Cursed Dragon

Chapter 650: will

He directly killed the one who did n’t know who it was, but it was due to the existence of a demon **** brought out by Abophis ... this thought, Zheng Yichen put the demon soldier back again, ready to pay attention Other aspects of things, such as the existence of magic swordsmen.

This is a good observation. With Zheng Yichen ’s current ability, even if he looks clearly, he will not be found. He can be sure that there is no damage to the state of those people, so the magic sword evil spirit is unlikely to fall asleep because of trauma. , That is to say, she is hiding from herself, right?

Zheng Yichen thought a little bit uncomfortably, but then thought about it ... um, forget it, there is a personality that has a good personality, after all, it is the product of the evil spirit ritual, not a puppet like existence, since it comes to the magic sword evil spirit, then ...


Zheng Yichen placed a book in front of himself, rubbed his hands and opened the book to read it. This is a book about the ritual of the evil god. He is very curious about the essence of the evil god. It can be said that there is nothing out of nothing, and it has an independent consciousness after its birth.

What puzzles Zheng Yichen is what happened here. He directly fabricated a human-shaped soul product. There would be no such a situation. Why should the evil **** produced in disorder have an independent consciousness? Zheng Yichen really wanted to figure this out. He wanted to create a unique Taling existence.

"Um ... wait, since Taring can't get it out in the normal way, why don't I use the abnormal way?" Zheng Yichen looked down at the book to avoid the disordered pattern, which is recorded in this book There are a lot of evil **** rituals, and there is one on each page. If you take it out, it will definitely be blocked by the church to death. Even when it is usually left, this book is also blessed with a very strong seal.

It is a super rare banned book. It is not a good relationship with Irene. I really ca n’t get this book to look at it. I used a magic that I am already familiar with and can no longer be familiar with. 'It was taken out by Zheng Yichen, um ... well, the appearance is all up to me, who said that the CPU cannot be used as a weapon? Although it is expensive, can it be used as a coin to smash people? Or else get a graphics card to blow up?

Is it possible to use this thing as a base material for the evil **** ritual to create a rather unique evil god? For example, the management type of evil spirit, but Zheng Yichen turned over the magic book, and there is no management type magic that can operate independently.

Put away his notes, closed the banned book, a soft click sounded, this is the sound of the banned book seal reopening, Zheng Yichen left the library and returned to the laboratory, glanced at Annie over there subconsciously There are more containers on her side, and there are also one, two, three, four, and five numbers. According to the arrangement of the numbers, the more those are in the future, the more they look like people.

But at present, it is still quite bloody, erm ... compared to these, Zheng Yichen is concerned about the problem of hair. As a dragon, letting yourself grow hair or something, it is really an embarrassing thing. Really, apart from the nose hair, there is really no other hair on the dragon.

Why not figure out some dragon hair growth agents by yourself?

But how do you grow hair on the scales ... a little melancholy sigh, as the experimental progress on the side of Anne and Irene is increasing, he is ready for the future may be bald, now, he has already begun to Things at this stage have laid the foundation, what foundation?

Dragons can become the foundation of human beings. Dragons in the Unreal World can become humans, even aliens can completely become humans. After everyone is familiar with this setting in the Unreal World, the reality is really in Transfiguration appears on a certain day, can transform non-human beings into human form, and it will surprise you for a while at most, without much care, covetment?

Coveted a powerful dragon, this is full of support, and this magic is only useful for aliens, for humans ... may be useful in the future, for example, to produce a druid-like existence, but Knowing how long it was after that day, Zheng Yichen didn't spare time to show mercy, and those who gave benefits to him later went to Ilyn to study the changes in this area, unless Ilyn was interested and conducted follow-up research.

A few large sheets of white paper were pulled out, and Zheng Yichen began to make some designs. Now Dan Marina and Lolise are in the unreal world, so there is no “idle man” in the laboratory, everyone is very focused, However, the experiment on Anne ’s side required water milling. Every tiny stage required a period of time to observe the changes. Now, Annie has encountered such a situation.

She came to Zheng Yichen's side in a leisurely way. After watching it for a while, she felt dizzy. When Zheng Yichen stopped writing, she came here for the third time before she had the opportunity to ask: "What are you painting, how do I do? can not read it?"

