Cursed Dragon

Chapter 604: Ready to test

The project was officially opened, and the alchemy puppets played a super high efficiency. The casters also showed the development power that the earth does not have. The ground that needs to be rested becomes flat under the rolling of the earth magic. The ground is that the place that needs to be repaired is directly smashed by a destructive magic and can be put back into use immediately.

He did bad things for ten days and a half months on the earth. In this place, as long as half a day, he could solve them. Zheng Yichen calculated that the entire project could be completed in three months, but he was only responsible for it here. It takes about a week, and the rest of the time, just come here every few days to see the progress of the project.

After all, the construction of the subway is basically the same as repeating the construction of the track except for the people in this world who had not been exposed to it in the early days. As for the design of the route, Zheng Yichen has already designed it according to the map provided by the Great Wall at the border.

In addition to the construction of the subway, the side of the Great Wall, which is the border of the train, is also handled very quickly. The next day, it has already done a part. The next step is the assembly work. The thing like the track is because of magic. , Can be put into use as soon as it is built.

Therefore, the construction of the project may be carried out while it is in use. The starting point of these constructions is all those warehouses where the materials are prepared. The train that has been put into operation is the best means of transportation, so that the efficiency is higher.

"Well, yes, the size is very qualified." Zheng Yichen checked the frame materials that were sent. Although there were many, they were covered with magic power and scanned once. The specifications were already mastered by Zheng Yichen. Those specifications did not say that the alchemist produced And the engineers obviously put a lot of effort: "Then the next step is to assemble."

"Does this need our help?" An engineer came out and asked.

"This, in order to ensure efficiency, let those alchemy puppets do it. After all, assembly is repetitive and tedious work." Zheng Yichen said: "Of course, if you want to join, you can also, just don't affect the production efficiency of these materials. Now. "

After he finished speaking, he waved to the side, and the instructed alchemy puppets immediately separated into a team and came over, quickly moved the parts that need to be assembled. The information of these parts, they all have, the work aspect is for the alchemy puppets. Say the same as building blocks.

Only the parts that can be assembled will be assembled, but the incompatible ones will be put aside to avoid mistakes. As Zheng Yichen said, the assembly work is tedious and repeated, as long as you remember those assembled parts, It ’s not too difficult, just to avoid some circumstances, Zheng Yichen said to the engineers additionally: “Yes, you ’d better separate some people to look after here. After all, the alchemy puppets are not adaptable enough. I have encountered some small problems that still need humans to solve. Alchemy puppets cannot replace humans. What am I going to do? Of course, I ’m going to make the core driver, otherwise what do you think I do? Paddling? "

Zheng Yichen shook his head, found a place, and took out a block and dropped it on the ground. The block immediately unfolded into a big house. Those alchemists and engineers watched Zheng Yichen walk in with his eyes, and his expression was like Like his wife entered someone else's room, they also want to go in together!

Although I know that Zheng Yichen entered this room is just a cover, in order to avoid being seen by some people what he is going to do, it is only this way that makes them more curious, so I want to go in and watch together!

In less than five minutes, Zheng Yichen came out and poured out the contents of the two expansion bags he held in his hand. It was a pair of semi-finished parts. These parts were not something like a train frame, but The driver part of the core, the eyes of the engineers who looked at it, even came out directly?

And they are all semi-finished products, is this assembled?

Thinking about it, they twitched the corners of their mouths afterwards, and it was true that the assembly was to be assembled, but each part of these semi-finished products appeared to be a bit of something, saying that it was a semi-finished product, but this semi-finished product is too complete. Assembling, just put it together like a jigsaw puzzle, there is no need to do too much trouble!

In front of the group of people, Zheng Yichen waved his hand, and the tough magic thread rolled up the parts that became the product and assembled quickly. The whole process was efficient and orderly. The people who saw them were dazzled and waited for their recovery. The complete core driver has been produced, and a powerful engineer can see at a glance that this core driver can be perfectly embedded in the design structure of the train. The high accuracy makes them unable to produce redundant ideas.

"What is this stove? The source of magic?" An alchemist asked, looking at an open stove above the core drive.

"Well, you understand that it is a simple magic furnace, just put some black stone in it to keep burning continuously." Zheng Yichen explained that this is the steam engine of the outside world ... is it enough power? What he wants to say is that the power of the alien version of the steam engine can break through the sky! ! The heat of the ore containing elemental power is incredibly high, and the amount of water vapor generated by the transpiration of the water containing elemental power is even greater.

"Blackstone ..." The engineer in question nodded. Blackstone is equivalent to a coal mine in another world. The output is mainly concentrated in the places where some fire elements hit, such as the area near the active volcano. As for why there is no universal use of this kind of thing, first of all, this thing is quite troublesome to ignite. It must rely on high enough elemental power to ignite it. It is difficult for ordinary flames to burn it completely. You can ignite other black stones in series.

So basically only the caster can use this thing, civilians have no chance to use it, even if there is a lot of production, if the caster, there are not many places to use this thing, to maintain the light?

What's wrong with it, the temperature emanating from this stuff is so high, good in winter, and want to heat yourself up in summer? Moreover, even in winter, they can release magic to keep the temperature in the room constant to a comfortable and controllable level, instead of using Blackstone to obtain additional temperature.

