zheng Yichen to see who found the undead witch first, right?

"Look, that's why I don't want to accept too many missions from the church." Oro laid his magic soldier's call book in front of the bodyguard. After a glance, the bodyguard laughed involuntarily. Oro continued: "Especially for those troublesome, a series of follow-up events will come out in a series of investigations!"

The above is the appointment letter of the church. Let him assist the members of the church who came after him to solve the problems left by the undead witch. After this solution, if there is any movement in the curse of the witch, it is estimated that he cannot take a good rest and vacation: " Even ... after the outside matter is resolved, the matter on the other side of the blockade has not yet been resolved, and I may have to be pulled there, alas. "

"Come on, think about how many times you touch fish in a year, this kind of thing you don't see every year." The bodyguard said with a smile.

"Yeah, I don't see it once in a year, and once again give me a year's work." Oro sighed again: "Obviously I have so many appointments ... forget, and quickly settle things in town Right. "

"What about the dragon? Do you need someone to stare?"

"No, staring doesn't make any sense. You stare now. People find out that a new alchemy incarnation can't control you." Auro gently thought with his chin, he was thinking why Zheng Yichen would Have a soft spot for this alchemy incarnation? I have always used the image of this alchemy incarnation. This is the amount in the blockade, and this is the outside world. Is it a soft spot?

Still have other hobbies?

Um ... Anyway, I care.

Oro's experience of thinking about the extra waves told him that there are absolutely unknown big secrets ... Ah, considering his own strength and other circumstances, this kind of thing is first written down, until he feels that he is almost alive. It's OK to make it public.

"What's the problem?" Oro asked, noticing how the bodyguard was saying nothing.

The bodyguard's frowned brows soothed: "It's the things you said before, the crystals, how did you place them?"

Under the stunned gaze of the bodyguard, Oro pulled out four deep-colored crystals from a dilatation bag and threw them on the table: "This, this ... You are betting on the lives of everyone in the town !?"

"What is it, am I that kind of person? These things have no meaning in themselves, they are purely a guise ... the specific truth ~" Oro knocked on his head: "Last night's memory is not, so I don't You know, this thing was used to attract a certain existence in the town before. "

"So you were really playing before?"

"It's calculation while playing, do you think it's easy to deceive yourself?"

"Um? Isn't that what you do often?"

"Cough, in short, this thing is basically useless. If you care, go to the outside of the town and use this thing."

The bodyguard hesitated and nodded. The two came together outside the town. Oro grabbed a magic crystal and infused his own magic. The crystal stimulated by the external stimulation of the magic immediately responded greatly. The dark blue turned red instantaneously. At this moment, he threw it out without hesitation. The whole person hid behind the bodyguard extremely quickly, highlighting a heart!

After flying out, the magic crystal flew tens of meters in the air, and after rolling for more than ten meters on the ground, it rested on the ground, a slight 'BOOM' came out, and then a cloud of white mushrooms burst out, extremely mini That kind.

"That's it?" The bodyguard felt that he was being played by the dragon, obviously he was extremely concerned about the harm of such things as magic crystals, but this thing turned out to be just the effect of farting? Can you still pit a little?

Oro hid behind the bodyguard and continued to throw out all the remaining magic crystals. On the ground, except for four small mushroom clouds of different colors, no extra traces were left. The bodyguard was expressionless. Looking at this scene: "I think that dragon will be a scourge sooner or later."

"Then do you want to kill him? Do you want to eliminate the future scourge for the world?" Auro asked.

The bodyguard shook his head seriously: "My task is just to protect you. Other things have nothing to do with me."

The bodyguard who returned to the town saw Zheng Yichen. Zheng Yichen had a compass in his hand at this time. Oro had never seen this thing. The pattern on it should be some kind of mysterious rune? Eh, it might be a useless graffiti, but it still seems quite mysterious. There is a pointer in the center of the compass. Now the pointer is turning. It seems that Zheng Yichen intends to use this strange thing to try to find something.

"What kind of magic props are there? Where did I produce them? I'll buy them someday." Auruo leaned over and expressed his interest in the compass in Zheng Yichen's hand. The above did indeed emit magic fluctuations, so it should be magic props Right?

"Oh, I'm doing it myself, it's not finished yet, it's in the testing stage now." Zheng Yichen said: "It may be hung in the online store in the future, if you want, you can grab it."

"What about this thing?"

"give me money."

"..." Oro looked up and down Zheng Yichen up and down: "So, even the deputy does not have the money you love so much ... Obviously grabbed a big sum before."

"Is it robbed? I earned it by my own ability!"

Oro nodded in agreement: "Yes, waiting for extortion is also part of the skill."

Zheng Yichen did not refute, after all, it was he and Dan Marina planned the extortion and extortion in advance. This is still based on the eventful event. The church wants to quickly resolve some of the witch ’s legacy, and the wealth can be earned and concentrated at any time. The energy left by the witch is placed elsewhere, and the previous damage is earned back.

"Then do you want to inquire?"

Auro seriously thought for a while, and shook his head slightly hesitantly and firmly: "Forget it, although I especially want to know, but my intuition told me that this thing is useless and cost money It ’s my own injury to figure it out. "

Zheng Yichen made a silent cut in his heart. This guy's intuition was really right. This thing was indeed useless, cough, nothing to say. The compass was made by Zheng Yichen based on his own memories. The effect, Zheng Yichen Originally, I wanted to get a fortune-telling prop. After all, it has the magic of Dan Marina. I want to toss about it. But the problem is that Dan Marina has warned him. Do n’t use any prophecy easily ... Is to find something for himself.

So he can only regret to say that the fortune-telling plan has died, this compass is only a semi-finished product, but still has the magic blessing of Dan Marina, plus the "rune" modified by Zheng Yichen's magic above, it is still a bit useful, if you use a magnifying glass to see , You can see that the above gossip and the like are all composed of fine magic lines, because of the tight connection, it looks like one.

This is purely ... something that looks like it is still a magic formation. Now the use of this thing is only to find people, and the scope is still very limited. It is useless if it is more than one kilometer. Need a little introduction, this world is also about birth.

The name can also be regarded as an introduction, otherwise why do you need a real name when signing a contract?

After this thing was thrown to Dan Marina to let her toss about it, to see if she wanted to be a guest witch or a witch ... cough.

"Hey ~ ~ solved it? What about the process?"

In the blockade circle, Dan Marina looked at Zheng Yichen with a smile, and extended her little hand very politely. The magic pattern woven by magic yarn from Zheng Yichen released a phantom magic, and Dan Marina did not resist, let alone This illusion magic has an effect on itself. The illusion magic pitman is very easy to use, and the effect is equally convenient in other aspects.

It ’s very convenient to use such an illusion magic when narrating something. It ’s very convenient to use such an illusion magic. The releaser can completely let the person released the illusion magic return to the side. The things that the releaser experienced before, like some people Intruding into some ruins, and seeing the influence of the remains of the ruins owner, most of them are magical relics of illusion.

If it is a person who can calculate, it can also produce a dialogue effect of "crossing the millennium", it is not difficult, as long as the mental state of the person who entered at that time can be calculated, and the series of conditions of the magic triggered by the way To calculate well, it is really a rare and profound method of coercion.

"Not bad, you have mastered the new magic again." Dan Marina looked at the entire process of Zheng Yichen's operation through phantom magic and said that from the various traces of Zheng Yichen's performance at that time, Zheng Yichen was extremely satisfied with this magic. , Even want to get some new operations based on this.