"How could you not be an alchemist?" Zheng Yichen's mouth twitched, and he could understand the pride of the witch in his own field.

"But I have more vision than most alchemists."

"Cough, you think this is a unique alchemy core."

"A new type of alchemy core? Are you going to carry the alchemy core on top of it? This is a little more than worth it?" The alchemy core has no entity, the soul crystal is only a semi-physical thing, um ... kind of like a "fire kind" that drives robots The difference is that it is energy, and this is a CPU. The advantage of not having an entity is to be able to ignore some special shocks and avoid damage. Once the entity is loaded, it will not be so well treated.

"Uh, it's just an attempt. I want to make a special alchemy core to see if I can use an evil **** ritual on this basis."

"Evil God Ceremony? What are you going to do?" After hearing the Evil God Ceremony, Annie frowned slightly, and the general Evil God did not pose a big threat to them. It does not mean that this special species of Evil God can really ignore it. Zheng Yichen is now It seems that his behavior is intended to study in depth, this is not impossible, but for him ... excessive research on this kind of thing at this stage is a bit early for Zheng Yichen!

This advance is not a good thing for him ...

"I want to get a Tallinn for testing."

"So you thought about making it with the evil spirit ritual? This idea is not good." Anne shook her head: "Even if your situation is a little special, but abuse of the evil spirit ritual will not bring good results. The evil spirit ritual itself It ’s just chaotic existence, and the world itself will reject the evil spirit ritual. You are tossing this, I ’m afraid you do n’t want to be unlucky ... Oh, I forgot, this may not mean much to you, so you plan to try Try it? "

Anne's words made Zheng Yichen think for a while. He asked with some doubt: "I didn't understand it before. Now that you have talked about it, I want to ask, does this world have its own" will "?"

"Huh? Will? This description is still correct." Annie nodded her head. The will manifests itself at the level of the world and it needs to be well divided. Zheng Yichen said that the best difference is the will rather than the consciousness. It does not appear on the earth, or it does not appear well.

In the other world, it ’s different. Although the world ’s will is normally useless, it ’s enough to be a background: “Since you ’re curious, I ’m telling you clearly, indeed! It ’s not just the world, Even Styx has a related will, but these things are passive and you do n’t need to care about them. "

Being "concerned" by Stygian is too much killing. In the past, Zheng Yichen misunderstood. This killing does not mean killing life, but killing the true spirit. If the attention of killing life is increased by 0.00 ... 01, And it will also reduce the attention over time, and if the true spirit is killed, it will be an increase of more than 1, and it will basically not be cut off.

Just like the difference between killing people on the earth and punching people into the hospital, the former may be a death penalty and the latter can be done as long as you pay a little money.

"Evil God ritual chaos and disorder are inherently a challenge to order, so if you abuse it, something will happen. Although your situation is special, it is not easy to be noticed, but since you exist in this world, you must be concerned. Possibility, so pay attention to it yourself. "

"That's why no wonder the Templar Church can do things smoothly." Anne's words made Zheng Yichen scratch his head. After he didn't say anything, Yilin took the initiative.

"It's okay to use a little."

"Hey ~ ~ As a senior, I instigated your curiosity in order to satisfy others' behaviors." Anne glared at Irene, and she just said things well, you just Come to face?

"A little is not abuse, and you didn't describe abuse clearly."

"... How do I describe it? The people who have used the evil spirit ritual are basically all. There is no chance of abuse. It is used twice or twice, and ten or eight times may be an indicator of abuse."

Annie said with a loud voice that she would not threaten a person to get out of the evil spirits ritual constantly. This is unrealistic. When people use evil spirits rituals, they are themselves a kind of injury and spiritual pollution, even if she can from Help to ensure that this person will not be swallowed up by the evil spirits, but the influence of spiritual pollution still exists. It needs to accumulate a few more times, not too much. Three or five times, this person will become a complete intellectual disability ... ... the unsaved one.

Threatening the strong? It's troublesome ... And she doesn't have much interest in Evil God, so she hasn't done this type of experiment. It's better to waste this time to practice tea-teaching skills. For things that are not of interest, Anne thinks that It's really not as valuable as practicing your daily tips.