Experiment? The temperature at which Blackstone burns is not easy to control. It contains mottled fire elemental power, which burns quite manicly, so even if the caster uses it, there are not many places that can be used. Civilians want to use firewood directly. That ’s all, so it ’s not widely applicable.

Now Zheng Yichen uses this kind of black stone similar to coal.

"Can this big guy be driven by the flame of black stone burning? Is it okay?" Some alchemists are too skeptical about this matter. They thought that Zheng Yichen would come up with a powerful power source, but the result was A stone-burning thing, how strong can it be ...

"This thing does not need to go to heaven, just run up, of course." Zheng Yichen glanced at the alchemist, he is probably the kind of performance party, all kinds of considerations about how to pile up performance, Regardless of whether such high performance can be used in full, or even can play its role.

The steam engine reformed by Zheng Yichen has already taken into consideration the performance limit. The power of the steam reformed steam engine is strong, and it can be used to full speed even under full-load operation, so it is not necessary to use a high-power magic source: " If it is a magic power source, the maintenance work is more troublesome. After a long time, there will be magic radiation, but this driving core does not have this problem, even ordinary people can maintain operation. "

"Even when there is no fuel, releasing a fire magic directly in it can replace the use of black stone. Come and see this." Zheng Yichen pointed to a scale on the core of the drive: "Attention here, this thing is not just Add black stone as fuel and water. The pointer must not be lower than the red area. This is very important, so do n’t neglect it, do n’t feel troublesome. This driver core will definitely not have any problems and insufficient power. In terms of maintenance and cost, a high-power magic source can produce five driving cores. What do you think about this price-performance ratio? "

As for the water consumption, although Zheng Yichen's design has the part of re-condensing the steam back into the water, the loss will still be ...

"Also, don't think I cut corners. My design is the best. If you don't believe it ... well, I can make some additional driving cores driven by magic sources. This is also in the plan." Zheng Yichen said, Most of the driving cores are driven by this kind of magic modified steam engine, and a small part are driven by magic sources. The magic sources are driven to deal with some critical situations. If you use the magic source to drive the core at that time, you can undoubtedly play it out. Faster efficiency is more appropriate in that situation.

It's like a dedicated line.

The problem is that critical situations do not happen all the time.

"You can compare them then."

"Okay ..." Zheng Yichen's words convinced these alchemists and engineers to let them put down the little prejudices in their hearts. It sounded seriously that Zheng Yichen explained the use of this driving core. After a while, Zheng Yichen returned to In his large portable house, it didn't take long to come out again. The thing poured out this time was a large-scale magic source. Once this thing was taken out, someone immediately released the protective enchantment ...

The small magic source is okay to say that the magic radiation emitted is very low, just like a heat source, ordinary people can feel it, but the shadow received is not large, unless it is day and night contact, contact dozens It will only be seriously affected by the year, but the one-meter radius magic power source in Zheng Yichen ’s place is different, even if it is a little smaller than those high-power magic power sources, but since it will be taken out, it proves this thing Absolutely qualified for the work afterwards.

In order to prevent accidents, of course, a layer of protective enchantment should be isolated to avoid accidentally being affected by the magic radiation. As long as it is a complete source of magic power, even if it is not activated, there is magic radiation emitted. The means of isolation are high and low. If it is high, the fluctuation of the radiation can be reduced very low. In general, it is that no one can enter. Zheng Yichen's body is now an alchemy puppet, so others don't seem to feel anything.

But it doesn't mean that others will be fine, they don't have an iron body.

"This is the driving core of the magic power source, wait for me." Zheng Yichen said to quickly assemble those semi-finished parts. As for the problem of placement after assembly, this is not because there is a caster. There is no need for any extra at all. The coolie comes here to let those spellcasters come here to work as cranes. Those engineers who are able to install are competent. Zheng Yichen positions himself as the total boss and is a supervisor, not a manual work ...

"Okay, when you compare it later, you will know that the performance difference in daily use is really not serious." There are two railroad tracks, and there will be subsequent forks afterwards, so that the railroad covers the border Great Wall, even the border Great Wall has been According to the route designed by Zheng Yichen, and related plans, the route planning started, and there will be stop signs in many places, and the relevant staff also began training. This is to wait until Zheng Yichen is completed here, immediately Put into use.

After Zheng Yichen got two different types of driving cores here, the alchemy puppet has assembled the parts of the train frame that are placed on the driving cores ~ ~ Assembly ... Well, it sounds like it is used on the train Some are not reliable, but do n’t forget the existence of alchemy magic. The large screws and rivets used in the joint can be treated with alchemy magic to make it into a completely integrated state, and the joint itself There is a design that interlocks with each other. In a word, under the magic treatment, even the form of assembly rather than welding is very stable.

"Ignore the outer skin first, load these drive cores directly, and test first." Zheng Yichen said, now the train is just a frame, the shell and some internal seats and other facilities are not available, the only thing that can be done is to Run ..., it is enough for testing now, the core carrying frame has been completed, and the rest is basically the meaning of decoration and protection.

Test, after the news was worn out, there were more people nearby. These people were all people who were idle in the Great Wall at the border because the blockade was temporarily in a stable period. These people are not completely idle and still have jobs. It ’s just not much work. You can work hard last night and then have a lot of free time.

Now they are all here in their spare time to watch. The train without the shell is like a flatbed car, plus the exposed drive core, it looks quite ugly, but the role of this thing, as long as it is not blind people know How important it is, so they are all looking forward to the tests that will be conducted soon.